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We just saw Toy Story 3 and I feel like a good cry!

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Ok, I won't give away any details, but it made me so wistful of the childhood that's slipping away right under my nose. I remember buying the first movie on VHS when my first-born was still in-utero; then the Jessie hat she used to wear when the second movie came out. My boys' Buzz phase lasted for years! Now my oldest is taller than me and my boys are gaining on puberty. :confused: How did this happen!

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Ok, I won't give away any details, but it made me so wistful of the childhood that's slipping away right under my nose. I remember buying the first movie on VHS when my first-born was still in-utero; then the Jessie hat she used to wear when the second movie came out. My boys' Buzz phase lasted for years! Now my oldest is taller than me and my boys are gaining on puberty. :confused: How did this happen!


I feel teary and goosebumpy just reading your thoughts!


Note to self: bring lots of tissues and dark glasses for leaving the theater.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I loved the movie and had tears rolling down my face toward the end. Thankfully, I managed to pull myself together before the lights came up. Even in movies the kids don't stay little!


Yep, I cried buckets at the end. My 11yo was very concerned, he couldn't figure out why I would be crying.


Of course, having already sent two to college and one off to encampment today had nothing to do with it. :-}

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YES, there's cry potential! But it's all good, I promise! Please go see this movie. MrTea and DD11 were sniffling away through the end, but then we just stayed through the credits and everything was fine!! It's not the kind of crying that leaves you sad and exhausted and drained. Just the nostalgic kind. It's so worth every kleenex.


The beginning is hysterically funny to me - that's when I had my glasses off and had to wipe the tears off my whole face onto the front of my shirt.


The tears are all worth it! Go see this movie, people!!


p.s. I want my own "Death by Monkey" button.

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I know it will be emotionalfor me. Baby boy #1 was 3.5 when we went to see the original toy story in the theatre. He had a buzz action figure that never left his little hands. Baby boy is a senior this year and we are talking college. We had senior pictures this week. He said he'd come see TS3 with us this week.

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I know it will be emotionalfor me. Baby boy #1 was 3.5 when we went to see the original toy story in the theatre. He had a buzz action figure that never left his little hands. Baby boy is a senior this year and we are talking college. We had senior pictures this week. He said he'd come see TS3 with us this week.


You are going to need a BIG BOX of tissues!

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I've heard from a few friends that this is not the movie for me right now. I've heard that it is a wonderful movie.


I can't watch the Jessie dump scene in TS2 without crying. I can't even think about it without crying. Childhood is so fleeting, and the whole time we worry about all the wrong things. I am so grateful that I have (mostly) been able to see the bigger picture. It's not easy in our culture, where every interaction is seen as an opportunity for discipline in our rushed and outcome -based society. We are so focused on who our children are going to be, that we ignore who the wonderful people they already are.

Edited by LibraryLover
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My kids and i went & we didn't love it. I wanted to, but we just didn't. My kids (7&9) did not like the meanness & betrayal of the "bad" guys. I felt the suspenseful parts were way more PG than G. (i will say we don't do a pt of media, and they are tenderhearted). Both kids felt the "bitter" of the bittrrsweet ending. I regret not previewing it, as I would not have taken them. Sorry to be the wet blanket. :001_huh:

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I loved the movie and had tears rolling down my face toward the end. Thankfully, I managed to pull myself together before the lights came up. Even in movies the kids don't stay little!


Oh no!!!! That was my huge fear, we haven't seen it yet. I remember watching Toy Story I a gazillion time when ds was little.

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My kids and i went & we didn't love it. I wanted to, but we just didn't. My kids (7&9) did not like the meanness & betrayal of the "bad" guys. I felt the suspenseful parts were way more PG than G. (i will say we don't do a pt of media, and they are tenderhearted). Both kids felt the "bitter" of the bittrrsweet ending. I regret not previewing it, as I would not have taken them. Sorry to be the wet blanket. :001_huh:


I appreciate your honesty. We're considering this as our first family movie night at the theater. I have a very sensitive 4 yo dd. Do you think that the meanness would scare a 4 yo? I think a lot of tenderness would go over her head. But, anyone being VERY mean would scare her. (For example, Dora the Explorer scares her because of Swiper!!) I'm thinking that maybe we should save our money and take just the older boys (14, 12, and 9). Dd hasn't seen TS 2, but has seen 1.

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I appreciate your honesty. We're considering this as our first family movie night at the theater. I have a very sensitive 4 yo dd. Do you think that the meanness would scare a 4 yo? I think a lot of tenderness would go over her head. But, anyone being VERY mean would scare her. (For example, Dora the Explorer scares her because of Swiper!!) I'm thinking that maybe we should save our money and take just the older boys (14, 12, and 9). Dd hasn't seen TS 2, but has seen 1.


I think it would be too much for a very sensitive 4 yo. There is one very intense scene especially. Way worse than Swiper. :001_smile:

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I appreciate your honesty. We're considering this as our first family movie night at the theater. I have a very sensitive 4 yo dd. Do you think that the meanness would scare a 4 yo? I think a lot of tenderness would go over her head. But, anyone being VERY mean would scare her. (For example, Dora the Explorer scares her because of Swiper!!) I'm thinking that maybe we should save our money and take just the older boys (14, 12, and 9). Dd hasn't seen TS 2, but has seen 1.


I wouldn't take a very sensitive four year old. My five year old, who is not at all sensitive, climbed in my lap during one part. There is a long period that's very suspenseful.

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FWIW, I had a 4 and 5 year olds with me and they didn't seem to get upset. It may be different if you have a particularly sensitive child, but I think it's okay for most kids that age. I definitely wouldn't call it PG. It's a lot less scary than Snow White or Sleeping Beauty.

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I appreciate your honesty. We're considering this as our first family movie night at the theater. I have a very sensitive 4 yo dd. Do you think that the meanness would scare a 4 yo? I think a lot of tenderness would go over her head. But, anyone being VERY mean would scare her. (For example, Dora the Explorer scares her because of Swiper!!) I'm thinking that maybe we should save our money and take just the older boys (14, 12, and 9). Dd hasn't seen TS 2, but has seen 1.


The meanness didn't upset my DD4 (5 in a few months), but the intensely suspenseful scene did have her wrap her arms around mine, which is unusual. There was one child in the theater crying after that scene, though she calmed down quickly. I do think if your DD4 is a sensitive one, you might want to either prepare her (if that would help her) or wait a bit.

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Wonderful movie. My waterworks wouldn't turn off towards the end, but....


We went late so except for one family with young kids, it was all teens or teens with parents (like us). I kinda liked that most of the kids (as well as most of us adults) were all in a similar stage of life to understand on that level. 4yos will no doubt love the movie, of course....it was just nice for everyone to "get it."

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