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Anyone else totally addicted to school supplies?


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It's like my mind turns off when I see beautiful stacks of gleaming new school supplies. I've been so good, just adding stuff to a wishlist on Staples.com, trying to think through what I really need. Today, I walked in to the grocery store, and they have stacks of notebooks on sale. Now, I don't *need* any notebooks - I have a pile of them left from last year's temptations - but they were on *sale*. So, I bought 12 single subject notebooks for $2, and 6 composition notebooks for $4. And, need I mention again, this was at a grocery store. At least I only spent $6. I shudder to think what will happen when I do finally walk into Staples.




...going to go gloat over my hoard of shiny new notebooks, before they get added to the bins of crayons, pencils, erasers, glue bought in previous moments of insanity...

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You're not alone. There are others. Like me!


It's so hard not to buy glue sticks when they're 10 cents a stick...but really how many glue sticks can a couple of little girls go through in a year?? I've been to Office Depot three times this week. First to purchase everything that had rebates ($95 worth of stuff is going to eventually cost me $2.03) with extra coupons, next to buy a friend something she wanted (with my rewards card) and third, to have a bunch of maps printed out (brag: 10 double sided 11x17 copies for 15 cents each and 64 double sided b/w copies for 8 cents each!!). Okay, now I realize how sad this sounds that I've been to OD three times this week...hey at least the kids were with me-quality time, right?

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um, me. Is this a support group with a 12-step program?


Yesterday, I bought notebooks (15 cents) and composition books (25 cents), too.


I did resist the crayons because we have a great big shoe-box sized bin FULL of crayons!!! I almsot talked myself into throwing it all out and starting with the nice new sharp crayons. Do you read the insanity? I don't even color!!! :D

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Raises hand.


This week I've been to Staples twice. And I want to go a third time for more binders and paper! Maybe more Sharpies...


We have a box and a bin full of crayons, but I too was tempted to get more, all perfectly sharp and new. I think I can resist that though, but believe me it keeps creeping into my mind once a week.


Today I was in heaven at the Lakeshore Learning store! Most of the store was 20% off!!! The sale is on until September 5, so I'm sure I'll be making another hour-long trip back to the store.

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I almsot talked myself into throwing it all out and starting with the nice new sharp crayons. :D


Me too! Me too!


And I don't think my two girls have EVER finished a glue stick - they seem to last forever. So why do I keep buying more?:D

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Glad to know I'm not alone in this love for school supplies! I have a stack of spiral notebooks that I got for .15--my kids love the pretty colors too. I can't wait until the Sunday paper comes to see what new steals I can get for the week. I LOVE the way the office supply stores smell. Dh thinks I'm nuts!

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*raises hand*




My name is Hockey Mom...and I'm a school supply addict.


(((hello hockey mom!)))


My addiction started with the usual...crayons, glue sticks, notebooks...but then, Michael's had this really great sale on tempera paints, and I bought every color of the rainbow. I started receiving Oriental Trading sale emails in my inbox and thought I could just look without buying...


(((heads nod knowingly around the room)))


When my cart reached $100, and I qualified for the free shipping, I placed my order...swearing that this would be the last order of school supplies for the year.


But then....


*takes a deep breath*


Target decorated their store with paper scissors that hung from the ceiling, and bright, beautiful boxes of crayons...each with perfectly pointed tips and paper wrappers in place. I don't know what came over me. I knew I didn't need more crayons...yet...I walked straight to the back-to-school area (formerly the outdoor patio furniture area), and loaded up on highlighters, and mini dry erase boards, and even....accessories for a locker that I don't have.


(((audible gasp)))


I realized then, that I had hit bottom.



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Hi. My name is Joann, and I'm addicted to school supplies (especially the ones that help me stack and organize my other supplies).


I just bought a 6-shelf stacking thingy at Costco today. It holds most of my notebooks. It doesn't match my other 6-shelf stacking thingy, or the white 3-shelf one, but between the three of them, they hold most of my notebooks and textbooks.


And, I continually have to suppress the urge to buy boxes of #2 pencils, even though we already have enough for several years. And I love to buy boxes and cups to hold the pencils...


I'm in the club. One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is getting all the cool stuff ready in the summer.

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*raises hand*




My name is Hockey Mom...and I'm a school supply addict.


(((hello hockey mom!)))


My addiction started with the usual...crayons, glue sticks, notebooks...but then, Michael's had this really great sale on tempera paints, and I bought every color of the rainbow. I started receiving Oriental Trading sale emails in my inbox and thought I could just look without buying...


(((heads nod knowingly around the room)))


When my cart reached $100, and I qualified for the free shipping, I placed my order...swearing that this would be the last order of school supplies for the year.


But then....


*takes a deep breath*


Target decorated their store with paper scissors that hung from the ceiling, and bright, beautiful boxes of crayons...each with perfectly pointed tips and paper wrappers in place. I don't know what came over me. I knew I didn't need more crayons...yet...I walked straight to the back-to-school area (formerly the outdoor patio furniture area), and loaded up on highlighters, and mini dry erase boards, and even....accessories for a locker that I don't have.


(((audible gasp)))


I realized then, that I had hit bottom.





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....accessories for a locker that I don't have.


(((audible gasp)))


I realized then, that I had hit bottom.





OMG, I'm not alone....there are others like me...


I just know that cute little magnetic mirror will come in handy some day.

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This isn't even funny. You all are getting great deals! I'm being tempted by all the pretty new designs at the Target down the street.... little owls and retro memo books and stripey composition books all in pretty colors... drool. But each one is 3-5 dollars. Not so cheap if I want to scoop up all of them. Which I do. And the matching pens. And clipboards. And whatever else. Today I resisted. But next week... I don't know. I think I need to go to the dollar store for my fix!

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This isn't even funny. You all are getting great deals! I'm being tempted by all the pretty new designs at the Target down the street.... little owls and retro memo books and stripey composition books all in pretty colors... drool. But each one is 3-5 dollars. Not so cheap if I want to scoop up all of them. Which I do. And the matching pens. And clipboards. And whatever else. Today I resisted. But next week... I don't know. I think I need to go to the dollar store for my fix!


Target is an evil place to go at this time of year with this addiction.

I go back when they start clearancing! There's always something pretty left. :lol:

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This isn't even funny. You all are getting great deals! I'm being tempted by all the pretty new designs at the Target down the street.... little owls and retro memo books and stripey composition books all in pretty colors... drool. But each one is 3-5 dollars. Not so cheap if I want to scoop up all of them. Which I do. And the matching pens. And clipboards. And whatever else. Today I resisted. But next week... I don't know. I think I need to go to the dollar store for my fix!



Cute rules here, too!:lol:



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*raises hand*




My name is Hockey Mom...and I'm a school supply addict.


(((hello hockey mom!)))


My addiction started with the usual...crayons, glue sticks, notebooks...but then, Michael's had this really great sale on tempera paints, and I bought every color of the rainbow. I started receiving Oriental Trading sale emails in my inbox and thought I could just look without buying...


(((heads nod knowingly around the room)))


When my cart reached $100, and I qualified for the free shipping, I placed my order...swearing that this would be the last order of school supplies for the year.


But then....


*takes a deep breath*


Target decorated their store with paper scissors that hung from the ceiling, and bright, beautiful boxes of crayons...each with perfectly pointed tips and paper wrappers in place. I don't know what came over me. I knew I didn't need more crayons...yet...I walked straight to the back-to-school area (formerly the outdoor patio furniture area), and loaded up on highlighters, and mini dry erase boards, and even....accessories for a locker that I don't have.


(((audible gasp)))


I realized then, that I had hit bottom.






Love it! You are so funny and hit the nail on my head! Wait, that means I can go to Target to get band-aids...and other stuff.......wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

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I love them. The only thing that's kept me from shopping so far (except for a visit to the Target $1 spot when the teaching stuff came out) is that we're on vacation and it would be silly to have to pay $25 to Delta just because I wanted to go to Staples $.01 sale! Even though it's sorely tempting. We don't HAVE a Staples at home.

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I am so addicted this thread is about to make me cry. I havent been able to leave the house in 3 weeks due to my kids virus and now me with a horrible kidney stone that is trying to kill me. I am DYING to get my supplies. I look over the ads from sundays paper just about everyday. I am dreaming of bindres and crayons and pencils.................

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I almost couldnt take missing Staples sales this past Sunday. I go every year.


this sucks. I will just live vicariously through all of you. Keep posting your finds please!!

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ME ME! I love Staples penny sale! I went Sunday and bought 2 reams of printer paper (1 penny each after rebate), 25 8-packs of pencils, and 25 folders. That put me up to 52 cents (not including rebate).


I LOVE that you can use Teacher Rewards at Staples too. "Regular" people have a limit of 2 or 5 on the penny stuff. Teachers can have 25!!

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what i find hilarious is that we are all referring to this stuff as "ours" and yet...aren't we buying the stuff for our kids?


I'm stingy! LOL Yesterday, my boys asked, "Do we EACH get a pack of pencils?" I said, "No, you get 1 pencil at a time." Remember in my previous post I bought 25 8-packs. :D


I also still have some penny notebooks left from last year in the bedroom.

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me, me, oh, me, ME!I loooooooove school supplies. If a man wanted to really turn my head, he'd wear eau de freshly sharpened pencil. Mmmmmm.


I have my newly tidied class room ready to receive them into their proper nooks and cranies but my newly purchased school supplies are in stacks on the coffee table so I can pet and love on them a while b/f putting them away. They've been there since Saturday. They're beautiful. I love them.


I give them as gifts sometimes.


One year when I was a teacher (in school) we had secret santas. The person for whom I was a secret santa shared my love of school supplies so for her big gift at actual Christmas I made her a School Supplies Wreath. I got a wreath from Hobby Lobby or something, made a garland out of colored paper clips, I used three pads of post-it notes to stick together with the corners alternating to make a star for the top, and I hung various items all around to decorate. It was so fun to make and she loved it!


Sometimes I buy school supplies I don't need just b/c they're pretty, or shiney, or unusual, or clever, or . . . just for fun.

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When I was a kid, I remember being so excited about getting new clean notebooks...I remember just smelling the new paper and practice writing my name before actually writing them on my notebooks. Then, I was introduced to those little labelers that you click your name out with!!!


I'm envious of those with kids in younger grades as my boys are going into 8th and 9th and the type of school supplies are different and not as many and my boys don't get into them near as much as I do!

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Okay, so now there's a benefit to having only 1 child. :tongue_smilie: I can buy the cutesy composition books, matching ruler etc. But the glue for .25c will last us a few years....I still have markers, notebooks and crayons from a few years ago...unopened, sheesh. :001_smile:

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Guest aquiverfull

This thread is hilarious. :lol:

I picked up several school supplies at Walmart on Saturday. My husband was grabbing stuff as well. He saw the 15 cents notebooks and grabbed a ton, and the color pencils, markers, and folders. Then I saw colors for 30 cents a box( 24 pack), and I just paid $2.47 for a 48 pack just 1week ago at the same Walmart. :glare: So I ended up with 4 or 5 boxes of those.

Then on Sunday we ended up at Office Depot and bought more things. It's a good thing I don't live any where near a Lakeshore Learning store, I'd be in big trouble.

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I just did "inventory" and counted 40+ pocket folders. We rarely use pocket folders, yet I feel compelled to buy 1/2 dozen whenever the supply sales hit.


Glue, tape, pencils, notebooks, binders, markers, Sharpies! My hands are shaking. :)

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You know what I love best? Going school supply shopping without a list. The kiddos and I can buy whatever our hearts fancy-unlike my sisters who have kids in public school and have to take a very specific list and buy a box of exactly 24 crayons, or a 4 oz bottle of glue. :lol:

My weakness is crayola markers. We do go through a lot of them with a toddler in the house.

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Yes, I've been to Staples twice this week. :glare: First to get The Behemoth, otherwise known as the Desk Apprentice, b/c it was on sale for $25.99. Then the next day went back b/c I forgot to get the 1 cent pencils, but of course while there I found the scented markers!!! Oh, how I have happy childhood memories of using scented markers and just HAD to get them for my kids. And of course, since I was buying scented markers, I figured they needed some regular markers as well, and then I figured they needed some fine point markers..... HELP!!! :willy_nilly:

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This is how much I love and have loved school supplies.


My mom sent me at least 6 boxes home for me to sort from my elementary/high school years.


In them I found no less than 6 3-subject *brand new* notebooks, compasses, rulers, an entire shoe box full of pens, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, 2 old-school trapper keeper type folders, various other brand new spiral notebooks, glue sticks, several 3-ring binders and enough lined notebook paper to get *my* kids through high school.


Yeah...I love school supplies and have since I was a young girl. Being a homeschooling mama just gives me more of an excuse to buy random pen/paper/pencil type items more often. I looooooove it!!!

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Oh yeah, due to another thread, you guys all convinced me I needed a second Desk Apprentice. And you guys convinced me I needed a special tote to carry my RightStart supplies.


I forgot to say I am addicted to dry erase markers and highlighters in addition to Sharpies. I have so many dry erase markers in all kinds of colors, magnetic or not, thick and thin, that we don't have room for them in 3 different holders. But yet... I bought two new packages of all sorts of colors of dry erase markers. They were on sale. All to go with our new Wipe Off Learning Globe.


I cannot resist shiny, colorful cute looking things. I accidentally got 3 of the same pencil holders on different trips to the office store.

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I've loved school supplies since I was little. I wonder if there's a connection between the type of person who loves school supplies and the type who chooses to homeschool? Hmmm. :D


We have every kind of school supply left over from last year, but I guarantee that we're still going to stock up. I just can't resist!

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I did resist the crayons because we have a great big shoe-box sized bin FULL of crayons!!! I almsot talked myself into throwing it all out and starting with the nice new sharp crayons. Do you read the insanity? I don't even color!!! :D


DO NOT THROW THOSE CRAYONS OUT! That would just be silly. Here's what you do: Sort them by color, peel off the wrappers, break them into little bits and put the bits into a muffin tin. Put the tin in the oven on low (oh, say 250 or so) until the crayons all melt together into a puck. Package your new, crafty crayon pucks together and give them away as gifts to all your friends!


Now you have a need for new, sharp, lovely crayons, and after saving all that money on gifts for friends by making them, you certainly deserve to spend a piddly few cents on new ones, right?



Oh the lengths we will go to for new school supplies...:leaving:


My name is urpedonmommy, and I am an enabler.:D

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I've loved school supplies since I was little. I wonder if there's a connection between the type of person who loves school supplies and the type who chooses to homeschool? Hmmm. :D


We have every kind of school supply left over from last year, but I guarantee that we're still going to stock up. I just can't resist!



Last month my son broke One of our several scissors. I pointed it out to my husband and used the opportunity to explain why I buy supplies in bulk. :D


I would love to homeschool but am not. I choose to work so that I can provide health insurance for my husband & son who both have chronic diseases/pre existing conditions. Instead of hs, I am focusing on teaching 3 subjects at home. But if I followed my dream, I would be the homeschool 'Coordinator of Education' for my son :001_smile:

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I just bought a 6-shelf stacking thingy at Costco today. It holds most of my notebooks. It doesn't match my other 6-shelf stacking thingy, or the white 3-shelf one, but between the three of them, they hold most of my notebooks and textbooks.


Do you have a pic or link of said shelf stacking thingy?


And, I continually have to suppress the urge to buy boxes of #2 pencils, even though we already have enough for several years. And I love to buy boxes and cups to hold the pencils...


Me too. I love brand new pencils. We have enough to last years, and I want to buy more. I did buy more. But only one little 8 pack.



You know what I love best? Going school supply shopping without a list. The kiddos and I can buy whatever our hearts fancy-unlike my sisters who have kids in public school and have to take a very specific list and buy a box of exactly 24 crayons, or a 4 oz bottle of glue. :lol:



Yep. Love that I can buy what I want. I grin an evil grin when I'm in the school supply section and I hear the other people reading off their lists looking for the exact items.



Oh yeah, due to another thread, you guys all convinced me I needed a second Desk Apprentice. And you guys convinced me I needed a special tote to carry my RightStart supplies.


I forgot to say I am addicted to dry erase markers and highlighters in addition to Sharpies. I have so many dry erase markers in all kinds of colors, magnetic or not, thick and thin, that we don't have room for them in 3 different holders. But yet... I bought two new packages of all sorts of colors of dry erase markers. They were on sale. All to go with our new Wipe Off Learning Globe.




Ok, what tote for RS? And what is a Wipe Off Learning Globe?

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Here's the Write & Wipe Globe, I was planning on purchasing this anyway to use while we're studying SOTW and Geography:



The little caddy is just a little plastic thing to tote around some of our math supplies:



Yeah, I also look at those school lists and pity the people that get all the fun taken out of going school supply shopping.

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I DID NOT KNOW about teacher rewards at Staples!! What is it and how do I get it?? :lol: I go for the penny items and rebates, etc. but always can only do the limit...someone link me!


I cleaned out my drawer today and have HUNDREDS of pencils and packs of tape from CVS and Staples deals from LAST year. And, I counted 50 glue sticks...it's a problem! :D

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Do you have a pic or link of said shelf stacking thingy?




I couldn't find it on the Costco website.




It's kinda like this one, but mine is a finer mesh and looks nicer. And, it's only about $12! It makes me wonder if it's going out of stock...


Maybe I should rush back to Costco and get another one! (Even though I DON'T NEED ANOTHER ONE.)


(But you never know, down the road I might just need another one...)


What do you guys think? Should I get two?


(And all the crack addicts said in unison, "Yes, Joann, you should take another hit on the pipe...)

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