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For my praying hivers, can I humbly ask for your prayers in this situation? (CC)

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I don't want to divulge much information yet, but need some heavy duty praying for a situation until Wednesday morning.


In a nutshell, we have been asked to be the legal guardians of a 14 year old to take him from his current situation and give him a chance, so to speak. He is being raised by a family member of his (not related to us) who never had children and is at a loss as to what direction to go at this point. He has been in a private school but, without any direction he has fallen terribly behind and is at around a 3rd/4th grade academic level. He is not a troubled child at all but probably has some issues along the lines of mild ADHD. His living situation and diet at this time though make it hard to know as he is in a very unstructured environment and eats mostly junk food. His current guardian sees this as a time of crossroads and wants to intervene before he does become a troubled youth.


We are great Christian friends with this guardian and offered for him to come live with us as we feel this young man really deserves a chance. Our children are absolutely ecstatic about the possibility. We have all agreed to pray earnestly about this until Wednesday morning and see how the Spirit is leading us. Could I humbly ask for some of my praying friends here to pray for this situation along with us? I'll keep you updated.

Edited by Frontier Mom
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Praying for you. And just wanted to add that my junior year of HS, my parents agreed to let my friend, who was a senior at my school, live with us for the year because her home life wasn't so great. It worked out really well and she has thanked my parents several times over the years for letting her live with us and showing her what a family SHOULD look like. Her family is still very whacked out.

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Praying for you. And want to add, about his diet: We thought my daughter was psycho and was really worried about her, and then we heard about artificial red food coloring. (Won't go into HOW we heard about it, that in itself is a miracle!!) But it made a HUGE difference. I know alot of junk food had that stuff in it. Change in diet may well make a HUGE difference.

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You truly are my greatest friends!! To know there are others praying in this situation means soo much to me and my family. As far as what the 14 year old thinks, we were recently with him on a mission trip and he asked to come home with us. This was without him having any clue that we had already talked to his uncle about the possibility of him coming to live with us. He is extremely shy and reserved, but just came to life among my children. And they are the real troopers here, ready to sacrafice whatever it takes for a young man they only met a few days. It makes me really proud of them to see their hearts so open to the possiblity of helping someone else in such a permanent way.


This has really been a "God thing" because we weren't even thinking about bringing someone else into the family. Things just happened and my dh and I said we had to offer him our home at the exact same time.

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Update on our situation: As a family, we decided to offer this young man our home as his home if he so chooses. His uncle wanted to sit down with him and tell him, as we did not do this specifically ahead of time in case we decided not to go through with this and he felt abandoned again. His uncle also said he wanted to sit down with all his extended family and discuss it with them as he spends lots of time with them.


Today he called and his nephew wants to come live with us!! I'm so excited and at peace about this. It is just an uncanny feeling of "right" that I don't really feel stressed at all. I know it is because of the prayers.


Our next step is to get his paperwork in order and then to get him across country. He has never flown so, once the paperwork is done, either I will fly and bring him back or we will drive and meet him halfway.


Continue to pray that God's will is done for this wonderful young man.

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Update on our situation: As a family, we decided to offer this young man our home as his home if he so chooses. ..Today he called and his nephew wants to come live with us!! I'm so excited and at peace about this. It is just an uncanny feeling of "right" that I don't really feel stressed at all. I know it is because of the prayers....Continue to pray that God's will is done for this wonderful young man.

:grouphug: Yay!!!!! May God bless your family (including the new addition) as you begin this new adventure together.:001_smile:

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