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Summer's NOT OVER YET!!

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Yes. Hate it. We don't get warm, lovely weather here until mid-July, though the light is admittedly autumnal, and it does feel not so much like a warm summer day but a warm fall day. But it will continue to be lovely until about mid-October, so we typically start school late September-ish or early October and continue through July 1-ish. I work on a college campus that holds graduation every year in mid-May, and that is *months* before summer starts! Ridiculous.


Every year that I've been here in the northwest, more than half my life, I have felt cheated of summer.

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I'm not so strict about summer all the way till the autumnal equinox, but at least till after Labor Day, people! Fortunately, up here things seem to agree with me - most schools and all our activities don't start till after Labor Day. But here I am planning and trying to relax and everyone's talking about their first month of school - what's up???

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I know what you mean. I have noticed that they are already pushing the fall stuff at the stores. It chaps me that the pools closed on Labor Day when our summer weather usually lasts until October.


:iagree: The Halloween candy has been in the stores for almost two weeks now, maybe three.


We will have temps in the 80s in October and in the 90s in September. I am not ready for it to be over.

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I love, love, love, love, LOVE summer.... and do not like to get cold at all... So, nope, I don't want it to be over. This year was mostly 15 degrees cooler than all other summers... every day just about... but I enjoyed it anyway... and I don't mind the heat. Yesterday was hot! Yippee! I love going out at night under a dark sky in warm air and hearing chirping of crickets and watering and smelling the hot ground... just love it... today will be a very wonderful hot day, too. I know... most of you detest the heat and love the fall and winter... you'll have your wonderful seasons real soon! :)

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:iagree: Hold on to summer as long as we can. We don't start our new school year until 9/8 and even then we ease into it. If we have a great day we are outside, nature studies!


I hate that everyone rushes into the next season, I went this past weekend to get a patio table, and couldn't find one anywhere. I was told by 2 stores that they had to get rid of the summer stuff to put up the Christmas displays:blink: Are you kidding me!

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Yes. Hate it. We don't get warm, lovely weather here until mid-July, though the light is admittedly autumnal, and it does feel not so much like a warm summer day but a warm fall day. But it will continue to be lovely until about mid-October, so we typically start school late September-ish or early October and continue through July 1-ish. I work on a college campus that holds graduation every year in mid-May, and that is *months* before summer starts! Ridiculous.


Every year that I've been here in the northwest, more than half my life, I have felt cheated of summer.


Exactly. I really get bummed when the pools close.

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:iagree: Hold on to summer as long as we can. We don't start our new school year until 9/8 and even then we ease into it. If we have a great day we are outside, nature studies!


I hate that everyone rushes into the next season, I went this past weekend to get a patio table, and couldn't find one anywhere. I was told by 2 stores that they had to get rid of the summer stuff to put up the Christmas displays:blink: Are you kidding me!


I couldn't agree more. Summer is WAAAAAY to short here in the frozen Northland. ;) I refuse to have the kids inside trying to do school until after Labor Day anyway.

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It's not over, but I wish it was. These 100+ temps are about to do me in. We probably have several weeks of them left.


PS started this week, but it's way too hot to be doing anything, so might as well be in school. I usually start our school year earlier just so we can finish mid-May and enjoy the cooler weather at that time of year. The neighborhood pool is only open weekends until Labor Day, but since the lifeguards are mostly high school students, they would have a hard time staffing it during the week anyway.

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:iagree: Hold on to summer as long as we can. We don't start our new school year until 9/8 and even then we ease into it. If we have a great day we are outside, nature studies!


I hate that everyone rushes into the next season, I went this past weekend to get a patio table, and couldn't find one anywhere. I was told by 2 stores that they had to get rid of the summer stuff to put up the Christmas displays:blink: Are you kidding me!


One of our beach chairs broke last winter. I had to buy chairs at the thrift store because I couldn't find them anywhere!


We are not starting school until 6 September. :)

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It is 110 degrees here today.


I definitely agree with you that summer is not over.


But I don't agree with your sentiment about it. LOL.


Give me the cooler temps!


:iagree: we're ready for cooler weather. However, since that won't happen for awhile, we'll enjoy our empty neighborhood pool. Instead of closing it when school starts, they just go without lifeguards. We'd probably protest if they tried to close it when it's still well over 90!

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You know, I like it when the kids go back to school. Then we have the town to ourselves during the day. No worrying about hitting a group of kids jaywalking in our downtown area. Don't need to worry about a hoard of texting teens plowing into us as we pass the Apple store. The library is quiet (except for rude cell phone guy.) But, with that comes the pool closing ... they don't have the staff to keep it open with many going back to college or high school. I do like enjoying the last days of summer in the peace and quiet.

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I think everyone needs to get to work, hunker down, remaster what was supposedly mastered last year, and save it up for a great vacation that STARTS at about the time of the Autumnal Equinox.


It's hot here. I am done with hot. I want to stay inside and reign supreme over children conquering algebra until it's cool outside. And then I want a nice long break.

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Of course it's over! Stop hogging it and send it down our way, I'm thoroughly fed up with winter.


Ugh you can have it. Not only are our temps over 110 all summer this year, but the humidity is higher than I can remember. So much for, "But, it's a DRY heat."

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Anyone else feel, like we do, that Summer should be strictly observed till the Autumnal Equinox?!?


I hate that the pool is closing, that some PS districts are already in session, and vacation season is apparently over!


YES. And Halloween and Christmas decorations should be illegal at least until summer's overwith.


Btw, who made up the rule about no white shoes after Labor Day? IT'S STILL SUMMER, FOLKS! :glare: Why should we have to put away the white sandals just because a particular federal holiday has passed when it's still 80 degrees out there? And what did they wear during the first 21 days of September before 1883?

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Of course it's over! Stop hogging it and send it down our way, I'm thoroughly fed up with winter.


:001_smile:Please forgive my America-centric perspective...it was unintentional...


Is it still called the 'autumnal' equinox in the southern hemisphere? You know, since it's going to be spring for you?


Also, I don't think school should start before the regular season of the NFL either! :D


But today I caught myself inspecting dead trees to cut for firewood. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes!!! In fact, I have given serious thought to not starting our school year until fall has arrived.


There's just something not right about merchants hauling out the Halloween candy, the apple-cider-scented candles, and the fall-motif table runners when it's still technically summer. They've got deck chairs on clearance, and it's supposed to be 90 degrees here this weekend! (If I actually *needed* deck chairs, this would be a good thing. :D)


I don't like the fact that Someone On High has decreed that summer "starts" on Memorial Day (no, it doesn't) and "ends" on Labor Day (no, it doesn't). Is it any wonder that I can never remember whether the first day of fall is the 21st or the 22nd of September? Of course I can't -- no one takes the real changing of the seasons seriously anymore. If people in ancient times, for whom the changing of the seasons was a pivotal event in the year and cause for a (non-Madison-Avenue) celebration, could see us getting a "jump" on fall and every other season ... they'd think we were nuts.


And may I just say, sir, that I am a big fan of Barry Goldwater. The Conscience of a Conservative is a classic.


Just want to clarify -- it's not that I want to hold on to summer. I don't. I can't stand summer. It's that I think that it's blasphemy to be acting as if it's fall when it's still summer!

Edited by Maverick_Mom
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Anyone else feel, like we do, that Summer should be strictly observed till the Autumnal Equinox?!?


I hate that the pool is closing, that some PS districts are already in session, and vacation season is apparently over!


Well not the equinox, but starting before Labor Day does seem a bit strange, since that was the key date for me all through school.


I was seriously bummed that the summer reading program ended August 1st, even though there was almost a whole month of vacation to go.

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Is it still called the 'autumnal' equinox in the southern hemisphere? You know, since it's going to be spring for you?


Nope :D


Spring has sprung, my apricot trees are in blossom, the daffodils are starting to flower and the cat is moulting. Now kindly finish up with summer and send it down. All we need is the warmth to go with the rest of the signs.

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Heh. I think we're the last hsers on earth to start school: Oct. 4 baby!!!


The best part of the summer for us has just started. Vacationers are leaving, and the best weather is coming (unless we get a hurricane). Sept. is full of "field trips." :D

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Heh. I think we're the last hsers on earth to start school: Oct. 4 baby!!!


The best part of the summer for us has just started. Vacationers are leaving, and the best weather is coming (unless we get a hurricane). Sept. is full of "field trips." :D


What is it about the Jersey shore and hurricanes in September?! We used to go to Wildwood in mid-to-late September, until we figured out that the hurricanes always knew when we were there and would ruin our week. ;)

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Btw, who made up the rule about no white shoes after Labor Day? IT'S STILL SUMMER, FOLKS! :glare: Why should we have to put away the white sandals just because a particular federal holiday has passed when it's still 80 degrees out there? And what did they wear during the first 21 days of September before 1883?


Luckily this rule doesn't apply anymore! It's perfectly fine to wear white after Labor Day!

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Anyone else feel, like we do, that Summer should be strictly observed till the Autumnal Equinox?!?


I hate that the pool is closing, that some PS districts are already in session, and vacation season is apparently over!


I go more by what I see and feel outside than what calendar says.


Trust me, it's usually not very springy around here in March. :glare: Nor is it autumn-like in mid-December.


The leaves are already starting to turn on the some of the trees, and there's a nip in the air, so it seems about time for fall. I will wait until after Labor Day weekend to put out pumpkins and mums.


Holidays, on the other hand, are done strictly by the calendar. No Halloween stuff until October. No Thanksgiving stuff until November. No Christmas stuff until December (although I will put the Advent wreath and the nativity out on the first Sunday of Advent if that happens in November). Valentine's Day does not need more than a two-week lead-in. And so forth.

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