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So sad--our dog is being put to sleep today.

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I posted last week that Maggie (our nearly 12 year old American Eskimo) had lost weight and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Given her age, the fact that she has hip pain/problems, and that she's going blind, we decided we wouldn't medicate her to possibly prolong her life.


She's gone downhill quickly. She won't eat and she's unable to move much at all. My dh will be taking her to the vet in about 1.5 hours to be put to sleep; we know it's the right thing to do, but it's so hard and I can't stop crying.


We got her as a pup while I was pregnant with my oldest. She's been a wonderful dog (though they are called Pesky Eskies for a reason), and has never snapped at or been grumpy with the boys (even though she had to put up with all of them through the baby/toddler years). She's been faithful and loyal, even when she hasn't gotten all the attention she deserved. She has always loved to be outside, running around the yard or just simply taking her "Hank the Cowdog" position on the back patio, and she made friends with the deer that come in our yard, and she made peace with the coyote that come to our back fence. Simply put, she's a good dog.


She's going to be missed by our family, and by her half-brother, Chewy (our nearly 10 year old Eskie).

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She sounds like she is such a terrific dog. I know how much you'll miss her.


I think putting down an animal is the hardest thing I've ever done. I somehow felt responsible for ending their life, like I was being mean, but it was done in love. Putting your suffering dog down is the most loving thing you can do for her. Once they've stopped eating, THEY have given up.


I'm so sorry. Your post has me teary eyed. It's SO hard and it's SO sad. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thanks for all the hugs and understanding. My brain says "she's just a dog", but my heart disagrees. Today was hard; tomorrow will be better. We'll continue to miss her, but knowing that she enjoyed her life and that she didn't suffer at the end (even just 2 weeks ago she was still being puppy-like a lot of times) makes the pain easier.


Chewy is confused and not eating much (they've been inseparable for the last 10 years), but I suspect he'll eat more as time goes by.

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