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Feel like crying

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Today was my shopping day. The money I get includes everything from bath paper to food, copy paper for school etc. I'm hating shopping anymore. My money seems to go no where and I shop at Aldi's, a discounted grocery store, reg. groc. store, BJ's for very little and another store. We have a child w/ alot of allergies so her food is alot of money and I hardly get her anything. I try to get coupons etc. Well, I literally spent to the last penny and was scrapping up pennies that I put in my car. I forgot bath tissue, I did put money to the side for a bible study book bill and a birthday gift . Well, I get to my dd's sports class and they ask for more money...they didn't have enough for the tournament. That was towards my bill and the gift. I feel like crying.

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I'm sorry.


Don't be ashamed to utilize things like food pantries and food stamps and whatnot if you are at a point in life where you are in need of it, maybe that will knock some $ off of your grocery bill. Perhaps your dd's sports class would be willing to discuss some sort of financial aid with you toward that bill. Things like that. Maybe it would help a little bit. I hope things get better for you!

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of not having enough money show up in public like at the cashier's or a youth meeting where they're asking for money for an outing while we're having pancakes for supper because of not enough money for meat and stuff. We've had the youth pastor be shocked because we couldn't afford a radio. It's hard.

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Well, I get to my dd's sports class and they ask for more money...they didn't have enough for the tournament.



This is where I would have said, "I'm sorry, I need more notice to work this into my budget. I might be able to contribute (next week, in 2 wks, whatever)."


But, really, I understand. We have to say no to A LOT of things because, well, we're broke. I keep reminding myself that surely this is a temporary situation.

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:grouphug: I've been there - crying and all. We're still there, actually, I've just cut our outside spending to bare bones (though, each time I say bare bones, I get another lesson in what 'bare bones' means! )


It hurts, but you do come out of it stronger - and thriftier!

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I was going to try and get more gluten free into our diets but I think it's going to be to expensive (dh really needs to do something...I don't want him on his medication forever). I'm going to keep trying to figure it out.


I'm going to search for more coupons.


The bible study ladies said that if you can't pay that is ok but I'm going to give 1/2 this week and then 1/2 the next week I get my shopping money. It's for my ds's extra bible class during the week. The best thing we did this year. He loves it so it was worth it. :)


Thanks ladies. Sometimes I need to just get my thoughts out. ;)

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I'm sorry.


Don't be ashamed to utilize things like food pantries and food stamps and whatnot if you are at a point in life where you are in need of it, maybe that will knock some $ off of your grocery bill. Perhaps your dd's sports class would be willing to discuss some sort of financial aid with you toward that bill. Things like that. Maybe it would help a little bit. I hope things get better for you!


I agree. Hang in there. :grouphug:

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I'm sorry.


Don't be ashamed to utilize things like food pantries and food stamps and whatnot if you are at a point in life where you are in need of it, maybe that will knock some $ off of your grocery bill. Perhaps your dd's sports class would be willing to discuss some sort of financial aid with you toward that bill. Things like that. Maybe it would help a little bit. I hope things get better for you!


:iagree: :grouphug:

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I'm sorry.


Don't be ashamed to utilize things like food pantries and food stamps and whatnot if you are at a point in life where you are in need of it, maybe that will knock some $ off of your grocery bill. Perhaps your dd's sports class would be willing to discuss some sort of financial aid with you toward that bill. Things like that. Maybe it would help a little bit. I hope things get better for you!





The bible study ladies said that if you can't pay that is ok but I'm going to give 1/2 this week and then 1/2 the next week I get my shopping money.


the 'don't be ashamed' thing also applies here ~ if the ladies understand the tough position that you're in and are trying to help you out, please let them.

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the 'don't be ashamed' thing also applies here ~ if the ladies understand the tough position that you're in and are trying to help you out, please let them.


Yes, yes! We have been in that position. My dh was unemployed for about 6 months 8 years ago or so. Our church offered to buy us groceries. I almost said no but we were in the position where I had to say yes. It was a blessing.


We have used a food bank before too. It might not help your child with allergies but the rest of you could eat what was provided. In my experience, much of the food is baked goods. Here there is a food bank where you don't need to qualify to anything. You pay $13 for a pantry box (rice, peanut butter, canned fruit, pasta, dried beans, etc.) but you also get two extra boxes--one full of fresh produce and the other of donated items.


About going gluten-free, it doesn't have to be expensive. There is no need to buy specially made gluten-free breads, pastas and snacks. Many things are naturally gluten-free like rice and potatoes and corn. It can get boring but it is less expensive. I've been gluten-free for 16 years and hated spending the money on gluten-free items so I stopped doing it.


:grouphug: I'm sorry! I know how it feels to dig around the house for any spare change in order to buy a gallon of milk. Not fun at all. I hope things get better soon.

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Check out the forums at http://www.afullcup.com/forums. There is a separate board for pretty much every store around. These people are awesome at getting the best coupon deals. It does take some time to match everything up, but the savings are tremendous. A lot of times I can get name brands cheaper than buying the equivalent at Aldi. That site has helped us save us so much money on food, diapers, toiletries, etc.

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