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"It is 9:55 am. It is time for my 1-year-old to use the potty." Bwahahaha ...

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I guess I'm the only party pooper who found this to be pretty insulting. I get that the blond woman is taken to ridiculous extremes for the sake of humor, but why put things like breastfeeding and cloth diapering in such a negative light? Guess it just hit a raw nerve or three.....I don't like people who just try to do the best for their kids (in reality, not this video) to be made the butt of the jokes.

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It's not just what she does, but that she does it all to an extreme, and is so condescending to the mom who doesn't do it. A BFed baby's poo may not stink as much as a formula fed baby's poo, but it does still stink, kwim? I don't know anyone sane who keeps up that "more-ap-crunchy-whatever than you" indefinitely. I WAS a bit like that when DD was a baby. I've chilled out since then.:tongue_smilie:

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I guess I'm the only party pooper who found this to be pretty insulting. I get that the blond woman is taken to ridiculous extremes for the sake of humor, but why put things like breastfeeding and cloth diapering in such a negative light? Guess it just hit a raw nerve or three.....I don't like people who just try to do the best for their kids (in reality, not this video) to be made the butt of the jokes.


I don't think the author is trying to make fun of good choices but rather at those who impose their choices on others and put pressure on others when not making the same decisions. You never hear people saying, "I'm feeding formula because it is the best after all!" It's the other way around...and it includes most attachment parenting issues. Not saying those are bad but it is usually those moms who make such a big deal to the moms who aren't doing them.


Goodness, it reminds me of my first playgroup. We all were on our first babies and everybody laid nuggets of pressure on the others acting as we were the only good mother in the group. It was ridiculous! :lol:

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I guess I'm the only party pooper who found this to be pretty insulting. I get that the blond woman is taken to ridiculous extremes for the sake of humor, but why put things like breastfeeding and cloth diapering in such a negative light? Guess it just hit a raw nerve or three.....I don't like people who just try to do the best for their kids (in reality, not this video) to be made the butt of the jokes.


It's not the breastfeeding and cloth diapers that she is making fun of, it's the attitude of the mother. The attitude of this woman is destructive to other women. Any of us could look at another and see something that she can't believe the other does wrong in parenting. It's about showing each other some grace, instead of picking each other to pieces and competing.


Your last statment above is exactly her point. The other woman is making what she feels are the best choice, and the blonde woman is looking down on her.

Edited by angela in ohio
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I don't think the author is trying to make fun of good choices but rather at those who impose their choices on others and put pressure on others when not making the same decisions. You never hear people saying, "I'm feeding formula because it is the best after all!" It's the other way around...and it includes most attachment parenting issues. Not saying those are bad but it is usually those moms who make such a big deal to the moms who aren't doing them.


Goodness, it reminds me of my first playgroup. We all were on our first babies and everybody laid nuggets of pressure on the others acting as we were the only good mother in the group. It was ridiculous! :lol:




I am so tired of those "perfect" moms who compete with everyone. It's very annoying.

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