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I got my History channel DVD today.


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I'm not going to win any popularity contests and I'm probably starting off on the wrong foot with this as my first post(rant?), but here goes.

I got mine yesterday, couldn't sleep last night, and watched most of the first disk. I agree that it is for older kids just because, obviously, there is war. Just give it a short preview to make a decision when you want your kids to see it. It could make a good supplement, especially if you have older or highly visual learners, helping to cement some facts or ideas for them. Um, I did find some things interesting, was entertained, it had a lot of pretty factor and cgi, and I will watch more. Reading earlier that they included mention of cannibalism actually gave me hope for a more thorough history, but really, I found it to be a broad overview touching on high points. Personally, I was irked by the short mention of Pocahontas ending on a positive note and the like. There were some University commenters, but it seemed there were more celebrity/politician/entrepreneur commenters. This could be seen as good or bad I guess, it can be interesting but, for example, why do I care what Michael Douglas thinks?

Ugh, this is the part that both pains me and yet I feel compelled to write...Overall, I found the whole tone to be propaganda.:leaving: There, I said it. Again, not the worst thing in the world if you like that sort of thing or even if you're just "in the mood" for it. May I please offer the disclaimer that it is NOT my intention to start any arguments or political discussion. Just take it as my wackadoo opinion, to each his own etc.


My intended standard first post was supposed to be along these lines::)New here, and just wanted to say Hi!


Oh well!



Hi flux~

After reading your comment and receiving the DVD yesterday, I had to check out the first episode.


Audience: Middle grades and up. A supplement to American history.

The way the filming is put together will appeal to kids and keep their interest. It is a superficial docu-drama with talking heads from various backgrounds. The issue of whether it is propaganda is interesting, and worth investigating with students in addition to discussing how history is retold, whose story is being told and why? So far I've seen Obama, Trump, Michael Douglas, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Colin Powell.


It is also interesting to note that interspersed with the drama and commentary are bits of first source material such as letters and journal entries. Understanding how these sources are used and what/whose purpose they serve is also worth investigating.


Cheers on your post. I look forward to reading more.









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Hi flux~

After reading your comment and receiving the DVD yesterday, I had to check out the first episode.


Audience: Middle grades and up. A supplement to American history.

The way the filming is put together will appeal to kids and keep their interest. It is a superficial docu-drama with talking heads from various backgrounds. The issue of whether it is propaganda is interesting, and worth investigating with students in addition to discussing how history is retold, whose story is being told and why? So far I've seen Obama, Trump, Michael Douglas, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Colin Powell.


It is also interesting to note that interspersed with the drama and commentary are bits of first source material such as letters and journal entries. Understanding how these sources are used and what/whose purpose they serve is also worth investigating.


Cheers on your post. I look forward to reading more.



Yes Iris! I agree with everything you said! You mention some things I wish I had. It's not that I find the video without value, but you have to find what it's value is to you, and how you wish to use it. Depending on your views, it offers many places to pause and discuss, look into something deeper, and develop critical thinking skills. I watched much of the second disk today (I'm sick in bed), it is beautiful to watch and I do enjoy much of it.


I'm also glad you've given me the opportunity to clarify my propaganda opinion (because I wish I had before). I wasn't implying a particular political party, liberal, conservative, etc. I meant just the plain old national, government variety. When I was 11 my parents pulled me and my siblings out of school to take a 4 month road-trip of America. At Fort McHenry we watched a video that ended with the Star Spangled Banner while a curtain opened to reveal the flag outside. I was surprised to find myself crying more than just a few tears. Watching these disks makes me remember that moment. It seemed appropriate there, but cloying and excessive in the movie. I don't think our kids need to have "what it means to be an American" or "who they need to be" in order to be an American pushed at them like that, when the stories speak for themselves well enough (especially if you're lucky enough to have a good knowledge of your personal family history, because then it really becomes your history). End rant.


I have a soft spot for when things are glossed over. I do realize they are covering a lot of material in just a few disks, I guess I just wish it was more thorough from both viewpoints of any given situation.


Sorry for rambling, it's past my bedtime...

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We watched the first 2 episodes this afternoon. IMO, it's pretty light; there are too many celebrity talking heads rather than professors or similar; the tone is fairly jingoistic; Native American cultures seem (so far) to get pretty short shrift. The production value is fairly high, and my kids loved the special effects of things like the houses building themselves. :lol: It's a nice quasi-educational thing to watch on a slow school day. :tongue_smilie:

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Like many others I had forgotten I even requested it! The magazine came a few weeks ago, and due to my life, it is sitting 3 in the pile of my things to read when I get a moment pile!


We did get the video yesterday, and my hubby and I watched the first 15 minutes. Me mostly with eyes closed, horrible motion sickness (this is me) at the zooming camera thru everywhere, across oceans, seas, plains and mountains. But I do that with most movies!

Having kids that were pulled from PS late, (and excuse my embarrassment) have no idea of the foundations of America. Somehow, that never was taught in their many years of public school, or it wasn't caught by them. I am planning on using it as a base for History, and then building on it.


I did think the computer graphics were wowza fun! That tobacco plant growing was uber cool, but I am easily entertained.


We won't show during "school hours", but with popcorn with dad in the evening!

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Got mine yesterday, and we sat right down to watch the first episode. The kids, especially ds, loved it.


My 2 cents... yes, there is violence, but that IS part of history. My kids have seen violence in other films as well (they LOVE Lord of the Rings, etc.). The filmography in this is pretty cool, with the time lapse effects of houses building themselves, etc. I do see the series as a brief overview that touches on many important names, dates, and happenings - a good overview that we can build on.


I don't care for some of the people they have speaking but honestly, not only professors make up the American population - these people are part of it too, and part of the culture of our times, so I don't see it as inappropriate, merely unfortunate.


Overall, I'm pretty well satisfied with it, especially since it was free!

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My 2 cents... yes, there is violence, but that IS part of history. My kids have seen violence in other films as well (they LOVE Lord of the Rings, etc.). The filmography in this is pretty cool, with the time lapse effects of houses building themselves, etc. I do see the series as a brief overview that touches on many important names, dates, and happenings - a good overview that we can build on.


I don't care for some of the people they have speaking but honestly, not only professors make up the American population - these people are part of it too, and part of the culture of our times, so I don't see it as inappropriate, merely unfortunate.


Overall, I'm pretty well satisfied with it, especially since it was free!


:iagree: Ditto this!! I think it will be a great supplement and we will likely use it when we are studying a specific topic of history.

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You know, I'd forgotten that I'd ordered this, too. When the magazine thingy came last month, I was not impressed, and after reading through it, tossed it right in the recycle bin. Seemed like one big advertisement for the History Channel. In the past month I'd watched several History Channel DVDs from the library and was so disappointed! Someone here used the term "edutainment" once, and that term comes to mind. So much filler, so much repetition, so much use of weird visual, nausea-inducing camera techniques. I think it speaks ill of our culture that we require our "history" served up like we're idiots.


My DVD arrived the other day, and we may or may not watch it. We've been thoroughly enjoying the Teaching Company DVDs on American history (not the high school ones), and while they aren't quite the screaming bargain that the History Channel DVD is, sometimes you get what you pay for.

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