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Our beagle is sick

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I gave custody of our beagle Molly to EX. Now she's very sick. She's 2x the weight she should be, her breathing is labored, she's not eaten in a few days and she's not pooped. EX took her to the vet and she apparently has some swelling around her heart, but not the heart itself, as well as fluid in one lung. She's on a couple medicines, as well as some prescription dog food, which she won't touch.


She's only 6 years and and I'm so %$#*&% mad at EX for letting her get like this! If she doesn't eat anything by tomorrow, she has to go back to the vet again.


Poor Molly May McIntosh Puppy Girl! (yes, that's her name; I named her myself)



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Sorry to hear your pup is in such distress, Michelle.

Sounds like congestive heart failure? given your description, that would be one of the most common causes of pericardial fluid or pleural fluid. Did the vet test for heartworm or was the dog on heartworm prevention, just because she is rather young to develop CHF for other reasons, though not totally unheard of. I'm guessing they have her on some kind of diuretic which should help her breathing by eliminating some of the fluid build-up. They may also have her on a drug to improve cardiac contractility, but not always.

It certainly sounds serious but many cases can be managed successfully for years. You probably want to look into diet changes to get weight off and not overload her heart and kidneys with sodium and protein.


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They did test for heartworm and other parasites; all came back negative. They tested her thyroid, took blood from her paw, checked for cancer. All was normal in those areas. Just fluid in her lung and around her heart.


I hope she recovers. My dd will melt into the ground if something happens to her Molly-girl.

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You all are in my thoughts.


Our Ginger (boxer) took a bad turn in Dec. The kind words the board wrote helped so much. I couldn't talk about it to people in person b/c I'd cry so hard. We had to euthanize her, too.


Nothing is like the solid, furry, warm love of a dog. And beagle ears are so great to stroke and play with. Beagle ears are the perfect size!


Our vet made a plaster imprint of Ginger's paw. Maybe yours can do that? Or you can get a kit at a craft store? It is comforting for me to have it.


You are doing the right thing, the loving thing to end his pain. I tell my kids that all the time!


Kind regards,


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Thank you all for your kind words, hugs and prayers.


I got the news Friday, just as I arrived at the home school conference. I talked to dd on the phone several times Friday and Saturday and when I got home Saturday, I went over to Ex's house to pick up dd and spend time with Molly and say a last good-bye. I even brought her my left over Linguine Bolognese from dinner the night before. When I came in the house, she did get up and come greet me with her tail wagging. She plopped on my lap and we sat on the floor while she scarfed the pasta down. We then spent the next hour just petting her and talking to her, telling her what a good dog she is, how much we love her and that we'll miss her. She just sort of went to one of us after the other, getting love and pats. She then tried to lie down, but couldn't really find a comfortable position and her breathing is horrible, just horrible. And, all that fat I though she had? Tumors. I don't know why they ruled out cancer last week, but I didn't go to the vet, so everything I heard was 2nd hand from EX.


We left and I brought dd home. She was in such shock over it and kept saying, "I can't believe this is happening. Why is this happening? Molly never did anything wrong!" Today, we went to church and dd got a lot of support and comfort from her friends, which is what she needed. She is not going with EX to have her put down; it's just too much. Ex has decided to have Molly buried in a pet cemetery in a shared burial, so there will be a grave we can visit and it won't be in back yard and it won't be a constant reminder to dd. There's already talk of getting a puppy later in the summer (seems odd to me to talk about that when Molly's sitting there, but I guess she doesn't know what's being said.)


So, all that besides the exhaustion from being at the hs conference has done me in!

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My heart is with you.

Are you planning a memorial or graveside service for the kids?

We even had a small table set up with pictures and flowers and rocks and shells......whatever the kids who loved him wanted to place there. One neighborhood kid put his favorite car for a while. When he had peace he took it back.

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It has been one heck of an emotional weekend.


EX emailed me late Sunday night, telling me Molly had made a turn for the better, and was eating, pottying, playing, trotting around the yard. He was baffled and not sure what to do. So, Monday, he called the vet before taking her in to be put down and the vet examined her again, and said she was responding to the steroid treatment positively. She said that the steroid treatment will only work a short time, maybe a few months. What did we want to do? So, EX calls and asks me my thoughts. I wasn't sure. On one hand, the treatment only delays the inevitable, but, otoh, as long as Molly is happy and feeling ok, and as long as he wants to pay for the steroids, why not enjoy her a little longer? The vet said if it were her dog, she'd do the steroid treatment, as long as Molly showed improvement and no suffering. So, we opted for that route. EX reports that she is perky today and eating well. (I'm sure it was the expensive Linguini I fed her that did it.)


In the mean time, EX is taking dd to see another dog for adoption. He feels that maybe having a second dog might make Molly's loss a bit easier for her to deal with, and she knows Molly is still sick and that the treatment won't cure her. The vet supported that, saying a new, younger dog might make Molly happy, too.


So, we'll see what happens. Part of me thinks we should have just put Molly down and let her go, the other part of me is glad we have her for a little longer.

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My df had a dog with cancer. She feels she was able to extend the dog's life by feeding her "homemade" food--would you like her recipes? She believes she extended Cindi's life by a couple of years this way (not saying she did, just saying she thinks she did).

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Wow, Michelle. That is pretty amazing. Hopefully your sweet Molly will enjoy a few more happy, healthy days.

I think it's really nice that you and EX are able to work together on this. I'm sure it's helpful for your dc to see the two of you this way. :)

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