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I am not going to panic. Really.

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Even though it's very, very tempting right now. Since December we've been in a leased house (we had a house fire late Oct, then my sister died, then my dh had pneumonia (twice) and we finally found a contractor to work with. We have 18 days to get out of our leased house, have carpets cleaned, minor repairs done. We've been paying double rent and mortgage on our own for a couple months now and need to get back down to one.

I still have smoke damaged items in the garage I need to sort and throw or organize.

We have been working 3-5 days a week on the house (along with the contractor and various sub-contractors) but we still don't have a kitchen sink or working bathrooms installed.

There is not a single floor finished at the house yet.

18 days till we need to BE.THERE.

Both of my older dd's are out of state, and no help right now.

My dh, 15 ds and I have been working like we're crazed.

We got the last contractors bill today and it takes us dangerously low to our total for the house. We still have hours of labor costs.

I covet any prayers, good wishes and warm thoughts you have to spare for us.

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Even though it's very, very tempting right now. Since December we've been in a leased house (we had a house fire late Oct, then my sister died, then my dh had pneumonia (twice) and we finally found a contractor to work with. We have 18 days to get out of our leased house, have carpets cleaned, minor repairs done. We've been paying double rent and mortgage on our own for a couple months now and need to get back down to one.

I still have smoke damaged items in the garage I need to sort and throw or organize.

We have been working 3-5 days a week on the house (along with the contractor and various sub-contractors) but we still don't have a kitchen sink or working bathrooms installed.

There is not a single floor finished at the house yet.

18 days till we need to BE.THERE.

Both of my older dd's are out of state, and no help right now.

My dh, 15 ds and I have been working like we're crazed.

We got the last contractors bill today and it takes us dangerously low to our total for the house. We still have hours of labor costs.

I covet any prayers, good wishes and warm thoughts you have to spare for us.


Oh Lisa, what a tremendous amount to bear in 9 months time! Definitely praying for all of you. :grouphug:

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Even though it's very, very tempting right now. Since December we've been in a leased house (we had a house fire late Oct, then my sister died, then my dh had pneumonia (twice) and we finally found a contractor to work with. We have 18 days to get out of our leased house, have carpets cleaned, minor repairs done. We've been paying double rent and mortgage on our own for a couple months now and need to get back down to one.

I still have smoke damaged items in the garage I need to sort and throw or organize.

We have been working 3-5 days a week on the house (along with the contractor and various sub-contractors) but we still don't have a kitchen sink or working bathrooms installed.

There is not a single floor finished at the house yet.

18 days till we need to BE.THERE.

Both of my older dd's are out of state, and no help right now.

My dh, 15 ds and I have been working like we're crazed.

We got the last contractors bill today and it takes us dangerously low to our total for the house. We still have hours of labor costs.

I covet any prayers, good wishes and warm thoughts you have to spare for us.



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I have some experience w/ the paying double: rent and mortgage. For a few months we paid our mortgage on the house we were selling, our rent where we'd moved to, and the land loan. ACK!


We took a long time to build our house, and did A LOT of the work ourselves, even correcting bad work by bad contractors, so I know of the exhaustion and panic you battle. (((Lisa)))


Praying VERY SPECIFIC prayers for you!

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Sending peaceful thoughts your way, Lisa. Deep breath! It's going to be okay. Everything has a way of working out in the end. I wish I lived close to you. I'd help you sort out the garage. Sounds like you could use an extra pair of hands.

My dad always says, "When you feel like you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and swing." I think you're swinging. Hang in there!

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:grouphug: Do you have a church? Perhaps you can talk to them, let the congregation know what is needed. An army of teens can get an amazing amount of work done, and there's bound to be folks who have some plumbing knowledge, etc.

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:grouphug: Do you have a church? Perhaps you can talk to them, let the congregation know what is needed. An army of teens can get an amazing amount of work done, and there's bound to be folks who have some plumbing knowledge, etc.


We do and they were amazing after the fire. Gave us a ton of money, a ton of food and helped us get the house emtied out. But, it's been 9mths since then and I think everyone thinks that the crisis has passed and it's just business as usual.

I'm just not sure who to ask. The equipping pastor resigned this winter and the head pastor is not a relational kind of guy- kwim?

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I covet any prayers, good wishes and warm thoughts you have to spare for us.


:grouphug:Just remember that we don't always understand the why's or the timings of things, but that in the long run, you will not only be stronger, but you will be able to help someone else going through the same thing.


I wish you much luck. My prayers are going out to you and your family for God's will be to done, patience and understanding on your parts, and peace.

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