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ok hive, I need a list of your personal all-time favorite books !!

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No, great or no great? I don't know if I understand what you're looking for. Maybe I'm just too tired. You want a great book or nothing *great* and therefore maybe too involved? Are you looking for a book that will completely consume you and become your new favorite book that you'll want to read again and again, or just something good but light?


My all time favorite books are the same as always:

East of Eden

The Grapes of Wrath

To Kill a Mockingbird

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


Hmmm, none of those says a week alone with dh. I'd get completely lost in any of them and not be able to pull myself free until I was done. Then I'd talk about them endlessly to dh and drive him nuts.


I think I'd pick something by Agatha Christie or Lord Peter by Dorothy Sayers. I like a good mystery. I can get caught up in them, but put them down again for a break fairly easily. I might also pick a shorter Steinbeck, but that's treading on dangerous ground for me. Steinbeck is the only man dh has ever been jealous of:D

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yeah...what you said....


"......for a book that will completely consume you and become your new favorite book that you'll want to read again and again...."


that sounds good!


...sorry for the confusion...i should be asleep, not typing (hence the errors)..lol


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yeah...what you said....


"......for a book that will completely consume you and become your new favorite book that you'll want to read again and again...."


that sounds good!


...sorry for the confusion...i should be asleep, not typing (hence the errors)..lol



I'd like to suggest something funny. When at the beach, you just *need* funny. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything funny right now. :D So I'll go with interesting; Children of Men by P.D. James, A page-turner, without being to heavy.


HTH, Stacy

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I am leaving for a cruise in a month with dh for a whole week!!! And i will have some great reading time by the pool or the beach! I really want a good (no great) book(s) to take along!

cant wait to read your recommendations!:grouphug:


I love the Peter Whimsey books by Dorothy Sayers. No 1 Ladies Detective Agency is very good. I have read two of M. M. Kaye's books over several times, The Far Pavillions and The Shadow of the Moon. (I like Shadow better of the two.) I also really like the historical fiction of Sharon Kaye Penman. Amy Tan is also very good (The Joy Luck Club and The Kitchen God's Wife are two favorites).


FWIW, the cruise ship we were on in December did have a library stocked with a lot of popular fiction. I also found that we were so busy that I didn't get through many of the books I'd brought. But our cruise didn't have any at sea days.

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There are so many good ones, but I'll try to stick to some that would be good ones, but good ones to enjoy on a fun vacation (so no super-depressing things, lol).... And, I'll skip all the typical classics since you probably could collect a long list of those pretty easily (though I love, love, love "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas).


In no particular order:


- "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress" by Dai Sijie (loved this little book -- probably the best book I've read in quite awhile; a true gem)

- "Collected Stories" by Ellen Gilchrist (I don't even like short stories, but I really enjoyed this collection)

- "The Professor and the Madman" by Simon Winchester (fascinating)

- "I, Claudius" by Rober Graves (love this book)

- "Dancer: A Novel" by Colum McCann (fictionalized bio of Rudolf Nureyev)

- "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King (new take on Sherlock Holmes)

- "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" by Hunter S. Thompson (I laughed myself silly, but it's not a book for everyone)

- "The Glass Castle" (well-told story of an adventurous time growing up)

- "Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden (really enjoyed this years ago when I read it)

- "Passionate Nomad: The Life of Freya Stark" by Jane Fletcher Geniesse (fascinating bio of a woman I didn't know of -- she led an incredible life; if you love to travel, you would probably enjoy reading this book)

- "The Secret History" and "The Little Friend" by Donna Tartt

- "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" by John Berendt

- "In the Company of the Courtesan" by Sarah Dunant

- "Daughter of Fortune" by Isabel Allende (starts slowly but turns into a great story)

- "The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear" by Walter Moers (another one that's not for everyone, but I found it totally endearing & zany, smart, and very, very funny)


Enjoy your trip!

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I'd like to suggest something funny. When at the beach, you just *need* funny. HTH, Stacy


yeah, great point! Will definitely stay light for the beach....

But, i also am interested in everyone's "absolutely" favorite books in general (can be heavy) ...since summer is coming, no school=more reading time for mom:-)



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The first few that come to mind are:


The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (classic Canadian lit)

A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Russian lit)

The Painted House by John Grisham (a surprise for me, I usually read Grisham for fluff - this definitely wasn't fluff)

The Stand by Stephen King (my favourite King novel)

The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards (I just recently read this - it was amazing. About a secret and how it shaped and split a family.)



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Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, Smilla's Sense of Snow, and the Shipping News. The last two are quite old, but if you haven't read them they are wonderful.


I just have to add that I tried to read Karen Armstrong's newest book, "The Bible: A Biography" on the beach in Mexico. Great book, wrong venue. She demands one's full attention, with no shimmering waves or margaritas.



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Guest Lorna

One of Paul Theroux's travel books. They are hilarious at times, engaging, very honest and thought-provoking.

How about 'The Great Railway Bazaar' or 'The Happy Isles of Oceania' (where he paddles the Pacific from island to island in a collapsable canoe, sometimes staying the night on deserted islands)?

'Sir Vidia's Shadow' is an excellent read too. It charts the rise and fall of his real-life friendship with V. S. Naipaul. He spares no one is his account, and it is a fascinating insight into an intellectual relationship. It is,

of course, one-sided and so, as in real friendship there are misunderstandings which he has no idea of.

For a more gentle old-fashioned read I love 'Where Angels Fear to Tread' and ' The Longest Journey' both by E.M. Forster.

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How about a political thriller?

These are page turners with a bit of history and prophecy thrown in by Joel Rosenberg:

In this order:

The Last Jihad

The Last Days

Ezekiel Option

Copper Scroll

Dead Heat - just came out and haven't read it yet but there are over 60 requests for it at our local library

I don't usually read any fiction but these have been good.

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My favs in no particular order:


1. East of Eden (One of the longest books I've ever read, but I couldn't put it down--Steinbeck's very best work, imho)

2. Angela's Ashes (I've read this book 5-6 times now-- there are parts that still make me laugh out loud and other parts that make me cry like a baby)

3. Seabiscuit (One of the most uplifting books I've ever read--even better than the movie)

4. The Autobiography of Malcolm X (I was totally suprised by how much I liked this book, and have now read it 2-3 times)

5. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down (fascinating case study of Hmong immigrant family whose daughter is taken away due to their culture clashing with medical science)

6. A Separate Peace (my favorite from my teenage years until an adult)

7. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy- Long but GOOD (I still love the main characters in this book-- Levin is my all time favorite book character)

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For R&R reading, definitely not my continuing education list!

Mrs. Mike

Jubilee Trail, Gwen Bristow

the entire Elizabeth Peter's Amelia Peabody series

Robert Parker's Spencer books

The Belgariad and Mallorean by David Eddings

Diana Gaboldon's(sp?) Outlander series

The Chronicles of Amber

The Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey

and last but never least, the LOTR trilogy

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I'm not very well-read, so you may have to take these with a grain of salt:


East of Eden - John Steinbeck (as others have said, BUT it is a heavy storyline and I struggled with it because there is a particularly disturbing character that I could not relate to at all)


Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriot Beecher Stowe


Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte


The Thirteenth Tale - Diane Setterfield


The Chosen - Chaim Potok


A Girl of the Limberlost - Gene Stratton Porter


84, Charing Cross Road - Helene Hanff (a perfect beach book, imo)


To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee


Edited to add that these are not in order of favorite-to-least favorite

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One of my favorite books is The Cape Ann, by Faith Sullivan. I have given it to every woman I have made friends with over the last 20 years, and without exception, they have all loved it.


I also like Charlaine Harris' books, all of them (she has several completed series). I love her Southern vampire mysteries (Dead Until Dark is #1) and her Harper Connelly series (Grave Sight is #1). I had already read all of her other series when I decided to give the popular Southern vampire series a try. I wasn't into reading about vampires, so I nearly didn't read the first one. I'm glad I did.


Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series is also great. The first one is called Outlander. I put off reading this for years because I didn't think I'd like it even though many people recommended it to me. Finally, I bought it and the week I read the entire series, my DH went to Barnes & Noble several times to get me the next book, and I hardly got any sleep, they were that good.


I read a couple hundred books a year, so I have lots of favorites. Here are a few more:


Dream When You're Feeling Blue, by Elizabeth Berg

The Blue Star, by Tony Earley

Joanne Fluke mysteries

World of Pies, by Karen Stolz

Fannie Flagg

Joan Medlicott's The Ladies of Covington series (if you like the Mitford series, you'll probably like these too)

Diane Mott Davidson's culinary mysteries

Lorna Landvik (Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons & Patty Jane's House of Curl)

The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant

Barbara Delinsky

Maeve Binchy

Marcia Willett

Leslie Meier's Lucy Stone mysteries

M. C. Beaton's Agatha Raisin series & Hamish Macbeth series

Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton

Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series

Jane Whitefield novels by Thomas Perry

Spring Moon, by Bette Bao Lord

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My bias might become obvious from my first two selections ;):


Delta Wedding, Eudora Welty

Absalom, Absalom, William Faulkner


those might be my two favorite books, but not exactly beach reading.


Bobbie Ann Mason, particularly Shiloh and Other Stories

earlier (but not too early) Anne Tyler--in particular, Celestial Navigation, The Accidental Tourist, and Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

Katherine Anne Porter's short stories, particularly the Miranda stories

Peter Taylor's short stories


more recent, less regional, I liked Middlesex and Snow Falling on Cedars

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The Chosen and The Promise by Chaim Potok


Silverlock by John Myers Myers


Most anything by C. S. Lewis


Most anything by David McCullough


Disc World series by Terry Pratchett


Disc World and Silverlock would probably be ok for the beach, (Silverlock might be pushing it a bit) the rest, not so much.

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No, great or no great? I don't know if I understand what you're looking for. Maybe I'm just too tired. You want a great book or nothing *great* and therefore maybe too involved? Are you looking for a book that will completely consume you and become your new favorite book that you'll want to read again and again, or just something good but light?



I simply took it to mean, "Good...no, make that *great*, selections!" Does that help? ;)

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Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks

Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See

Literacy and Longing in L. A. by Jennifer Kaufman and Karen Mack

The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood

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Favorite novel of all time: Beloved by Toni Morrison


Best book I've read lately: Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett


I agree! Pillars was one really great book.


(Heather, you know there is a sequel to this, right? Called World Without End. I have it on my shelf to read ...when I can find time to read it. It's a BIG book!)


He (Ken Follet) is a good writer...loved Dangerous Fortunes!


Wilbur Smith writes really good adventure books...The Seventh Scroll, River God are two of my favorites.


A very enjoyable book I read was Must Love Dogs. Cute, short and funny.


Recently I read The Secret Life of Bees. Different, but I loved it.


Sea of Dead Languages (I think I have the title right) was a good one...Carol Goodman wrote this it (and several others that I've enjoyed.).


Anything by Brad Meltzer, Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code!!) and Michael Crichton.


And if you want a woman's book with lots of adventure, some lusty romance and a bit of almost realistic timetravel, you HAVE to read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.


Happy reading and cruising whatever you choose. :001_smile:

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All time favorites:

Les Miserables and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Slightly more beach oriented favorites:

The Eyre Affair series

The Time Traveler's Wife

Life of Pi

Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood

Anne of Green Gables Series


Lying on the Couch


Have fun!!!

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The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella (note: some adult content)

Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters

anything by Jane Austen, but especially Emma

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams


My favorites (off the top of my head):

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Perelandra by C.S. Lewis (helps to read Out of the Silent Planet first)

Doomsday Book by Connie Willis

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien



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I'd recommend anything by Barbara Kingsolver (The Bean Tree is good as is High Tide in Tuscon...the latter is a collection of short stories). Books by Amy Tan like The Hundred Secret Senses and Saving Fish from Drowning, are good..


For a funny, thoughtful, nonfiction book, I recommend PJ O'Rourke's "All the Trouble in the World"

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The Poisonwood Bible is a great book! by Barbara Kingsolver


I also like the Harmony series by Philip Gulley (people stories like Mitford series, but IMO even better. He is a great writer and really funny)


Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Burns is really good!


The Secret Life of Bees (worth reading)


books by Wally Lamb are very interesting


The Friday Night Knitting Club (just read it -- easy read and it was about knitting!)


Maeve Binchy -- easy reads and not too heavy



That's what pops out at me right now.

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For beach reading, I like the Stephanie Plum Series (One for the Money, 2 for the Show) or Kinsey Milhone (A is for Alibi....). Fun, frisky easy reading mysteries. I'm just starting on Amelia Peabody mysteries, but they seem pretty good so far.


have Fun!!!

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When I want a beach read, I want entertainment plain and simply. No deep thinking maybe a mystery, thriller, horror or alternative theories on things.

So my list would be:


Anything by Stephan King - The Stand is my favorite but some of the short stories and great for when you only have little snippets of time.

Harry Potter of course.

Alfred Hitcock short stories or Agatha Christy detective novels.

Anything by Dave Barry.

Scielence of the Lamb, always good creepy fun. The Red dragon is also pretty good.

Presumed Innocent.

Under the Lake by Stewart Woods

Artimas Fowl series - especially good on audio.

Hidden History of the Human Race

Civilization One

Descent of Woman - excellent if you would like to look at evolution from a female POV.

The Bible Unearthed

Before the Flood

The Turin Shroud

David & Soloman

The Second Messiah

Misquoting Jesus

Book of Hiram

The Hiram Key

The Jesus Mysteries

Jesus Dynasty

The God Delusion

The Laughing Jesus

Jesus Puzzle

Templar Revelation

God against the God

Fingerprints of the Gods

Supernatural - Graham Handcock

The Archimedes Codex

Any of the Politically Incorrect Books

Any of the DOn't know anything books

Concensed Knowledge books

And any books about Buffy, Angel or Lost.


That should provide plenty of mingless mind candy. Perfect for relaxing and getting your mind off of all your real life worries. :tongue_smilie:

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First, I have to say, that I love all the suggestions. I have not read so many books in my life until I became active on this board.


Thank you all for you suggestions.


I am currently reading A Year of Biblically Living. It is honestly a pretty funny book.


The Time Traveler's Wife was a great book

Books by Jodi Picoult are a fave of mine...but I know a lot of people don't care for them

My mom loves Janet Evanovich

My Stepmom loves Sue Grafton she loves mysteries

I have the Ken Follett book. I just had dh pick it up from the library last night.


Good luck and thanks again for all the suggestions I love getting new ideas.


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