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The custody battle is over.......(and a narcissistic funny)

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I spent the day in (yet another) mediation. We settled, trying to avoid the cost of our court date on Monday. Xh is unemployed (again) and I expect this has cost him more than me.


The news is good but mixed: we retain custody. In exchange, however, Andrew goes to public school in the fall. There are other details to it, but that is the main issue.


As I told the mediator, I've been having to choose from a pool of bad choices. This ending was the best of the bad.


All future disputes will have to go to mediaton and, if not settled, binding arbitration instead of court.


It has been a torture of 3 years.


The NPD funny: The letter from the mediator said that only "the parties and their attorneys" may attend and that friends, spouses, family, etc make things worse not better. It also said that the mediation must be paid for with cash or money order. Rules exist in NPD's life - but not for them. He showed up with his wife and a check. :lol::lol::tongue_smilie:

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I am obviously not up on all the rules here but if you retain custody, can you decide not to send ds to school or did you get custody only on the condition you send him to PS? Perhaps you cannot share that much info. I am just wondering what wonky decisions some judges hand down and WHY?

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I am obviously not up on all the rules here but if you retain custody, can you decide not to send ds to school or did you get custody only on the condition you send him to PS? Perhaps you cannot share that much info. I am just wondering what wonky decisions some judges hand down and WHY?


In the 3 years this has been pending, we've never actually been arbitrated by the Judge. She assigned an amicus who decided in our favor. The other side then wanted a full psychological evaluation, and he decided in our favor.


Court date, "trial", was scheduled for Monday. Because it has been SO long that this has been pending, we had to try another mediation before we could go to court.


XH was more motivated to settle this time since his chances of custody were at this point zero. As his chances of custody diminished, his focus on homeschooling increased.


I could have not settled and gone to court, but that would have easily been another $8K minimum.


So, I settled. That's the short version. LOL.

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The NPD funny: The letter from the mediator said that only "the parties and their attorneys" may attend and that friends, spouses, family, etc make things worse not better. It also said that the mediation must be paid for with cash or money order. Rules exist in NPD's life - but not for them. He showed up with his wife and a check. :lol::lol::tongue_smilie:




Axis IIs never cease to p!ss me off.




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The NPD funny: The letter from the mediator said that only "the parties and their attorneys" may attend and that friends, spouses, family, etc make things worse not better. It also said that the mediation must be paid for with cash or money order. Rules exist in NPD's life - but not for them. He showed up with his wife and a check. :lol::lol::tongue_smilie:


I can imagine my NPD Mom doing something like that. It didn't matter what the situation was, she always had to be right and always had to set the rules. When my Dad very close to dying she went to lunch because she told everyone that she had decided that he was just a "little ill" and that the doctors and nurses were wrong. When she came back, he was gone, having died in the arms of a neighbor who had been called in right after Mom left because the nursing home staff were so horrified at her attitude.


I laugh about it now because it was so typical of her, but when I found out about it of course it was so very upsetting.

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Well done Joanne. At least this is something you can take off your plate.


I am glad it's over for you. What horror! You said what happened when your xh and wife showed up with a check?


It is just odd to me that the parent without custody can force the other to do something. Seems to defy the very meaning of "custody".


Will there ever be a time when your ds can decide for himself what schooling choice he would like to make, for instance when he is 16? I heard this is the age when kids can decide with whom they want to live.

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Will there ever be a time when your ds can decide for himself what schooling choice he would like to make, for instance when he is 16? I heard this is the age when kids can decide with whom they want to live.



This must vary by state. In Georgia, a child at age 14 has the right to decide which parent to live with, as long as that parent doesn't have any major issues, i.e. addiction, abuse, etc. My dd18 came to live with me full-time. At age 16, she decided she wanted to homeschool. My custody papers say I'm supposed to discuss everything with XH but that in the end, I had the final say. I'm thankful my story isn't as bad as Joanne's, but custody stuff is so unpleasant. I did a happy dance when she turned 18 last month. I don't have to deal with XH on anything anymore. Yay!! It's been a long 16 years.

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I am so glad you are finally going to have some peace. I've been watching your updates for a long time, truly horrified at what this man has put you through. Very happy for your new peace, but a small part of me always hopes the jerk would get what he deserves..why I read happy fiction, I guess..

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