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Halloween Picture Thread!!!!!

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I don't think we have a Halloween picture thread yet! Today our local downtown area closed the streets and all the businesses handed out candy. The kids LOVED it!!!! They had a DJ with dancing in the streets and a costume contest and everything! Anyway, here's my dd as Belle:




I did her hair!!!




My mom made the dress. It is truly a work of art!!!





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I don't think we have a Halloween picture thread yet! Today our local downtown area closed the streets and all the businesses handed out candy. The kids LOVED it!!!! They had a DJ with dancing in the streets and a costume contest and everything! Anyway, here's my dd as Belle:




I did her hair!!!




My mom made the dress. It is truly a work of art!!!

She is adorable!! We have not had our dress-up night yet.

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I wish I had the talent to make homemade costumes, but alas, I don't.


PDG is "River Song disguised as Cleopatra" for Halloween (Doctor Who fans will understand). We will be adding a black wig for trick or treating, but it is one of those really, really cheap ones that is pretty much a one-shot deal, so I didn't want to risk tangling it beyond repair for the party she went to this evening. LLL is "Pink Supergirl". I never knew Supergirl was pink, but wow, it's shimmery and sparkly and pink and just too cute!





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I don't know how much luck I'll have attaching pics (i'm not good at it), but here it goes...


My son asked to be a SAGUARO CACTUS last year as he was into Cacti last year. I made the costume and we didn't get to wear it as we were in Savannah, GA on vacation and the Kid's Halloween party we had planned to go to at the big hotel (which we checked out before we "went down") was so full of very terrifying adult costumes that we decided it would have our son terrified/having nightmares for years. So, thankfully, he asked to be the same this year and we got some use out of it. He felt like a Saguaro and loved telling passers-by to "Watch out for my pokeys; they pack a mighty punch (his exact words:lol:)!" So my wrestling with those pipe cleaners was worth it! :tongue_smilie:











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Love all of the costumes so far!


Hermione as a cat is a great idea! My kids have lovely Hogwarts scarves too, But, my sister made them, I have no innate knitting talents.


Here is ds, I will have to snap pics of the girls on Sunday. :)


Dr Who, right??? I just started watching this!


My kids have Gryfindor scarves too. My identical boys want to dye their hair red, wear the scarves and be Fred and George when the new movie comes out.

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I don't think we have a Halloween picture thread yet! Today our local downtown area closed the streets and all the businesses handed out candy. The kids LOVED it!!!! They had a DJ with dancing in the streets and a costume contest and everything! Anyway, here's my dd as Belle:




I did her hair!!!




My mom made the dress. It is truly a work of art!!!


BEAUTIFUL!!! My dd would just love it!

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Our boys' first trick-or-treating.


I love this! My youngest dd's first time trick-or-treating was when she was 11yo as well. She was always so very afraid of all the scary costumes and decorations! We just dressed up here at home and the kids would hand out candy. That was enough for them for such a long time.


My older two went out when they were much younger, then we went through a phase of ignoring the holiday, then graduated to handing out candy....etc. But, they never wanted to go out again. They'd had their time and were 'ok' with that.


But I'm glad my youngest got the courage to go out (I went with her, of course!) once before she was too old to enjoy it! The 'First Time' is so very special when they are old enough to really, truly appreciate it for what it is!

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Can you tell me more about this? What exactly did they do?



It's so much fun for our kids! Everyone picks a character from history or literature and researches them. Then they prepare an autobiographical speech (without naming who they are), dress up like them, and present to the group. At the end of the speech they ask, "Who am I?", and everyone tries to guess.


This year we had Abraham Lincoln, Laura Ingles, James Audobon, Queen Esther, Clara Barton, Daniel Boone, Betsy Ross, Thomas Edison, Catherine the Great, Sir Lancelot, and a couple others I can't quite remember.

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