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Do you serve your dh his plate at mealtime?

Do you fix and serve your dh their plate?  

  1. 1. Do you fix and serve your dh their plate?

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in our house, dh cooks sometimes, i cook most times. all the food goes to the table in serving dishes. dh has a pile of plates in front of him, and he serves everyone for most meals. while he is doing that, we have a gratitude book and each person tells me their three favourite memories from the day and i write them down.


so i guess technically, dh serves me my plate ; ).


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Yes, always have. I serve all the plates and the children set them on the table.


Funny, I thought all wives did this. :D I can't think of one I know who doesn't (that I know of), but I hadn't thought of it before. I do not see it as a bad thing either. My hubby busts his hump all day, so I make sure dinner is hot when he gets home and on the table within minutes. It goes two ways, when I have been sick he takes care of it, and even gives me my meals in bed.




Now isn't that interesting---- I never imagined that people fixed plates for their families!


Everyone I know puts the food on the table in serving dishes and everyone sits together, passes the dishes and helps him or herself. Of course, mom or dad helps little ones, but gosh, I never realized that full plates were served anywhere except the movies.



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Nope, and if I ever did he'd look at me like I had two heads.


I usually set everything on the table and then one of us helps the kids with things they aren't able to serve themselves, then we serve ourselves.

That's if we're lucky enough to have DH home and not out at sea.


Yes, this, exactly.


Well, except for the "out to sea" part. My dh comes home every night, save for those nights he's away at a bonspiel.



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Now isn't that interesting---- I never imagined that people fixed plates for their families!


Everyone I know puts the food on the table in serving dishes and everyone sits together, passes the dishes and helps him or herself. Of course, mom or dad helps little ones, but gosh, I never realized that full plates were served anywhere except the movies.




I also serve all of the plates. I like to make each plate look beautiful, and I can make sure the kids get all of their veggies.

Great thread!

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Depends. Usually I put all the food in the middle of the table in serving dishes and everyone serves him- or herself. We sit around and chit chat while we eat. Plans for the day, what happened that day, do I really have to do math after lunch...whatever.


Sometimes I do dish up food onto plates before putting them on the table (or handing them around wherever people are parked and looking busy--don't do this often, but sometimes it's nice to just let everyone eat while they continue what they're doing). In that case, yes, I'd dish his plate up along with everyone else's. I might deliver it to him wherever he's at (ahem...office), or my dd might take it in to him, as she likes to play "waitress". But no, he doesn't really get treated differently at meal time than the rest of the family. And neither do I. I'm not the kitchen help, I'm the wife and mother. I sit down to dinner with everyone else, and we all serve ourselves. And each other.


ETA: Ok, thought a minute and I take it back. There is ONE difference in how he is treated at mealtime. We have decided that in our house Dad is the one to call on someone to offer the blessing on the food before the meal. The kids are good about adhering to our rule that you don't eat before the blessing. So in a way, he has the "honor" of starting the meal off for us. (If he's not there, this responsibility devolves to Mom.)

Edited by MamaSheep
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Now isn't that interesting---- I never imagined that people fixed plates for their families!


Everyone I know puts the food on the table in serving dishes and everyone sits together, passes the dishes and helps him or herself. Of course, mom or dad helps little ones, but gosh, I never realized that full plates were served anywhere except the movies.




I don't even remember seeing it in a movie, lol. We usually serve from the table but on occasion from the kitchen, dh will still get his own plate. A previous poster asked, "why wouldn't you?" and I'm thinking I didn't even know people did that. :tongue_smilie:

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Hmmm... I always do, and had never even thought twice about it (and I'm definitely not a "1950's wife"). ;)


Edited to add: I fix everyone's plates at the stove (for DH, the kids and myself) and then take them to the table. Often, DH will take the plates to the table, so we're really sharing duties. For us, it's a matter of convenience - not "who is serving who". We rarely eat "family style" (where the serving plates are on the table), but when we do, DH fixes his own plate and I just help the kids.


This is me. I still don't understand why anyone has an issue with serving their hubbies, especially if they're madly in love with them. To each their own...I just don't get it.

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If we're eating "family style" he usually fixes his own plate, unless it's tacos or burgers--then he likes for me to fix it because I stack them better. :)


Otherwise, I fix everyone's plates. I put arranged plates/bowls of food on the table; I don't usually put pots or serving bowls of food on the table, except for salad & bread. My husband pours everyone's tea. (That's our regular *dinner* drink.)

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