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Yes, I am pathetic, but our eldest moved out tonight :(

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Oh honey, it's not pathetic at all.

It's a hard transition--so many hopes, so much you want for him! I think the releasing happens a little at a time, but then there's that "big moment."

My heart goes out to you!

I had to let go of one of mine very early, and it was so wrong. You have a stunningly wonderful young man--and it's time, Dear One--it's time for him to fly! :001_smile:

Take joy in the fact that he's ready, even if you aren't. Mourn your loss, celebrate his gain.


(Easier said than done. Rely on your Abba.)

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You are definitely NOT pathetic! You are a mom, and we will love our children forever... letting them go is part of that, but why would it be easy?


Mourn his leaving, look forward to the future, and praise the man he has become. Blessings to you both! :grouphug:

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Oh, Dawn.




My 16 year old is starting to make decisions that I'm not sure about. I am trying so hard to trust that we've raised him well and remember that he's a really great guy.


But I still worry.


I don't blame you one bit for doing the same.



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I am excited for him, but worried too. I just want him to make wise decisions.


When we left, he hugged me and told me he wants to make me proud. I don't feel ready for this.



I am wondering if this EVER goes away for a parent, ESPECIALLY a mother. I have those same worries but dh is here for another 9 months.


Is he going to stay local?


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I don't think you are pathetic at all.:grouphug: When my dd (who is now 30) got married, she and her dh were relocating from Va to Arizona so she could begin med school. When they returned from their honeymoon, she called to tell me that they were leaving in a few days for Arizona -- this was not a surprise -- I had known it for months.


Well, I hung up the phone and bawled like a baby.



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Dawn, Aaron is an amazing young man - a rare person who will make you proud. You did an excellent job raising him. Of course, you will grieve his absence. It would be very odd if you didn't. I read somewhere that having children is like wearing your heart on the outside. It's very hard to watch them go, but it would be very strange if they didn't. Your feelings are quite normal.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Not pathetic at all. I remember at 18 when I went away to college and how much my mom cried and how I thought she was being a little melodramatic. :tongue_smilie: Now looking back, and after having children of my own...I get it. Just because they are ready to move on to the next stage of their lives doesn't mean it will be easy for us to let them go. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank you all for your kind words and support! I walked back toward my bedroom tonight and just start crying looking at the empty room.


Ben came in my room a couple of hours ago saying he had a headache and couldn't sleep. I asked him if something was on his mind, and he said lots of things were. I said, "Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind."


He replied, "Aaron."


I really hope this relationship he has formed ends up being a good thing. Ben asked me earlier, "What's your brother's wife called?" I said sister-in-law and asked why. He said because of Aaron. I said, "Honey, he's not getting married." Ben asked, "Then why did you have the big conversation?"


I started to speak, and he said, "I know -- you just want him to make good decisions." Then he said, "He IS going to get married." ugh


Just think, I have two more.


(clarification, he didn't move in with a woman, but he does have his first girlfriend.)

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