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Funny comment from librarian

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I went to the library today to pick up a bunch of stuff that I had requested. I received several emails that things were in, but when I went to the shelf (self pick-up), I only found 2 items.


So, I asked the librarian about it, and he scanned my card and said, "Well, when people start requesting their own library's worth of stuff, we have a special shelf for that."


It wasn't said in a snarky or snotty fashion at all, so I laughed and he laughed. :)

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That's funny. I'm glad he wasn't snarky. :)


I used to request a whole library, but our current library system charges for holds. :( So I use more discretion now.


I would be utterly lost without library requests. Our library has a "special" shelf also and I get looks all the time. I do all my "shopping" on line and come in p/u, check out and leave. I used to spend hours in the library in Wyoming but the one I'm near now is very customer friendly.

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My librarian said to my dh when he went to pick up books AGAIN for me, "Your wife always gets the most interesting books. (I had gotten lots of hs and activity books and this time several books that are anti-TV)--everyone else just reads." I took that to mean I'm not getting novels? It wasn't snotty either :)

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It used to.:) Right now my library is being remodeled so I lost my shelf. I've even been introduced to new library personnel as part of their orientation.



:lol: That is awesome! I do know most of the librarians at our local library quite well, but I've never been part of the orientation!!! GO JEAN!!

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Very funny! I haven't gotten my own shelf yet - now I have something to strive for!


Our library has a drive-through where I can pick up my books that are on hold. A few weeks ago, a librarian asked me, "Is everything okay?" After I replied yes and asked why, she said, "Well, you never check out so few books at a time! You only have 2 today!" I guess she had even gone back to her stacks in the other room to double-check there weren't more on the cart for me. I thought that was funny.

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Ok I want my own shelf at the library! :001_smile:


I do have a story to share however. My library charged a handling fee for interlibrary loan which I had to use extensively since our library is small and has an older collection. My library is part of a large network of libraries in my area. One day I walked into the library and two librarians said, "Mrs. X, Mrs. X we have wonderful news for you! Since the library budget passed, you no longer have to pay for interlibrary loan!"

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Hm, I've got my own librarian. Miss Hope! The kids love her and she brings her grandson out to ride the pony.


I've got my own librarian, too! We moved, and she wouldn't move with us. :glare: She does email suggested books for my dc, and we have 2 sets of books out on "extended loan" from her library. She continues to be a very good friend.

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I have my own shelf at the library. A neighbor was at the library once and asked to see my shelf. She was surprised that there really was one and that I hadn't lied about it!:D


Is that like having a family pew in church?


We move so often that I keep having to break in new libraries and library staff. Our current library knows us well enough that they will come find us in the stacks and bring books that we'd had on hold.


But I've never had my own shelf. That might have to be a new goal.

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Is that like having a family pew in church?


We move so often that I keep having to break in new libraries and library staff. Our current library knows us well enough that they will come find us in the stacks and bring books that we'd had on hold.


But I've never had my own shelf. That might have to be a new goal.


To get your own shelf you have to max out on holds (20 per card) on 4 cards. With a good portion of 80 books coming in a week, they needed to give me my own shelf. It has lessened recently since I am no longer writing my own curriculum.

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Is that like having a family pew in church?


We move so often that I keep having to break in new libraries and library staff. Our current library knows us well enough that they will come find us in the stacks and bring books that we'd had on hold.


But I've never had my own shelf. That might have to be a new goal.



We just moved, fun goal, break in new library staff, get shelf!!


The librarians in my last library just got used to me, too, we were only there a year. While I didn't have my own shelf, I did get the "special shelf" for large orders several times.


I also met the main children's librarian in the main Los Angeles library and requested a microfiche they didn't even know they had, and were quite astonished that I found out about it and requested it--a collection of hundreds of old children's readers and primers called the Venezky Collection, only 2 non-school libraries have the microfiche collection. There is a small selection online from the Venezky collection, it's interesting if you like the history of reading instruction and looking at old readers and primers.

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I don't have my own shelf, but the librarians know me and my kids. I'm checking out less nowadays, since I used Sonlight and bought the whole package. It was nice, when our library was re-built, at the grand opening to be greeted by name by the librarians outside.:001_smile:


We are at our local Bookstore at least 2 times a week with the kids, and once a week for date night for dh and I. When we walk in, the cafe people start making our drink orders...and they know our phone number by heart for the member discount. The manager & security guards greet us by name. It's like cheers, but with books instead of beer.:D

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Coming from a kid's perspective here...I grew up going to a local public library. I rarely go now, and my family has switched to another, much bigger public library. But when I go to the "original" one, it's all the same people, they all remember me, and I rarely need to give them my library card!


Then again, I was the kid who asked for Charles Dickens books when I was 10 - so I guess I was rather memorable. :P I also did community service there, when I was 12 (the minimum age) and also when I was in high school.

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I wish I had my own shelf. Earlier this year when I went to pick up a book that came in the Librarian walks over with the one book and sheepishly says "I could only find this one." I laughed and told her "This time there is only one."

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We recently moved and for whatever reason this library system doesn't organize hold books by last name but by last 4 digits of your library card number, and (also inexplicably) the numbers on our cards are not all consecutive, so I have to go rummaging around the shelves to collect our books.


A bit annoying, but I can't really complain -- the library system here is really extraordinary.

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That sounds wonderful!


At our library, we aren't allowed to place books on hold ourselves. We have to give the librarian the info, then she'll do it.


"After all, what kind of chaos would ensue if we let everyone do that?" she said one day. And she was serious.


If it weren't so irritating, it would almost be funny.

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I don't have my own shelf, but the librarians know me and my kids. I'm checking out less nowadays, since I used Sonlight and bought the whole package. It was nice, when our library was re-built, at the grand opening to be greeted by name by the librarians outside.:001_smile:


We are at our local Bookstore at least 2 times a week with the kids, and once a week for date night for dh and I. When we walk in, the cafe people start making our drink orders...and they know our phone number by heart for the member discount. The manager & security guards greet us by name. It's like cheers, but with books instead of beer.:D



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We are at our local Bookstore at least 2 times a week with the kids, and once a week for date night for dh and I. When we walk in, the cafe people start making our drink orders...and they know our phone number by heart for the member discount. The manager & security guards greet us by name. It's like cheers, but with books instead of beer.:D


Us too!!! (except they don't remember out phone number for the member discount yet....)

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