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Why do some of you view the board in linear mode?

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I use hybrid. When the main screen shows a new thread, or a thread I am interested in, has new posts, I right click on the link and choose to open in new tab (or new window.) After I am in the new tab, depending on how interested I am in the topic, I either: Scroll down and read all the posts of a new thread OR I scroll through the window at the top...browsing the titles of the posts. If it is a thread I have been tracking, I scroll through the top window looking for a yellow folder(yellow are posts you have not read yet.) When I get to a yellow folder, I right click to open it into, yet another new tab to read.


Opening in new tabs...though it sounds like more work,really isn't. I think it saves time. I am not having to click, wait for the link to open AND THEN click back and wait for that link again. It is just a matter of right click, wait for link to open, then close out of tab and the main page is still there.

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Opening in new tabs...though it sounds like more work,really isn't. I think it saves time. I am not having to click, wait for the link to open AND THEN click back and wait for that link again. It is just a matter of right click, wait for link to open, then close out of tab and the main page is still there.


I think this fellow hybrid lover has learned something new from you today - I like the sound of the right click/new window option and will have to try it out! :D

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I think this fellow hybrid lover has learned something new from you today - I like the sound of the right click/new window option and will have to try it out! :D


Once you get used to it, it becomes second nature. Besides using it for all of my message boards, I use it for almost everything on the internet. If I Google a topic, it is nice just to be able to close out a tab and be right at the original search. I almost never directly click on a link.

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The value of hybrid mode, for me, is that I can, at a glance using the top frame, know where the new posts are (without having to scroll through pages of posts) and then click on those that I want to read (without having to skim pages of posts I've already read). Clear as mud? :-} After all is said and done, though, I fully appreciate that what works for me may certainly not work for another. :001_smile:


Yes! Thank you for mentioning this. That little orange box beside unread posts is great!

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Well, looking at the responses, I must be the odd ball since I like the threaded mode. I like the see the order of responses and I only want to read the messages I click on...hmm, that sounds picky, but I like to just scan and then read... :)

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Actually, I'm glad you asked this because a while back, admin suggested to me to read in linear mode to more easily see what the new posts are. I was completely confounded by that suggestion... I had a hard time trying to imagine how linear would be better... I can see from all these responses, though, that there are some perceived advantages. For a while there, I thought admin was nuts! I'm glad to hear otherwise :).


Hey, now I'm just trying to figure out how a thread about display modes could end up needing posts deleted! LOL I stay so far behind the loop that it scares me sometimes :).

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I use linear because I like seeing all new posts at once. This is the only vBulletin board I have issues with because so many people are using it like the old WTM board. When all relevant text is in the Title, notification emails are blank. The text also cannot be quoted unless the responder cuts and pastes.


It's a courtesy to the community to quote the relevant text of the person you are responding to (unless it's the OP, or an new offshoot of the discussion), just like it's a courtesy on email lists to quote the relevant text of the email you are responding to.

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Moira - how do you see the new posts all at once? By going to the last page? Or some other way?


That is interesting about the email notification. I never thought of that. The reason the whole text ends up in the subject line is because that's what the quick reply does for some reason. There's not a separate place for the subject line in quick reply mode. As a matter of fact, it distinctly says "Message:" as the header for the box to enter your text.


That's how I'm responding to you now... quick reply... so all of this will show up in the subject line.


Somehow, though, you managed to "reply" to another poster, and not to the original poster. Was that intentional? How did you do that?

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Moira - how do you see the new posts all at once? By going to the last page? Or some other way?
I'm set up: Linear Mode, view old posts first. I subscribe to posts I'm interested in, go to user control panel, and open the subscribed threads in new tabs by right clicking (I actually use command-click, but that's a mac thing) on the check marks (go to first new post).


That's how I'm responding to you now... quick reply... so all of this will show up in the subject line.
No, that's not what happened. All the text was in the message area. :) At least the way I'm seeing it.


Somehow, though, you managed to "reply" to another poster, and not to the original poster. Was that intentional? How did you do that?
I'm not sure what you mean. I thought I'd chosen "Post Reply" at the bottom. If not, mea culpa... I might have started out with the intention of responding to a post and then forgot to go back and start again.... I try to be considerate of threaded viewers... really. :)
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Yes, you responded to Sola Michelle... not that it's any big deal (no mea culpa necessary :))... I was just wondering how you did that since you don't have a quick reply button in linear mode.


Okay, now I'm confused about everything in the title... when does that happen? Right now, I have not been given the option of composing a title... just the message... but when you view it in threaded mode, it all shows up in the title. The only way to type a separate title from message body is to hit the "go advanced" button.


I'm wondering if people aren't just using the quick reply feature, not realizing what it does to the title vs. body thing.


Okay, one more question... how do you do those multiquotes? The only reason I haven't done it so far is I can't figure out how! LOL


Thanks so much for your posts. I will try to post in a way that is more considerate of linear viewers in the future :). I really had no idea how certain features effected each other.

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Yes, you responded to Sola Michelle... not that it's any big deal (no mea culpa necessary :))... I was just wondering how you did that since you don't have a quick reply button in linear mode.


Okay, one more question... how do you do those multiquotes? The only reason I haven't done it so far is I can't figure out how! LOL



I'm in linear mode, and there is a quick reply button on each post...


For multiquotes, at the end of each post, next to the quote button, there is a button with quotation marks and a plus sign. Click that on each post you want to quote.

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Okay, one more question... how do you do those multiquotes? The only reason I haven't done it so far is I can't figure out how! LOL



Hey, I know this one! You click on the icon next to the "quote" button that looks like a giant quotation mark. You mark all the posts you want to quote from, then hit the quote button, and all the quoted messages show up in your reply. You can then clean them up appropriately.


There was a discussion about this in the How To forum not long ago.

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Yes, you responded to Sola Michelle... not that it's any big deal (no mea culpa necessary :))... I was just wondering how you did that since you don't have a quick reply button in linear mode.


There is a quick reply button in the bottom right hand side of each post in the linear mode. There's also a multi-quote button, but I can't figure out how it works. In another thread, someone said they use the quote button, then copy and paste the quote, then delete the parts of it they don't want from each quote. Hope that made sense.

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Yes, you responded to Sola Michelle... not that it's any big deal (no mea culpa necessary :))...
I just think that one who is lecturing others (however gently) about posting courtesy should exhibit the same... so mea culpa anyway. :)
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I still prefer the OLD Board best [die hard here!], but the threaded and hybrid just don't compare w/ it, so i stick w/ linear. I usually only bother OPENING discussions that I'm really interested in, and just skip over the "ITA" posts looking for real info ;). If there's something i wanna reply to, then i go back and re-read stuff to make sure there are no discrepancies in who said what. That helps keep me from posting in haste. Usually, lol



Linear offers the easiest way to scan straight down 40 posts of information. Now i just wish it could display 80 at a time --esp on the forum pages. watching threads get booted off the first page so fast is kinda demoralizing..... My fave set-up even from the old board is Teachingmom's style! collapsing threads, still have bmail, can see stuff at a glance....


Linear is faster for me to scan pertinent info. If the threaded/hybrid BOX was larger, i might change my mind tho....can i change the size of the box so it takes up most of the page??

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Interesting to hear that you are using the other, though. I have been wondering about that because I have noticed lately that I never know who you are responding to


Interesting! I virtually always quote when I'm responding to specific comments, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't be clear...

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I prefer linear. Most other boards I frequent are in linear mode. This is the only one where anyone uses anything else :)


Several people have mentioned that the other boards they frequent use linear; I can see why you'd prefer it in that case. The only other site I visit that uses this format is Sonlight, and it also allows for three different viewing modes. I think I originally set it to hybrid and became accustomed to that, so it's just naturally how I view this board, too.:)

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I love the handy dandy "view first unread" button. It's much easier for me to hit that and scan through the responses than to keep going back up and scanning through the post titles an looking for the orange posts.


I also think it's common courtesy to use the quote button if you are replying to someone specifically. I think it should be in the rules, but of course no one has asked me. :biggrinjester:

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I like to click "view first unread" for returns too.

I love the handy dandy "view first unread" button. It's much easier for me to hit that and scan through the responses than to keep going back up and scanning through the post titles an looking for the orange posts.


I also think it's common courtesy to use the quote button if you are replying to someone specifically. I think it should be in the rules, but of course no one has asked me. :biggrinjester:

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...big reasons I love hybrid mode.


I shared in another thread that when I visit the boards, I open up "New Posts", and scroll through the pages, just looking at thread titles (not opening them up). If something catches my eye, I'll open in a new window (right click with the mouse), and scroll through the top, where just the post titles are (if you're viewing in hybrid). I'll only click and read a few of those that grab my eye, or if I'm going to reply, I might look at all of them. I still feel like I get a good gist of the thread without reading the entire thing.


If it's a thread I've been following, and I see there's a new post, I open the thread in hybrid, and just scroll 'till I see the new post, and click and open that.


I know most of you ladies probably know this, but I thought I'd share in case someone new is having as much trouble as I did, figuring out an easy way to keep up, lol.


As I said elsewhere, not reading each and every post probably keeps me out of the 'loop', with regards to a bunch of stuff, but my personal preference is to see what's happening, at a glance (New Posts), and just follow a few threads, in depth. If that's what you want to do, this way might work better.


If anyone has a quicker way, though...I'd love to know, lol!

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Actually, on all other boards I've been on, this is the unwritten rule.


re: quoting others - another unwritten rule is to do just as you (& most) have done here - trim the quoted message to just the pertinent info. At a board I used to frequent, folks quote but they do not trim. There's nothing like scroll past a long message, then many long quotes of that message each followed by "ITA!"


I happily use linear mode because that is what I am used to. If everyone would quote who they are replying too, my life would be perfect. ;) But since I don't make the rules, I'll adjust.

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Linear is faster for me to scan pertinent info. If the threaded/hybrid BOX was larger, i might change my mind tho....can i change the size of the box so it takes up most of the page??



Can you scroll in your hybrid box? I can only do so in Firefox, not in IE, so it makes no sense to use hybrid when I can't access Firefox, like in the university computer labs.

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I can only see the first 7 posts, so I end up using linear mode for longer threads anyway. Is there a way to see more of the posts at a glance in hybrid mode?


Use Firefox as your browser, is all I can say. In IE, I can only see about seven posts, and it's extremely frustrating. In Firefox, I can scroll the whole thread like on the old board.

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I guess I'm alone in my fascination with the fact that *this thread* has generated so much discussion. My, but aren't we a passionate bunch when it comes to our chosen format for viewing our addict....er....discussion board?! :D


Well, I'll think it's this... It may be that this is the only time such a discussion has been allowed to continue on the General Board. Usually, three posts into it, the Admin (bless their hearts) choose to move these discussions to the "appropriate" place on the How To and Test Posting Board. Not many people "go" there, esp if they don't view in linear mode! :glare:




I would like to say that I am grateful that this discussion has been allowed to continue *here* until it runs its course, when, I imagine, it will be moved to its final "resting place."


Thanks, Admin! :grouphug:

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Well, I'll think it's this... It may be that this is the only time such a discussion has been allowed to continue on the General Board. Usually, three posts into it, the Admin (bless their hearts) choose to move these discussions to the "appropriate" place on the How To and Test Posting Board. Not many people "go" there, esp if they don't view in linear mode! :glare:




I would like to say that I am grateful that this discussion has been allowed to continue *here* until it runs its course, when, I imagine, it will be moved to its final "resting place."


Thanks, Admin! :grouphug:


The thought did cross my mind to wonder how it was that this thread had survived on the General Board at all. Since I haven't followed it in detail, I thought I might've missed something that made it "worthy". I agree that thanks are in order. :D

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I guess I'm alone in my fascination with the fact that *this thread* has generated so much discussion. My, but aren't we a passionate bunch when it comes to our chosen format for viewing our addict....er....discussion board?! :D


Nodding here. Reminds me of the oft-repeated, "Don't feed the trolls."


And since I went ahead and stepped in it, I view in linear mode probably because it's the default setting and that's how I learned to use this forum. The other modes remind me too much of the old boards and seem a little "Sybil"-like. Or maybe double vision would be the better term. ("Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't" just popped into my head.) So I guess for those that really miss the old boards, the non-linear views would be familiar and "a taste of home." But the linear view is easier on the eyes, and quoting the person/s you're responding to deals with the "You talkin' to me?" aspect. Otherwise, I feel stuck in a quagmire trying to sort through who said what where and which one do I hit the quote button to respond to?


Now I'm off for an Almond Joy because I do feel like a nut today. :D

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I prefer linear mode because it's what people typically use on other boards I frequent. I prefer just to scroll through the whole thread. It's true I have no idea who some people are talking to when they post a random question or "I agree." That's why I try and quote people when I'm answering a post directly. That way no matter how people are viewing the boards it is easy for them to tell specifically what I'm referring to.


Okay, you clearly climbed into my brain and said what I was thinking.

Those are my reasons as well. And see? I quoted you here so that everyone would know exactly what I meant.


And I have one more reason. The hybrid mode gives me a headache. I don't like the way it looks. I get all weirded out by it. Maybe it's my ADD, I don't know....

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Exactly. That's one of the...big reasons I love hybrid mode.



See? This is an example of why I wish everyone would use the quote button. I have no idea who and what this post is addressing since I view in linear.


(Not picking on you Jill...it just happened to be the first example I saw that supports my reason for wanting everyone to use the quote button.)

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I love it. Thanks!


Hee, I just got an email from this thread that simply said, "I love it. Thanks!" and had Calming Tea listed as the author.


Nothing about "it" was. How tantalizing.


Of course, now I come to the thread and read her post title, and it's not nearly as scintillating.:tongue_smilie: I thought maybe she'd discovered some great new cookie recipe. But, nope, just hybrid mode.


Just posting this to let you know what it's like to get email notification of subscriptions. I can usually follow the discussion via emails, except on this board where so often the post titles contain separate info than the post body.

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Just posting this to let you know what it's like to get email notification of subscriptions. I can usually follow the discussion via emails, except on this board where so often the post titles contain separate info than the post body.


Yes! On the old boards, it was common to put much (sometimes all!) of our message in the post titles. Now, post titles are irrelevent. They just get trimmed in the email notifications:


The following message has been posted:




And they do not matter in hybrid or threaded mode either: if you do not put in a post title, the system simply uses the first line of your post for the thread tree.

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How do YOU view the boards? I'm still trying to figure out the best way to look at it.

I'm not here that often any more, and am still trying to learn all the facets.




There has been a veritable dissertation of a thread on this very topic on the boards. Beware, though, that as of this morning, there had been some sort of quirky merging thing going on, so the Thread Viewing post now incorporates an entirely different thread about birth stories. Just so you don't think you'll really never figure out the new boards! ;)

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I use hybrid mode, because it seems to merge the best of both worlds. I allows me to quickly scan some of the content of the posts, see what sort of order they're in, and go to the one I want to post under. It also allows me to quickly click on any post I want to read and see it in large, easier to read format. When a thread gets very, very long, and I want to read a series of posts that are together, I will switch over to linear mode and read through those, then switch back.

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And when I look at my post (in hybrid mode)...it's right under Pam's.


I almost always use the quote button when I reply. I did when I just now responded to you, as well.


I think I get what you're saying, though; you want me to include an actual quote from the person I'm responding to, so that you know who I'm addressing.


It's not the method (reply vs. quote), it's that not everyone is keeping material from the person they're responding to. If we did, it would make it easier on those viewing in linear.


Or, you guys could just view in hybrid. (*G*...I'm teasing, in case it doesn't come across).

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