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Excuse me while I go into a state of morbid depression. Dh just measured ds and

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HE IS 1/4 OF AN INCH TALLER THAN ME!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!! Where did my baby go?


Oh, and he has one of dh's old shirts on and it fits him pretty well.


There isn't enough chocolate in the world to compensate for this.


The other two ds's have recently hit growth spurts so I may be having regular panic attacks and bouts of extreme malaise punctuated by excessive grumpiness.



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especially at a glance. The first time it happened to me, I was so startled that I practically jumped. I was lying in bed with my baby when my then 14 year old ds walked down the hall. I thought my dh had come home early which would have been strange until I realized that it was my ds. It was a good surprise though. It made me feel good that my ds was growing to be like my dh.

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I now have two taller than me and I feel like a rock star with a couple of bodyguards. Really, I feel protected and they relish that role.






I have always said that I can't wait for those family portraits where I have my three BIG boys towering over me - protecting me. My older two have really taken on the role of protector. There was a carjacking recently at our church. My 12 yo made me a rope for my keys so I can use it as a weapon - just in case! And, my 14 yo offers to go with me if it's anywhere near dark - just in case. I love it!!!

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DS12 just hit 5'5" (my height) and got his first zits in the last couple of weeks, and it really hit me hard because I just wasn't expecting it so soon. He's still a major cuddler, though, and loves to snuggle up and read together, so at least I'm not losing that (yet). But it makes me realize that those days are probably numbered, too. :crying:



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Oh no!!!! So, I gotta' ask - how old is your ds? How tall are you?


My ds is 14 and he measures SO close to my height - 5'10"!! He wears a size 14 shoe. He's gonna' be BIG!!!


When ds1 was 14 he measured against me every couple of days until he passed me--I'm 5' 10". A few months later he passed dh--he's 6' 0". Doc says ds will likely be around 6' 3". He's 15 now. Ds2 is on track for the same. He's 12 yo and about 5' 6" or 7". He's not as fanatic about measuring exactly.



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My little first born, just turned 15 at the end of May, within 6 months he went from 5'10- to 6'1"!!! He's 230 pounds!! His shoulders are as big as any linebacker...he wears a size 12 shoe, so maybe there's hope he's stopped growing! :) But he's still my baby and I have to remind myself of that..he still likes the hugs and prayers being said at night...


But when I'm out in the pasture working the horses and I hear his voice I get scared thinking who could that strange man be lurking in our yard, and then realize it's my little guy....oh my!!


Chocolate doesn't help on this one...:(



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We measured Indy on the first day of school (3 weeks ago). He was a hair over 54" (4' 6"). I am 64" tall (5'4"). My mom is 61" (5'1"). Indy just turned 8 (EIGHT!) years old. He's going to be my height by the time he's 9 or 10. Sigh. When he was younger (and crazy tall for his age), the peds said he would likely be between 6'3" and 6'6" by the time he's 20, possibly taller. Holy moly! James Bond is only 5'10" and Indy is going to tower over both of us. I have some really, really tall family members though. My cousin is 6'11" and my great grandfather was 7'4" (can you imagine?). James Bond is glad Indy seems to be getting his height from my side because his (James Bond's) grandfather was a jockey and barely 5'.

I never thought of it as having a body guard before. I'll have to remember that when Indy is actually taller than me. I'll feel like a rock star! :)

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Hi Jennifer,


I am only 5'4" so, weep weep, I'm a shorty. Dh is exactly 6' and is the short male of the family. His dad was 6'1, his brother is 6'3, grandfather was 6'2 and his two uncles were 6'3. On my side, my dad and brother are only 5'9 but my very short grandmother (5'1) had five brothers ranging in height from 6'1 to 6'6. There are pictures of her on her wedding day standing comfortably under her oldest brother's arm which he held out parallel to the ground. Though she had a bee-hive hairdo or something like that, her hair didn't even graze the underside of his arm. So, definitely, ds does have potential.


He cackles maniacally when he outgrows his pants which seems to happen with too much frequency. Since it is still summer, I've kept him exclusively in long sports shorts and told DH that I won't be buying any new ones unless I can see his little white butt cheeks!


Sigh, oh and that whole man thing. Last Christmas, ds sang in the tenor section of the church choir with his daddy who is the sectional leader. There wasn't a single note that was a stretch for him to hit. This year, he'll have to go into the bass section with his grandpa. Since all of the men on dh's side of the family are serious tenors, this makes me think that ds will be a bit more like my dad and brother...not making six feet and with the broad shoulders and chest and NO BUTT! And I would just like to say here that it is monumentally unfair that the men in my family have no behinds and the women have hips designed to birth rhinos.....it's just not fair!!!!!!!!


We have to nag and promise the loss of computer privileges in order to get this kid to take a shower every day. He gets terrible pimples just on his forehead from letting his hair get greasy but rolls his eyes when we suggest that his hygiene needs improvement. He needs deodorant but doesn't put it on unless dh reminds him. Oh, and he'll take a shower after mowing the lawn and then come out with the same, sweaty, grass stained clothes on! This infuriates me and I remind him that at one time in his life, I changed his diapers and wiped his fanny and that if he doesn't go change and get those nasty clothes into the wash immediately, I will personally drag him to his room, strip him bare, and dress him myself. He takes of screaming for his bedroom. Sigh.....dh tells me this will change when he discovers girls. Since he still thinks girls have cooties, kissing is gross and disgusting and his future wife had better not want any of that nonsense because he will not be obliging, and that women are flighty, illogical creatures, I will continue to live with the situation as I am not ready for my little boy to "like girls" yet.


I am seriously not looking forward to this with the second boy. He is a gorgeous kid, truly a looker - think Pierce Brosnan here but with red hair, and HE IS A NATURAL BORN FLIRT, a cuddler, and a serious romantic at heart. I have contemplated locking him in the basement or sending him to an all male military school!!



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My DS checks every day to see if he is growing. He just passed his sister this week and is now gaining on me. He needs about an inch or two to be taller than me. He's hoping he'll reach that height by the New Year.


Oh - he stinks, too, but he is beginning to take showers twice a day to help with that. He is also getting his first bout with acne. At least they are the little ones and not black heads.

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We measured Indy on the first day of school (3 weeks ago). He was a hair over 54" (4' 6"). I am 64" tall (5'4"). My mom is 61" (5'1"). Indy just turned 8 (EIGHT!) years old. He's going to be my height by the time he's 9 or 10. Sigh. When he was younger (and crazy tall for his age), the peds said he would likely be between 6'3" and 6'6" by the time he's 20, possibly taller. Holy moly! James Bond is only 5'10" and Indy is going to tower over both of us. I have some really, really tall family members though. My cousin is 6'11" and my great grandfather was 7'4" (can you imagine?). James Bond is glad Indy seems to be getting his height from my side because his (James Bond's) grandfather was a jockey and barely 5'.

I never thought of it as having a body guard before. I'll have to remember that when Indy is actually taller than me. I'll feel like a rock star! :)


This is going to be me, too. DS is 7 - will be 8 in October - and was 4' 7-1/2" at last measurement. He may have grown more by now. I'm no shrimp at 5'9", but he's going to put me to shame easily. My husband is 6'8" and the peds have said our son may well pass him. I don't like to think about it, because we'll have to get vaulted ceilings just so he can walk :lol: On the other hand, I'd never thought about that whole personal bodyguard thing! Lovin' it!

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I'm going to the be short one in our family. My husband is 6'6" and I'm 5'4". Our oldest daughter (21 on Wed - ACK! Where did the time go?) passed me by when she was 13. She's 5'7". Our 10 year old daughter measured 5' tall last week. She has the same build as my SIL who is 6' tall. Our son is 6 and hasn't had any growth spurts lately; he measured 4'6" a few days ago.


I knew they'd all be taller than me, but to see it happen is something else.

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My oldest turns 15 tomorrow...hairiest legs I've ever seen! And the hair on his face....holy cow!! My husband says he is getting a shave for his 15th birthday! He doesn't want to---I think he doesn't want to admit he is growing up and that would be one thing that signifies that to him!

I never thought that I would be such a wimp when it came to my boys growing up...

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Everyone around here is taller than me except my two 11yo kids. They pass me pretty early because I'm only 5'1". They have always been so proud to pass me, and I tell them it really isn't anything to brag about. :001_smile:


All of my boys are still cuddlers, thankfully. I'm sure my 11yo kiddos will pass me soon - they are almost there now. I remember it being very strange when my oldest got bigger than me and his voice changed. I don't worry about it too much anymore because I know they will still love on their mama!

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Oh I know how you feel. My just turned 13 yo is 5'9 and my 16 yo is 6'1" and I am 5'3" and yeah both pick me up all the time


When we go out in public they look like my 2 body guards:D


My oldest is taller than my DH and yeah the 13 yo will more than likely be taller than his brother. He went in for a ped. check up and she was just amazed he is large and off the charts. My 13 year old wears a mens medium.

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My oldest (14yo) has 6 inches and counting on me. (I'm almost 5'5" on a good day.)


You know what I just realized? Those windows I've been asking DH to wash because I can't reach the top even on the ladder? I now have someone tall enough to reach them who has to do what I say!:D


*grinning evilly and thinking what other tall chores I have*

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