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I look in the mirror and I DON'T see a fat person but in photos - I'm FAT!

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Why is that? :glare:












Yes, I am overweight! .... 5'7"; size 14 ..... Butttt ... I don't really feel that fat - like in the photos.


How about you?


I have the same problem. I hate the way I look in photos, but I know it will be important to my kids to have picks of their mom so I let the pictures be taken anyway. :tongue_smilie:

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I try to use only one specific mirror in my house. One of my bathrooms offers a sweet combination of gentle lighting and what must be a profoundly flawed mirror, because I always look pretty good in that one. And I've even managed to convince myself that this lone mirror is telling the truth and all the others are filthy liars.

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I know what you mean!


I told my husband that I must have anti-anorexia. I look in the mirror and see thin...but I'm not.


(I also see young and cute and those aren't true either!)



This has been my joke for years- that I have reverse anorexia. I think I look good and then I see a picture and barely recognize myself! I am working on getting reality to match what I see in the mirror- lol. I have lost 37 pounds so far.

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I think part of it is that we can hold ourselves better when we look in the mirror (posture and expression) because we can instantly react to and adjust how we're holding ourselves.


But, even more than that, I think we look better moving than still. Even if that moving is just blinking and breathing. No gentle, constant movement in pictures.

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I despise photos of myself. I'm not in the least bit photogenic - even my dh has confirmed that :laugh:


That sounds mean - but it isn't. It's just truth. For instance - I have dark circles under my eyes that show up WAY darker in photos than they do in person. Never fails. A good friend did our wedding photos and said after "whoa, why do you look so tired in all of these???" :tongue_smilie:


I also can't smile on demand - even if I'm perfectly happy with whatever I'm doing, the words "say cheese" bring out this weird crooked grin. Mix it with the dark eye circles and it's just creepy.

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So glad to hear I'm not the only "reverse anorexic" out there. Pictures shock me - I always think "I thought I looked good that day."


Maybe our perspective is damaged by all the unrealistic pictures in magazines and on tv of teeny, tiny women posing as "normal."

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Why is that? :glare:

Yes, I am overweight! .... 5'7"; size 14 ..... Butttt ... I don't really feel that fat - like in the photos.


How about you?


Yep - call that 'reverse anorexia'. For me, reality also dawns if I catch myself in the mirror out of the corner of my eye - whose butt is that???!! But head on, I look fine!


Actually, I finally lost 40lbs. a few years ago and the situation is not as dire, though I could lose 10 more. But the whole time I was very overweight (years!) I was in denial - it was when the scale told me I was about 1 lb. away from being officially obese that finally frightened me into action. Oddly, I think I may be more critical of how I look in the mirror now than I was then... (especially if I've just caught a glimpse of my butt in the mirror out of the corner of my eye...)

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The camera really does "add weight". I became very aware of this when I went to a high school reunion where lots of photos were taken. One friend in particular looked really good in person but looked kind of chubby in the pictures. She was NOT, though. It was the pictures.


I have reverse anorexia, too.:tongue_smilie: I think I have just had so many pgs and been so many sizes over the years that I have truly lost touch of what I "really" look like.:001_huh:

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I have the same issue. I think I look fine and then I see a picture and wonder how those huge arms got there!


I call those "the family arms." I just had that experience last week. I hate being tagged on facebook. blech. The only time my arms have ever looked ok was when I worked as a server. There is nothing like carrying a tray around all night to thin out those arms.

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