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What are you anal about?

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For myself: The physical handling of books. I treat books gingerly, and with great care. When I finish reading a book, even a paperback, it looks unread.


Having my child "write" in workbooks is not easy for me, but I'm working on it :D


Otherwise, I'm pretty easy going.




Oh my ,visiting our home library would send you right over the edge. You can tell which books I really loved as they are filled with scribbled thoughts, rhetorical questions and frankly holding their pages together for dear life. I cannot read without taking notes in the book unless of course it is from the library then those spiral bound indexcards have to suffice. I do have some books that I own a reading copy and double for ....dd when she is older so she can do her own annotations. :lol:

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Oh my ,visiting our home library would send you right over the edge. You can tell which books I really loved as they are filled with scribbled thoughts, rhetorical questions and frankly holding their pages together for dear life. I cannot read without taking notes in the book unless of course it is from the library then those spiral bound indexcards have to suffice. I do have some books that I own a reading copy and double for ....dd when she is older so she can do her own annotations. :lol:


More likely, I'd admire you. I wish I could fill books with notes (maybe :D)



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As in, it must be food to put it in your mouth. Real food. Nothing I don't recognize on the ingredient list, and preferably, it doesn't come with an "ingredient list".


Last night we went out for dinner. Dh and the kids ordered a pizza. I ordered the spinach artichoke ravioli with Alfredo sauce. An hour later :001_huh: our food arrived. My ravioli was decidedly the grocery store refrigerated brand (you know the one to which I refer) and jarred sauce - the one that starts with a "B". Along side it came...get this...Texas Toast. No kidding. I darn near puked. It cost $10. :glare:


(I know exactly what I was served from my eating experiences as a youth to early 20s years :tongue_smilie:)

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  • Towels have to be folded correctly, and facing the correct way in the linen closet.
  • Sheets have to be put on the bed so that the top edge/hem is facing the right the right way when the bed is turned down.
  • Toothpaste must be squeezed from the bottom.
  • Clothes have to be arranged correctly in the closet. (everything grouped with like items, facing the center of the closet, etc)
  • Kitchen cabinets- things have to be grouped with like items. No top of the stove cookware in with the bakeware.
  • Bookshelves must be neat. I don't care what your system is (alphabetical by author, Dewey Decimal, color of the book) Just don't have them all jumbled! My kids drive me nuts throwing books every which way on the shelves.
  • Puzzles must be finished. I cannot stand puzzles not being finished.
  • Women in public not wearing their booKshelves.
  • Anyone in public displaying their crack.I have to fight the urge to say, "Crack is whack!"
  • Local business doing commercials themselves or using their kids. A guy we used to go to church with has a car lot. He uses his 7-8 year old daughter to do the commercials. In real life I think she is beautiful, precious, and adorable. On TV she makes me want to scream!


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Bad spelling, or usage. Grammar in general. I get it from my mother, the linguist. For example.... "reek havoc" instead of "wreak havoc" .....gives me chills up and down the spine. Keeping my clothes folded neatly in my drawer: this is very strange to even me....I'm a classic "messy" in general (absentminded professor type), and my house frequently gets ...well.... untidy. But my drawers? neat. I'm also anal about having to have a soda when we go out to eat. My dh is very frugal, and frequently only orders water with all the burgers (I know, I know....pink slime...not going there), but he knows that I must have my soda :o). I know there are other quirky things, but I can't think of them.

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Oh...I just thought of another one....my mil calls those little sausage thingies in a can "Vie-eena Sausages" .......AAAAAARGGGGG.....makes me want to rip my hair out and shout "VEE-ENNA!!! VEE-ENNA!!! YOU KNOW.......SWITZERLAND?????" But I don't :o). I'm a nice dil. Drives me crazy when she calls the little ocean critters "srimp" instead of "shrimp" also. Shudder. I just breathe deeply and try to remember that she's from old "Okie" background (think Grapes of Wrath) and really thinks this is how such things are pronounced. I know. Really minor stuff. But we *are* discussing anal, after all LOL :o).

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Calling the unborn "it".


Internet speak


Teeth scraping metal utensils (seriously sends chills down my spine)


Closet and cabinet doors left open (ugh... I get so tired of following other people and closing doors. Really, how hard is it to take the extra second and close it when your done.)


Folding laundry (I really hate when my hubby helps with the laundry because he doesn't do it right!:D After 17 years he is finally learning to fold towels.)


Socks must be mated (I can not stand to wear socks that do not match and the thought of my children leaving the house in mismatched socks gives me the Heebie-Jeebies. My step-mom (who is a wonderful woman) would just toss every ones socks into a laundry basket and most everyone would just get socks out as they needed them, but I had to sort mine out, mate them, and put them away to maintain my sanity.)

Edited by akmommy
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Closet and cabinet doors left open (ugh... I get so tired of following other people and closing doors. Really, how hard is it to take the extra second and close it when your done.)


This is the biggest rule in my house and I'll shout it from the mountain tops if I have to!




This goes for drawers, doors, windows, closets, cabinets, shower curtains, ketchup bottles, cereal boxes and most of all THE TOILET!

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My family would say everything! :001_smile:


I would say:


Having to have the house totally picked up before I leave to go anywhere (even to the grocery store).


Having beds made and chores done before school starts.


Getting all schoolwork scheduled for the day DONE (I am terrified of getting behind).


Being on time.


Having my books exactly where they belong in my library (I do not loan out books).


These things make me happy. :001_smile:


Your list makes me happy.

You may be my new best friend. :D

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Not especially anal here, but I do get rather obsessive about feeding my family healthy foods and have been known to roll my eyes and make snide remarks when dh sculls down iced coffee for breakfast or spearmint milkshakes or a whole block of camembert cheese. I guess I am a bit anal about being healthy altogether. Dh did comment at the number of vitamin etc supplements I have in the cupboard the other day and how much of my independent income goes on health related stuff.


I am a bit anal about making sure the family has good....bowel habits. I guess that goes along with the health theme, doesnt it?


OK, I think I will have to admit to dh he has a point.

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Oh...I just thought of another one....my mil calls those little sausage thingies in a can "Vie-eena Sausages" .......AAAAAARGGGGG.....makes me want to rip my hair out and shout "VEE-ENNA!!! VEE-ENNA!!! YOU KNOW.......SWITZERLAND?????" But I don't :o). I'm a nice dil. Drives me crazy when she calls the little ocean critters "srimp" instead of "shrimp" also. Shudder. I just breathe deeply and try to remember that she's from old "Okie" background (think Grapes of Wrath) and really thinks this is how such things are pronounced. I know. Really minor stuff. But we *are* discussing anal, after all LOL :o).


Maybe they're from the the town VI-enna in Southern Illinois...very close to Cairo (CAY-ro). :lol:

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Ok, here it goes...


*Leaving cabinets & drawers open, chairs that aren't pushed under the table,

and plastic ware containers that aren't closed properly.


*Parents who pick their childrens noses... GAG!!! I have an in-home daycare and it is bad enough for the children to pick their noses, but when the mom or dad comes in and proceeds to do it for them and then drops it on my floor.... I am like OMG!!!! You didn't just do that!!!! :eek:


*Not having my dishwasher loaded the way I like it. I know, silly, but I don't know how many times I have rearranged the dishwasher after someone else (my hubby) has done it just so they will all fit better.


*School- handwriting... it must be NEAT. No sloppiness allowed.


*Sweeping my kitchen floor. I must do it 100 times a day.


*Organization. I love to be organized & can't stand clutter.


*Sounds that are repeated over and over and over and over... AGH!!!

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I won't use a bath towel that someone else has used. (My darling husband used to grab mine. He doesn't any more.)


My tater tots must not touch on the cookie sheet while baking.


Children's questions must be answered as truthfully and accurately as possible. It used to drive me crazy at the zoo to listen to parents naming the animals incorrectly right in front of a sign that told them the correct names for them. The puffins were called ducks and common murres were called penguins by parents, seriously, not just one parent!!

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I'm kind of anal about nutrition and eating healthy foods. I don't push my green smoothies or ideas on others, except my children, but I'm sure they think I'm over the top with it.:001_huh:


I like for the cans in the pantry to all be upright and facing forwards (like they are in the grocery store). I REALLY need things organized and can get uptight about it.

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Disclaimer: I never wore braces on my teeth, so I'm not sure why I'm like this, but.....



I hate HATE HATE with the passion of a thousand suns eating off of metal utensils!! At home I only eat off of plasticware. If at someone else's house or at a restaurant I just suck it up and deal, but when I'm in my OWN home,.....I have it the way I like it!


Oh, and McDonald's has the best straws! I told dh I was gonna go into McDonald's and order one hamburger and take 30 straws. :lol:


Okay, too funny. I'm the complete opposite - HAVE to use metal utensils, even have them in the car. And I LOVE the sound of metal on real dinner plates. HATE, HATE, HATE it when mil uses paper plates!


But I will agree with the McDonald's straws - best straws in the world!

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- Grammar and spelling: I'm a total snob when it comes to this...


- Toilet paper: it has to be hung so you can pull it "top forward" vs. "bottom back" (I don't know why this bothers me but I feel compelled to rehang the roll anytime someone in my family does it "wrong")


- Calling a baby "it": unacceptable!!!


- I'm sure there's more... ;)

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My hangup is the 3-way lightswitch. If the light is off then the switches must be in a down position not up. But yet I understand that when I flip one up and the light is on then the other switch is down. But for some reason this doesn't bother me. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

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