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If you had a toddler who can't tollerate juice

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My 2yo ds just cannot have juice. Even stuff with low acid (apple juice) gives him the "runs" and he ends up with bad diaper rash. Last week he had a small juice box on Thurs. and a regular size box on Sat. Sat. night he was screaming as I applied diaper rash cream. I have banned him from having anymore. Even watered down he has problems.


So here's by question: Is there a chance he will outgrow this? Anyone else's dc have this problem and outgrow it? Is there something I can do to help him be able to drink juice without tummy troubles?

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My 3 yr old is like this. We don't drink much juice but if he does he has "issues". The one time I find juice convenient is for juice boxes for picnics or being out. I take water but also buy the Horizon organic boxed milks (they have them in chocolate if you want to make it a treat). Those are something I save for summer picnics or going places. Pretty much he drinks water or milk.

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I didn't mean that I want him to have juice all the time, but when we do to things like dd's t-ball games, where all the kids get juice, it would be nice to be able to let him have one. Dd used to get one juice a day as a toddler and was fine. Poor ds has trouble with juice once a week.

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I didn't mean that I want him to have juice all the time, but when we do to things like dd's t-ball games, where all the kids get juice, it would be nice to be able to let him have one. Dd used to get one juice a day as a toddler and was fine. Poor ds has trouble with juice once a week.



Perhaps Vitamin Water? That seems like it would be easy on the tum.

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DS doesn't like juice at all. I understand where you are coming from as far as having juice when at a game, co-op, etc. I just make sure I have a bottle of water for DS whenever we go somewhere like that. It would just infuriate me at the waste of food when someone would give him a juice box that I knew he wouldn't drink :banghead:


We taught DS early on to say, No, thank you - I have my own drink." That way, he never looked like odd man out.

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My 2yo ds just cannot have juice. Even stuff with low acid (apple juice) gives him the "runs" and he ends up with bad diaper rash. Last week he had a small juice box on Thurs. and a regular size box on Sat. Sat. night he was screaming as I applied diaper rash cream. I have banned him from having anymore. Even watered down he has problems.


So here's by question: Is there a chance he will outgrow this? Anyone else's dc have this problem and outgrow it? Is there something I can do to help him be able to drink juice without tummy troubles?


Curious, can he eat apples? This sounds more like an allergy than a problem with juice. Almost all juices have apple juice as a main ingredient. My dd is allergic to apples and can only have two specific juices that are all grape. Of course, if he were allergic to grapes also, that would pretty much ban all juices.

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We rarely gave juice, but when ds had apple juice, he had horrible reactions. I remember he once grabbed a friend's sippy cup and had just a few gulps of apple juice. Horrible diarrhea and diaper rash for days after. :( He did not react on the occasions when he had a little orange or grape juice, so I don't think it had anything to do with the acid.


But we avoided apple juice. When other kids drank juice, he drank water. I'm afraid of all the parenting guilt I've felt, that one just didn't register for me. ;)


Now, later we did find out that ds was mildly allergic to apples (along with a great many other more serious allergies). Whether his reaction to apple juice was a sign of a true allergy or merely an intolerance, I don't know.


Ds has since outgrown nearly all of his food allergies, and while fruit juice has never been a major part of our diets, he does tolerate it fine now. He still doesn't care for apple juice, but a little here or there doesn't appear to hurt him.

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Curious, can he eat apples? This sounds more like an allergy than a problem with juice. Almost all juices have apple juice as a main ingredient. My dd is allergic to apples and can only have two specific juices that are all grape. Of course, if he were allergic to grapes also, that would pretty much ban all juices.


I agree. My son is allergic to apples and pears. He can have them cooked but not raw. He cannot drink juice with apple or pear juice in it because it breaks him out.


We just do water most of the time. Once in a great while we will get yoo-hoos or lemonade.

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I wouldn't feed my child juice even if there wasn't a tummy problem...


According to the AAP juice is a leading cause in childhood obesity now. Besides, making juice is basically taking fruit and removing all the healthy stuff, leaving sugar and water. I'm not fond of cavities or unbuffered sugar. Maybe give you toddler a piece of fruit instead.

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I wouldn't feed my child juice even if there wasn't a tummy problem...


We do have juice occasionally as a treat, but not a staple. I'd encourage anyone who wants to incorporate more fruit in a child's diet to consider homemade smoothies instead. They make a nice breakfast.


As far as the problems the OP's child is experiencing, my kids both had similar issues with citrus fruits and both eventually grew out of it.

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When I give my littles juice, I usually add just enough to color the water, barely flavoring it.


My reason was not just the sugar. I watched friends try to give their dc liquids when they had fevers, & the kids just wouldn't drink anything. I decided to save juice to be my "big guns" on the rare occasion that I *needed* my kids to drink *something.* Then they also feel like they're getting special care.


As far as sports events? Will your 2yo notice if he doesn't get the same drink as everyone else? Mine probably wouldn't, but if she did, I'd drop a drop or so (maybe even just pretend to drop some) into her water. She'd be good to go.


It's really just about not being left out, & that can be achieved w/out juice. I'd hesitate to give the juice to my big kids, too, though. Esp if it wasn't *way* watered down. :001_smile:

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Curious, can he eat apples? This sounds more like an allergy than a problem with juice. Almost all juices have apple juice as a main ingredient. My dd is allergic to apples and can only have two specific juices that are all grape. Of course, if he were allergic to grapes also, that would pretty much ban all juices.


He is totally fine eating apples and other fruit. He actually prefers the apple slices over french fries in a Mcdonald's kid's meal. Only juice gives him trouble. I may get some grape juice and see if he that makes a difference.

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I didn't mean that I want him to have juice all the time, but when we do to things like dd's t-ball games, where all the kids get juice, it would be nice to be able to let him have one. Dd used to get one juice a day as a toddler and was fine. Poor ds has trouble with juice once a week.


I used to make a point of feeding them a banana on a "juice day". Didn't quite eliminate the trouble, but gave me a fighting chance of getting his diapers changed fast enough to avoid a rash.

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He is totally fine eating apples and other fruit. He actually prefers the apple slices over french fries in a Mcdonald's kid's meal. Only juice gives him trouble. I may get some grape juice and see if he that makes a difference.


Ds *appeared* not to have problems with apples. Once the blood test came back positive though, it made sense to me. Apple juice is so much more concentrated than eating a few slices of apples...

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All 5 of my dc could not drink any type of fruit juice until they were about 4. Even white grape juice gave them diaper rash. My ped. said it wasn't allergy. Fruit juice has so much sugar in it (not necessarily added but even naturally occuring) that the digestive systems of little ones can not absorb all of it. Thus the sugar gets moved right into the intestines without being broken down. This is what causes the loose stool and the diaper rash.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth
He is totally fine eating apples and other fruit. He actually prefers the apple slices over french fries in a Mcdonald's kid's meal. Only juice gives him trouble. I may get some grape juice and see if he that makes a difference.



Nobody in my house, including me, can drink Apple juice. We all eat apples and applesauce, but the juice gives them problems.

Try 100% juices and read the label to make sure it doesn't have apple in it. We have no problems with Cranberry, Orange Juice, or Banana Carrot Juice. My dd likes the Banana Carrot Juice, I buy this at Whole Foods.

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:iagree: I think the OP probably clearly understands that the poor kid doesn't NEED juice at this point.


My 2 year olds would not have made a big deal about wanting what everyone else had. If I had given them water in a cup with some fun pictures on it, they would have been happy. But I do understand that all kids are different and some might want what everyone else has.

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Haven't read all of the replies, but if you are wondering if anyone has had dc that have outgrown tummy troubles w/ juice, Yes. My oldest had a great amount of tummy distress w/ juice when he was younger, could not tolerate it as a toddler or early el ed. He is now 13 and can drink juice. He just drank water or tea for a long time. He really doesn't have much of a taste for juice now, but he can have a glass w/out tummy distress.

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I have heard that apple juice in particular can cause troubles for many kids.

I would be careful with grape juice though- very high sugar content.

I agree with the thought of not giving much juice- dh loves juice so we always have it in the house, and it has been difficult to get my kids to drink water over teh years. They were always limited to one juice a day and that was a compromise just because it was there for dh.


I think he would probably grow out of it, and in the meantime you could buy the plastic boxes with lids and put your own very diluted juice or herbal tea in it.


A 2year old still has a very sensitive and young digestive system. But if something is upsetting it, I wouldn't keep giving it because you will be doing damage to the lining of the gut and then he may end up reacting to other things too and you end up with a mess of food sensitivities.

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