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Pregnant but not sick.....

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This is my 9th pregnancy. I've been sick for all of them in the 1st trimester. I'm only 6 weeks and 2 days, but usually by now I am starting to feel very sick to my stomach. :confused: Should I be worried? Has this happened to anyone else? I'm leaving on a trip and don't want anything to happen while I am gone. (i.e. miscarriage etc. ) I guess that is kind of out of my hands though. I'd love to hear from someone that has had a similar experience. Have you had morning sickness with some pregnancies and not with others?

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Yes, I've had this happen to me twice (#9 and #10). Because your reasons for not being so sick could be different from mine and so the outcome can be different as well...but I do suggest that you see a doctor/midwife and discuss it with them before going on your trip. I've wondered if mine was due to lack of a certain hormone/thyroid issue.


Many hugs and prayers for you, hon.

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Did everything turn out o.k.?

I did call my Dr. They said that if I did not have bleeding or cramping then I was fine. Did not ask to see me or anything.


Thanks for the hugs......I need it. Along with an extra bit of grace and faith. But I know that only comes from one place.:)

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I only have three kids, but I can say that each one of those three pregnancies was different.


With my first, I had one solitary episode of feeling nauseous and that was it for the whole pregnancy.


With my second, I had like three episodes of vomiting and that was it, no other nauseau or anything else.


With my third, I had constant nausea, day and night, for like the first 15 weeks, but never vomited, and FINALLY the nausea passed.


So I wouldn't worry just because a particular pregnancy is going differently or you're having different symptoms, I would say that's pretty normal!


P.S. Even if you DO have bleeding, that might not necessarily be a reason to panic either. I had spotting in the first trimester with my first pregnancy, a single episode of bright red bleeding in my second trimester with my second pregnancy that scared the heck out of me, and some bleeding with my third pregnancy in the first trimester, early on.

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Did everything turn out o.k.?

I did call my Dr. They said that if I did not have bleeding or cramping then I was fine. Did not ask to see me or anything.


Thanks for the hugs......I need it. Along with an extra bit of grace and faith. But I know that only comes from one place.:)


The thing is, once you have bleeding or cramping it's usually too late if you are in the early stages.


I'll pm you.

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Wow! Thank you all so much for sharing. I can't believe the differences you've experienced in your pregnancies. All of mine were identical, so this is really throwing me for a loop. I guess I will just carry on and be thankful for the time that I'm not sick. I'm still amazed at your stories.


Thank you again

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Given that you have done this 9 times already, I think I would be at the dr. and politely demanding blood tests to check progesterone and anything else that might cause an issue.


If you had only had a few babies, I would say that they can all be different, but given that 9 have gone a certain way, I would be concerned if number 10 didn't follow pattern.


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Isn't it funny that you're worried about NOT being sick? I absolutely understand why you are concerned, and don't mean to minimize it at all since I know it *could* mean that something is wrong. I was just thinking that I am so clueless, I would probably (a) not know I was pregnant yet and (b) if I did be doing a happy dance that I wasn't sick.


I will tell you that with my girls I felt vaguely nauseous all. the. time. and with Schmooey what I thought was morning sickness turned out to be a stomach virus. I felt yucky with him but not so much nauseous, I think. I'm finding it hard to remember right now.


:grouphug: I am sure everything is fine because you're having a board baby and all of our prayers and thoughts are with you. But I understand your concern and will continue to pray!

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Given that you have done this 9 times already, I think I would be at the dr. and politely demanding blood tests to check progesterone and anything else that might cause an issue.


If you had only had a few babies, I would say that they can all be different, but given that 9 have gone a certain way, I would be concerned if number 10 didn't follow pattern.


Yeah, my first thought is possible low progesterone. Or, it could just be that baby #10 is going to be amazing! ;) Still, I'm kinda irritated they didn't say come in for blood work.

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Quiverfull, I'm going to post because you asked for the experience of the gals here (and you've gotten some, but since no one has posted what I'll post yet, I hope you do not mind). I'm NOT trying to say that this is what's happening, but I do think it okay to note since you asked.


I had NO queasy/icky feelings with my 7th pregnancy. I was not really that sick with the first six, but I did always deal with queasiness, extreme hunger at times, emotional depression and/or a lot of tiredness in the first trimester. With my 7th pregnancy, I had none of this at all and at first thought, "What a great pregnancy!" But I did start spotting in the 8th or 9th week. It was sort of light brown for more than a week and the midwife (who lived 2 hours away) said if it's not bright red it might still be okay. But it turned bright red at 10 to 10.5 weeks, and I did miscarry at 11 weeks. I did go to see the midwife when it turned bright red, and through doing an ultrasound she said I had a "blighted ovum" (the egg got fertilized and attached to the uterine wall, but a baby never developed). Because the baby didn't develop, the hormones weren't "raging" as if I had been carrying a developing baby -- so none of those pregnancy symptoms that I usually had presented. Getting progesterone would not help in this situation from what I understand. An ultrasound would reveal whether or not there's a heartbeat/baby.


Again, I *do* hope that's not what's happening in your situation, and look forward to a different report!


FWIW, in my next (8th) pregnancy, I was about 7-8 weeks and I bled quite a bit one day (bright red). I was so sad, again, thinking I was miscarrying again. But that was just for one day and then it stopped -- and now that "baby" is 2 years old.



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I wasn't sick with either of my boys in the early months of pregnancy. I threw up regularly in the third trimester, however - sizeable boys and I'm short in the torso, so there was not space left for my stomach to digest, or so my midwife suggested.



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Quiverfull, I'm going to post because you asked for the experience of the gals here (and you've gotten some, but since no one has posted what I'll post yet, I hope you do not mind). I'm NOT trying to say that this is what's happening, but I do think it okay to note since you asked.


I had NO queasy/icky feelings with my 7th pregnancy. I was not really that sick with the first six, but I did always deal with queasiness, extreme hunger at times, emotional depression and/or a lot of tiredness in the first trimester. With my 7th pregnancy, I had none of this at all and at first thought, "What a great pregnancy!" But I did start spotting in the 8th or 9th week. It was sort of light brown for more than a week and the midwife (who lived 2 hours away) said if it's not bright red it might still be okay. But it turned bright red at 10 to 10.5 weeks, and I did miscarry at 11 weeks. I did go to see the midwife when it turned bright red, and through doing an ultrasound she said I had a "blighted ovum" (the egg got fertilized and attached to the uterine wall, but a baby never developed). Because the baby didn't develop, the hormones weren't "raging" as if I had been carrying a developing baby -- so none of those pregnancy symptoms that I usually had presented. Getting progesterone would not help in this situation from what I understand.


Again, I *do* hope that's not what's happening in your situation, and look forward to a different report!


This is what happened to me with my second pregnancy.


:grouphug: and best wishes for a happy outcome.

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Given that you have done this 9 times already, I think I would be at the dr. and politely demanding blood tests to check progesterone and anything else that might cause an issue.


If you had only had a few babies, I would say that they can all be different, but given that 9 have gone a certain way, I would be concerned if number 10 didn't follow pattern.



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I was extremely sick with my first five children. Could keep nothing down until 20-22 weeks with each one. My sixth... barely nauseous. He is cooing in front of me - almost 3 months old.


I will say that I had my thyroid completely removed between my 5th and 6th and wondered if that had anything to do with the extreme difference.

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I was very nauseous with ds #1, vomiting once a week for the first 15 weeks. With ds #2 I was rarely nauseous, vomiting only once when I was ill. With ds #3 I was again rarely nauseous. I think it was because I was less stressed on the later pregnancies, due to being home instead of working away, and able to rest or eat when I wished to.

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I had this with my 4th pregnancy and now my 6th pregnancy. With both I found out the baby had attached on my cervix. Both moved up away from it later. It seems to make sense that that could delay hormones.:confused:


This pregnancy I also had a blight ovum with my still-growing baby. I don't know about the 4th.

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I'm 13 weeks today with my 3rd. I didn't start having any queasy feelings with this one until about 1-2 weeks ago. The rest of the time has been great. I was worried at first but they've done two ultrasounds now and everything looks good. With my first two, I lost about 10lbs. each time because food was so unappealing.


Hope all is well and congrats!!

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Two totally different pregnancies here.

With my son, I wasn't sick at all - ever! A few times during the second trimester, I would need some crackers at about 4:00p because I was hungry.


With my daughter, I was physically sick everyday for 3 months. Our homones must not have meshed! It was miserable.


That said, I did miscarry at 10 weeks between the two kids. I had gone to the Dr., had an ultrasound and heard the heartbeat. The Dr. did not do any bloodtests, but told me it was a "viable pregnancy". I felt great with no sickness, but I also didn't have any during my first pregnancy. Then, I went on a trip that included plane travel and a lot of car travel. I miscarried on the trip.


Obviously, something was wrong with the pregnancy. I don't believe the travel had anything to do with it. But, looking back - I wish the Dr. had done a blood test before I left.


I hope all goes well for you and that this just means you're going to have an easy pregnancy.

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I had the opposite concern! With my first, I had NO nausea, no sickness, never felt healthier. I craved o.j., but other that that, nothing.


With my second, I got morning sickness ... rather all-day sickness.. that lasted until... delivery. I went into the hospital in labor, vomiting. They sent me home and told me I had the flu:tongue_smilie: Nope! :D


At any rate, since the first was so carefree, and with the second I was so miserable, I worried the entire pregnancy that the second baby would not be okay. Well, he was as healthy as can be! (And my nausea finally stopped, after eight months.)


All this to say that each can be different! :)


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This happened to me in my 3rd pregnany (baby born last August). I was VERY tired and moderately sick the first time (1994), VERY sick the 2nd time (1998) and this time: nothing. No fatigue, no nausea, no nothing. All was well. :grouphug:


ETA: I have two friends, one with two kids, one with four, who say they never had morning sickness at all. Wow!

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  • 8 months later...
I would just like to let you all know that I had a beautiful baby boy on March 1, 2011. He is healthy and happy. The pregnancy went fine; there were no problems :)

Thank you all who responded in my time of need :)





Thanks for updating! Congratulations!

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I would just like to let you all know that I had a beautiful baby boy on March 1, 2011. He is healthy and happy. The pregnancy went fine; there were no problems :)

Thank you all who responded in my time of need :)


Congratulations!! And thanks for sharing the happy ending with us!

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