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Some people are SO tacky!!!!!

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Like, for example, the mom who showed up with her preschooler at the YMCA Halloween Party for kids tonight, wearing a teeshirt that said something like: "I'm the biggest, baddest, b**** in town" with the B word spelled out- in huge letters-.....


I can't even believe people are that brainless, or that tacky. To a kid's halloween party? At the YMCA? REALLY?


Where do they grow these people?!



In 10 pages has no one said the obvious?


Who walked up to the woman and asked her why she dressed as a billboard for a cheap h**ker for a kid's Halloween party? What kind of a costume is that? :lol:


Do we need a separate thread for the stuff people wear written on their bums?


I guess I just won't understand why those who choose to wear these slogans don't have more self respect.

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OK, so I can't say anything redeeming about the OP's sighting, but let me share a quick couple of stories.


Story 1: Woman shows up to my house to babysit wearing a purple tank top. On the front, it says "Saturday Night Beaver." On the back, under her hair, is the logo that reads "P*rn Star."


Story 2: Woman shows up at my sister's high school graduation wearing leather pants so tight that they leave NOTHING to the imagination.


Kicker: This woman, in both cases, is my mother.




(To be fair, in the case of story #1, she had no clue what it meant. My mother really is that naive. She's sweet, but she likes purple and just thought it was a really cute pun. She had never read the logo because it was a brand-new shirt. I quietly e-mailed her a link to 'beaver' in the urban dictionary a few days later. In the case of story #2, she had arrived in brand-new leather pants on the back of her boyfriend's motorcycle (she was newly divorced at the time). My sister and I got her out of the auditorium and talked to her after the graduation ceremony. We never saw either the shirt or the pants again. She now avoids anything like that unless she runs it by me and my sister first. I'm just grateful that she can be taught!)


:lol::lol: Sorry, but that about made me shoot my boxed wine out of my nose!

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In 10 pages has no one said the obvious?


Who walked up to the woman and asked her why she dressed as a billboard for a cheap h**ker for a kid's Halloween party? What kind of a costume is that? :lol:


Do we need a separate thread for the stuff people wear written on their bums?


I guess I just won't understand why those who choose to wear these slogans don't have more self respect.


Two Halloweens ago, my MIL gave dd(6 at the time) a Hooker Halloween costume. Dd took one look at it and said "That's a naughty dress!" I quietly agreed and got rid of it. But MIL (who is a very modest woman) is a 1st generation immigrant who really wants her grandkids to be American. To her, buying something like that was the epitome of American. Now isn't that an indictment!

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Do you know what I just spent the last... I don't know, half hour maybe? doing?


Looking at pictures of weirdos in Walmart.


Thanks a lot, whoever posted that link... I can never get that half hour of my life back!




I kept looking at those, and all that keeps running through my mind is, "I've seen that before" again and again.



I don't know! You are only allowed to go out in your PJs when: 1. you are escaping the planet with your towel, 2. you are something in PJs for Halloween, 3. you are (or someone in the family is) sick and need cold medicine and/or run out of tampons in the middle of the night.



Or diapers, or formula...pedialyte at a wierd hour is a common one, too... but then you get the "picking up a movie and some beer in my jammies" set, mostly college students.



I'd love to go barefoot except for the broken glass, dirty diapers or substances that may well be puke in most parking lots.


Oh, and snow. That's a big deterrent here. :tongue_smilie:


The sun kills the germs and you just step around the gross stuff. Snow is not a problem here...though a good part of the year shoes are needed at least in the parking lot because even toughened feet get burned when it's hot enough to cook eggs. I've been known to go to wal-mart barefoot...and DD more often. Not to mention anywhere else we can get away with.


I mostly see a lot of the really crass T-shirts on customers at work. Since I work the overnight shift, I have limited sympathy for anyone with small children who get exposed to such, but then people who drag their kids out shopping at all hours is another rant/thread.:tongue_smilie:

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Or diapers, or formula...pedialyte at a wierd hour is a common one, too... but then you get the "picking up a movie and some beer in my jammies" set, mostly college students.


As long as it's the middle of the night, I'm pretty okay with it. It's at 11 am that I'm thinking "WHY are you in your pajamas!?"



Since I work the overnight shift, I have limited sympathy for anyone with small children who get exposed to such, but then people who drag their kids out shopping at all hours is another rant/thread.:tongue_smilie:


Have you heard my story about this?


Once, my dh was deployed. I was deathly sick with bronchitis. I started my period in the middle of the night and could only find one tampon. So, I drag my kids out of bed and we all go to stupid Walmart in our PJs (the only time, ever). I buy: feminine products, midol, cold medicine, chocolate and soda. The poor young guy who checked me out did not look me in the eye, did not say anything to me, I really think he was afraid for his life.

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THANK YOU to lionfamily1999 for explaining it as "nicely" as possible! If googled it, I'd probably never have recovered. :svengo:

:blush: I tried.

..I feel horrible for people like that. It breaks my heart. People of walmart makes me cringe with sympathy--that they're being made fun of, and because they may have no idea why what they're wearing is tasteless. They may not have the money, they don't have the education...


I can't get mad at them and I feel terrible for them. I would never embarrass them further by asking that they leave. That's too much like pointing and laughing and I couldn't even imagine how devastated I would be. I couldn't do it to another person.

I feel bad for some of them (the ones that are bashed for their looks/size/"fashion sense"). The ones, though, that are wearing foul language (and a lot of them that are half naked) :shrug: not so much.

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Once, my dh was deployed. I was deathly sick with bronchitis. I started my period in the middle of the night and could only find one tampon. So, I drag my kids out of bed and we all go to stupid Walmart in our PJs (the only time, ever). I buy: feminine products, midol, cold medicine, chocolate and soda. The poor young guy who checked me out did not look me in the eye, did not say anything to me, I really think he was afraid for his life.


That made me :lol::lol:! Poor guy!:lol:

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Some are, especially those who would knowingly wear some of the more offensive tees described in this thread.


Actually someone who would have a child wear clothes that say "My mom is a M**F" is not simply flotsam, they are scum.



You know, I thought about what you've said here all too much today already. At first I was furious, then the more I thought about it, the more sad I became. For you. I can only imagine you've had a very hard life having no grace given to you, no mercy and no kindness. I'm very sorry for you.

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You know, I thought about what you've said here all too much today already. At first I was furious, then the more I thought about it, the more sad I became. For you. I can only imagine you've had a very hard life having no grace given to you, no mercy and no kindness. I'm very sorry for you.


I can understand what you're saying, and it's helping me look within myself to find the compassion and grace for others that I would wish for for myself and my family.


I think when it comes to obscene or rather, um, explicit clothing, it's easy to be judgmental. It's very hard sometimes to take a step (or twelve) back and realize that if that person had been raised in a different environment and had a different social milieu and education now, they likely would not have made the choice to wear that.


It's easy for me to feel compassion for the baby wearing the b***J** onesie or the toddler girl wearing pants with "sexy" emblazoned on the rear (yep, I've seen this). It's harder for me to extend my compassion to the parents, though in many ways they have often had very few choices as well. If one grows up in an environment where they are almost constantly surrounded by what I would consider lewd, crude, and rude behavior, then that will almost certainly be normal to them. It's often very hard for me to remember that when looking at things from my rather sheltered and privileged life and background.


I try to look for the good, but I sometimes forget, and I do thank you, Justamouse, for reminding me. I live in a glass house too, and we all need grace for some of our choices or actions. (I still hate seeing vulgar shirts, but I will try to be less judgmental!)

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Do we need a separate thread for the stuff people wear written on their bums?



Oh, now that drives me seriously nuts. I have this compulsion to read any print I see, and the "billbutts" are always on teenaged girls. I feel like a skeeve.


Probably my only controversial tees say:


"Muggles for Harry Potter"



"Got Milk?" (a breastfeeding tee)


But I agree that my dh is a mf'er. There's really no getting away from it. And I find that very funny, in a completely juvenile way. Neener neener.


I would not be thrilled to see these shirts in public. But then, I passionately hate the "princess" ones, too. I keep thinking, "Great, raise your kid to take pride in her spirit of entitlement and leave her for my kids to deal with." Aargh. I don't think the "I'm a b****" ones are really terribly far away in spirit. My son was pretty scornful about society's expectations of genteel Victorian women, but this sort of crass false empowerment is way worse.

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I try to look for the good, but I sometimes forget, and I do thank you, Justamouse, for reminding me. I live in a glass house too, and we all need grace for some of our choices or actions. (I still hate seeing vulgar shirts, but I will try to be less judgmental!)


Yes, it is a great reminder. I always think only by the grace of God because who knows, if was raised like them or in an environment similar to theirs perhaps I would be the same maybe worse.

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I can understand what you're saying, and it's helping me look within myself to find the compassion and grace for others that I would wish for for myself and my family.


I think when it comes to obscene or rather, um, explicit clothing, it's easy to be judgmental. It's very hard sometimes to take a step (or twelve) back and realize that if that person had been raised in a different environment and had a different social milieu and education now, they likely would not have made the choice to wear that.


It's easy for me to feel compassion for the baby wearing the b***J** onesie or the toddler girl wearing pants with "sexy" emblazoned on the rear (yep, I've seen this). It's harder for me to extend my compassion to the parents, though in many ways they have often had very few choices as well. If one grows up in an environment where they are almost constantly surrounded by what I would consider lewd, crude, and rude behavior, then that will almost certainly be normal to them. It's often very hard for me to remember that when looking at things from my rather sheltered and privileged life and background.


I try to look for the good, but I sometimes forget, and I do thank you, Justamouse, for reminding me. I live in a glass house too, and we all need grace for some of our choices or actions. (I still hate seeing vulgar shirts, but I will try to be less judgmental!)

Judgmental is not always bad. Knowing and judging that those sorts of shirts are wrong (as opposed to just offensive, let's just say it, they're wrong) is a good thing. Reporting those people so they are asked to leave the premises is good too, because you're showing that those sentiments in print are not acceptable in public. If they really have been raised in such a terrible area that it was not made obvious to them by the time they were old enough to go shopping alone, then now is their chance to learn :D. Taking that chance away, because you want to be understanding is, imo, the exact wrong thing to do. You're leaving them in complete ignorance.


Now, I'm not talking forcing someone to convert to Christianity, I'm not talking about forcing them to live up to Christ's standards, I'm talking about making them see that even our secular society has standards and those standards must be respected. We can't expect non-Christians to 'walk the walk' so-to-speak, but we can expect people to follow the law of the land.

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As long as it's the middle of the night, I'm pretty okay with it. It's at 11 am that I'm thinking "WHY are you in your pajamas!?"




Have you heard my story about this?


Once, my dh was deployed. I was deathly sick with bronchitis. I started my period in the middle of the night and could only find one tampon. So, I drag my kids out of bed and we all go to stupid Walmart in our PJs (the only time, ever). I buy: feminine products, midol, cold medicine, chocolate and soda. The poor young guy who checked me out did not look me in the eye, did not say anything to me, I really think he was afraid for his life.




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but we can expect people to follow the law of the land.


are you talking about actual laws though? i don't think most places would have any laws that would prevent someone from wearing a shirt/etc with "vulgar" words on it... some private businesses could make their own rules, i would imagine, but just in public? i don't know... and then who sets the standard? what's "vulgar" to some isn't to others... know what i mean? who makes the call as to what it acceptable (and when and where) and what isn't?


just kinda thinking out loud here...

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are you talking about actual laws though? i don't think most places would have any laws that would prevent someone from wearing a shirt/etc with "vulgar" words on it... some private businesses could make their own rules, i would imagine, but just in public? i don't know... and then who sets the standard? what's "vulgar" to some isn't to others... know what i mean? who makes the call as to what it acceptable (and when and where) and what isn't?


just kinda thinking out loud here...


I don't think there is a law forbidding clothing with profanity or vulgarities. I'm sure someplace like the YMCA has policies in place, as do many stores/malls/etc.

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I don't think there is a law forbidding clothing with profanity or vulgarities. I'm sure someplace like the YMCA has policies in place, as do many stores/malls/etc.


yeah that's what i was saying about private businesses and stuff... if they have policies in place and whatnot... even there, there'd be some room for 'what is and what isn't' ---- i'm not talking OBVIOUS ...but more like things that are sorta unacceptable to some but just funny to others...like say, a pair of jeans with 'sexy chick' across the arse in rhinestones or something :p -- funny to some, offensive to others...

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Originally Posted by pqr

Some are, especially those who would knowingly wear some of the more offensive tees described in this thread.


Actually someone who would have a child wear clothes that say "My mom is a M**F" is not simply flotsam, they are scum.


You know, I thought about what you've said here all too much today already. At first I was furious, then the more I thought about it, the more sad I became. For you. I can only imagine you've had a very hard life having no grace given to you, no mercy and no kindness. I'm very sorry for you.



Why you should become furious simply because I call a spade a spade is beyond me. There are some extremely ugly people out there, people who injure others, people who kill, steal and maim. There are also those who have no concern for others and no appreciation for common decency, an individual who would wear some of the shirts described in this thread is, as I stated, flotsam on the surface of society. To deny this and attempt to excuse intolerable behavior may be seen as self delusion.

What lesson do I teach my children by making excuses for someone who wears a shirt saying Jesus is a Cu**?

As to my life, good bad or indifferent it would not excuse my refusing to face the truth or making excuses for society’s dregs. I try to judge based on the content of character and someone with a shirt that says “Two for the pink, one for the stink" is devoid of character, he is….well I would not want to upset you but you know what I am thinking.

For your sympathy, I thank you for it but it is wholly unnecessary and you really have no clue how my life has gone. The one thing I have learned is not to blame others for my behavior, not to give outrageous behavior a pass and to honestly assess those around me. I try to make allowances, but not for the cretins we are discussing here. They behave in that manner simply because people do make allowances for them. Society has to put up with them because too few will stand up. Come into my place of business like that and I will kick you out, show up in a mall like that and I will call security, ask for a handout and I will laugh in your face. (now if someone is polite and appropriately dressed I am happy to help, but that crowd is not looking for help).

We hurt society when we make excuses for the inexcusable.

Edited by pqr
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Judgmental is not always bad. Knowing and judging that those sorts of shirts are wrong (as opposed to just offensive, let's just say it, they're wrong) is a good thing. Reporting those people so they are asked to leave the premises is good too, because you're showing that those sentiments in print are not acceptable in public. If they really have been raised in such a terrible area that it was not made obvious to them by the time they were old enough to go shopping alone, then now is their chance to learn :D. Taking that chance away, because you want to be understanding is, imo, the exact wrong thing to do. You're leaving them in complete ignorance.



I agree with you. This was, after all, a party at the Y. I would imagine they have policies for appropriate dress.


The point -- that I think some are missing in saying that this woman should be allowed (or ignored or even felt sorry for) with her choice of clothing -- is all the people, especially the children, who were around this woman all evening and couldn't help reading her shirt. The "in your face" message was what she meant it to be. It's different if she's headed to a pub or neighbor's party, she'll get the laugh and attention she wants with it.


What's wrong with keeping the party "G rated" for the little kids?

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I am still astounded that people put up with this.


I have had people escorted out of malls for vulgar shirts and have no issue in facing people down when they behave in this manner.


It is not a laughing matter and symptomatic of the collapse of civility in our society. Having to explain shirts to my children raises my ire and I become a little less friendly than my normal affable self:-)


100% agree.

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It just makes one wonder about the "parents" who would allow a child to behave like that.


The parents are probably those adults that are wearing the vulgar shirts. Or they're afraid of stifling their child's individuality or something like that. I guess my girls are stifled.

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It just makes one wonder about the "parents" who would allow a child to behave like that.

My cousin and I were talking about this. We both agree that in a lot of cases the parents should be (at least) cited for neglect, or conspiracy to assist in a crime against a minor. The thought being, the parents will say one of two things:

1. We don't know how she gets these things! Yeah well, you're her parent, figure it out.

2. We think she's mature enough to make her own decisions. In this case, the shirt is insinuating she'd like to be having sex, which for most minors is illegal. They're helping their daughter advertise herself for sex (illegal), therefore they're conspiring with her to break the law (which in this case, the law they're breaking is a crime against a minor).


Of course, we are only partly serious.

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It just makes one wonder about the "parents" who would allow a child to behave like that.


The parents are probably those adults that are wearing the vulgar shirts. Or they're afraid of stifling their child's individuality or something like that. I guess my girls are stifled.


or they didn't know that their teenager even owned the shirt.


didn't any of you ever buy/wear stuff that your folks didn't like? usually put on AFTER you left the house? :p

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or they didn't know that their teenager even owned the shirt.


didn't any of you ever buy/wear stuff that your folks didn't like? usually put on AFTER you left the house? :p


No, I didn't. In fact, I don't remember any of my friends doing that.

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didn't any of you ever buy/wear stuff that your folks didn't like? usually put on AFTER you left the house? :p


No I never did.


Had I been of the mind there were several score of other parents in my town who would have called me on it and then called my parents.


There has never been a point in my life when I would have thought a tee that called Jesus part of the female anatomy was appropriate. There has never been a point in my life when I thought wearing a shirt asking strangers for s#xual acts was appropriate.

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No I never did.


Had I been of the mind there were several score of other parents in my town who would have called me on it and then called my parents.


There has never been a point in my life when I would have thought a tee that called Jesus part of the female anatomy was appropriate. There has never been a point in my life when I thought wearing a shirt asking strangers for s#xual acts was appropriate.

:iagree: My parents would've known before I even reached school, and Mom would have met me there.

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:iagree: My parents would've known before I even reached school, and Mom would have met me there.


The couple of times I thought I was sneaking around, my dad somehow always met me at the door when I got home with full knowledge of what I did. To this day I'm not sure who acted as his crystal ball, but I'm glad that some other parents out there cared enough to let him know.

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The couple of times I thought I was sneaking around, my dad somehow always met me at the door when I got home with full knowledge of what I did. To this day I'm not sure who acted as his crystal ball, but I'm glad that some other parents out there cared enough to let him know.

We, my friends and I, all thought my mother was stalking me :lol: She.knew.everything! It wasn't until dd came along that I found out my mother did not know every move I made, but even then....... she guessed what was going on before I had to tell her.

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ok so maybe i was just a bad kid. :laugh:


wait a sec - pqr you're a guy right? that doesn't count. it was almost ALWAYS the girls who were changing. :p


actually - to use my first joking statement for something more serious... parents do NOT always know what their teenagers are up to out there. i pulled the fur down over the eyes of many adults (parents and others) as a teenager - and not just with clothes. most of the adults in my life had no blasted idea what i was up to most of the time.


i'm just saying that "blame the parents" doesn't always fit.

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didn't any of you ever buy/wear stuff that your folks didn't like? usually put on AFTER you left the house? :p


I'll fess up.


I borrowed clothes from girls that my parents did not know and changed into them once I got to school (and changed back out of them before I got home). My parents found out only after I got suspended for repeated infractions of the school dress code... :001_rolleyes:

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