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just checking about Texas/rant

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I just got back from camping with my hubby's family and all was going well until planning for next year came up. My brother-in-law's girlfriend, who is a principal at some school in west Texas, mentioned a date in May and someone asked me if my kids would be out of school. I said that I homeschool so the date doesn't matter. You would think I had just dropped a major bomb. The principal/girlfriend goes off on how my kids still have to be in school a certain number of days and my wonderful husband said that we can actually pick which days our kids go to school and which days they have vacation. She proceeds to try to explain the law to me, to which I tried to correct her and she threw up her hands and shouted, "I'm a TA!" I don't actually know what that stands for but she left at that point and barely looked at me for the rest of the vacation. Then my father in law for some reason brought up mandatory testing every two years for homeschooled kids. I just kind of stared and ignored him since he was obviously talking out of his hiney. It was just a weird experience for me since I am from a metroplex with a very large homeschooling community. The whole situation still has me a bit freaked out and second guessing myself. I have gone over everything on the TEA website and the HSLDA website and I can't find anything that says my kids have to be schooled on particular days or have mandatory testing. Grrrr I need to stop worrying right? I guess it is just kind of upsetting. :crying:

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Are you in Texas? If so there is not a requirement for reporting. Public school students in Texas are required to attend 180 days but there is no requirement for homeschool students. As far as mandatory testing and the rest they are talking about something they are ignorant about so ignore them or you could memorize the statute and statement from hslda and quote that the next time they question you.

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No such thing in Texas. You are a private school. No notification, no testing, no oversight.

You already knew that, right?

That's ridiculous she'd have the nerve to treat anyone like that.

Someone recently started giving me a hard time for homeschooling.

The usual: what about testing? How do you know they're learning?

Oh, pleeze.


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I keep a copy of the legal aspects of hsing in Texas to pass out when someone questioned us. HSDLA or THSC should have something that would suit that purpose.


Next family outing when they start to question, give them a copy and end the conversation.

Edited by Wendy B.
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Oh phooey on them. Texans don't have any reporting, any number of days, any certain days to homeschool, any testing or anything else. We have 5 subjects we're to cover in a "bonafide" manner. Relax :)


Honestly, I would simply say, "we homeschool according to the law; pass the bean dip." If they push it, say you wish not to discuss it further and pass the bean dip please.

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I believe "TA" mean "total a$$" but I could be wrong ;)


If it does, I agree with her :D


TA is a teachers assistant. But I like your definition much better !! And :iagree:.


:grouphug: to the OP !!! Texas has no testing, no minimium days. Send your father in law and your brother ( for his gf ) a link to the ACTUAL laws, so they can educate themselves.


Try not to let people make you second guess yourself. I am sure there will be many more idiots in your future, who will want to educate "you" about homeschooling. :lol:

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TA is a teachers assistant. But I like your definition much better !! And :iagree:.


:grouphug: to the OP !!! Texas has no testing, no minimium days. Send your father in law and your brother ( for his gf ) a link to the ACTUAL laws, so they can educate themselves.


Try not to let people make you second guess yourself. I am sure there will be many more idiots in your future, who will want to educate "you" about homeschooling. :lol:


I thought she said she was a principal? I have no idea what a TA is. She is wrong, you are right. How irritating!

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I homeschool in Texas, too, and she doesn't have a clue! Nothing she said is remotely similar to the law applying to homeschooling here. Usually the only time homeschool is mentioned is to say that homeschools are considered unaccredited private schools so any guideline applicable to private schools covers homeschools. That means that the state has no oversight over us at all.


You've already been given the link to THSC, I would email it to your brother so he knows what a pompous know-it-all (who doesn't actually know what she is talking about) his GF is. You might help him dodge a bullet or at least he will go in with his eyes open.

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A TA is teachers assistant which is not even remotely close to a principal. In any case she is horribly misinformed and just plain wrong. People like that are just a pain in the @ss. It reminds me of a couple of disagreements I got into with nurses or doctors regarding immunization laws. You would think that they would at least know the law even if they don't agree with them. :glare: I personally would send her a copy of the actual law in writing so that she doesn't try to report you for truancy and if it happens to knock her down off her high horse so much the better.

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I thought she said she was a principal? I have no idea what a TA is. She is wrong, you are right. How irritating!


TA requires no training in most states. It is just someone to laminate, grade papers, and entertain the children so the teacher can work one on one. I know I was one in a former life. Oh I got to work the lunchroom, and recess too !!! Most of the time I was updating the bulletin board in our class. LOL


I laughed at the principal and TA statement in the same post. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I know she is a principal. I must have heard her wrong at that point but my ears were ringing from her telling me I didn't know what I was talking about. She mentioned TEA at one point too so I went on that website and it really doesn't have a whole lot of info on homeschooling. I can't necessarily blame her for not knowing the facts but the high and mighty know it all attitude can go.

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I know she is a principal. I must have heard her wrong at that point but my ears were ringing from her telling me I didn't know what I was talking about. She mentioned TEA at one point too so I went on that website and it really doesn't have a whole lot of info on homeschooling. I can't necessarily blame her for not knowing the facts but the high and mighty know it all attitude can go.


Oh I bet homeschoolers in her district just love her then. :grouphug:


May I ask what county, so I NEVER move there ??

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TA is a teachers assistant. But I like your definition much better !! And :iagree:.


:grouphug: to the OP !!! Texas has no testing, no minimium days. Send your father in law and your brother ( for his gf ) a link to the ACTUAL laws, so they can educate themselves.


Try not to let people make you second guess yourself. I am sure there will be many more idiots in your future, who will want to educate "you" about homeschooling. :lol:

She's a principal though?

I thought she said she was a principal? I have no idea what a TA is. She is wrong, you are right. How irritating!

Okay, I have heard TA used to call someone what I'd said it meant before... and in the context given it seemed to fit... Although I wouldn't expect web speak or text speak from a principal.

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SHE mentioned a date in May, and she's worried about YOUR kids missing school? Is she leaving her staff to fly solo at the end of the year? I'd think a school principal would be tying up loose ends until early June at the very least.


I have grown to truly dislike what I call that "Teacher Voice," with its tone of superiority and condescension (typically - but not always - wrapped up in sickly sugary delivery). I imagine that attitude is ingrained through teacher training. Not attractive or winsome in the least. It's no wonder kids lose respect for many teachers these days. No one likes being corrected or manipulated by someone who is both insincere and ignorant.


I'd casually email your brother a copy of the statute for your state. It would be satisfying to out-and-out prove her wrong, but it would be better to pass on that and just quietly get the info to your brother so he can discourage any attempt on her behalf to get involved in the "welfare" of your children, should she feel so inclined.


I'm sorry that had to cloud your trip. Even I'd she were correct, she was certainly rude. And I'd think that perhaps she'd done better seeking your good graces, seeing that you are already an official member of the family while she is yet not....

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these are the only 2 links that popped up on TEA's website about homeschooling. perhaps these would help clear up any confusion on the gf's part. but really, unless she is the campus person in charge of handling homeschooled students (either enrolling or withdrawing), I wouldn't expect her to know what the specifics are. I know I didn't as a ps teacher. Just wasn't something I needed to know at that time.

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I have grown to truly dislike what I call that "Teacher Voice," with its tone of superiority and condescension (typically - but not always - wrapped up in sickly sugary delivery). I imagine that attitude is ingrained through teacher training.


i assure you that the voice you're referring to isn't taught in teacher training. it's a personality trait that was there long before the person exhibiting it became a teacher.

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i assure you that the voice you're referring to isn't taught in teacher training. it's a personality trait that was there long before the person exhibiting it became a teacher.


Oh, my apologies for generalizing! I'm sure you are right, that certain personality traits were present beforehand. But I still believe, in those I've personally encountered who turn on "that voice" at will, that there's been some degree of training involved at some level. Again, that's just based on my own personal experience. Perhaps not all teachers are trained alike...

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I wish there were some way to 'diplomatically' educate ignorant people about homeschooling. So many of these strong opinions are based on false information, you know?

There isn't. Those people come up with their opinions based what the "experts" have told them, and we hsers are not them (yes, I know it should be "they" :tongue_smilie:). I just shrug and change the subject, 'cuz if the discussion goes much further, it just turns into wrestling with pigs (you know, you shouldn't wrestle with pigs, because the pig enjoys it and you get dirty).

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I believe "TA" mean "total a$$" but I could be wrong ;)


If it does, I agree with her :D



You made me laugh out loud! Thank you!


and Jmac, I'm sorry you had to listen to that person. It always amazes me how many people think they know the best thing to do for someone else's kids.

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Good night, that woman went off on ya, huh? And why did FIL jump in? :grouphug:


The law in TX for homeschooling does not require testing yearly or whatever. It is really simple. And no certain # of days of school required -- but public schools are required by LAW to do 180 days. Just work on good citizenship, reading, math, spelling and grammar.



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As everyone else has said, in Texas there is *nothing* homeschoolers are required by law to do. There is no oversight for homeschoolers whatsoever.


There are *plenty* of rules and mandatory testing for public schools, but none of that applies to homeschoolers!!


And just for trivia purposes, I think nearly all public schools in TX do not get out until the beginning of June...

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these are the only 2 links that popped up on TEA's website about homeschooling. perhaps these would help clear up any confusion on the gf's part. but really, unless she is the campus person in charge of handling homeschooled students (either enrolling or withdrawing), I wouldn't expect her to know what the specifics are. I know I didn't as a ps teacher. Just wasn't something I needed to know at that time.


I try not to expect school teachers and administrators to know the specifics of homeschooling, but I really wish that they would behave as if they understood their limitations themselves. (Not a reflection on you, btw)


The school here is required to allow homeschoolers access to things like clubs, the library and partial enrollment. But everytime I go in, it takes talking to several people to get past the initial incredulous no's. If people don't know the policy, why not say that they don't know but will find someone who does, instead of saying that it's not allowed?


Reminds me of a survey in American School Board Journal from back before I was homeschooling (maybe 1997?) where they surveyed a bunch of principals about homeschoolers and homeschooling. They all had an opinion about the legality and efficacy of homeschooling, even though a sizable percentage admitted having little to no experience with actual homeschoolers.

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When my family first realized I was going to home-school my children, my sister-in-law was offended (she is a public school teacher), and my nephew's wife told me I would ruin my children.


I didn't listen to them.

Years have passed. My nephew's wife has proven herself crazy. and my sister-in-law has even made supportive comments about my home-schooling in the last year.

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i assure you that the voice you're referring to isn't taught in teacher training. it's a personality trait that was there long before the person exhibiting it became a teacher.

:iagree: That trait can get you jobs in all sorts of customer service jobs too.

Oh, my apologies for generalizing! I'm sure you are right, that certain personality traits were present beforehand. But I still believe, in those I've personally encountered who turn on "that voice" at will, that there's been some degree of training involved at some level. Again, that's just based on my own personal experience. Perhaps not all teachers are trained alike...

:lol: The training starts with Barbie. First she's a teacher and then she's an airline stewardess (that's when the voice gets a real work out). :lol:


And don't forget to say, "Bless your heart." :D


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I just got back from camping with my hubby's family and all was going well until planning for next year came up. My brother-in-law's girlfriend, who is a principal at some school in west Texas, mentioned a date in May and someone asked me if my kids would be out of school. I said that I homeschool so the date doesn't matter. You would think I had just dropped a major bomb. The principal/girlfriend goes off on how my kids still have to be in school a certain number of days and my wonderful husband said that we can actually pick which days our kids go to school and which days they have vacation. She proceeds to try to explain the law to me, to which I tried to correct her and she threw up her hands and shouted, "I'm a TA!" I don't actually know what that stands for but she left at that point and barely looked at me for the rest of the vacation. Then my father in law for some reason brought up mandatory testing every two years for homeschooled kids. I just kind of stared and ignored him since he was obviously talking out of his hiney. It was just a weird experience for me since I am from a metroplex with a very large homeschooling community. The whole situation still has me a bit freaked out and second guessing myself. I have gone over everything on the TEA website and the HSLDA website and I can't find anything that says my kids have to be schooled on particular days or have mandatory testing. Grrrr I need to stop worrying right? I guess it is just kind of upsetting. :crying:


TA is teachers assistant. I'm guessing she doesn't know how ignorant she sounded and how 100% completely wrong she was. You're considered a private school and there is not any oversight by the state. People who don't know what they're talking about make me absolutely psycho.

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I try not to expect school teachers and administrators to know the specifics of homeschooling, but I really wish that they would behave as if they understood their limitations themselves. (Not a reflection on you, btw).


But that goes hand in hand with the same personality type that uses "that voice".... the inability to consciously admit that they might not know EVERYTHING! Trust me, I have an uncle like this and I just don't talk about certain things with him..... actually I just try not to talk to him!


and the customer service types! YIKES! Now I just interrupt them and ask for a supervisor who might actually know what they're talking about.

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But that goes hand in hand with the same personality type that uses "that voice".... the inability to consciously admit that they might not know EVERYTHING! Trust me, I have an uncle like this and I just don't talk about certain things with him..... actually I just try not to talk to him!


and the customer service types! YIKES! Now I just interrupt them and ask for a supervisor who might actually know what they're talking about.

I swear I hear that same voice when I see little girls playing with Barbies. That's the training grounds right there.


Mmm bubye!

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