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In what geographical region do you live?

Where do you live?  

  1. 1. Where do you live?

    • U.S. - North East Region
    • U.S. - South East Region
    • U.S. - Middle West Region
    • U.S. - Southwest
    • U.S. - West, Alaska, or Hawaii
    • Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America
    • Europe
    • Asia or the Middle East
    • Africa, Australia, Oceania/Pacific Islands
    • Somewhere I accidentally left out

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I'm jumping on the poll wagon because with all the "what do YOU call X" talk, I am curious how geography shakes out here.


For the sake of a common frame of reference, I'm using this map of the U.S. when talking about regions. I picked it arbitrarily, and apologize in advance if you feel your state has bein miscategorized. I do realize that this poll is very U.S.-centric and I hope that doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. I did it this way because it seems like most posters here are in the U.S., but I stand ready to be corrected if I'm wrong. Also, there's a maximum of 10 options, so I had to lump some things together. Sorry.

Edited by MamaSheep
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Lol...yeah, when I tried to pull up a map of U.S. regions I got a plethora of maps, no two of which agreed with each other. Clearly nobody agrees about where the lines should be drawn. I won't hold it against you, if you don't hold it against me. ;)


Oh, and I'm in the west now.

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I voted "somewhere you left out!"


We have moved 6 times in the last 8 years and are moving again this summer.


I grew up in the PNW, but have lived a ton of other places and interact with people from all over--our military friends are from all over. We also lived in Germany for 4 years.


So, while I grew up saying "pop," I now say soft drink and sometime will say "y'all." Many people in the military says y'all, the funniest is when someone with a strong NY accent says y'all, it doesn't seem right, somehow.

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I voted "somewhere you left out!"


We have moved 6 times in the last 8 years and are moving again this summer.


I grew up in the PNW, but have lived a ton of other places and interact with people from all over--our military friends are from all over. We also lived in Germany for 4 years.


So, while I grew up saying "pop," I now say soft drink and sometime will say "y'all." Many people in the military says y'all, the funniest is when someone with a strong NY accent says y'all, it doesn't seem right, somehow.


Hm, we're military, but I currently only live in one place. I'm from Oklahoma. We've lived on both coasts, in the South, spent 5 years in Germany and currently live in Hawaii. But, I just gave the answer for where I currently live. :D

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I voted "somewhere you left out!"


We have moved 6 times in the last 8 years and are moving again this summer.


I grew up in the PNW, but have lived a ton of other places and interact with people from all over--our military friends are from all over. We also lived in Germany for 4 years.


So, while I grew up saying "pop," I now say soft drink and sometime will say "y'all." Many people in the military says y'all, the funniest is when someone with a strong NY accent says y'all, it doesn't seem right, somehow.


Totally visuallizing an AFN commercial here.

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I know Ohio is supposed to be in the Midwest, but I live in the Cleveland Metropolitan area, and it doesn't feel very Midwest-y to me.



I'm in Columbus, Ohio and I know what you mean. I'm from Philadelphia and lived here for only six years. Ohio is a funny state. (**warning** broad generalizations ahead) I've noticed that folks from NW and SW areas of the state seem to identify as Mid-westerners; folks from Cleveland and Columbus identify more with the East Coast, and many from the Cincinnati/Dayton area consider themselves Southern.

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now live one place (the Deep South, home of the start of the Civil War, oops, War of Northern Aggression) but who were born and raised elsewhere (the Pacific Northwest). I call pop, well, pop, and no one here understands that I mean a-carbonated-beverage-not-necessarily-made by-the-Coca-Cola-Company.

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now live one place (the Deep South, home of the start of the Civil War, oops, War of Northern Aggression) but who were born and raised elsewhere (the Pacific Northwest). I call pop, well, pop, and no one here understands that I mean a-carbonated-beverage-not-necessarily-made by-the-Coca-Cola-Company.

LOL! I laugh, because in the middle of the town we currently live in, there is a statue dedicated to all men that fought in wars, including "The War of Rebellion".

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I voted "somewhere you left out!"


We have moved 6 times in the last 8 years and are moving again this summer.


I grew up in the PNW, but have lived a ton of other places and interact with people from all over--our military friends are from all over. We also lived in Germany for 4 years.


So, while I grew up saying "pop," I now say soft drink and sometime will say "y'all." Many people in the military says y'all, the funniest is when someone with a strong NY accent says y'all, it doesn't seem right, somehow.


Lol...I do that too. I grew up calling it "pop" in Montana/Wyoming, and then moved to Georgia. I called it "soda" while I lived there because nobody had a clue what "pop" was and I couldn't bring myself to call it Coke (yuck!). And I say y'all too now, even though my accent is mostly a Western one, with a slight drawl on some of the vowels. Except when I talk to some of my Southern friends on the phone, then I drawl a little excessively, but not to the point where I sound like an actual Southerner. (Though I still say it's a cart, not a buggy, that you drive around in the store.) As for carbonated beverages, "pop" and "soda" both sound odd to me now that I'm back in "pop" country again. Oh! I'm so confused! I order by brand name or flavor now...lol. I'd like a Sprite. Strawberry Fanta sounds good. I'll take a rootbeer, please.


Oops! I live in Michigan and selected US North East. I messed up your survey. Sorry!


If someone in that region selects Midwest, that would make me feel better!


Oh please! It's all in good fun. Nothing too scientific.


Somewhere you left out: Mid-Atlantic region.


There's no such place, didn't you look at the official poll map? ;)


Actually, I picked that map because it had the smallest number of regions for the U.S. of the ones that came up on the first page of a cursory search. I knew I had a limited number of poll options and didn't want to use all of them up covering the U.S.

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I know Ohio is supposed to be in the Midwest, but I live in the Cleveland Metropolitan area, and it doesn't feel very Midwest-y to me.


My dh from the east side feels the same way. It's b/c you're part of the Connecticut Reserve.


Laura (from central Ohio, which is definitely part of the midwest).

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It would be so amusing to sit in a room with all of us talking to one another. I can imagine what all of your voices sound like with the different accents and all. In the south, I get "you don't sound like you are from around here" all the time. However, when I see family from Michigan, they always remark about how fun it is to hear us all talk. Go figure! LOL

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Hm, we're military, but I currently only live in one place. I'm from Oklahoma. We've lived on both coasts, in the South, spent 5 years in Germany and currently live in Hawaii. But, I just gave the answer for where I currently live. :D


OK...I do live somewhere, I admit it.


But, you might think I'm stalking Spy Car or something. He doesn't have to worry, we're moving to cornfield country soon.

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I don't think I've ever been in a category that included Africa before :001_huh:




I think you got lumped in with "all the rest I didn't list already."


You are on my short list of things I think of when I think of Australia, if it makes you feel better, and Africa never comes into play there.

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I think you got lumped in with "all the rest I didn't list already."


You are on my short list of things I think of when I think of Australia, if it makes you feel better, and Africa never comes into play there.



Oh, I'm flattered. Who'd have thought a scruffy stay-at-home mum like me could have such an impact on the world! :lol: I'd like to go to Africa though. Hannah came to visit me, so I'd go visit her.




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I haven't read all the responses but just in case anyone else has not pointed it out.....




I voted "somewhere left out" of course.



Edited by Willow
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I haven't read all the responses but just in case anyone else has not pointed it out.....




I voted "somewhere left out" of course.





I'm sure no one would make such a blunder. I assumed you've been dubbed a Pacific Island, which isn't what we'd do, but isn't wrong either.



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Guest CarolineUK

We're in England, which is, of course, in Europe, although I know a lot of my older relatives would balk at the idea of being called 'European'. And naturally it's not just about different accents here, but completely different languages!

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"The War of Northern Aggression" as those in Charleston, SC, like to call it!

I'm from Charleston :D Yep, that is what we like to call it. That's why hubby had fun pointing out the sign on the statue in town (we live in PA).


You know, from our quotes, it almost looks like we're talking to ourselves :lol: You my alter or something (north to south and south to north...mommaduck and m0mmaBuck)?

Edited by mommaduck
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Oops, I went with Southwest on your poll (because I was going by a different map) and then I looked at your map which has all of Colorado as "West". Oh well... :)


I live in Colorado and picked "other" because I think of it as the Rocky Mountain Region. Guess I should have looked at the map first!

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LOL! I laugh, because in the middle of the town we currently live in, there is a statue dedicated to all men that fought in wars, including "The War of Rebellion".

I'm sure there's a sign somewhere in the South that says, "Dedicated to all the men who fought in The War of Northern Agression, as well as other wars.":D

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They both begin with "A". . .


They're both lower down on the globe than the northern chunky bits.





I haven't read all the responses but just in case anyone else has not pointed it out.....




I voted "somewhere left out" of course.





I'm sure no one would make such a blunder. I assumed you've been dubbed a Pacific Island, which isn't what we'd do, but isn't wrong either.




Yep, that was kind of my reasoning. The chunky stuff down lower on the globe there, and all the little fiddly bits in that region that can't really get lumped in anywhere else and which I would totally put in completely separate categories if only I were allowed more poll options. But there are only 10! It didn't make sense to put Australia (which is a continent) and various assorted islands (such as New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines) with Europe or South America, obviously. I thought about putting it with Asia, but the Middle East seemed to me to fit better with Asia than Europe or Africa, especially if you take the Asia Minor label into consideration. It didn't seem fair, somehow, to give them all those cool islands and Australia too. I didn't think I'd heard from many people in Africa here, but I knew there were some Aussies and New Zealanders here and I thought if I put them in a category with Africa, the category might actually get a few votes. And I didn't think it was safe to have a poll without the obligatory "other" option. That would REALLY be asking for trouble. ;)



Thanks for the map. We tend to be on the crack between North and South East...


I figured a map would help iron out some grey areas. At least for some of us. :D

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It didn't make sense to put Australia (which is a continent) and various assorted islands (such as New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines)


I think Oceania might be the word you are looking for here. We don't mind being called that :)


I thought about putting it with Asia, but the Middle East seemed to me to fit better with Asia than Europe or Africa, especially if you take the Asia Minor label into consideration.


A point of view from a different point on the globe. How interesting. I'd have put the Middle East with Africa and Oceania with Asia. Asia is a bit of a hike from NZ, but it's only a hop, skip and a jump from Northern Australia; practically next door.



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I'm glad to see the map puts Virginia in the southeast. At cnn.com all the Virginia news is lumped in the "Northeast" category. I really don't feel like a northeasterner at.all.:) I think they need a mid-Atlantic category, too, or at the very least, switch Virginia news to the "South" category.

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