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What are you planning for 5th grade?

Robin M

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I am in the midst of figuring out curriculum for 5th grade, reading wtm and reviewing what we've used so far.


If you're in the midst of 5th grade or done with 5th grade, what are your hits and misses. If you are planning, what are you doing for 5th grade?

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Geography: MapTrek Ancients (Level B)


Logic: Philosophy Rocks! and How Do You Know Its True?


Math: Right Start Intermediate Level


Science: Science of Life: Projects for Beginning Biologists and Keeping a Nature Journal

Ancient Literature Study


The Calendar by Patricia Kummer

Ancient Greece Treasure Chest by Lynn Brittany

Ancient Greece by Peter Connolly

Ancient Rome by Peter Connolly

Zeus: King of the Gods by George O'Connor (series)

Gilgamesh the King by Ludmila Zeman (trilogy) (1300 BC)

Black Ships Before Troy: Story of the Iliad by Rosemary Sutcliff (800 BC)

The Wanderings of Odysseus by Rosemary Sutcliff (800 BC)

The Ancient Greece of Odysseus by Peter Connolly (800 BC)

Alexander the Great by John Gunther (336 BC)

The Librarian Who Measured the Earth by Kathryn Lasky (200 BC)

City: Story of Roman Planning & Construction by David Macaulay (200 BC)

Archimedes and the Door of Science by Jeanne Bendick (200 BC)

Cleopatra by Diane Stanley (51 BC)

In Search of a Homeland: Story of the Aeneid by Penelope Lively (29 BC)

Detectives in Togas by Henry Winterfield

Mystery of the Roman Ransom by Henry Winterfield

The Trouble with Wishes (Pygmalion) by Diane Stanley (8 AD)

Augustus Caesar's World by Genevieve Foster (14)

Bodies from Ash: Life & Death in Ancient Pompeii by James Deem (79)

Roman Mysteries #1: Thieves of Ostia by Carolina Lawrence, series (100)

Galen and the Gateway to Medicine by Jeanne Bendick (150)

The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff (200)

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After years of studying history, we took a year off and studied geography using:

Trail Guide to World Geography

The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide

Geography through Art

Eating your way around the world

and quality read alouds (think Sonlight)


It was the best year ever. We still talked a lot about history even reading several historical novels but the focus was clearly on geography. We had a ton of fun, ate great food, made interesting art projects. Next year we are back to history and I feel ready after taking a year off.


Good luck!



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My boys will be in 5th in the fall.


They'll be doing:


Math: Horizons 5 & Singapore 5


Latin: Latin for Children B (possibly with VP's live online class)

French: SYRWtL French


Grammar: R&S 5

Spelling: Grade 5

Writing: IEW (through the Classical Conversations co-op we'll be doing)



I'm still trying to sort out what to do for History. I want to move into the wtm suggestions of outlining, researching & writing a summary each week. History Odyssey 2 looks ideal for making that transition to logic stage history. However, we're on Year 3 and HO2 Early Modern looks like it would be doable, but a stretch without having done HO2 Ancients & Medieval. So, I'm waffling between just doing history following the wtm suggestions for 5th grade using Usborne/Kingfisher or using HO2 Early Moderns.


Hopefully, we'll also squeeze in...

Logic: Mindbenders

Science: Chemistry (Elements? Noeo? RS4K?)

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Here's my plan, subject to change without notice. ;) In fact, I changed this plan (again) just a couple of days ago. A lot could happen between now and August! :D


Math - Math on the Level and MEP


Latin - Latin Prep and Lingua Latina


Classical Studies - Famous Men of Greece with the Memoria Press study guide


English - Meaningful Composition, Daily Grams, and Vocabulary Vine


Literature - The Hobbit, A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table (LCC recommendations)


American History - This Country of Ours


Science - TOPScience Chemistry


Geography - Maps-Globes-Graphs and 50 US States and Territories


Art - Hooked on Drawing and CM-style picture study

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I"m still in the planning stages.... I like Skadi's history lit list and it's probably quite similar to mine. Here's what bouncing in my head...I'll have to edit later I'm sure.


Math: RS Geometric Approach, SM 6A/6B, LOF Fractions, Decimals/percents (LOF is a if we have time) and then moving into VT A or SM DM. I forgot SM CWP 5/6.


Language Arts: MCT Town Level (poetry, vocabulary, writing, grammar), WWE4


Literature: Teaching the Classics, LLforLOTR (epic portions to go along with History); maybe Lightening Lit 7.


Spelling: Continue w/ SWR and How to Teach Spelling


History: K12 Human Odyssey as spine along w/ Teacher/student guides, History Odyssey Ancients level 2 try before you buy



Art in Story to go along w/ history as well as History of Architecture (forget the exact title)


Latin: haven't researched yet.


Spanish: might drop in lieu of Latin



CPO Life Science



Continue w/ Mindbenders, Sudoku, Venn Perplexors, Critical Thinking book



I have 3 workbooks, once which is general geography, the 2nd which is Ancients and the third is US History. I also have a Spectrum Ancient History workbook as well.

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My upcoming 5th grader:


Math - Singapore Primary


English - Sequential Spelling, MCT grammar, Put That in Writing


Latin - online


French - finish First Start French I & move into level II


Geography - online + continue Mapping the World with Art


Science - Oak Meadow Earth Science


History/Literature - our own thing w/ focus on Ancient Greece/Colonial America


Art - The Phonics of Drawing


Music - guitar lessons

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If you are planning, what are you doing for 5th grade?


Here is what I have so far:


Grammar: Rod & Staff 5

Math: AOPS Intro to Algebra combined with Dolciani Modern Algebra 1960s

Latin: leaning Henle I

Spanish: Learnables 2

Science: RS4K Chemistry, Physics, and Biology (paid science teacher)

History: History Odyssey Middle Ages

Writing: WTM style or Classical Writing Homer


I'm sure I'll be adjusting/adding to this by the end of the summer. ;)

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Mine is just finishing up 5th grade. R&S Grammar, done orally, is a snap... and she's retained everything. Level is up to the individual.


Now, I will be using in 6th, though a written for 5th-8th, is

Brimwood Press Worldview materials. www.brimwoodpress.com . Again, which product is up to the individual. Sample pages are available for all curricula, though where to find them (on the site) can seem rather random.

Excellent stuff, IMO.



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We just finished 5th:


math: Saxon 65

science: BJU 5 plus Apologia's Flying Creatures

history: BF Early American and Westward Expansion Intermediate

geography: Around the World in 180 Days

spelling: Spelling Power

reading: DITHOR

writing: Meaningful Comp plus Ignite Your Writing and Editor in Chief

grammar: Abeka 5 plus Queen's LL for Secondary Child vol 1

music: BF History of Classical Music and violin lessons

art: Artist Pursuits

PE: Ballet

Logic: Mind Benders

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Current plan taking shape :). We go year round, so we are in a 4/5 transition period over the summer into fall.


Math: Your Business Math bookstore (recently started), some additional Key to.... books (decimals, geometry, percents, measurements) then move to Saxon 7/6


Language arts: MCT Town level (have just started)---add in WWE 4 workbook?, work on spelling bee list, for lit----finish up k12 lit class materials over summer into fall then move to ancient lit aligned with history along with the MCT poetry book. I've considered Lightning Lit, but may save that for 6th?


Science: finish up the physics I pulled together then start McHenry's The Elements, not sure after that. She's going to be participating in a science club and a science/community service based 4H club, will likely do A level Science Olympiad


PE: swim team, continue aikido, probably PE class through sportscenter and Boys and Girls Club


Foreign language: she wants to learn Spanish, not sure what we will use yet as we've just really started researching it.


Art: continue working with the Glencoe Introduction to Art text I found at Goodwill :), Mark Kistler online drawing lessons, consider an actual art class if there's money and time


History: once we finish SOTW 4, start over again with material on evolution/origin of universe/prehistory, then move into k12 Human Odyssey along with a bunch of lit and supplementary material I have already. I am considering Knowledge Quest's MapTrek to go along with it.


Logic: still trying to decide on this one.

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For my daughter 10, we haven't gotten it all figured out yet, but so far:


Math: Teaching Texbooks 5 (with some other enrichments that I have not decided on yet)


Language Arts: LLATL plus additional assigned readers and read-aloud books, continuing with HWT.


Rosetta Stone German


Science: Hands on activities--I am planning to look into getting some science kits and we'll also do some nature study.


History: Planning to keep it simple with either SOTW or MOH audio CD's and additional readers that go with the time period studied. Or we might look into The Prairie Primer. If we do the PP, those books will be our read aloud books for literature and history.


Art: We're still working with I Can Do All Things (it's a huge book!) and we also use Draw Write Now.


Extracurriculars: Ballet, piano, and possibly horseback riding. In the summer, she does swim team. Much as it pains me, we're probably going to be stopping violin. Right now, two instruments are just too much for both her and me.

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Dd will be in fifth grade next year.


Language Arts: MCT Voyage Level, plus All About Spelling 6 (& 7, when released)

Literature: Ten or twelve required titles, plus historical fiction

Math: Art of Problem Solving Intro to Number Theory, finishing up the Key to... books, LoF Adv Alg, and wherever she goes. :)

History: ancients & early medieval, based on the WTM plan, using History: The Definitive Visual Guide for the spine.

Science: PLATO Life Science & PLATO Earth & Space Science with some kind of experiments (not sure yet); general science using Science Matters & The Joy of Science DVDs.

Latin: Latin Prep 1

Logic: Critical Thinking 1 & 2 via online class (I'm more excited about the online class than anyone :) )

Fine Arts: Music appreciation using The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music History, and art appreciation using the DK Art book

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Still under construction...


Language Arts: Junior Analytical Grammar, Vocabu-Lit F, Spelling Power, Outlining/journaling

Literature: Still working on literature list

Math: Finish Jacobs Algebra, then move into Art of Problem Solving Intro. to Number Theory (also academic competition materials)

History: WTM based - Middle Ages using CHOW and VP

Science: Life Science (using WTM)

Spanish: Rosetta Stone

Fine Arts: Music Listening study (using academic competition materials), Pencil/Chalk Drawing

Other: Chess, Soccer, Boy Scouts, Typing Instructor

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My oldest will be in 5th next year :scared: Here's what we've decided. Yes, DECIDED! :lol:




MFW 1850 to Modern Times - I guess this isn't totally new. We have been doing Exploration to 1850 since February, and we love it so much we're continuing on. It has been so nice to be able to combine my girls, AND have an open and go curriculum. LOVE MFW!

Teaching Textbooks 5th grade and Life of Fred

Write With the Best - tried it for 4th and decided we needed to wait a year. I'm working on WWE with her so when we're done with that, we'll start WWTB

Mind Benders/Red Herrings


Carry Overs:

DITHOR- A HUGE hit the last two years! I'm bumping dd up to the 6/7/8th grade book.

Spelling Workout

Rod and Staff Grammar 5th grade

Art Classes




(who is FINALLY looking forward to next year;))

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Here is what I've decided on for dd10:


Language Arts:

Spelling Wisdom

MCT for Grammar, Writing, Vocab & Poetry, with a little Writing Skills & WWE

Reading great literature



Saxon 6/5 & LOF fractions, as well as Your Business Math pet shop (for fun)



Rosetta Stone-Spanish



Logic Buildling Thinking Skills



Internet Literacy & Computer Activities Thru the Year



Finish SOTW4 & Biblioplan, then start SOTW1 (missed the first round)



My Pals Are Here

Nature Study


Drawing Textbook



Piano lesson & continuing w/modern music study

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Still working out the kinks, but here's what we currently have planned:


Math: Kumon, Singapore 4A/4B, Math Olympiad Club

Science: ALP (Alternative Learning Program) Class - Foss Science (Physics of Sound, Water, Electricity & Magnetism)

History: heading into American History via Explorers, Pirates, Native Americans, Colonies using various sources like Time Travelers, 3D Maps, History Pockets, Brown Paper School, American Kids in History....

Geography: continuing Cantering the Country (plus other sources)

The Arts: continuing piano lessons, ALP Art classes, maybe Digital Photography at the ALP

Health/PE: swimming (and whatever else we can fit in), Health, Nutrition & PE

LA: English from the Roots Up ALP class, NaNoWriMo through the ALP ( http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/ ), IEW US History theme writing, Poetry

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Bible: Awana, "Who is God and Can I Really Know Him?" (Apologia)


We also have a scheduled "class time" I'm calling "Independent Study" where ds can spend time learning whatever is interesting to him at the time. And, of course, we'll be doing lots of read-alouds and quiet reading.


Busy, busy! Still working on simplifying things. We'll see how it goes! :tongue_smilie:

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I am in the midst of figuring out curriculum for 5th grade, reading wtm and reviewing what we've used so far.


If you're in the midst of 5th grade or done with 5th grade, what are your hits and misses. If you are planning, what are you doing for 5th grade?


Hi Robin, Well from one 50+ year old to another ;) and with a dd who turns 11 this week :D we are about finished with 5th grade. She's already started math 6. We're finished with Science. Finishing up Language and History and spelling, etc.


I won't be of much help as we've used Abeka every year for all subjects except math. Ironically just the last hour I assembled books for grade 6 to see what we have and what I have yet to buy.


I will add that Abeka has a top notch language arts program. They are known for their strength in LA. Their spelling is good too! For math we used Saxon. Saxon, for my dd, was good K-3. Then she hit Saxon 5/4 and floundered. We're moving to BJU math 6 and CLE math to supplement.


Additionally I started using MOH in grade 5 along with our core history program. MOH is awesome to say the least.


She completed 1 page of ETC @ day, and once a week @ of copywork, dictation, reading comprehension, penmanship, wordsmith, manners, health. Gymnastics, violin, co-op! And, Bible Study every TH morning. Art has been hit or miss.


Here's grade 6:


Language - Abeka, supplement sparingly with CLE and Rod/Staff

Writing - Wordsmith

Math - BJU, supplement a good deal with CLE

Science - BJU (will go back to Abeka around grade 8 or 9)

History - Abeka and MOH, maybe resource with Little House and Beautiful Feet

Spelling - Abeka


Gymnastics/Horseback Riding

Would like to introduce logic

Art.....I really need to figure this out.


Sorry this seems so scattered...in a hurry. Blessings. Sheryl <><

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Saxon Math

Spanish & Latin

English-Sequential Spelling, Easy Grammar, tons of books, tons of writing essays, reports, etc., Vocabulit. Also maybe a literature program from Prentice Hall.

Oak Meadow History (6th grade)

Science? Still not decided

Tons of educational field trips!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

We are doing 5th grade next year


Math- Cle 4 and 5

LA- CLE5, Wordly Wise, Veritas Press Comp guide for Narnia, Writing Skills book1

History- MOH vol.1 and lots of ancient history books

Geo- MapTrek Ancient

Science- CKEB and Handbook of Nature Study

Art/Music- Piano lessons, Picture Study, Composer Study, Artistic Pursuits


French- Flip Flop

Young Peacemakers for Character

Shakespeare- Julius Caesar

Poetry- Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe

Literature- 21 balloons, Treasure Island, and not sure what else yet.


On weekends we are doing Prepare and Pray as a family while reading the Swiss Family Robinson

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I'm copying GretaLynne and changing a few things. We are LCCers and it was pretty close!


Bible - Explorer Bible Study and memory work


Math - Math Mammoth and CWP


Latin - This is our first shot at Latin, so GSWL and then Latin Prep


Classical Studies - Famous Men of the Middle Ages


English - EEL and IEW through CC and adding in Megawords


Literature - The Hobbit, A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table (LCC recommendations)


Science - probably expanding on the weekly CC topic and will maybe add in some GEMS


History - expanding on the CC topic with CHOW & others, and lots of hist fiction


Music - piano lessons


for fun:


Spanish - Discovery Streaming Elementary Spanish


Typing - BBC website for now

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We also have a scheduled "class time" I'm calling "Independent Study" where ds can spend time learning whatever is interesting to him at the time.


I love that idea!


I'm still working on a plan for 5th grade -- starting in a few months :eek:


Math: Math-U-See fractions (Epsilon?) and Math Mammoth and real-life math to be determined


History: WTM way w/ SOTW 3 and Kingfisher and lots of books. We'll probably take 3 years to get through SOTW 3 and 4 because I want to add a lot of U.S. history.


Grammar: Rod and Staff 5


Spelling: some SWR, moving back to Spelling Power


Writing: WTM method, across the curriculum


Science: CHEM C2000, etc.


Latin: continue Lively Latin Big Book 1, then? start Spanish?


Logic: Mind Benders


Art: Artistic Pursuits


Music: Piano lessons

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For 5th grade:


Math--Singapore/Rod and Staff combination


Spelling--Spell to Write and Read


Grammar--finishing up Ruth Heller's books/not sure what we will use yet/Oak Meadow 5 for exercises


history--OM 5/biographies of presidents


science--OM 5


Lapbooks--topics that she wants to pursue





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We'll be starting 5th grade in the fall.


We will be using Oak Meadow. We are just finishing up Oak Meadow 4 for fourth grade this year and really loved it. We're looking forward to continuing with it for fifth grade. It's very hands on/creative.


The only difference will be that I will be using Teaching Textbooks for math in fifth grade instead of Saxon (which is what my older version of OM had planned for fifth- they had their own math through fourth and then Saxon from 5th on. I understand the newer versions of the curriculum have their own OM math though now through the later grades).


Over the summer we do SOTW, and this summer we'll also be checking out Times Tales to try to improve her times tables memorization.

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I'm still working on my 5th grade plans for next year but here is what I have so far:


Math: BJU 5th grade math and Life of Fred Fractions


English: BJU Writing and Grammar (this is new for us. I've always used GWG and IEW).


Lit: BJU Reading and several novels. I use Teaching the Classics and Deconstructing Penguins to cover the novels.


History: Mystery of History, vol. 1 Starting the 4 year history cycle. Using Evan Moor History Pockets and WP MYO notebooking pages, too.


Logic: Lift Off With Logic


Handwriting: Can Do Cursive (a HWT book for older kids). My dd still struggles with her handwriting


Art Draw Squad, Lambs Book of Art, The Usborne Introduction to Art


Music piano lessons, Stories of the Great Composers


Geography: Stuff I have left over from CATW and Rand McNally's Intermediate Geography and Map Activities


Bible: Apologia's Who is God




What I am still undecided on is science and whether or not to do Latin or another foreign language.

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I am pretty sure about the following, mostly because I own most of it!


Math - LOF Fractions and TT6 (he just finished TT5)

Reading - reading list for 1850-200 plus some other books I think he should read

Writing - Narration, Dictation, Outlining (based on WWE)

Spelling - Grammar of Spelling

Grammar - GWG 5

History - SOTW 4 (with the AG and tests and student pages) and Landmark American History (the one Sonlight) from about 1850-1970

Science - Christian Kids Explore Biology

Logic - BTS 1

Typing - continue Mavis Beacon

Art - classes at the Art College


Still deciding on

French - Maybe Ecoutez Parlez? Maybe Le Francais Facile? Maybe - ???

Latin - will probably start in January...but I may wait until 6th grade

Music - ????

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For grade 5, ds will do:


R&S English 5

SM 6 for math along with Life of Fred Decimals

SOTW 3rd book (we're behind in history)

WriteShop (at this point in time)

RS4K Level 1 (we already own it from one of my dd's. He's read it but was younger and didn't do the written work)

Art--Stebbing &/or The Phonics of Drawing

Swim team for phys ed

RS German

Latin Primer (very slowly working through this one)


That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure I'm missing things. He's our youngest so we already own most of this. I'd love to try that MCT (do I have that right?) English, but it's very pricey to buy for one dc even though it would probably suit him better. I have to pay for some high school outsourcing next year, so have to be careful. He gets tap lessons, so that's his pricey item.

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I just realized that my diabolical plan to smush my kids into the same year is almost completed!


So I will have a 5/6/7 combo going between 2 kids.


We will be doing the same level math, LA and History. They are both on par for science, so they will do that together as well. One is ahead in spelling and ease of reading ability, that's about it.




I am only going to have to teach algebra ONCE!!!!!:lol:

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I am so new to this and have not worked with the girls yet...but here is the plan for DD #1

Spelling-still undecided b/c she is NOT a natural speller


English-R&S grade 4 to build her skills


History-doing CC so it will be SOTW 2 and activity guide stuff, plus we are doing geography over the summer to get them familiar with Europe


Science-UGH-struggling with whether to do Real science odyssey Life science or Apologia Zoology-may do the first and supplement with Apologia in areas they really like


Math-I have Horizons 5 and Saxon 5/4. Need to see what clicks with her the first month


Writing-IEW middle ages with CC


Bible study for all ages

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My oldest ds will be in 5th next year. Our plan at this point is:


Bible Study Guide for All Ages Unit 1


R&S 5 English

Megawords 2 (halfway) & 3



Singapore 5B & 6A

CLE Math 504-605


Mystery of History Vol. 1

Ancients Literature

Trail Guide to World Geography


Apologia Zoo 1 & Zoo 2 w/notebooking journals


Lively Latin 1


among other things....Trying to combine my K'er & 2nd grader together more, letting my 5th grader work more independently in some areas. Feeling like each year ramps up quite a bit...

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Here is my list so far... still tweaking a couple of things.


Bible/ Worldview: Who is God? (summit worldview book)

Language Arts: MCT Town Level

Spelling: Megawords 1

Math: Singapore 5A, 5B, Life of Fred Fractions (fall); Living Math History (spring) (My plan is to do LOF and living math on Fridays. I have heard that LOF goes pretty fast, so hopefully this will work out well for us.)

Geography: United States and Capitals year 2 (a curriculum that I put together... just using books, maps, enchanted learning, and games)

History: TruthQuest History Ancient Rome

Science: Supercharged Science Summer ecamp and Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Art: Not decided yet... looking at meet the masters, atelier art and draw squad

Read Aloud Books: still coming up with a list

Independent Reading: 30 history reading + 30 minutes "other" a day

Extra-curricular: Awana; One class of son's choosing



I also plan to do that "interest based" learning during quiet time each day.

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I am only going to have to teach algebra ONCE!!!!!:lol:


In theory :D. You may find that they're not developmentally ready for Algebra at the same time even if they finish all the pre-req math at the same time even though they're fairly close in age. Of course, if you have one who can learn it with a DVD course or by reading, then that would reduce the number of times you have to teach it. My dc are far too competitive to be doing the same math level at the same time, plus are more spread out in age, but kudos to you for being able to do it, at least for now.

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For dd next year:

math - CLE 6

grammar - Rod and Staff 6

writing - IEW History Based Writing - Ancients

spelling - SWO G

reading - CLE 6 and Biblioplan readers

logic - Mind Benders

history - MOH w/ Biblioplan

science - REAL Science Odyssey Chemistry

poetry - IEW memorization

Bible - VP Genesis through Joshua

Latin - Latin for Children A

French - MP First Start French

P.E. - volleyball, soccer, swimming, skiing, tennis

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DS, will be 11 in Oct.:


SL core 3

CLE Bible and LA 5

TT 5 with Singapore word problems added

SL science 3 AND Abeka science 5 (for those independent days)


Cursive practice book.

Something for art, although he'd rather just skip it.

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Thanks you guys. Off to do lots of research and see what will be a good fit for my guy. Debating Saxon Grammar and writing instead of Voyages in English this year. Any thoughts - hit or miss for you if you have used?

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