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Teen boy really bad acne

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He doesn't really have cysts, but tons of zits (large and small), and blackheads. He is super confident and they don't bother him much. It bothers me because I had acne as a child and lost all self esteem. Also, I don't want it to cause scarring or get worse. I'm not bad for wanting to get rid of them, am I? It's not my vanity?



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Honestly, the first thing you need to do is to figure out WHAT is causing the acne?


Yes, hormones is more likely the cause, but what are the hormones causing?


My dh gets acne, not as bad as he used to, but he's one of those men with acne scars. He saw a derm for years and years, well into his 20's.


Most derm's say, "it is too oily, so we must dry it out". Well!!


Not all acne is that simple. There are questions to answer.


I would do a simple experiment: (now he has to be good about it, or else it won't work)


Week 1: every morning and evening AND every time he gets very sweaty (so heavy exercise) have him wash his face with a very mild soap, like Dove. Keep track of how his face does. Be very careful that the effected parts do not get other kinds of soap on his face.


Week 2: every evening and every time he gets very sweaty wash with a mild soap (same as the week before), but every morning wash with a mixture of tea tree oil and water. Again, keep track of how his face does.


Now.... has his face gotten better or worse?


This final challenge may be cut short, because you may find right away that it is NOT applicable to your son. HOWEVER, I was shocked myself when I found out how many teens and young adults find this next stage _helps_.


Week 3: wash once a day and every time after a heavy work out with a mild soap to remove sweat and dirt particles AND once a day wash the face with an oil like jojoba oil followed by a quick and warm (not hot) rinse.


Yes, we know that acne is caused by dirt and oil build up. But, sometimes the oil build up is CAUSED by removing too much of the body's natural oils. The teen hormones produce too much of a "good thing" and then if you remove too much of it, the body compensates by over producing more.


My husband still gets acne, and he gets it ALL OVER his face, back, front, legs, and occasionally some other strange places. If he doesn't oil his skin he gets more. If he oils his skin, he gets less.


Now, I have one pre-pubescent boy who is like me and gets acne just like any other teen. The hormones cause more oil and the oil needs to be removed. I have him washing with just a mild soap, and occasionally washing specific areas with tea tree oil and water. As he gets older, he'll be using more tea tree oil.


My daughter on the other hand is like her father. We know this not because she gets pimples, which she does not at 9-years old, but because if we wash her hair with shampoo it gets nasty. The only time I ever wash her hair with shampoo is when she is swimming a lot (like right now). Normally her hair is only washed iwth conditioner OR jojoba oil. Now, she has time for her body to do a 180, but I don't think it will.


Good luck,


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Try the Paula's Choice acne treatment line.


But with a boy, if it's really bad & cystic type, I'd go to the dr & really consider accutane. (much trickier in girls as it can cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy but in a boy - I'd be getting that scrip.)


They have found more potential problems with Accutane. Search Accutane lawsuits. Plus...



On June 26, 2009 Roche Holding AG, the manufacturer of Accutane initiated a nationwide recall of the popular cancer and acne medication Accutane after stating that that they have awarded over $33 million in lawsuits directly related to bowel disease claims.

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We tried all kinds of things.My son ended up needing the accutane. We are all glad he did it, now that he is done. But I prayed my way through worrying about the possible side effects:(



Accutane has now been linked to ulcerative colitis (along with the predictable circling of the lawyers). I strongly recommend against! I took it twice in my early 20's. In my early 30's, I developed colitis and am very fortunate that it is frequently in remission for long periods.

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Accutane has now been linked to ulcerative colitis (along with the predictable circling of the lawyers). I strongly recommend against! I took it twice in my early 20's. In my early 30's, I developed colitis and am very fortunate that it is frequently in remission for long periods.



I dreaded him taking this. And Like I said, I prayed our way through. He was miserable and in so much pain with his acne. I didn't know what else to do, we tried all kinds of things to no avail. Even now he has the most horrible scars.


My heart sinks everytime I see one of those Law Firm commercials about accutane.:(

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I love the idea of the natural soaps, and replenishing the oils. My son is just really starting down that road. His dad had acne pretty badly - so I'm afraid he's going to be pretty bad as well.

He did start using a product called "Persagel". It is available at WalMart - not expensive. He and I have both noticed an improvement. It's not gone - but a lot less.

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One of my sons got terrible acne. We tried for months to use OTC products and finally headed to our family doctor. He tried two tubes of different medication at first but it didn't really seem to help that much. Went back and after a few goes at trying out different products what we wound up using was the benzyl peroxide plus these wipes (almost like stridex but prescription strength) and a low, daily dose of amoxicillin. He still has acne but it's far, far better than it was and if he falls back on the routine you can see it worsening. He just has very oily skin right now and this has been going on since he turned 12 (just turned 16). I felt so bad for him and I wish we'd gone to our doctor sooner. Luckily any scarring is minimal. I do hope it clears soon so he can stop all the medication for it but it's not accutane thankfully.

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My dd going into 10th grade has had mild acne/pimples for years! It is so frustrating.


We have tried every single over the counter meds out there, changed her diet, eliminated dairy/sugar, did the apple cider vinegar thing, the green tea pads you name it. She is now using Retin A, which only seems to dry out her skin. On Thurs, she is going back to the derm for meds. NOT accutane, i'ts not that bad, but SOMETHING!

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I strongly suggest seeing a dermatologist. My son -- when only nine -- had the beginnings of some very bad acne. He had scarring already, and the breakouts were getting painful. I couldn't believe it in a 9 year old! None of the over-the-counter stuff, natural stuff, or eliminating dairy made any real difference.


We tried the dermatologist.


He is now virtually breakout-free. The dermatologist put him on a 3-step regimen. A benzoyl peroxide wash, a topical antibiotic, and retin-A cream. The results have been amazing. He has maybe one zit every two months or so when on this regimen. Even his scars are gone now.


My vote is to at least see what a dermatologist would suggest.

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They have found more potential problems with Accutane. Search Accutane lawsuits. Plus...



On June 26, 2009 Roche Holding AG, the manufacturer of Accutane initiated a nationwide recall of the popular cancer and acne medication Accutane after stating that that they have awarded over $33 million in lawsuits directly related to bowel disease claims.


This link is from a lawfirm fishing for clients for lawsuits. No idea what their statement means that it was recalled because I've had one son or another using it before June 26th 2009 and after and there was no interruption in the availability of the drug. Makes me wonder if that is a flat out lie.


I have boys whose acne responded to nothing else. It is a strong drug and the monitoring of it is very intense by the doctors and pharmacies. They draw blood every single visit and you have to go back to the doctor every month. Every month you are reminded of the potential side effects. My sons have cystic acne which causes large, deep permanent scars. People being what they are (tall men are more likely to get a job than short men, pretty women than plain, etc. etc), having deep obvious scars affects the way you are treated for the rest of your life. So the acne itself has long term side-effects even after it's gone.

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He doesn't really have cysts, but tons of zits (large and small), and blackheads. He is super confident and they don't bother him much. It bothers me because I had acne as a child and lost all self esteem. Also, I don't want it to cause scarring or get worse. I'm not bad for wanting to get rid of them, am I? It's not my vanity?




Benzoyl Peroxide (available over the counter at Target/Walmart or at acne.org) seems to help a lot of people and I have not heard about any side effects yet. It's been around for a long time.

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How's his diet? Salad with dark green leafies may not cure everything, but I suspect it is not coincidence that my skin only breaks out when I've been off my salads for a few weeks.




Peela on this board once mentioned that it often has to do with an overworked liver. Diet is definitely a factor.

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Benzoyl Peroxide (available over the counter at Target/Walmart or at acne.org) seems to help a lot of people and I have not heard about any side effects yet. It's been around for a long time.


Benzoyl peroxide is very drying, which damages the skin over time. I work with skincare, PM me if you like.

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I haven't read all of the responses, but you could check to see if he has any dietary intolerance. I am a firm believer that the food we eat can sometimes mess with our hormones, and then... the acne.


Steer clear of Accutane and antibiotics, PLEASE. I made that mistake in highschool, for the SAME type of little bump-acne. I was on ABX for 3 years for acne. It cleared up, but my system was screwed up for years after.


Can u take him to get facials? That is always an option, but $$ sometimes.


You could also try unrefined coconut oil for him, face wash with raw honey.


There are lots of different natural ways to clear up acne... I was reading about it somewhere... where was that.... hmmmm...

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Ok just adding another thing to try in to fracas here :)


Try using a diluted apple cider vinegar twice a day. My bil also swears by fish oil, he started taking it for his acne and it helped to clear it.


Diet is also a factor. Keep a food diary for a while and see if you can pin point bad breakouts.


I agree with other posters, if you wash away too much oil or dry out the face it can make it worse., your body goes into overdrive to create the oils again.


I have been using apple cider vinegar on my face (I have never had "acne" but get those nasty break outs once a month! I also have very oily skin Thanks Dad! :)) and although it has only been a few days I have noticed a difference in the look of my skin (even dd12 commented on it!)


Looks like you have plenty to try now! :)

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I am surprised that no one has yet mentioned cutting dairy products with milk (not eggs) out completely. That worked very, very well for both of my children and I read about it on this board.


I am certain that milk products were the cause of my step daughter's acne. I used to make her drink milk and eat cold cereal for breakfast before school every day and she had horrible acne and the dermatologist said there was nothing he could do at all for it.:confused: But it would go away when she visited her mom in the summer and I could never understant it.


She now has no acne and I'm sure it is because she never eats any breakfast, so she doesn't have much, if any, milk. Hope this helps, I would try it for sure, it can't hurt even if it isn't as helpful for your son as it has been for mine.

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Haven't read through the posts. Go to www.acne.org. I tried everything OTC: cheap, expensive, etc... Nothing worked except this system: wash gently with one of the recommended cleansers (I use Neutrogena Fresh Foaming in the morning and Philosophy Purity at night). Following the detailed instructions, apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide (HAS to be 2.5% -- NOT the high strength 10%. It's counter-intuitive, but it works) liberally morning and night. Follow with a recommended moisturizer.


You can buy stuff at your local Target or buy the stuff they sell there (it is much cheaper to buy from acne.org -- the sizes are huge)

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HONEY!!! My son had bad acne and we tryied LOTS of expensive stuff. I read somewhere to try honey and I thought what the heck. He has been using it for 1 1/2 yrs and it has worked great!! He rubs a little on his face at night, lets it sit for about 15-20 min. and then he rinses it off with a warm washcloth. It's cheap and it's worth a try.

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Why would you not want to take him to a dermatologist?


Right now he is uninsured. My husband quit his job and we own our own business. We're in the process of getting it, but don't have any yet. So I was hoping to try some things right away instead of waiting for the insurance.



Thanks for all the comments!



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I've had dealt with bad acne since I was 12 years old. It cleared up a lot on my mid 20s, but came back with a vengance after my youngest son was born 5 years ago - worse than it had ever been. I've tried so, so many things. I finally found a protocol that works for me - once daily retin-a + twice daily anti-biotic + benz.peroxidde soap (OTC) twice a day + clindamycn antibiotic gel once a day. Obviously everyone's different, but I never would have found what works without a dermatolgist. I really wish my mom would have taken me when I was a teenager, because it really affected my self esteem and was very, very painful.

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the ONLY thing that worked for my stepson (and he tried everything out there for at least 7 years) was an antibiotic type prescription for pills, not a cream. It was doxycycline- don't know if that's the generic or regular name. It made a world of difference; I couldn't believe how it cleared up his face. He had huge, really horrible acne that affected his self-esteem badly. No amount of ointment/creams, diet changes, face washing or any other treatments he googled up did anything for his face.


I hope you find something that works for him. This was a miracle for our guy.

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Try using a diluted apple cider vinegar twice a day....I have been using apple cider vinegar on my face (I have never had "acne" but get those nasty break outs once a month! I also have very oily skin Thanks Dad! :)) and although it has only been a few days I have noticed a difference in the look of my skin (even dd12 commented on it!)
HONEY!!! My son had bad acne and we tryied LOTS of expensive stuff. I read somewhere to try honey and I thought what the heck. He has been using it for 1 1/2 yrs and it has worked great!! He rubs a little on his face at night, lets it sit for about 15-20 min. and then he rinses it off with a warm washcloth. It's cheap and it's worth a try.

Chemically, vinegar and honey make perfect sense as acne treatments, because they both kill bacteria while simultaneously "feeding" the skin. Manuka honey is a staple in our medicine cabinet, since it combines the antibacterial properties of both honey and tea tree. Apple cider vinegar also contains malic acid, which is an alpha-hydroxy acid; it will help slough off dead skin cells to prevent clogged pores. DS12 has gotten his first zits in the last two weeks, so I've just started using vinegar (diluted to 1/4 strength) and manuka honey. So far, so good — they seem to clear up within 48 hrs or so, with no marks.



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Honey has worked very well for my dd14 as well. She still breaks out some across her forehead, but she used to get dark spots, now there is no discoloration at all.


A word of warning, however, dd did break out worse when she first began with the honey. She really had to persevere through a few weeks before it got better. I've heard this is common. I've also had her use cider vinegar as a toner in the mornings.






Chemically, vinegar and honey make perfect sense as acne treatments, because they both kill bacteria while simultaneously "feeding" the skin. Manuka honey is a staple in our medicine cabinet, since it combines the antibacterial properties of both honey and tea tree. Apple cider vinegar also contains malic acid, which is an alpha-hydroxy acid; it will help slough off dead skin cells to prevent clogged pores. DS12 has gotten his first zits in the last two weeks, so I've just started using vinegar (diluted to 1/4 strength) and manuka honey. So far, so good — they seem to clear up within 48 hrs or so, with no marks.



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I haven't read all of the responses, but you could check to see if he has any dietary intolerance. I am a firm believer that the food we eat can sometimes mess with our hormones, and then... the acne.


I agree! Read this article from Dr. Mark Hyman http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-pi_b_225057.html


Improper gut flora is a big contributor.. Try some probiotics and investigate the possiblity of a food intolerance.

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I posted on page 1 about "Promise me you'll take zinc 25 mg daily" and didn't really elaborate, so I'll tell you why I said that.


Some dear friends of ours (a married couple whom I'll call "Mike and Louise") were over several months ago. Mike got us on the subject of his personal trials secondary to his having "pitting" "scaring" acne as a teen and shared his own personal struggle (and my husband later testified to me how bad it was) and some related anecdotes. He said that his acne went away within 3 to 5 months "completely" thanks to some advice given to him by a dermatologist.


Here's what happened: Mike said that one night his youth choir was singing a "concert" at a church in another state (on a choir tour). After the concert, a man approached Mike and asked him if he could talk with him in private and pulled him over to one of the pews. He said that he was Dr. ____blabla____ and that he was a dermatologist and went on to say that he had noticed Mike's acne and he knew of a way to clear it up. (Mike said he was very kind and delicate in how he said all of this to a sensitive young man). This dermatologist suggested he leave off chocolate and to take ZINC 50 mg daily for the first 3 weeks then decrease to 25 mg daily for 3 - 5 months, then decrease to the amount in a daily multivitamin from then on. Mike said DOING THIS regimen DID for his face what NO other treatment had done: cleared it up completely. Mike said he wishes he'd have gotten the man's name so he could personally thank him.


Good luck!

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Haven't read through the posts. Go to www.acne.org. I tried everything OTC: cheap, expensive, etc... Nothing worked except this system: wash gently with one of the recommended cleansers (I use Neutrogena Fresh Foaming in the morning and Philosophy Purity at night). Following the detailed instructions, apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide (HAS to be 2.5% -- NOT the high strength 10%. It's counter-intuitive, but it works) liberally morning and night. Follow with a recommended moisturizer.


You can buy stuff at your local Target or buy the stuff they sell there (it is much cheaper to buy from acne.org -- the sizes are huge)


:iagree: Watch the videos at acne.org.

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It's bacteria that causes breakouts, not oil. People with oily skin do have larger pores, so ...more area for bacteria to enter and take hold. Treat the bacteria and you should see some relief. Apple cider vinegar works as an anti-bacterial, but one has to use even when clear. If you stop, often the bacteria comes back. B Peroxide also treats bacteria, as does lavender oil, but sometimes LO is too strong and can sting. Some people use Tea tree oil, which is also an anti-bacterial, although that can be a problem for some people as well...some suggest tea tree comtributes to hormone disruption, esp in boys. EOs can be drying, just as less natural methods can often be. If you want to do some diet additions, foods like garlic, onions, greens , esp parsely, all have anti-bacterial (and anti-viral) properties.

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My son has been using honey for quite some time now. I am wondering, do you mix the honey and vinegar, or use them seperately?

Chemically, vinegar and honey make perfect sense as acne treatments, because they both kill bacteria while simultaneously "feeding" the skin. Manuka honey is a staple in our medicine cabinet, since it combines the antibacterial properties of both honey and tea tree. Apple cider vinegar also contains malic acid, which is an alpha-hydroxy acid; it will help slough off dead skin cells to prevent clogged pores. DS12 has gotten his first zits in the last two weeks, so I've just started using vinegar (diluted to 1/4 strength) and manuka honey. So far, so good — they seem to clear up within 48 hrs or so, with no marks.



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Try the Paula's Choice acne treatment line.


But with a boy, if it's really bad & cystic type, I'd go to the dr & really consider accutane. (much trickier in girls as it can cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy but in a boy - I'd be getting that scrip.)


I WOULD NOT USE ACCUTANCE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!!! My son was on this a few years ago and now has ulcerative colitis(he is only 17). They are now seeing that Accutance(and similar drugs) is possibly causing ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease.

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We could never figure out the acne on my D's face, back, and shoulders, until accidently coming across information about "folliculitis". It seems that folliculitis--inflammation and infection of the follicles--looks exactly like acne vulgaris (regular old acne). But Pityrosporum http://www.aocd.org/skin/dermatologic_diseases/pityrosporum_folli.html is a wee bit different.


As a matter of fact, the acne cased by folliculitis is real acne, but a different strain. What causes the folliuclitis is this: an invisible fungus on the skin clogs the follicle and pores with the sebum (oil) trapped beneath the skin and creating an infection.


The solution is to use an antifungal such as Athlete's foot cream rubbed into skin 2x daily or letting a Selenium Sulfide product a.k.a. Selsun Blue sit on the affected area for 10 mins before rinsing 2x a day.


You will read on Acne.org http://www.acne.org/messageboard/Pityrosporum-Folliculitis-t88740.htmlthat quite a few readers mentioned their acne cleared when they began using Selsen Blue for their hair and they couldn't figure out why...until they learned they actually had the folliculitis strain of acne.


Aslo, Zinc 25 mg daily as mentioned helps the injured skin tissue heal more quickly.

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Accutane is not the only thing a derm will prescribe. My dd has seen 2 derms and Accutane has not been mentioned at all. The first derm prescribed differin, but dd had an allergic reaction to it. She just saw the 2nd derm last week, and she's now using Retin-A, some other face cream (clendamycin or something like that), and a 3-month course of a low-dose antibiotic.


My middle dd is using ProActiv and that works great for her. My older dd is allergic to it, too.


We tried a lot of other milder, natural remedies, but nothing worked.

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