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Can you help me find a girl's name that goes well with Lyla?

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Noelle **was** number one on my list, until dh nixed it. He said it sounded too Christmas-y:glare:.



How would you pronounced Elena (like Ellen-a?).


I really like Evangeline, but it's seems like a lot of sylabuls (sp?) for a little girl:tongue_smilie:. The name is a consideration...



Her middle name was Mae. Mae would be a nice first name too, but I can't think of a middle name to go with it.



Elaine is a pretty name too!



I really like Lydia, but I have a cousin who has a Lydia and we're trying to steer away from names that are already in the family. Lydia Elise is beautiful though!



Annelise is pretty!


My dh said that he we shouldn't name her Elise because she might grow up and not like it:001_huh::001_huh:. I told him she could grow up and not like ANY name that we pick for her, no matter **what** it is:tongue_smilie:.


My dd is Noelle and was born in December but I'd still like it if she weren't. :) It's normal but not common at all. Elise is beautiful! Here are some more:




Mae Cathleen


Mae Evangeline








Hattie (for some reason, I *love* this name)







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How about Kate (or Katie, as PP suggested). IMO, having two names that start with the same letters, such as Lyla and Lydia, is an open invitation for them to be forever mixed up. I'm sure others have had the experience of being called a siblings name by someone who knows the family well enough to know the names of the dc, but not well enough to have immediate differentiation. "I'm NOT Lydia."


I was going to say the same thing. I wouldn't start them with the same letter or ending with the same sound. That's my personal preference because I always mix them up otherwise! :D


Someone metioned Camille and I really like that one.


Also Julianne or Juliette is nice. I have a Julia but to me Lyla and Julia are asking for confusion when you're calling one and not the other, but you may not mind it.


I like Evelyn also. We have a younger cousin in the family named Evelyn and she goes by Evie.


I like Madeline also.

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I was able to talk my dh back into putting Elise on the list!! So happy because I really like that name.


How about Kate (or Katie, as PP suggested). IMO, having two names that start with the same letters, such as Lyla and Lydia, is an open invitation for them to be forever mixed up. I'm sure others have had the experience of being called a siblings name by someone who knows the family well enough to know the names of the dc, but not well enough to have immediate differentiation. "I'm NOT Lydia."

I agree about having the same first letter in sibling names, it's very confusing! That said, my boys both have the "er" at the end of their names and ppl get them mixed up all the time lol. I was young and didn't get it when I was naming them lol.


on one of the lists posted.


I like the name Lily with Lyla.


Lyla and Lily. Catchy.

It is very pretty together, just trying to steer away from the same first inital;).

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That gives you the "L" and the "Y" sounds without being too similar.


But then again, I'm partial to that name! :D Our Molly is "Molly Catherine Linnea"


I love "Linnea" with "Lyla" as well. It's a very small, beautiful Swedish flower and it's pronounced <lin-NAY-uh>



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I once knew a little girl named Autumn-Mae, and when you mentioned "Mae", it's the first name that came to mind. I always thought her name was very pretty!


Other names I think are beautiful (yet not common are):


Cordelia (nickname Delia)


Tirzah (pronounced tear-zah)


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It turns out that my dh really can't say one way or another on a name lol. He told me last night, "I don't know what I like". Poor guy. I feel for him but I also feel sorry for myself. That isn't helping me!! I'm thinking of just saying, "This is going to be her name." I don't want to, but he doesn't have a solid yes or no on most names. I told him that I didn't really want to be the one picking out the name because that's what I did with our first dd. I don't want him to later say, "Well, *you* picked out *both* girls' names!". He said he wouldn't say that, because it doesn't bother him. I think I know what I have to do! Just pick a name lolol.


So, after that long speel, the name will either be...Eleanor Mae OR Elise Mae. Unless, of course something comes up in the next few months where I fall totally in-love with another name that we had not thought of...;)

Edited by mama2cntrykids
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That's funny because Lyla's middle name is Grace lol. So, yes, I agree, they go well together!


My dd is Kyla Grace. :001_smile: I almost suggested Grace.


Eleanor Mae is so cute; I love that. My grandmother's middle name was Mae and later she remarried and her last name was May! Isn't that funny? I always thought it would be nice to use Mae or May as a middle name in my grandmother's honor.

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So, after that long speel, the name will either be...Eleanor Mae OR Elise Mae. Unless, of course something comes up in the next few months where I fall totally in-love with another name that we had not thought of...;)


I like both, but be prepared to hear her called Ellie Mae. Although maybe everyone else is too young to remember the Beverly Hillbillies.

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Ok, here's my short list in order of preferance:


Eliza and Elise are tied for top








Ok, I said short list...it doesn't look *too* short, does it? Many of them are very close i preference. What do you think? If you look up my other thread, I am having a hard time with deciding how to pronounce Eliza and Elise. Thoughts?

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Ok, here's my short list in order of preferance:


Eliza and Elise are tied for top








Ok, I said short list...it doesn't look *too* short, does it? Many of them are very close i preference. What do you think? If you look up my other thread, I am having a hard time with deciding how to pronounce Eliza and Elise. Thoughts?

I'd pronounce Eliza similar to how Liza Minnelli pronounces her first name.


Elisie would be like Lisa without the "a"


Of all of them, I personally like Eleanor the best.

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Ok, here's my short list in order of preferance:


Eliza and Elise are tied for top








Ok, I said short list...it doesn't look *too* short, does it? Many of them are very close i preference. What do you think? If you look up my other thread, I am having a hard time with deciding how to pronounce Eliza and Elise. Thoughts?


Just my opinion, but I think if you are unsure how you would pronounce Eliza or Elise, you should just go ahead and cross them off the list :)


Evelyn was my grandmother's name. Beautiful! That being said, I like them all! If it were me, I'd choose Eleanor or Evelyn. ;)



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I love Elyse but of course, that's my dd's name! :)

She is Elyse Shea. If you go with Elise/Elyse just be prepared for everyone to call her Elsie when they see her name. It doesn't bother us, but if it would bother you, I'd go with something else. ;)

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Names i loved that dh did not that seem to fit your criteria:






I have a friend who uses Roman names for her kiddos and I think they're beautiful and classy..Livia and Aurelia. Also, I love Savannah (although I may be a little biased as that's my oldest's name :lol:). If you wanna go crazy hippy (erm, like me..) you could name her River.:001_smile:

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I like Eliza and Elise. I think the spelling Elyse goes better with Lyla and would be less likely to get mixed up with Elsie. I would pronounce either with a short e sound at the beginning.


I also really like the names Daria and Maya, but don't know if you would consider them old-fashioned.


I like Eleanor, but I don't think of it as going with Lyla.

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Names i loved that dh did not that seem to fit your criteria:






I have a friend who uses Roman names for her kiddos and I think they're beautiful and classy..Livia and Aurelia. Also, I love Savannah (although I may be a little biased as that's my oldest's name :lol:). If you wanna go crazy hippy (erm, like me..) you could name her River.:001_smile:


I have a Charlotte but I think Bronwyn and River are just excellent.


I love this thread. I love names. I can talk names all day.:)

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