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Does anything help with pregnancy nausea?

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Sea Bands helped me a lot. I think I bought them at Walgreen's or CVS...


Also, keeping a full stomach with very bland foods like plain Cheerios was helpful - for example, just keeping a ziplock of cheerios with me all the time, and continually eating them during the rough times helped. Sucking on ginger candies (if you like ginger, that is...REAL ginger candies) or drinking pure ginger tea...


Hope you are feeling better soon!

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Dh came home with eggnog tea and ginger tea when I was pregnant during the Christmas season a couple years ago. The eggnog tea was horrible and induced even more nausea. I still can't smell it without turning green. The ginger tea was WONDERFUL and helped tremendously. :001_smile:

Yeah, just the thought of egg nog anything right now makes me queasy. Now the ginger tea might be just the ticket! I really miss my morning coffee, I just can't even handle the smell, but I think the tea sounds good.

Thank you for the suggestion.


Sea Bands helped me a lot. I think I bought them at Walgreen's or CVS...


Also, keeping a full stomach with very bland foods like plain Cheerios was helpful - for example, just keeping a ziplock of cheerios with me all the time, and continually eating them during the rough times helped. Sucking on ginger candies (if you like ginger, that is...REAL ginger candies) or drinking pure ginger tea...


Hope you are feeling better soon!

Thanks. Checking out the Sea Bandz today. That's a great idea about keeping a baggie of Cheerios with me, I'll do that. I have noticed that an empty stomach is the worst but eating a full meal is bad too so, I'm grazing throughout the day.

I searched for ginger candies last week but couldn't find them, any suggestions on who might have them?


Edited by ahousefullofjs
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I second the motion of grazing all day - when I'm pregnant I've found at different times popcorn has helped, one time it was almonds or anykind of nuts (though usually not peanuts) - I'm assuming it's the protein. Also, I love cooking a turkey and just keeping some of the white meat in the fridge, that seems to help sometimes. Ginger Ale and strangely another pop that always helps me is Coke (not Pepsi) - not sure why but it seems to keep me from throwing up better than anything else. Lemon water sometimes helps.


I usually throw nutrition out the window and just try to survive through those first 16 weeks. I've even been known to cook my family something for supper and then run out to McDonald's or Arby's for my supper. I've had various pregnancies where Arby's roast beef would stay down nicely and McDonald's fish.


I also keep reminding myself constantly that it's a relatively short time and that it's worth it - though sometimes that's hard to remember.

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I searched for ginger candies last week but couldn't find them, any suggestions on who might have them?



Whole Foods, World Market, etc...


There used to be a brand called "Ginger Man" that was good. I also like the Reed's Ginger Brew chews, but there are only about 6 in a package. My husband bought a bag of organic ginger lozenges when he was sick last week, but he bought them while he was on business in Alabama...not sure the name of the store.

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and strangely another pop that always helps me is Coke (not Pepsi) - not sure why but it seems to keep me from throwing up better than anything else.


:iagree: I feel guilty about drinking soda pop while pregnant because I don't drink it AT ALL any other time, but it completely calms my stomach.

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Lots of protein, eat eggs (I would sometimes have them before bed so I would feel better in the morning) protein powder in smoothies, and high protein snacks during the day. Don't let yourself get hungry or you will get quesy. Lemon water and ginger would settle quesyness. I have also heard that eating a good amount of beans helps with morning sickness as well.


The first two pregnancies I was soo very sick, the next three were much better with the increased protein in my diet.


Hang in there!!

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:iagree: I feel guilty about drinking soda pop while pregnant because I don't drink it AT ALL any other time, but it completely calms my stomach.


:iagree: about feeling guilty...For me it wasn't Coke, but just junky stuff in general. Trader Joe's Italian Soda (grapefuit flavor) was a life-saver. Also some kind of salty Hazelnut cracker dh brought home once. I found if I could get some protein in me (even though it sounded terrible) I'd feel a little better. Most of the typical advice (crackers/toast before getting out of bed, ginger, peppermint, seabands etc.) did nothing for me or made the nausea worse. Homeopathic remedies made it worse. B12 injections made it worse. :glare: Hopefully you won't be like me!


I highly recommend this book: http://www.amazon.com/Managing-Morning-Sickness-Survival-Pregnant/dp/0923521828/ref=sr_1_1?s=gateway&ie=UTF8&qid=1285606031&sr=8-1. It has a lot of different ideas of things to try, as well as a list of medications to consider should everything else fail. (I ended up taking Zofran after my sickness got worse when I entered the 2nd trimester. It didn't cure the sickies, but at least allowed me to eat & keep things down--most of the time. :tongue_smilie:) Just keep chanting: this, too, shall pass...this, too, shall pass...

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Taking a minimum of two bites of food every 90 minutes, no matter how big your last meal was. Keep stuff like grapes, cheese cubes, sliced apples, baby carrots in your fridge, so you won't have to spend time smelling or preparing anything. :)

Edited by SilverMoon
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My midwife prescribed me a prenatal vitamin that had extra vitamin B6 in it, and for me, the difference was night and day! Our insurance at the time covered the prenatal (and I'm sorry, but I can't remember what it was called), but I suspect extra doses of B6, selected with help from your OB or general doctor, could help a lot.


I also drank a lot of ginger tea, or ginger-lemon tea.


Hope you're feeling better soon. :001_smile:

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I second the motion of grazing all day - when I'm pregnant I've found at different times popcorn has helped, one time it was almonds or anykind of nuts (though usually not peanuts) - I'm assuming it's the protein.


:iagree: I always kept a little bag of almonds with me, and it really helped.

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I just got over my nausea last week at 13 weeks, so I feel your pain. Those 1st trimester weeks are THE worst! I agree with the ginger ale recommendation. All 4 pregnancies it's helped me. Doesn't relieve the nausea, but takes the edge off. Sucking of life savers or something hard and fruity helped a little. With 2 of the 4 pregnancies cucumbers with ranch helped TONS. It didn't help this go-around for some reason. But someone suggested it 3 babies ago and, although it sounded weird, it was an easy thing to try. Last pregnancy I probably ate 10 cucumbers a week. :) My sister, who is pregnant with her 4th, swears by Carnation Instant Breakfast every pregnancy. I couldn't deal with the thought of milk, so I can't speak to that idea.


So sorry for your rough days. They are difficult to manage, but congratulations on your pregnancy!



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Carefully balancing small amounts of clear fluid with small amounts of solids.


Snack throughout the day and avoid large meals. If cheese and gatoraid work for the moment, then do it....change as what works changes.


Gingersnaps are helpful to nibble on.


Avoid super greasy, unless it just happens to be that temporary fix.


Protein, protein, protein.


Seabands help some people.


Taking Unisom at night can help.


A bit of tea and cracker in the morning might help also.


Carry gum or hard candy with you. Be careful not to overdo the candy as too much can make you nauseous, but if nausea is coming on, sticking a piece in your mouth can help temporarily quell it.


Avoid phlegm making foods (milk, soda) and avoid citric fruit.


Stay cool...getting too warm can cause/increase nausea. If nauseous, put a cool rag on your head or sit near a fan.


If things get really bad, where you are throwing up throughout the day, more than several times an hour, you are getting dehydrated (which can also cause nausea), and you are losing weight, then you might have hyperemesis gravarium and a Rx of Zofran can be your best friend.

Edited by mommaduck
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Zofran. I'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but I tried everything that was suggested (vitamins, constant protein, constant carbs, ginger (all forms), tea, frequent meals etc) and nothing helped me. I'm a pretty natural person, but I remember sobbing in my midwife's office and just begged for anything. Zofran helped reduce the nausea & vomiting so I could function- I was sick until 22 weeks.



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Ugh! My heart goes out to you :grouphug:


I am coming off of abut 10 weeks of MISERABLE ALL DAY sickness (constant nausea and vomiting 2- 4 times a day!) and am just finally starting to feel better at 17 weeks.


Phenergan helped somewhat, but also made me VERY sleepy and irritable beyond words! (that in itself was just another form of misery for us all!) Zofran helped a little, but not as much for me (and I paid $60+ for it - ouch!) The combination of Phenergan and Reglan (and very little movement) got me through the last few weeks. It did not completely alleviate the sickness, but it was a big improvement. Unfortunately, time is often the best relief.


The other thing, which has already been recommended. . .I ate something small with protein every 3 hours - and have also made MANY trips out for a hot protein fix - McDonald's Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuit, White Castle Chicken Rings Sandwiches, Chili's Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich, Wendy's Spicy Chicken- basically anything hot with chicken - skipping the fries and opting for water. (Beef, salad, tomato sauces, soda, cereal, and sugary items have all been on my NO WAY list). I figured I'd gain a ton eating out so much, but I actually lost 5 lbs. :)


It's about time for my snack now. . .better run, lol!


Feel better soon! :grouphug:




¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


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:iagree: I feel guilty about drinking soda pop while pregnant because I don't drink it AT ALL any other time, but it completely calms my stomach.


When I was pg with dd (17 years ago!), I gave up my beloved Pepsi. Still, when morning sickness was kicking my butt, a Coke Icee would make my stomach calm enough that I could eat a healthy meal.


I told my grandmother about it at the time, and she said, "Oh, honey, that makes perfect sense. In my day, we drank Coke syrup over ice when we were nauseated!" ;-)


I also agree with grazing. Once your tummy is empty, you'll get nauseated. If you keep your tummy a little bit full all the time, it helps.



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Ugh! My heart goes out to you :grouphug:


I am coming off of abut 10 weeks of MISERABLE ALL DAY sickness (constant nausea and vomiting 2- 4 times a day!) and am just finally starting to feel better at 17 weeks.


Phenergan helped somewhat, but also made me VERY sleepy and irritable beyond words! (that in itself was just another form of misery for us all!) Zofran helped a little, but not as much for me (and I paid $60+ for it - ouch!) The combination of Phenergan and Reglan (and very little movement) got me through the last few weeks. It did not completely alleviate the sickness, but it was a big improvement. Unfortunately, time is often the best relief.


The other thing, which has already been recommended. . .I ate something small with protein every 3 hours - and have also made MANY trips out for a hot protein fix - McDonald's Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuit, White Castle Chicken Rings Sandwiches, Chili's Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich, Wendy's Spicy Chicken- basically anything hot with chicken - skipping the fries and opting for water. (Beef, salad, tomato sauces, soda, cereal, and sugary items have all been on my NO WAY list). I figured I'd gain a ton eating out so much, but I actually lost 5 lbs. :)


It's about time for my snack now. . .better run, lol!


Feel better soon! :grouphug:




¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*



Late into one pregnancy I had a friend that would bring me a Big & Tasty, with cheese, and with EXTRA, EXTRA pickles and a milkshake every night while we waited for our husbands to get off of work. That baby is my smallest child.

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So many wonderful responses, thank you. I ran out to my local World Market and picked up lots of ginger goodies. I've started the ginger ale and so far, so good. I normally don't like ginger at all but I'll try anything, and right now it's really yummy.

I agree with the protein thing, it seems like little tiny protein foods about every 30 mins is helping.

I'm going to make notes here, I'm sure some of these tricks will help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Zofran. I'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but I tried everything that was suggested (vitamins, constant protein, constant carbs, ginger (all forms), tea, frequent meals etc) and nothing helped me. I'm a pretty natural person, but I remember sobbing in my midwife's office and just begged for anything. Zofran helped reduce the nausea & vomiting so I could function- I was sick until 22 weeks.



I have to agree with LarlaB.......ZOFRAN is one of the best things that was ever invented. I've always had 24/7 nausea with both my children up until the day of delivery. With my second Zofran was available. I took it every 4 hours around the clock. I was able to continue to work as an RN 12 hour shifts in a busy ED. I tried to keep snacks handy, but sometimes there just wasn't time.

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Zofran. I'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but I tried everything that was suggested (vitamins, constant protein, constant carbs, ginger (all forms), tea, frequent meals etc) and nothing helped me. I'm a pretty natural person, but I remember sobbing in my midwife's office and just begged for anything. Zofran helped reduce the nausea & vomiting so I could function- I was sick until 22 weeks.





I had nausea and vomiting until my delivery. Zofran helped manage the nausea and reduced the vomiting to 2-4 times per day for the most part. It was the only thing that consistently helped.

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Very small, very frequent snacks. Baggie of Cheerios, yes. A pack of crackers..eating only 1 or 2 at a time. A mouthful of mashed potatoes (plain, with salt).


What worked best for me was eating a tiny handful of cereal or 1-2 crackers every 15 minutes. If I waited even 30 minutes I would feel nausea.


Peppermint. Loved peppermints.


Tea. Stay hydrated.


When you do feel hungry eat, but don't overeat. Load up on protein then if your stomach can handle it. If the smell of meat bothers you...yogurt (especially solid Greek yogurt), almonds, even ice cream! can help.


I was pregnant 4x. The first time I had severe morning sickness...so I didn't eat. It got worse. Slowly through the next 3 pregnancies I developed what worked for me. Listen to what people say and then try little things...adapt it to work for you. And don't be afraid to just say nothing works! See your physician for some relief. I have at least one friend where nothing worked for her but medication.

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I have to agree with LarlaB.......ZOFRAN is one of the best things that was ever invented. I've always had 24/7 nausea with both my children up until the day of delivery. With my second Zofran was available. I took it every 4 hours around the clock. I was able to continue to work as an RN 12 hour shifts in a busy ED. I tried to keep snacks handy, but sometimes there just wasn't time.


Oh ladies, you are making met so envious! I always have severe nausea and vomiting up until delivery, but I can't get Zofran here. They do not prescribe it as it is considered way too risky, unless you are one of the most severe cases and need constant hospitalization. I'm not that ill, so I'm out of luck.


Before I got pregnant this time, I specifically went to my doctor to discuss medication....her solution was to not get pregnant anymore...'you already have three kids and enough is enough' :001_huh:.

Edited by Tress
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unisom for nausea, zofran for vomiting. For regular m/s, unisom would probably be enough--take 5 mg before bed and it will keep you nausea-free the next day. BUT it doesn't keep you from vomiting. Zofran does the trick for that. I had to take both every day. If I forgot the unisom, I would feel horrible, but not throw up. If I forgot the zofran, I would not feel nauseated but I would throw up.


I had hyperemesis with all 3 pregnancies (I was sick up until week 20 with #1 and #2, the entire pregnancy with #3), so I got real acquainted with what helps with severe m/s. I tried sea bands, ginger (to the point that I can't even look at ginger snaps or ginger ail without wanting to be sick), lemon drops (same as with ginger), preggo pops, etc. My guess is that these measures work for mild m/s, but they don't do a thing for major m/s.


The one food I did find that helped my m/s a little was coke slurpees. I lived off slurpees during my pregnancies. My first trimesters I ate fruit loops, slurpees and toast. That's about all I could keep down. I remember sitting on my stairs crying to my DH that I was SO HUNGRY but if I ate anything, I'd just throw it back up.

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Oh ladies, you are making met so envious! I always have severe nausea and vomiting up until delivery, but I can't get Zofran here. They do not prescribe it as it is considered way too risky, unless you are one of the most severe cases and need constant hospitalization. I'm not that ill, so I'm out of luck.


Before I got pregnant this time, I specifically went to my doctor to discuss medication....her solution was to not get pregnant anymore...'you already have three kids and enough is enough' :001_huh:.

Ouch, talk about stepping WAY over the line!

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The one food I did find that helped my m/s a little was coke slurpees. I lived off slurpees during my pregnancies. My first trimesters I ate fruit loops, slurpees and toast. That's about all I could keep down. I remember sitting on my stairs crying to my DH that I was SO HUNGRY but if I ate anything, I'd just throw it back up.


What's a slurpee?


I hear you about coca cola. I'm embarrased to say that the only fluid I have been able to drink and keep inside for the past 23 weeks is coca cola :blushing: . I'm not so much hungry as I'm thirsty, but some days even looking at a glass is making me want to cry. I'm 28 weeks now and starting to feel a little bit better, so maybe...maybe this time it will not be as bad as my third pregnancy.

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You've gotten lots of good advice, but I'll weigh in since there is one thing that worked great for me and I didn't see it mentioned here. I had pretty severe morning sickness with three of my four. The first two lasted all nine months (we're talking being sick more than 10 times a day a lot of days).


For two of my pregnancies, fireballs helped a lot. The thought of them made me sick but once I got brave enough to pop one in my mouth, I was amazed. If I grabbed a fireball when I first started to feel like nauseous it would often calm my stomach. Then I would follow that with a filling snack (like nuts). As pp's have said, keep your stomach full!


Unisom saved me. If you take the right one (NOT THE GEL CAPS - the ones with Doxylamine as the active ingredient) it can control all the symptoms. I still didn't feel great, but I wasn't getting sick very often whenever I took it. My first OB wouldn't let me take until 12 weeks, but my new one told me to start taking it as soon as I felt sick.

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Quite by accident I discovered with baby #4 that chewing bubble gum helped me IMMENSELY!!! This due to me getting pregnant right about Halloween. :001_smile:


Seriously, my jaw would be sore from all the chewing and it made me burp a bit and have a full bloated feeling but that was much preferable to the nagging 24 hour nausea. I'm not a barfer and only lost it a handful of times in all my pregnancies but the nausea would really wear me down. Soooo happy to discover the bubblegum. I bought a great big bucket at Sam's with each subsequent pregnancy and chewed the whole thing by the time 2nd trimester hit and the end of nausea.

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i had bad nausea almost my whole pregnancy. I hadn't heard of the medications (in the previous posts), but my doctor prescribed ReliefBand -- it looks like a wrist watch, but has electrodes on the back that emit an electrical impulse. (You have to put on conductivity gel first.) It gave some relief, especially when dialed up to the max.


ReliefBand was developed for nausea in cancer patients. At the time I used it, it was being tested for pregnancy related nausea. Now I see that it's marketed for motion sickness and available without a prescription. But, if you can get a prescription, it might be covered by insurance.


You have my sympathy -- it is really hard. But I still remember the wonderful feeling after childbirth -- no nausea! I had forgotten how good it felt to be 'normal.' Good luck!

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Didn't read all the other posts, forgive me for any repetition.


I always tried to stay ahead of the nausea by always keeping a little something in my stomach. A cracker here, a sip of Ginger ale there... I kept Graham crackers on my nightstand and ate one or two before getting up I. The morning. That seemed to help.


Hope you feel better soon! That second trimester is almost always better.

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