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please help me with some scifi movie titles

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My 14yo likes oldish scifi movies, like the ones that I grew up on.


She has enjoyed War Games, Tron, Last Starfighter, ...


I plan on having her watch Planet of the Apes and Close Encounters.


I'd like for her to see Logan's Run and Wavelength, but they aren't available through Blockbuster.


Do you have any other recommendations?

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Back to the Future? Not too sci fi, though. LOL


How about the first War of the Worlds? E.T.? The Abyss? Cocoon? Time Bandits? (This one cracks me up!) Mad Max? Enemy Mine? (Loved that one.)


Not sure about appropriateness on all of these...there are many more that I *know* might not make the cut--I'm a huge Alien(s) and Terminator fan.

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Some of these may be older than you are looking for. They range from the 1950's to early 90's.


The Day the Earth Stood Still

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

War of the Worlds

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

The Blob

The Fly

Escape from New York

2001: A Space Odyssey

Soylent Green

Andromeda Strain

Max Max

The Terminator

Star Trek

Star Wars

Blade Runner


Dreamscape (kind of scary)





The Black Hole

Battlestar Galactica

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My 14yo likes oldish scifi movies, like the ones that I grew up on.


She has enjoyed War Games, Tron, Last Starfighter, ...


I plan on having her watch Planet of the Apes and Close Encounters.


I'd like for her to see Logan's Run and Wavelength, but they aren't available through Blockbuster.


Do you have any other recommendations?


The Island (which isn't older) is a good movie. There was only one scene that I flipped past. Raised interesting questions.


A couple I thought of



Time after Time

Alien Nation (the movie, I haven't seen the series)

Babylon 5 (some adult situations)

Soylent Green (I haven't watched this in a long time. Can't remember if it is worth seeing or not.)

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The Time Machine (1960 version) although I did like the newer one with Guy Pearce as well.


The Fantastic Voyage (1966)--actually it's been so long I can't remember if I liked it or not


What about a sci-fi parody? My ds's love Galaxy Quest.



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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


(source of my favourite election campaign video; I watch it whenever there's electioneering going on.


People, democracy & stuff like that!


Zaphod Beeblebrox has the longest hair of any candidate!


And his teeth are white as snow!




Once the empty phrases from this song get stuck in your head it's all you hear when you listen to candidates speaking..... :D )

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Thought of another one. A spin-off of HG Wells' Time Machine:


Time After Time

1979 PG112 minutes

Notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper (David Warner) is back to continue his ghastly reign of terror. But this time, he's found his way from Victorian times to the late 1970s, and he's intent on taking care of unfinished business. Using a time machine to pursue Jack into the future, H.G. Wells (Malcolm McDowell) meets Amy (Mary Steenburgen), a bank clerk who teaches Wells about life in the '70s while helping him hunt for Jack.



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The Island (which isn't older) is a good movie. There was only one scene that I flipped past. Raised interesting questions.


I second this. I'm surprised more sci-fi fans haven't heard of it because it's such a good, basic, ethical-question-explored-via-hypothetical-new-high/future-technology movie.


I don't remember anything terribly questionable, but it did have some violence.

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Y'all have made some great suggestions so far. I'm keeping a list of what to look for.


I found a friend who has Logan's Run, so I will be able to get that for her to watch.


I've been watching Fringe for several years. When I first started watching it, it would have been too much for her, but she could actually watch it now. I have seen all of Firefly repeatedly along with Serenity. I also watched all of Andromeda, which was great at first, but tanked pretty badly later on. Stargate SG-1 is my favorite show of all time.


My dd has already seen Galaxy Quest, Flight of the Navigator, Back to the Future, and E.T.


I now have a pretty long list of movies to look for.


Do any of y'all happen to remember a movie where a couple of people are locked up in a house and have no idea how they got there and can't get out of it? At the end you find out that they are actually dolls that have been left turned on in a dollhouse. What was that movie? I'm pretty sure it was black&white.

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I can't think of any other movies but I've been watching the X-Files on Netflix lately. I also have been watching The Night Stalker on Netflix. It was only one season but the show touched on alot of subjects--Dracula, voodoo, mythology, Jack the Ripper, etc. I read that it inspired alot of other shows/movies.

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I forgot about Buckaroo Banzai. We watched that last year. My dd thought it was funny.


It's funny how pretty much everything scifi that I like, my 14yo also likes. Our other two girls really don't care for the most part. The 12yo watches Eureka and Warehouse 13 with me and the 14yo, but aside from that isn't into scifi. The 17yo isn't into much of anything. She used to be very heavy into anime/manga, but that has fallen by the wayside.

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Planet of the Apes and sequels

maybe Escape from New York


Soylent Green

Close Encounters of the Third


Silent Running

maybe The Terminator

maybe Pitch Black

Starman and TRON for a Jeff Bridges double bill :D

Blade Runner

2001 and sequels

old Doctor Who

The Day the Earth Stood Still (original)

Village of the D a m n e d (original)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (original)

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Do any of y'all happen to remember a movie where a couple of people are locked up in a house and have no idea how they got there and can't get out of it? At the end you find out that they are actually dolls that have been left turned on in a dollhouse. What was that movie? I'm pretty sure it was black&white.


Sounds like an episode of Twilight Zone or Night Gallery. :shudder:



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Another vote for The Day the Earth Stood Still (the original... didn't they remake it?) - it's so good.
Yes, with *cough* *cough* Keanu Reeves. All shades of wrong.
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Yes, with *cough* *cough* Keanu Reeves. All shades of wrong.


Really? I thought it was the perfect role for him: an emotionless alien. Much better than when he acted like an emotionless alien when he was supposed to be playing the bastard prince (in Much Ado)! :001_smile:

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Guest Cindie2dds
Stargate SG-1 is my favorite show of all time.


Indeed.... :D



Me too! Have you watched Stargate Atlantis? We really like it also, not sure about the new one, Universe. Can't really get into it. Another sci-fi friend recommended FarScape too.

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What about TV? And Star Trek?


Alien Nation

V (the original miniseries and sequel, V: The Final Battle)

Dune (the old one, and the miniseries done by SciFi a few years ago)


Has anyone mentioned:

Flight of the Navigator

The Explorers

Time Bandits (though that one is as much fantasy as anything else)

The Abyss (getting DH's input now, too)

Titan A.E.


Total Recall

Aliens (far more scifi than the horror movie, Alien)

Demolition Man (take note of when it was made and who they predicted would be made governor of California)

War of the Worlds (older movie, not the one with Tom Cruise)


We came up with a lot of repeats of things posted above which I'm trying not to duplicate, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW! We got Logan's Run from a friend and watched that tonight. It wasn't like I remembered. There were several nude scenes in the movie and I didn't remember that at all. The box doesn't say that it's a special director's cut, so I don't know where those scenes came from. It was rated PG.


I remembered it as a great movie (from about 20 years ago). It wasn't very good.

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Your experience reminds me of a recent one I had with watching National Lampoon's Vacation. When we went on vacation in May, lots of things went wrong at first. It reminded dh and me of that movie where things go crazy but Chevy Chase is hellbent on getting to Wally World no matter what. We laughed at all the funny parts we remembered. After we got home I re-watched the movie. Oh My! There was a bunch of rather crude stuff I didn't remember at all and a BooK-shot that was totally unnecessary. Didn't remember ANY of that.


I, too, remember Logan's Run as a great movie. I've even related the overall story to my ds's before. Guess we won't be seeing that one soon, either.



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From my dh - the sci fi junkie:



The Forbidden Planet

Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan

Silent Running


Soylent Green

Stargate - the original movie


ETA - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure


TV show - Quantum Leap

Edited by TechWife
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Do any of y'all happen to remember a movie where a couple of people are locked up in a house and have no idea how they got there and can't get out of it? At the end you find out that they are actually dolls that have been left turned on in a dollhouse. What was that movie? I'm pretty sure it was black&white.


This is a Twilight Zone episode.

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