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Attn Homeschooling Moms


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Good Morning.


It's Wednesday.


It's September.


I can pretty much GUARANTEE today will NOT go according to plan. :glare:


It's a fact. We loaded ourselves down with lists of books, oodles of curriculum, a "plan", and not enough caffeine.


But this morning, as the little monsters :tongue_smilie: look at you, bleary eyed, over their steaming bowl of oatmeal...


This morning as they get sidetracked from their lovely, crisp new books....


This morning as they want to go play instead of "do school"...


I want you to remember you are a homeschool mom. While many of us go through the day thinking, "Seriously? This is my life?" we will WIN at this battle to educate our children.


Our homeschooling goals are more than one day, one book, one class. We are raising our babies. We are with them day in, day out.


So, today, as you sit in front of the computer hoping to find tidbits that will make your day go smoother, help the children learn that hard subject, somehow make your patience extend further, I pray that you will feel encouraged. Give them all a kiss from me, tell them you love them, take on your day, and be thankful we even HAVE this opportunity to be home with them and teach them.


Love you all. :grouphug:


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That was awesome. And so true. Our Wednesday:


I set out DD's chores and homework before leaving for work at 5 AM. When I got home at 11, I found her watching TV. Chores were done, math was done (and done well); handwriting sheet had fallen to the floor and she thought I forgot to put it out (which I do sometimes.)


She had a birthday present for me (a bracelet she strung herself, compliments of my bead stash), all wrapped up in a gift bag with a homemade card.


I fed us, then got her to sit down for lessons. We made it halfway through a Spanish worksheet (her choice out of what needed done) before a temper tantrum ensued. I decided I needed a nap, and went to lay down.


My mom called to let me know her cancer has come back, but is totally treatable. No death looming. Then my sister called to make sure I wasn't freaking out (because my other sister did).


So I went back to my nap and woke up in the late afternoon. DD went out to play a bit while I made dinner. We ate, and went off to an SCA meeting. On the way, we stopped at Wal-mart for potting soil (which they didn't have) and a treat, and DD brought along a library book (Spanish, counting), and counted aloud in Spanish in the car. (i.e., finished her Spanish lesson without actually knowing that was what she was doing). Then we helped make site tokens for our group's upcoming event out of phimo.


So we got Spanish, Art, and a bit of reading done yesterday, along with homework, me working late and DD's temper tantrum notwithstanding. It could have felt like a wasted day, lesson-wise, but it totally didn't.

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Good Morning.


It's Wednesday.


It's September. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!:001_huh:


I can pretty much GUARANTEE today will NOT go according to plan. :glare:


It's a fact. We loaded ourselves down with lists of books, oodles of curriculum, a "plan", and not enough caffeine. BOOKS???? PLANS?????? CURRICULUM????? We are supposed to have those by now?????? :001_huh:


But this morning, as the little monsters :tongue_smilie: look at you, bleary eyed, over their steaming bowl of oatmeal...


This morning as they get sidetracked from their lovely, crisp new books....


This morning as they want to go play instead of "do school"...Please say it is ok....please say it is ok....please say it is ok.....:001_huh:


I want you to remember you are a homeschool mom. While many of us go through the day thinking, "Seriously? This is my life?" we will WIN at this battle to educate our children. Can I PLEASE start next week?? PLEASE??


Our homeschooling goals are more than one day, one book, one class. We are raising our babies. We are with them day in, day out. YAY!!!!! Best part of homeschooling if you ask me! :001_smile:


So, today, as you sit in front of the computer hoping to find tidbits that will make your day go smoother, help the children learn that hard subject, somehow make your patience extend further, I pray that you will feel encouraged. Give them all a kiss from me, tell them you love them, take on your day, and be thankful we even HAVE this opportunity to be home with them and teach them.


Love you all. :grouphug:



Kelly, this was a wonderful post. sorry i am feeling a little silly today. I am not nearly ready...nope, not a bit, but the show will go on. I ordsered some books...not may...because I am blank...absolutely, after 16 years, blank....so we will start with math and LA...and build from there.


I will definitely kiss them from you. Today all the little kids go back to the brick and mortar. We will be going out for lunch and then to the playground....just not ready to hit the books yet....


Have a lovely year.




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What a wonderful message to wake up to! We moved into a new house 3weeks ago. I am so not ready to start school. Yesterday was filled with 5.5hrs of the Direct TV tech telling me he doesn't understand why the system isn't working. Also there was a sofa delivery upstairs which meant time repairing damage to the walls done by the movers. Then a playdate, library trip, and the day was over.....thankfully.


I don't think I'll be ready to start until next week. We are getting MCT done and the kids love it.


Well, I'd better get this day started!



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Thank you so much for sharing. It as always a blessing to be reminded of the reasons we do what we do. It gave me strength in a day I wasn't feeling so strong after a not so great day yesterday. Thanks again for the encouragment. I needed that.:D

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Guest aquiverfull

THANK YOU!! This is just what I needed with the day we had yesterday. I was so depressed after school yesterday, we had a horrible school day. I was just about ready to give up. I tried to keep telling myself it was just one day, but man it was hard. The baby was so bad during school- she colored on two of her sisters creations, I had a major headache because we all have head colds, and the 11 yr old was panicking about her work. Told me she hates math, doesn't know how to spell, and will always be a moron. Yet she doesn't want to listen to me when I gently try to teach her. I feel like I'm stretched and not able to spend adequate amounts of time with each kid. AHHHHH!!!

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We had a not so great day yesterday too. I lost my patience w/my 6 yr old who is learning to read. She does not like her phonics lessons. She starts pretending she doesn't know the difference between short A and Long A halfway through sometimes. It wears me out. So she got a time out, after which she came back and gave me the sweetest hug and kiss. I had a little prayer session and then apologized for being impatient. She finished the lesson (knowing full well what a short A said,) and we went to the library. At the library, she proceeded to read me a long passage from her reader successfully. I could have easily walked away after that phonics lesson. But it is the long haul that I am in for.


Thanks for the much needed start to a new day!

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Raven-it's your bday? Happy Birthday if so.


Well, I say let the kids play for a bit to get some energy out. It's 2 min to 9, so I need to get math started. Even though I've been up for many hours now, I still feel asleep today. I actually broke down and bought coffee yesterday, and now brewing my 2nd 4cp pot :)

I've spent a good bit of the morning here on the pc looking at math, math and more math. PR1&2 yet again, and trying to work things out $ wise in my head.

Was greeted this morning, like most morning, by a big wet, slobbery kiss from our male malamute, Obi. It's not easy pushing a 120+ dog head away from you when you are sleeping. You wouldn't know we even had another dog-she sleeps in until about 11! Lazy bones.

Right now the boys have been listening to the We might Be Giants Science cd since they got up and playing.


You guys have a wonderful Wednesday :)

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Yeah, our Wednesday is not looking so productive, school-wise, and it's only our second day. I'm trying not to get too wound up about it.


DS has piano lessons at 9:30. Then we'll come home for a bit and start something. At 11 we have a meeting with our advisor about DS's learning plan. After we get done there, I absolutely *have* to restock the house with groceries.


We'll have a couple of good hours, but then I have my piano lessons at 3:30.


My 21yo cat is off having dental work under general anesthesia (which I'm nervous about) today. He'll need to be picked up. I don't know what to expect--I assume that like an older person, he'll have a hard time dealing with the aftereffects of anesthesia, so I'll have to provide him with a nice, quiet space to recover and check on him frequently (and HOPE against hope, that there won't be any litterbox issues). I'm also hoping that no extractions are involved. He's just too old to have to go through that kind of pain.


I figure math won't be a problem. And ds will certainly do his reading. It would be nice to get Ancient History rolling (that's the one area where I'm concerned we won't meet our semester goals), but I'm trying to tell myself it's okay if we don't start until tomorrow.


I just feel like there's not enough time to really settle down and work on anything today. But it's one chaotic day out of a whole school year. It'll be okay.

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Thanks for the much needed message :D.


It's raining here after a hot streak and my kids have declared that they 'don't feel well' which means: I want to stay in my pajamas and watch TV all day (DS ate a healthy sized bowl of cereal *whilst* complaining that he didn't feel well). I've broken my rule and let them turn on the TV for a half-hour before we do school work this a.m. They have assured me that after this half-hour they will feel well enough to do school :glare:

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*sigh* Thanks, I needed to read that just now.


Yesterday had a Monday feel since we were off Monday. But today feels very much like a typical Wednesday. Slightly more chaotic, I suppose.


The 2 and 9 yr olds are my challenges of the day. I am so weary. Trying to keep it together...maybe we'll go out for lunch. Just to shake it off. :)

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THANK YOU!! This is just what I needed with the day we had yesterday. I was so depressed after school yesterday, we had a horrible school day. I was just about ready to give up. I tried to keep telling myself it was just one day, but man it was hard.


I told dh last night that b&m school is a real possibility for next year!! It was that kind of a day.



I was hoping my day was going to go like this: :D. But, NO!!! My day is going like this: :ack2:.


So, thank you for reminding me that it is a privilege to be home and educating my dc .



I obviously needed the reminder!:D

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THANK YOU!! This is just what I needed with the day we had yesterday. I was so depressed after school yesterday, we had a horrible school day. I was just about ready to give up. I tried to keep telling myself it was just one day, but man it was hard. The baby was so bad during school- she colored on two of her sisters creations, I had a major headache because we all have head colds, and the 11 yr old was panicking about her work. Told me she hates math, doesn't know how to spell, and will always be a moron. Yet she doesn't want to listen to me when I gently try to teach her. I feel like I'm stretched and not able to spend adequate amounts of time with each kid. AHHHHH!!!


Man, I could have written this post yesterday! Our day was absolutely dreadful yesterday - maybe the long weekend affected everybody?! I don't know. But I know how you feel so :grouphug:


Today was better - not perfect, but definitely better. Hopefully, we will hit a groove...eventually.



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THANK YOU!! This is just what I needed with the day we had yesterday. I was so depressed after school yesterday, we had a horrible school day. I was just about ready to give up. I tried to keep telling myself it was just one day, but man it was hard. The baby was so bad during school- she colored on two of her sisters creations, I had a major headache because we all have head colds, and the 11 yr old was panicking about her work. Told me she hates math, doesn't know how to spell, and will always be a moron. Yet she doesn't want to listen to me when I gently try to teach her. I feel like I'm stretched and not able to spend adequate amounts of time with each kid. AHHHHH!!!


Oh my goodness!! She and my daughter should hang out then! I *just* finished talking my 10yo DD down about thinking she couldn't do math. Lots of tears and crying later, I think she is feeling better. Something I discovered today..she gets more upset after I help her see that it isn't that hard, that she is capable etc. because she doesn't like it that I am "right". That I knew that she could do it with some effort. time, thinking and that I sit with her and encourage (or make) her try! Aha...so we then talked about how it's my job to encourage her and not let her give up on herself, because I don't ever want her to miss out on amazing opportunities as she gets older just because she wasn't willing to try and work hard!



To the OP: Thanks for the reminder to be thankful, mama!!

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What a wonderful message to wake up to! We moved into a new house 3weeks ago. I am so not ready to start school. Yesterday was filled with 5.5hrs of the Direct TV tech telling me he doesn't understand why the system isn't working. Also there was a sofa delivery upstairs which meant time repairing damage to the walls done by the movers. Then a playdate, library trip, and the day was over.....thankfully.


I don't think I'll be ready to start until next week. We are getting MCT done and the kids love it.


Well, I'd better get this day started!




You made me feel better Uhura! We moved into this house on the 27th, and I THOUGHT I'd be starting yesterday. My new goal is Monday:lol: All our outside activities started this week and I am way too overwhelmed with figuring out our new schedule and paying bills to figure out lesson plans too.


Really? Cuz I had three. Yeah, it was THAT kind of a day. :grouphug:


We're all in this together. :lol:


I'm up to 3 cups a day too! Thank GOD for coffee!


Thanks for the love OP!:001_wub:

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