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Facebook meme to "raise awareness" about breast cancer

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Just got this in my Facebook Inbox:

Last year we played a game about what color bra you were wearing at the moment? The purpose was to increase awareness of October Breast Cancer Awareness month. It was a tremendous success and we had men wondering for days what was with the colors and it made it to the news. This year's game has to do with your handbag/purse, where we put our handbag the moment we get home for example "I like it on the couch", "I like it on the kitchen counter", "I like it on the dresser" well u get the idea. Just put your answer as your status with nothing more than that and cut n paste this message and forward to all your FB female friends to their inbox. The bra game made it to the news. Let's see how powerful we women really are!!!


PASS THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW" BUT,when you pass it along do it as a private message or email.

Remember don't tell your hubby's or request anyone do this on your wall page. Make sure you forward it by a private message, then no one will know why we are putting where we like it


:tongue_smilie: I don't get how this raises awareness. I have yet to see anyone who has posted an "I like it..." status explain what it's about—which is per the (poorly worded) instructions. I think I'll raise awareness the old-fashioned way.

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Just got this in my Facebook Inbox:

Last year we played a game about what color bra you were wearing at the moment? The purpose was to increase awareness of October Breast Cancer Awareness month. It was a tremendous success and we had men wondering for days what was with the colors and it made it to the news. This year's game has to do with your handbag/purse, where we put our handbag the moment we get home for example "I like it on the couch", "I like it on the kitchen counter", "I like it on the dresser" well u get the idea. Just put your answer as your status with nothing more than that and cut n paste this message and forward to all your FB female friends to their inbox. The bra game made it to the news. Let's see how powerful we women really are!!!


PASS THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW" BUT,when you pass it along do it as a private message or email.

Remember don't tell your hubby's or request anyone do this on your wall page. Make sure you forward it by a private message, then no one will know why we are putting where we like it


:tongue_smilie: I don't get how this raises awareness. I have yet to see anyone who has posted an "I like it..." status explain what it's about—which is per the (poorly worded) instructions. I think I'll raise awareness the old-fashioned way.


I've received the same message from my sister and my cousin.

I have no desire to share 'where I like it', and I doubt anyone will notice that I didn't participate. If they ask I'll just borrow your line, "I think I'll raise awareness the old-fashioned way."


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I didn't do it last year and the only did it this year because I don't have a purse so I thought it funny to put, "I don't like it anywhere". ITA that this does nothing to raise awareness and is tacky. (Even though I did participate this time.:lol: ) I think most are aware of breast cancer anyway.:confused:

Edited by Happyhomemama
noticed a typo, not all of them I'm sure. :OP
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I am saddened that the breast cancer has stooped to the level it has.


I see the " I ♥ boobies" arm bands and t shirts and it to me is just sad..not making anyone aware of breast cancer at all, but a giggle at the expense of a woman's body.


flame me if you will,


I am sadden by the whole ad campaign and have lost friends to the horrible death sentence of breast cancer and find no humor in the "awareness" push of PINK, bra's hanging outside, or the guess what I am talking about (wiggle eye brows) little games to supposedly make people think about checking for breast cancer.

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My mom HAS breast cancer and I'm sick of all this too. She, of course, forwards it all to me........ I even dyed my hair pink......... But, I'm in an extreme situation. To those who CAN ignore these things, please do and maybe it will stop coming up.


On a side note, my favorite catch phrase is "Save the Tatas."

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I am saddened that the breast cancer has stooped to the level it has.


I see the " I ♥ boobies" arm bands and t shirts and it to me is just sad..not making anyone aware of breast cancer at all, but a giggle at the expense of a woman's body.


flame me if you will,


I am sadden by the whole ad campaign and have lost friends to the horrible death sentence of breast cancer and find no humor in the "awareness" push of PINK, bra's hanging outside, or the guess what I am talking about (wiggle eye brows) little games to supposedly make people think about checking for breast cancer.




I know two women who've died of breast cancer in the past year. I don't mind the pink campaign, but the crass stuff isn't my style. I suppose some have taken a less serious approach because the majority of women do survive and getting that diagnosis is not a death sentence for most? Still, I know what you mean.

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:iagree: completely. But I'm glad I read this thread because I've been reading the comments on fb today and wondered what it was all about.


Still don't get how it raises awareness though. :001_huh:


:001_huh: I didn't do the color thing last year - didn't see the point and thought it was just... odd.


I have to say, I find this one pretty tacky. Yeah, I guess I'll think of another way to raise awareness.

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As someone who has had bc I am just tired of the whole pink thing altogether.


I know that awareness is important, but I do get sick and tired of being reminded of what I lost to bc nearly every - single - day -of -my - life! (surely I'm not the only one that has felt this way.)


And the rude stuff is just over the top.


Ugh. Anyway....



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I am saddened that the breast cancer has stooped to the level it has.


I see the " I ♥ boobies" arm bands and t shirts and it to me is just sad..not making anyone aware of breast cancer at all, but a giggle at the expense of a woman's body.


flame me if you will,


I am sadden by the whole ad campaign and have lost friends to the horrible death sentence of breast cancer and find no humor in the "awareness" push of PINK, bra's hanging outside, or the guess what I am talking about (wiggle eye brows) little games to supposedly make people think about checking for breast cancer.

Yes, me too. I'm also tired of the extreme focus on breast cancer when there are a bunch of other cancers out there killing people, and in some cases like bowel cancer killing more people.

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I also wanted to mention that with all these ads, no wonder people get scared to death of every little twinge in their bodies.

Since I have turned 40, I have been CT scanned, *felt up*,had things put where they shouldn't go, medicated, poked, prodded, IV'd to death, and things cut out.


All this *awareness* going on just gives me anxiety. And in the meantime, pharmaceutical companies are raking in billions of dollars. Since there is a pill for everything these days. And all the *preventitive* testing must be raking in millions as well. Not to mention the huge costs to the insurance companies, or worse yet, the patient who has no insurance.


Then, you get yourself so hyped up over all this stuff, they go and change their minds and come out with a new *study*. (Mammo's come to mind). It is enough to drive me batty.


Okay, rant over:lol:

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Here's my embarrassing story.


Last January when they did the bra color thing, I had just driven Bud home from the doc's from getting his vasectomy. I got him settled and hopped on the computer to see everyone's color post.


I assumed it was underwear.


I said something to the effect of, "Me: black, Bud: frozen peas."


I figured it out later and was very embarrassed, though many were entertained. ;) I took it down because I decided Bud probably didn't want his frozen peas out there for the world to read about.

Edited by Amy loves Bud
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It's stupid and crass and doens't raise awareness. It is just a way to have a cheap giggle and if anyone gets offended they can easily say, "But, we are just raising awareness!! Don't you care about breast cancer?!" :glare:


Kind of like how if I don't copy and paste this status in honor of [insert the people of honor or pet cause here], I'll be like 86.4% of all Facebookers who'll refuse and clearly must hate America, God, and newborn kittens.

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I know that awareness is important, but I do get sick and tired of being reminded of what I lost to bc nearly every - single - day -of -my - life! (surely I'm not the only one that has felt this way.)


Yes. I hate October for this reason. I'm minding my own business, doing grocery shopping, and BAM! there's some pink thing to remind me of my mortality. Hate hate hate it.

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Not mine. If I had insisted on saving my tatas, I'd be dead now. That's exactly the WRONG message.


Nor mine. My grandmother is a 20 plus year breast cancer survivor. She was a nurse, she detected it early and opted for a radical mastectomy. Why? At the age of 8 she had to watch her mother die from breast cancer that had spread. I have yearly mammograms due to the family history and you can bet that I'd rather live without my breasts than have my kids live without me.


I don't like that such a serious issue is being reduced to slogans like this. It's breast cancer - not tata cancer or boobie cancer. And I also loathe this new facebook thing and am not participating.

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Here's my embarrassing story.


Last January when they did the bra color thing, I had just driven Bud home from the doc's from getting his vasectomy. I got him settled and hopped on the computer to see everyone's color post.


I assumed it was underwear.


I said something to the effect of, "Me: black, Bud: frozen peas."


I figured it out later and was very embarrassed, though many were entertained. ;) I took it down because I decided Bud probably didn't want his frozen peas out there for the world to read about.



On the up side, this is the first time I actually LOL today!!!! Thanks!

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It's raising awareness, but I think it's also desensitizing us cuz it is SO in. your. face. ALL THE TIME! Honestly, who wants a pink kitchenaide mixer to remind them of Breast Cancer every time they bake? So we just try to not think about it. And if we can not think about it, it will go away, Right?!

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I actually went along with it. I guess I didn't think it through and realize it might hurt someone's feelings. I also changed my facebook profile picture to a pink ribbon with "Feel your boobies" on it. If I have offended anyone with that, I'm sorry.

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I lost an aunt to breast cancer years ago when my cousins were just kids and too young to have to live without their mother. It's a horrible way to die and so tragic for everyone involved.


But, I also lost my dad to colon cancer a little over a year ago and have since learned that more people die from colon cancer than breast cancer and AIDs combined (can't remember where I read it though, so I could be remembering wrong)


Also, it seems to me that many people believe colon cancer is highly preventable, just by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and I wonder if we were more "aware" maybe my dad would still be here.


Why is it there isn't a designated color for colon cancer and how come it isn't plastered everywhere for a whole month once a year? Why are there no PSAs or silly facebook games to "raise awareness" when clearly more lives could be saved by educating people on colon cancer?


It's frustrating to me, because I know why. Breast cancer is sexy. No one wants to talk about the colon, but there are a million cool and funny ways to talk about breast cancer. Meanwhile it's an ugly disease that KILLs people. Nothing sexy about it.


I'm not trying to diminish the importance of breast cancer awareness, but if the goal were to save as many lives as possible then why isn't anyone raising awareness for colon cancer?????

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I've never thought about what it must be like for survivors and I feel like an idiot. I haven't participated in the FB stuff but I just never realized how the pink, ribbons, t-shirts, jewelry, etc. might affect some people. The closest I've been to breast cancer is friends who have lost moms and sisters. They don't view it all as a bad thing or constant reminder. I am definitely looking at it all differently now.

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I think the whole thing is stupid and honestly....raising awareness? How? I really dislike the whole 'raising awareness' campaigns. How about DO SOMETHING. The cancer walks etc are much more proactive than a cryptic facebook status.


It seems to me like their must be 10 billion dollars in the breast cancer research fund, every single day I see items for sale to go towards breast cancer research. Even if they gave a penny, that's a lot of pennies. I do feel for some of the other deadly and serious cancers and ailments that get little to no airtime.

Edited by LaissezFaire
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I'm not trying to diminish the importance of breast cancer awareness, but if the goal were to save as many lives as possible then why isn't anyone raising awareness for colon cancer?????


I wonder why not all types of cancer? The whole pink everything is making me crazy, there are many types of cancer.


I've never thought about what it must be like for survivors and I feel like an idiot. I haven't participated in the FB stuff but I just never realized how the pink, ribbons, t-shirts, jewelry, etc. might affect some people. The closest I've been to breast cancer is friends who have lost moms and sisters. They don't view it all as a bad thing or constant reminder. I am definitely looking at it all differently now.


Me either :( , I took my status down. (Which if you see my first post on page one was only posted because I don't own a purse) I think the FB thing last year and this year both are tacky and doesn't do anything for breast cancer awareness, I don't think anyone is thinking of breast cancer when someone posts where they like it.:glare:

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Kind of like how if I don't copy and paste this status in honor of [insert the people of honor or pet cause here], I'll be like 86.4% of all Facebookers who'll refuse and clearly must hate America, God, and newborn kittens.

Or your father, your mother, your children blah blah blah. They just make me steamed.


Also, it seems to me that many people believe colon cancer is highly preventable, just by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and I wonder if we were more "aware" maybe my dad would still be here.


Why is it there isn't a designated color for colon cancer and how come it isn't plastered everywhere for a whole month once a year? Why are there no PSAs or silly facebook games to "raise awareness" when clearly more lives could be saved by educating people on colon cancer?


It's frustrating to me, because I know why. Breast cancer is sexy. No one wants to talk about the colon, but there are a million cool and funny ways to talk about breast cancer. Meanwhile it's an ugly disease that KILLs people. Nothing sexy about it.

Bingo! Boobs are sexy, butts are not. Poo brown month? Who is going to support that?? And colonoscopies are just as important for those at risk of colon cancer, but you never see a "have you had your steel eel lately" status do you. The whole PINK thing just makes me furious. However, I made the mistake of saying so on FB, and got the sad face from a friend who has battled breast cancer. I've had loved ones battle other cancers, why are they not as important? Boobs are sexy; that pretty much sums it up. However, I am happy to see that Prostate cancer is making inroads into the "trendy cancer" scene and getting some publicity. Still, should be all cancers. I'm the grinch for pink month.

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It seems to me like their must be 10 billion dollars in the breast cancer research fund, every single day I see items for sale to go towards breast cancer research. Even if they gave a penny, that's a lot of pennies. I do feel for some of the other deadly and serious cancers and ailments that get little to no airtime.


There's also a LOT of money being made by companies jumping on the pink bandwagon, they aren't doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts. Make everything yellow for ALL cancer research and I will kit my house out in it.

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I've never thought about what it must be like for survivors and I feel like an idiot. I haven't participated in the FB stuff but I just never realized how the pink, ribbons, t-shirts, jewelry, etc. might affect some people. The closest I've been to breast cancer is friends who have lost moms and sisters. They don't view it all as a bad thing or constant reminder. I am definitely looking at it all differently now.


I don't get mad at loving friends who are expressing that they care. I get mad at corporations using a disease that took a lot away from my life, as a marketing tool. (And I politely express my opinion to friends and family, so I don't get pink things from them.)


ETA: My opinion is only that. There are survivors who like the pink stuff.

Edited by Sara R
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Yes, me too. I'm also tired of the extreme focus on breast cancer when there are a bunch of other cancers out there killing people, and in some cases like bowel cancer killing more people.


I don't know much about colon cancer--thankfully haven't had to learn about that one. But I don't think it's like breast cancer advocates are trying to steal money from other cancer research (not that that's what you are suggesting).


The part of breast cancer that really needs research (as I've said on this board earlier) is screening for women under 50. Mammograms only work reliably on older women; the recommendations recently changed because some big study said that mammograms on women under 50 saved very few lives. It's not that young women don't get breast cancer. It's actually not all that uncommon. It's just that there is no good way to find breast cancer early for young women. So the cancers don't get found until they are able to be felt and they have spread more. The death rate of young women with breast cancer is higher than it is for older women. More info at http://www.youngsurvival.org/young-women-and-bc/.


And--this is a horrible thing to say because all life is precious and this isn't a contest, but--I think a younger person's death is more tragic than an older person's. I was 33 when I was diagnosed. I was given a 50% chance of surviving 10 years, even after going through mastectomy/chemo/radiation. A woman my age who dies is probably leaving little motherless kids behind. If an 80-year-old dies of breast cancer, it is still sad but it's not a tragedy. We all have to go sometime of something, right? When I was going through breast cancer treatment I was a little jealous of old people for getting old. Hopefully my jealousy has been wasted and I'll get there someday too!


In my opinion it is the premature deaths, from whatever cause, that should be fought against, not just cancer-in-general.

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And--this is a horrible thing to say because all life is precious and this isn't a contest, but--I think a younger person's death is more tragic than an older person's. I was 33 when I was diagnosed. I was given a 50% chance of surviving 10 years, even after going through mastectomy/chemo/radiation. A woman my age who dies is probably leaving little motherless kids behind. If an 80-year-old dies of breast cancer, it is still sad but it's not a tragedy. We all have to go sometime of something, right? When I was going through breast cancer treatment I was a little jealous of old people for getting old. Hopefully my jealousy has been wasted and I'll get there someday too!


In my opinion it is the premature deaths, from whatever cause, that should be fought against, not just cancer-in-general.

I completely agree, kids die of leukemia :( My Dad was diagnosed with adrenal cancer at 30 and dead at 44, my relatives had bowel cancer in their 30s-50s. Screening starts in our family at 35, but we are lucky because we at least know our risk, after it killed enough of our family. I guess the thing is that most cancers do not discriminate based on age, cancer will kill a 20 year old just as easily as a 60 year old. I do feel that the incredible focus on breast cancer, and the pinking of the world is making it harder for other cancers to get their time to fundraise. Sure it's clever marketing, and the others could do better, but I'm still grumpy about it.


In the end our feelings are coloured by our experiences, yours by your breast cancer, mine by my relative's cancers, and the big ol C target on a decidedly unsexy part of my anatomy.

Edited by keptwoman
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There's also a LOT of money being made by companies jumping on the pink bandwagon, they aren't doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts. Make everything yellow for ALL cancer research and I will kit my house out in it.


I agree! I know the companies see a huge potential to profit off the pink because people who have friends and loved ones who have battled breast cancer will buy the stuff just because it's pink and the 3 pennies will go to cancer research.

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Thanks for clearing up the purpose of the purse/handbag thing... a friend posted her answer and one of the responses was, "um, I think your account got hacked" because people assumed she was referring to TEA or however WTM board writes that! :lol:



I am a bit sick of raise awareness as well. I have a good friend who is cancer free from stage 4 breastcancer but all the pink and in your face really bothers me.

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I'm sick of it, too. My best friend went through chemo and a mastectomy two years ago, and is, thankfully, doing fine just now. What I would like to know is where and how is all this money they raise being used? It's got to be millions and millions of dollars, and I just don't think it's really being put to use to find a cure for breast cancer. Personally, (here come the conspiracy theories), I don't think the medical community wants to find a cure for cancer. They rake in gazillions of dollars every year on treatments.

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I just want to say 'ditto' to everyone else's complaints about the frivolization (sp?) of breast cancer and any other cause by way of these stupid 'awareness' campaigns. They are demeaning, shallow and stupid. Who the heck is not aware of breast cancer these days? You'd have to live under a rock! It's like the disease du jour! My sister is recovering from breast cancer so I completely am in sympathy with the cause, but find the whole thing such a bad reflection on the way our society has taken advertising to such a ridiculous level. I just heard on the radio about a race to raise awareness for colon cancer. They want everyone to run in their underwear!!!! What???? Then there is the pig out for diabetes awareness campaign. Apparently you go and eat like a pig at some restaurant and part of the proceeds goes to diabetes research or something. My mom was a diabetic. My mil died of colon cancer. I understand the import of this kind of research and yet, I find all this stuff insulting! I am sick of it! Is there no dignity, no non-brainwashing, non-groupthink, non-trivializing way to raise money these days? And I too often wonder at where the money is actually going, since they seem to be spending lots of it at thinking up 'clever' ways to raise our awareness.



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This is my post in response to the where I like it posts:

My lovely friends; where "you like it" handbag posts don't really do anything to address breast cancer issues.ACTION speaks louder than 'feel good' posts. Awareness of breast cancer is good BUT we need to address the root causes, better treatments, and address the inequities in our own society. For more info about... taking action see bcaction.org. Have fun but also, maybe, do more?

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I don't think the medical community wants to find a cure for cancer. They rake in gazillions of dollars every year on treatments.


You've found them out! It's even worse than you thought, because they do have a cure, but they just use it for those that they love - only their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers...and daughters-in-laws and good friends and....on THEMSELVES. But they keep it a secret from the rest of the world so they can get rich off of the sufferings of others.



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Not mine. If I had insisted on saving my tatas, I'd be dead now. That's exactly the WRONG message.

My mom too, I just find it the only slogan I actually chuckle at.

I've never thought about what it must be like for survivors and I feel like an idiot. I haven't participated in the FB stuff but I just never realized how the pink, ribbons, t-shirts, jewelry, etc. might affect some people. The closest I've been to breast cancer is friends who have lost moms and sisters. They don't view it all as a bad thing or constant reminder. I am definitely looking at it all differently now.

My mom LOVES that stuff and she's a survivor.

You've found them out! It's even worse than you thought, because they do have a cure, but they just use it for those that they love - only their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers...and daughters-in-laws and good friends and....on THEMSELVES. But they keep it a secret from the rest of the world so they can get rich off of the sufferings of others.



So many people believe this.

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You've found them out! It's even worse than you thought, because they do have a cure, but they just use it for those that they love - only their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers...and daughters-in-laws and good friends and....on THEMSELVES. But they keep it a secret from the rest of the world so they can get rich off of the sufferings of others.






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For those that are worried their pink support is offensive, here's a quote from my mom, originally posted on fb:

"im with heather on this one.if we are having fun..who cares what mean people think? they dont HAVE to participate. i personally LOVE the pink and it reminds me that i am not alone. there are lots and lots of other women facing the same thing i am."
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Bingo! Boobs are sexy, butts are not. Poo brown month? Who is going to support that?? And colonoscopies are just as important for those at risk of colon cancer, but you never see a "have you had your steel eel lately" status do you. The whole PINK thing just makes me furious. However, I made the mistake of saying so on FB, and got the sad face from a friend who has battled breast cancer. I've had loved ones battle other cancers, why are they not as important? Boobs are sexy; that pretty much sums it up. However, I am happy to see that Prostate cancer is making inroads into the "trendy cancer" scene and getting some publicity. Still, should be all cancers. I'm the grinch for pink month.

I think we maybe should all wear t-shirts that say, "save the b*lls" for testicular cancer awareness. :001_huh: I can think of another very bad "save the..." slogan for colon/rectal problems (begins with an "a"), but I'm not going there....;)


-and who on earth is not already "aware" anyway??

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