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Working (PT) moms...do you occasionally nap?

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If you work part-time (or full-time, I guess) and homeschool do you take naps (at home! lol)? Does your working dh nap?


I am going to be starting a PT job next week and I predict exhaustion. LOL! Of course, it's a warehouse job with some lifting and I'll be on my feet for 5 hours, but it should be helpful to our family. I came home from the interview and drug testing, and dh, who stayed home today so that I'd have the vehicle to do this, was playing XBox and then was tired so he took a nap. Huh. He naps every day that he's not working or only working a few hours.


I'm just curious if working folks take naps a lot or even occasionally because work wears them out! Does it help you survive?


**Ready to plan out my work/nap schedule...LOL** ;)

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I don't work (outside of the home :D) and I nap. My body requires 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep and I rarely get that due to insomnia. So I nap. Dh will nap on his days off, although it looks more like falling asleep in front of the computer.


30 minutes per day is supposed to be rejuvenating. I usually take an hour, if it goes over an hour I'm usually just more tired.

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Nope. Napping gives me headaches and makes it harder for me to go to sleep at night. Instead, when I need a pick me up I go outside and garden - light gardening, but something about being outside just givs me more energy.

If you need a nap, go for it. Before you plan for it, though, you may find that you don't need it. I find the more busy I am, the more energy I have and the more I can accomplish. My easy days tend to be the days that I get that 2:30 feeling.


Good luck with the new job.

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ha ha ha....that's funny! Nap? When? :lol:


Don't have time for naps. Occasionally I nod off while correcting dd's algebra homework, but a dedicated, intentional, I-am-going-to-assume-a-prone-position-and-sleep-for-a-little-while- nap? Sadly, no. Too many other things to do.


Best of luck to you in your new job, though!



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Whether I work part time or not, my life is busy and gets exhausting. Some days I do have the luxury of laying down for a brief time... I call it the twenty minute power nap. Most of the time I feel my body relax, let go and drift off and just then the dogs bark at a neighbor... or the next door lady grandmother starts cheering VERY LOUDLY in the back yard for her grandson who is trying to toss the ball into the hoop (it's sweet, but it happens when I try to drift off for a moment!). I set a timer because I always have something that needs to be done. But, yeah, life gets exhausting. Since I started working out in the morning, though, I haven't been getting tired as much.

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Yes, I'd definitely *prefer* not to nap at all, but I guess I see dh napping and wonder if most working folks are just that tired! I'll admit that I sort of don't think dh needs all the napping and I was also curious if other moms do need them if they also work.


Does your dh get enough sleep at night? Is he overweight and could he have sleep apnea? Is he depressed? All these things could leave him tired. I wouldn't be very happy though if he was napping all the time without a good reason.

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Actually, yes he is overweight and has sleep apnea, but he uses a cpap machine. He does a lot of sitting; his job is not stressful--he loves it--but it's not physical and he's usually on his tush. lol I've tried to get him to be more active with us for many years, but no luck.


I'm hoping that my job, which WILL be physical, won't turn me into a couch potato!! LOL

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Yes. I work 4 days a week from 5-9 AM (sometimes until a bit later); most afternoons I take a nap once we have schoolwork done; a longer nap the two days a week I work an overnight shift from 10PM-7AM. DD works on projects, plays on the computer, or watches TV.

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I work 20 hours a week (mostly at home) in addition to schooling the boys and hauling them to activities. (OK, I play in an orchestra, too. It's not just their activities....) There's no way I could keep up if I didn't. I crash every week or two and spend an afternoon in bed. We're talking 3 hours or more. I always feel tremendously guilty (and weak) before hand and incredibly better afterward. We miss a little schoolwork but I'm a better mother when I let myself nap. I still fight it but am trying to get to a place where I accept it as a necessity.

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Yes, I do nap. I'm homeschooling 2 and work from 12-18 hours a week. Sometimes I go weeks without needing a nap and sometimes I nap everyday (20m to an hour) for a week to 10 days. It really just depends. I've always napped since I became a grown up with, like responsiblities, and everything.


Dh used to give me a hard time about it, but now he encourages it. When I'm tired, I'm tired, and I'm not much use wondering about all schlumpy.

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I don't nap. I hit the gym at 5:30 a.m., homeschool, run our business from home, WOH 12-15 hrs/wk, cook all the meals, do all the indoor chores, and am responsible for the majority of the child-rearing.


DH, on the other hand, doesn't get up until 9 a.m. (or later if he has no appointments scheduled) and naps every afternoon for 30 - 60 mins before dinner.


Honestly, I have a really hard time accepting his sleep/nap habits.

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I don't nap unless I am pregnant or sick. Actually my desire for a nap is one of my first 'tells' that I am pg!



One of my bffs, naps every day for an hour or so. She is up at 5 and says that she would have to go to bed at 7 other wise. She can nap in the aftrnoon and then stay up until 8 or 9 LOL

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I work 30hrs/wk from home as a programmer. I never needed a nap until I hit peri-menopause around 48 (turning 50 this year :tongue_smilie: ). Now, I nap daily.


Dh works 40hrs/wk flexible hours nearby as a minister. He naps probably 5x a week. He has napped for more years than I, but he's 9.5 years older than me.


I'm going to need a nap tomorrow for sure, since I haven't slept a wink tonight. :cursing::banghead::cursing:

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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My job entails traveling in a car for several hundred miles round trip in one day so even though your post specifically said do I nap at home I must admit sometimes I nap at the Flying J truck stop in Limon, Colorado. :lol:


The thought of hitting Denver traffic after 12 hours of driving, then driving another hour home after I drop off the state vehicle, is just too much to ask.

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I work a part-time job two-four nights per week, going into work at 8:30pm and getting home around 1am. I also babysit for another family full-time during the day (7:45am-4pm), along with homeschooling my 4 kids (ages 13, 9, 6 and 3). I do not nap, although there are certainly days when I feel like I could easily sleep all day! LOL!

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