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How many words per minute can you type on keybr.com?  

  1. 1. How many words per minute can you type on keybr.com?

    • 0 to 25 WPM
    • 26 to 50 WPM
    • 51 to 75 WPM
    • 76 to 100 WPM
    • 101 to 125 WPM
    • 126 to 150 WPM
    • 151 to 175 WPM
    • 176 to 200 WPM
    • 201 to 225 WPM
    • Over 226 WPM (For real?)

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I can generally type in the 55 wpm range, but I was consitently in the low 40s there because of the nonsense words.
Agreed. I'm in the same boat. But did you click on the "High Scores" tab and look at the speeds there? Simply amazing! Assumedly the nonsense gets worse and people can still maintain very high speeds.


I've seen DS12 go above 100 WPM, but he cannot maintain it. He does maintain over 60, though.

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Does that test every quit?
No, I don't think it does. DS12 tried to get to the end, but it kept going. I think the tests get progressively harder, so if you want a high score, you have to type really difficult "words".
I spent about 10 minutes typing and it didn't stop. My ds said that I was between 75 and 140. I was frustrated because many of the "words" weren't real words. KWIM? I could tell I was very fast when the real words came up. But when it went to gibberish, I went back down to 75.
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I'm going to have to do that when I'm awake. Yesterday with dd's keyboarding program I was typing 75wpm. This morning without the proper amounts of caffeine flowing through my veins I typed 25 wpm on that test.


I agree with the others about it being easier when the words made sense. It would also be easier if the words formed sentences.

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I'm usually much faster, but the nonsense words really slowed me down! I averaged about 70 on the test, but usually type much faster. I used to work part-time as a medical transcriptionist and typed about 120 (not on that test!) when I was doing it every day.

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I stayed between 50 and 80. The nonsense words didn't bother me at all. The format was very strange though. It didn't seem to keep up with me (filling in the boxes I had typed) which really messed me up. I also had trouble when I would finish a line and have to wait for it to catch up and change to the next page. At one point, I guess I missed a letter? and it just stopped there and waited until I went back and started over from that point.

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I typically type anywhere from 75-100 wpm (depending on the type of document and familiarity with material). I got 73-77 on the test. However, Mrs. Bitty, my high school Office Education teacher, taught us that one types much faster when typing words rather than typing letters. Somehow the brain knows how to type a familiar word without going through the spelling process. After using my typing skills for many years to put myself through college, I have to agree with her. I think this test cannot truly measure typing skills because of the gibberish.

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I like this test better.




You are typing something real and you can time it.


I consistently get over 100 wpm there. At your linked site my time dropped to about 75wpm. My brain wanted to read the gibberish as REAL words and consistently changed them, causing more errors.


Obviously I wouldn't do well typing in a foreign language. LOL.

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I like this test better.




You are typing something real and you can time it.


I consistently get over 100 wpm there. At your linked site my time dropped to about 75wpm. My brain wanted to read the gibberish as REAL words and consistently changed them, causing more errors.


Obviously I wouldn't do well typing in a foreign language. LOL.


Interesting. At this sight, I am coming up consistently between 70 and 80. That is in line with the higher side of what I got at the other sight. Funny, I don't think the gibberish made any difference in my speed. When I type for a timed typing, I am not reading. I am just processing letters.

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I like this test better.




You are typing something real and you can time it.


I consistently get over 100 wpm there. At your linked site my time dropped to about 75wpm. My brain wanted to read the gibberish as REAL words and consistently changed them, causing more errors.


Obviously I wouldn't do well typing in a foreign language. LOL.

Here I consistently scored in the 60 wpm range. I've never been super fast. I barely passed high school typing.


With Reg's test I only got as high as 55, and that was for a short time when the words were making sense. For the most part I stayed in the high 40s.

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What a stupid typing test! Plus trying to read out of these new d**n bifocals. My best score was 92 wpm and worst was 61 wpm. When typing English words with normal glasses, my average typing speed is around 135 wpm. I've done a lot of typing in my life - for money.

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I am a horrible typist. All of my children expect the oldest and youngest type faster than I do. My hubby was in HR and is now in programming, he consistantly scores higher than 100. My MIL used to be a secretary and she can type in the 150 range while talking on the phone. :001_huh: She multi-tasks very well. I have never heard of anyone that can type much faster than that.

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I type a slow 30-40 words per minute...and I type for a living LOL I work in pharmacy and type 150 scripts on many, many days. I was once applying for a job. I had to type 35+ to get the job. I had to practice for a week and test 3 times to get the job. I barely passed, but did finally!


I took typing in school so I was "taught right" but I just don't have fast fingers.


Luckily, I am considered a fast pharmacy tech, due to other strengths and have a high accuracy rate compared to my faster typing peers. :D

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Guest JonnyFive
I can generally type in the 55 wpm range, but I was consitently in the low 40s there because of the nonsense words.


Same for me! what is a "pealtiplomed"??? HAHA :lol:

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Typing tests like this drive me nuts. How it is a measure of how fast you type that you can type out words that don't even make sense. I fail typing tests pretty regularly, getting anywhere from 50 to 75 words per minute on them but when typing out my own thoughts, I type much much faster. I want a typing test that lets me type whatever I want and then skims it to make sure that I am typing actual words and not simply typing "and and and and and" over and over again. That seems more realistic measure of a person's typing speed. Very very few people actually use typing to type out what someone is dictating for you. Most people type out their own thoughts.

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I had the same issue. I can type English very quickly, but the gibberish kept causing mental disconnects. I'd automatically finish a known word, and it would slow me down.


:iagree: Same here. I can type pretty fast when I'm typing real words, but the nonsense words slowed me down. I think the test would give a more accurate picture of typing speed if only real words were used.

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