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Any deep thoughts from your little ones?

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Sometimes I'm amazed with the things my 5 yo ds comes up with. For example just recently....


Dad, the world is round, right? Then why is the road to *nearby town* flat?


After hearing a conversation between dh and dmil conserning if it's not raining it's pouring... And if it's not raining or pouring it's hailing! And if it's not hailing it's gonna storm.


After sitting down in a huge sand pile...*sigh* I've been dreaming about this all my life!


Have your children said anything that made you go hmmm lately?

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This one is sad, but it surprised me that my just turned 6 yr. old would be thinking about it. Last summer, a 3 yr. old little boy friend of ours drowned in his family's pool. Last week, I was vacuuming our pool and ds was watching me. He said, "Mom, the deep end doesn't look deep. It looks shallow." I agreed, then he said, "Maybe Baby Kurt thought his deep end looked shallow, too, and he got confused, and maybe he went in the wrong end." I hadn't heard them talk about Baby Kurt for several months, so it was not something I expected to hear.

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Oh, goodness there have been so many. One of my all time favorite though came after he saw the Wizard of Oz for the first time. He said something to the effect of "Hey, how come that girl isn't going to jail? She killed 2 witches and there's no punishment? That's just wrong." About a year later it was on TV and he called out to me "Hey mom! It's that movie with the girl who kills witches and doesn't get in trouble!" I laughed so hard. He thinks Dorothy is a serial killer.

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My son learned early what the life of a stay-at-home-mom is like.


One day, I was passing time by playing a game on my computer. My 4 1/2 y/o son was 3 1/2 at the time, and he was hanging out with me while I played. "Oh!" I commented at one point, referring to comething in the game. "I don't have enough money!"


My son looked up and commented, "You can ask Daddy for money."




A few months prior to that, the same son, who was 3 at the time, randomly said to me: "Hey, Mommy, when I was 4, I was a girl, right?" I told him he had never yet been 4, and that he was never a girl. He insisted that he was, and I insisted that he wasn't. He then asked me, "Will I be a girl soon?"

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Then there's my now 9 1/2 y/o daughter.


When she was 6, we had a playdate at our house, and a 7 year old boy was one of the attendees. When he left, my daughter said:


"Mommy, when Shaun is 8, I'll be 7."

Me: "Yes, that's right."

Alexa: "And when I'm 20, he'll be 21. And when I'm 1,000, he'll be dead."




About a month later, the same daughter started this conversation:


She: Mommy, who was born first, you or daddy?

Me: I was.

She: Oh. So then you were the first one to take care of me.






When she had just turned 7 and she had an almost 2 year old brother. I asked her if she could keep an eye on him for a couple of minutes while I finished getting dinner ready. She said, referring to her doll, "I'm already taking care of my baby. I can't take care of two babies!" I joked, "Well, what if you had twins?" She quite seriously told me, "If I had twins, I'd give one to the neighbor."

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Last year my youngest dd, at 7, asked if we ever thought we were the people in the mirror. :001_huh: She said when she was looking in the mirror she wondered if it might actually be the other way around.


When she was 4 she asked what blind people saw in their minds when they thought. She said it was hard for her to imagine because when she "thinks" she sees pictures in her mind.

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As my dh was drinking a beer (of which he has maybe one a week, and that's during "heavy" drinking times) my 5yo son says, "If you drink 100 beers, you will barf." I'd think if you drank 100 of anything you'd barf.


I think 100 is his "number" of the moment. When he recently went to the doctor and got two vaccinations he said, "That hurt 100." THAT'S a lot of hurt.

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I think 100 is his "number" of the moment. When he recently went to the doctor and got two vaccinations he said, "That hurt 100." THAT'S a lot of hurt.


lol my 4 1/2 year old does the same thing, but he uses the word "google" as his sister had informed him a while ago that "google" is the highest number someone could think of.


So he's always saying things like "I love you google!"

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this isn't from one of my littles, b/c he said this when he was 13, here goes.


"Mom why do I have to learn about Ghengis Khan, he was horrible!"


"You could learn from his mistakes then, son."


"How could I learn from someone else's mistakes, I'm still trying to learn from mine!"


love it!! He still had to read the bio, though ;)

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When dd was 8, a young teen girl in our church became pregnant. Not wanting her to hear the news in a gossipy fashion from anyone else, I decided to discuss it with her myself. After filling her in, she asked me about the father. I told her that apparently he didn't want anything to do with the girl or their baby. Dd paused and thought for a few seconds and then said, "You would have thought she could have taken one look at him and known he wasn't good breeding stock." Can you tell we live on a farm?;)

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This isn't a funny one, but her reasoning skills blew me away. I was giving DD(5) the DORA (reading test). She was on the receptive vocabulary section. A word is read and you have to click on the correct picture. The word was "aquatic," and DD said, "Hmmmmm......well, fish live in an aquarium, and that's a picture of fish in the ocean, so it must mean almost the same thing."

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When DD was very young, I once was lay down on my bed for a minute after my bath to cool off and figure out what to wear. She wandered in and said, "Hey Mommy, why are you lying down? Are you sick?"


I replied, "No, honey, I'm just thinking about what to wear today."


"Don't do that!" she exclaimed. "Consider the daisies of the field!"


(She meant, 'Consider the lilies of the field.')

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These have made my day! I had a long tossing and turning night last night. So it was great to get on and read these. Kids are so awesome, including and especially the big ones! I'd love to hear more!

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When my now 16yos was 4 he was saying a prayer of thanks for dinner and he also thanked God for our bones "or else we would be blobs":001_smile:


LOL! This reminded me of another one. Indy says the blessing every night (usually God is great), but usually tacks something else on at the end. One night he said "and thanks for my mommy and my daddy, and my dogs, and the toilet." I'm not sure why he was grateful for the toilet, but dh and I laughed so hard we could barely eat.

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One late afternoon we were driving home after a big storm. The sun was breaking through the clouds and there were streams of sunlight shining through. My youngest dd said, "Mommy the sky is so beautiful. It looks like Jesus is coming."

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One late afternoon we were driving home after a big storm. The sun was breaking through the clouds and there were streams of sunlight shining through. My youngest dd said, "Mommy the sky is so beautiful. It looks like Jesus is coming."


I have often thought the same!

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These are precious!


A few weeks ago my boys were discussing musical instruments. Older was giving Younger a hard time for not wanting to learn one. Younger, my budding artist, replied, "This pen is my instrument, these lines are my notes, this art is my song."


I thought that was pretty awesome. :)

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I came on to look for this thread. A little while ago a Vagisil commercial came on and my dd, 8, said, " I don't feel fresh, but I feel confident ". :D My dh had to to leave the room he was laughing so hard.


My youngest was laying on the couch with my dh watching tv earlier and she patted his stomach and said, "Daddy, you know that commercial on tv where they have the exercise machine that goes on your knees? That would help you lose the weight." :lol: He's only 175-180 lbs, but his stomach isn't as tight as it used to be and she was letting him know.

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Guest Katia

I've posted this one before, but I think it's cute/funny.


When my ds was 11yo, we were listening to Handel's Messiah. The one song goes:


"All we like sheep, all we like sheep, all we like sheep, all we like sheep have gone astraaaaaaaaaaayy"


Ds asked me: "Mom, why do those people like sheep so much?"


We still crack up over that one. :lol:

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My dd5 has been coming to me with lots of questions about God. Since she learned that Jesus is the Son of God, she asked if God was married to Mary. Cute, huh? So, I tell her that no, she was married to Joseph. So, she then starts trying to figure out the whole Holy Trinity thing...which is difficult enough to explain, much less to a 5 year old. So, I am rambling on about our beliefs, about Them being one, about 3 parts of the Whole...that kind of mind bending talk. She stops me and says, "So God is God and Jesus is Jesus and Jesus is God." (I didn't punctuate, because she didn't include any breaks in her saying of this.) I said, "Sure, sounds good." Whoa.


She's also let me know, that (a) she wants to go to Heaven, but that (b) she doesn't want to die. Double whoa.


Oh, and she wants to know if there is a God that made God.


And for the grand finale, she wanted to know whether or not God made the aliens, or did the aliens make God... Weird.

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Oh, I just thought of my dd5's other unusual line of questioning and reasoning. She had been asking me why I wanted to be a mom. I answered all of the reasons that came to mind, and asked her if she wanted to be a mom one day. She says, "no, it's too much work." :lol: She is our youngest, and quite used to being waited on by her older siblings.


She then went on to inform me, that she wasn't going to marry, but that she was going to be a girlfriend. Even though we don't have cable, and we guard our children from media influences, somehow the message has gotten to dd that girlfriends get the fun (flowers, dancing, jewels, candy) and wives get the hard work. Perceptive, isn't she? :D


Of course, I told her how much I love being a wife and mom. At this point, she says, "Okay, okay mom...maybe I will have 2 girl kids, a 4 year old and a baby." :confused: :tongue_smilie: Either way, she's informed me that she is definitely going to have a pet shop. :lol:

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We were watching a movie one night and the evil character got his just dues.


3yods said, "That's what you get for being bad!":lol:




A few years later, I had an impromptu math lesson with him.


Me: "You're 5 now, how old will you be in 50 years?"


Him: "55"


Me: "Good. I'm 47. How old will I be in 50 years?"


Him: Long pause while he does his math. "You'll be......dead."

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A few years later, I had an impromptu math lesson with him.


Me: "You're 5 now, how old will you be in 50 years?"


Him: "55"


Me: "Good. I'm 47. How old will I be in 50 years?"


Him: Long pause while he does his math. "You'll be......dead."


:lol: :smilielol5:

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We were watching a movie one night and the evil character got his just dues.


3yods said, "That's what you get for being bad!":lol:




A few years later, I had an impromptu math lesson with him.


Me: "You're 5 now, how old will you be in 50 years?"


Him: "55"


Me: "Good. I'm 47. How old will I be in 50 years?"


Him: Long pause while he does his math. "You'll be......dead."


:lol: I love how kids just don't know ages. Last year on my birthday I asked my dds how old they thought I was and younger dd said ..... 70!:tongue_smilie: I was only 32. They also say how they can't wait to be little old ladies so they can be rude and hit people with their purses and get away with it. I honestly have no idea where they pick these things up.

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These are cracking me up!


When ds was almost 3, one day while we were driving around he asked what all the lines in the sky were for. I wasn't sure what he was talking about, and said, Huh? He pointed to the power lines everywhere and asked what they were for. I thought it was pretty perceptive for a little guy...one of those things I just don't even pay attention to at all!

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I came on to look for this thread. A little while ago a Vagisil commercial came on and my dd, 8, said, " I don't feel fresh, but I feel confident ". :D My dh had to to leave the room he was laughing so hard.
That is so funny. :lol::lol: Don't you just hate some of the personal commercials ? :tongue_smilie:
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When my son was young - I forget how old - and he saw the first Toy Story movie for the first time he insisted that one of the characters names was Sin - not Sid - because he was so bad.


One day when he was about 4 or so he was going on and on about some things he had heard from the Bible - he said "Jesus is God's son" "Jesus healed the blind man " "Jesus rose from the dead" and so on. Then all of a sudden he got this confused look on his face and he said "Hey, who is Jesus anyway ? Do we know him ? Has he been over ? "


One day when my son was about 4 he was sitting in the back seat of the car and I heard him say "Crazy women drivers". I was not too happy with this comment and was thinking to myself that he must be repeating what he heard his Dad say. But then he had on the children's Disney movie 101 Dalmations and I heard that phrase said in the movie when Cruela ran off of the road. :lol::lol::lol: So he was repeating what he heard from the movie. :tongue_smilie:

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This one is sad, but it surprised me that my just turned 6 yr. old would be thinking about it. Last summer, a 3 yr. old little boy friend of ours drowned in his family's pool. Last week, I was vacuuming our pool and ds was watching me. He said, "Mom, the deep end doesn't look deep. It looks shallow." I agreed, then he said, "Maybe Baby Kurt thought his deep end looked shallow, too, and he got confused, and maybe he went in the wrong end." I hadn't heard them talk about Baby Kurt for several months, so it was not something I expected to hear.




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