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Remember the girl who beat up her mother?

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In this post "the girl" is the 14 year old, violent, self-proclaimed bisexual, who beat up her mother a couple of weeks ago.


The "sister" is her 13 year old sister who is much smaller in height, and very thin.


The girl who beat up her mother has been staying with either her grandparents or the families of 2 friends since then.


She has left each place because she is unwilling to conform her behavior to household standards.


She came back home today because last night, she went to 18 year old male's house to stay with him. Her mother found out and picked her up.


So, back at their house, arguments ensue and the mother gets in her car and leaves after she calls the police and they say they can't do anything. The mother tells the sister of the violent girl that she is going to the E.R. for chest pain and doesn't answer her cell phone.


The girl beats up her sister by hitting her in the face and kicking her broken, soft-casted wrist.


The sister shows up at my house because the girl locked her out -- doors & windows -- and put her key in the door lock from the inside so the sister could not use her own key to get back in.


This information is what the sister told me.


Well, what is my duty here? I am tempted to tell the mother that I am going to call DSS if there is any more trouble and my family is involved.


Two problems with that:


(1) Retaliation -- I have no idea what these people will do.


(2) The reason the mother didn't put the girl "into care" is that she will lose cash welfare & food stamp payments for the girl. If the mother loses this money, she will have to let her ex-boyfriend back into the home -- the one who beat her severely a couple of weeks ago -- because he pays her $50/month section 8 rent and the electric bill.


What would you do? Please do not suggest that we keep the nonviolent sister or provide a safe haven for her. We are not willing to do that. We do not want to be further involved in this at all. We have never been exposed to situations like this, and we are not willing to continue.


Thanks for your help,


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If the sister is at your house and beat up by another family member, then you call the cops. The cops will file domestic abuse charges. You don't have to do anything just call the cops. The sister doesn't have to press charges at all. The cops just have to see evidence of abuse and they file the domestic abuse charges and take the nonviolent sister off your hands.

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If the sister is at your house and beat up by another family member, then you call the cops. The cops will file domestic abuse charges. You don't have to do anything just call the cops.


What about retaliation on us? That's what I'm worried about. These are rough people. The mother has a shotgun and a dog that she tries to keep penned up because she is afraid the dog will bite more people and have to be put down. She doesn't want to risk the dog biting more people because she loves the dog (he is 1/2 German Shepard and 1/2 Lab, gotten from the pound.


I don't think the mother is on the mentally healthy list.

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Well, what is my duty here? I am tempted to tell the mother that I am going to call DSS if there is any more trouble and my family is involved.


I think you have to call the police while the sister is at your house. She's in danger and I don't think you can protect her without putting yourself in harm's way.



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What about retaliation on us? That's what I'm worried about. These are rough people. The mother has a shotgun and a dog that she tries to keep penned up because she is afraid the dog will bite more people and have to be put down. She doesn't want to risk the dog biting more people because she loves the dog (he is 1/2 German Shepard and 1/2 Lab, gotten from the pound.


I don't think the mother is on the mentally healthy list.


If you are this afraid, you do not let the non violent sister in your house. You cut all ties. Period.

You let her in your house, so the only thing to do is either call the police or call child welfare or put her back outside and tell her to go call the police.

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I agree with OpenMinded. If you want to cut all ties, then you leave the non-violent girl in the street. Otherwise, call the police. I'm sorry Mom'll lose some of her income and all, but it seems like the violent sister might have a couple of issues that should be resolved BEFORE she gets ahold of Mom's shot gun.


I'm pretty sure if you ignore them long enough though, the big sister will go postal and kill the whole lot them.

Edited by lionfamily1999
The girl's wrist was already broken.
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I hate to say this. I have followed your posts on this and I really, really think there are only two steps to take here:


1. Call the police regarding the beating of the sister. She is a child who is being physically abused by her family. You have a moral obligation to do this as an adult human being. You are complicit if you know she is being harmed and you don't take steps to stop it.


2. Move. You have no hope of getting out of being entangled with this family. It's them or you... and it it's probably going to be you who has to move. Flee for your peace of mind!



I'm so sorry you've been caught up in this mess!

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I'm a little confused, but I think I have it straight...the younger sister has been hurt again by the older sister and the mom got in the car and left?


If this is what happened, I would... insist that the younger sister have her arm checked immediately, drive her to the hospital and whisper into a nurse's ear what is occurring. She would then be required to report and you can "feign innocence."


This must be a horrible situation! I'm very sorry. :grouphug:

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The mother is not answering her cell phone.


Earlier today, the sister told her mother that the girl beat her up.


Her mother said she is not going to get involved in this altercation because her doctor told her she had only 3 months to live, and the stress will kill her.


The mother is 34, and is not in danger of dying. I reassured the sister.

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I would... insist that the younger sister have her arm checked immediately, drive her to the hospital and whisper into a nurse's ear what is occurring. She would then be required to report and you can "feign innocence."


:iagree: They are required by law to report any allegations of domestic violence to the authorities. It is an easy out for you to feign ignorance and at the same time protect the other girl.

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I hate to say this. I have followed your posts on this and I really, really think there are only two steps to take here:


1. Call the police regarding the beating of the sister. She is a child who is being physically abused by her family. You have a moral obligation to do this as an adult human being. You are complicit if you know she is being harmed and you don't take steps to stop it.


2. Move. You have no hope of getting out of being entangled with this family. It's them or you... and it it's probably going to be you who has to move. Flee for your peace of mind!



I'm so sorry you've been caught up in this mess!


Believe me, no one in our family wants to be here. We cannot afford to move again. There is nowhere to go.

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Guest janainaz
:iagree: They are required by law to report any allegations of domestic violence to the authorities. It is an easy out for you to feign ignorance and at the same time protect the other girl.




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I am going to give it until 9 p.m., an hour from now.


If the mother doesn't answer her cell phone by then, I will call the state police.


I have 2 phone numbers of people with the same name as the sister's grandfather, but neither of these phones are being answered.


Or ... should I break my no sleepover rule again for this girl and wait until tomorrow to clear this up?


Think of it -- the state police come and take away a 13 year old girl. The girl will be frightened half to death.


(The first time was when the mother was in the hospital after having being severely beaten by her boyfriend. There was no one to take care of the sister. Again.)

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The younger sister needs medical attention from being kicked in a broken wrist and being hit in the face (possible concussion).


YOU need to call the police, period. This is a child, very much in danger. You need to do what is right to protect her.


How would you live with yourself if you sent her away, and she was killed by her sister?


Revenge be d*mned.


Anyone remember Kitty Genovese?


When a child dies because of domestic violence, everyone asks, why didn't someone notice, do something?


This is your time to notice, to step up and do something.


What the mother's choices are are just that. Her choices, as an adult.


What your choices are are to stand up as a responsible, caring adult...or ignore it all until the family is on the news, and live with that guilt that you could have, should have, done something, but didn't.

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I'm a little confused, but I think I have it straight...the younger sister has been hurt again by the older sister and the mom got in the car and left?


If this is what happened, I would... insist that the younger sister have her arm checked immediately, drive her to the hospital and whisper into a nurse's ear what is occurring. She would then be required to report and you can "feign innocence."


This must be a horrible situation! I'm very sorry. :grouphug:


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The younger sister needs medical attention from being kicked in a broken wrist and being hit in the face (possible concussion).


YOU need to call the police, period. This is a child, very much in danger. You need to do what is right to protect her.


How would you live with yourself if you sent her away, and she was killed by her sister?


Revenge be d*mned.


Anyone remember Kitty Genovese?


When a child dies because of domestic violence, everyone asks, why didn't someone notice, do something?


This is your time to notice, to step up and do something.


What the mother's choices are are just that. Her choices, as an adult.


What your choices are are to stand up as a responsible, caring adult...or ignore it all until the family is on the news, and live with that guilt that you could have, should have, done something, but didn't.




Also, is it possible that you could be criminally negligent for not reporting it? Call the cops, please.

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Okay, I called a friend who is an attorney who lives here.


He said for my husband to go to her house to see if the mother is home by herself. If she is, we leave the sister there. We contact the school on Monday and see if they will report it. This way we avoid be retaliated against.


If the violent girl is at home, we bring the sister to our house and call the police. (Of course, if the mother & violent girl are both there, we will get the mother's permission.) We have to call the police in case the mother accuses us of kidnapping her child. This way, even if the police decide not to come out here, a record will have been made which proves we did not kidnap the sister.


I hadn't even thought of the kidnapping angle.


No matter what happens, we call social services on Monday, if the school doesn't do it.


Does this sound like a reasonable plan to you all?

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Will this saga ever end?!


I told the sister my plan for us to take her home and see if her mother is there.


The sister said her mother told her she was going to put both girls up for adoption, and to find somewhere to go and to get out of the house.


The mother knows the sister is here.

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Will this saga ever end?!


I told the sister my plan for us to take her home and see if her mother is there.


The sister said her mother told her she was going to put both girls up for adoption, and to find somewhere to go and to get out of the house.


The mother knows the sister is here.


Please call the police. Unless you put her on the street & pretend she isn't there I don't think you have any alternative.

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Please call the police. Unless you put her on the street & pretend she isn't there I don't think you have any alternative.




I don't know that you can trust what any of the family says....let the powers that be sort this one out....:grouphug:


I'm sorry this is happening. I know you've had a rough year or more, with one mis/adventure after another. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Please call the police. Unless you put her on the street & pretend she isn't there I don't think you have any alternative.


Yes, I am going to do that now.


I will report back here when I'm done, as this unfolds.


Thank you all so very much for your support and advice!

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The mother already called the state police today. They told her that they could not take her kids away unless she wanted them to be arrested.


They gave her the phone number of youth services so she can call them to have them come and get the kids on Monday.


Meanwhile, we cannot reach the mother by phone.


The police said to keep the girl here. The mother knows where she is. We have not kidnapped her.


If the mother wants her back, we have to take her home, though. At that point, if we did not do so, we would be committing a crime.


We can continue this situation until the girl gets on the school bus on Monday, if need be.


Then I will have to call youth services and report this.

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You can call CPS and the girl could be picked up tonight, if that's what you wanted. Her mother refuses to take her, and if you refuse to keep her, they *will* come and get her.


They won't want to. If she's 15 (I can't remember if you said her age) they will try and convince you to keep her, even to the point of being willing to pay you foster parent rates. I went through it as a 15 yo, they told ME to try and find a friend's parent or someone else to stay with, since I had pressed charges of first degree assault against my step dad and my mother picked him over me.


They didn't want me in the system, to take on a teenager that could leave in a year...plus, why take up room in an already overburdened system, right?


Yeah. The system is hooped in so many ways.


And, fwiw, it sounds like the mother wants the boyfriend back and is looking to 'clear the decks' for him to come back.


Poor girl. What a nightmare life she must have had...and has before her. Foster care sucks, generally speaking. I was a virgin until my foster father. *sigh* Poor kid. I hope she ends up somewhere that she's safe, taught self worth, treated well, and in the best of all possible worlds, loved.

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Yes, youth services should have a 24-hour hotline you could call if you need to not have her at your house--which I think is totally understandable. What a rough situation!


I have to say it's killing me to read this thread. We've been trying to find a girl around 6-13 to adopt through the foster system for a couple of years now, and no dice. It's not as easy as they make it sound in the recruiting stage. Especially out of state. The system has more loops and twirls and red tape than a roller coaster theme park. It's hard to hear about such a girl needing a place and know that the way the system works we're pretty much helpless to do anything. But of course, I'm envisioning her as someone reasonably sane and stable who wouldn't be a danger to the kids we already have. I have no idea what she's really like.


Anyway, I'm hoping for good things for you and for her, however this shakes out.

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You can call CPS and the girl could be picked up tonight, if that's what you wanted. Her mother refuses to take her, and if you refuse to keep her, they *will* come and get her.


So no one gets confused, the sister is the 13 year old girl who is at my house now. The "violent girl" is her 15 year old sister who beat up their mother a couple of weeks ago.


According to the police, the mother has not abandoned the sister because the mother knows where she is. Since the kid isn't abandoned, youth services will not be called. The avenue to youth services on the weekend is via the police. That's why they told me to call on Monday.


The sister is 13 years old. There is no way anyone is going to rope me into becoming a foster parent by default. It would disrupt my own family too much.


The sister said her mother told her that she is putting her into foster care and that foster parents beat their foster children.


I told her that the vast majority of foster parents are very caring and do not harm their foster children. I told her to call the police and/or tell her guidance counselor at school if anything bad happened to her in foster care or at home with her mother, or anywhere.


I told her to let adult helpers determine whether something was "bad enough" to be reported. I told her that she doesn't have the life experience to determine that for herself.


I told her that, above all, she must tell the entire story, and be wholly truthful, and she must never protect an adult. I told her that she is a child, and adults protect children, not the other way around.


I told her that if an adult tells her to keep a secret (except about Christmas presents and the like) to immediately tell the secret to the police or her guidance counselor.


The sister told me that she has been abused her whole life. I told her that she has to take care of herself by reporting abuse to the guidance counselor at school, or by calling the state police, as soon as possible after it happens.


I told her that children have rights and that parents have the legal and moral responsibility to provide their children with the following: food, clothing, shelter, physical and emotional safety, medical care and an education.


I also told her that I admire her resiliency and her problem-solving capabilities. She came to our house for help, and she is a friendly and open, trusting child (at least with me she seems to be).


But you know what red-flagged the grave possibility that this is an abused child, from the moment I met her? Not her violent sister, who may have a mental illness. Not her drunk "stepfather" - the mother's (former, for now) live-in boyfriend.


No, it was because, beginning within 5 minutes of my meeting her, she has offered to help me around the house, without being asked. She begs me to let her clean and do yard work, suggests ideas, and gives me a verbal resume of her abilities and experience.


That's because she is trying to ingratiate herself with me so she can stay here, so I will like her. I told her I do like her and she is not going to be doing housework at my house.


I also found out that youth services have been involved with this family in the past. A social worker paid for the violent girl to have kickboxing lessons for a year. The social worker thought this would help the violent girl get her anger out. I told the sister that it seems to me aerobics would have been a better choice, and left it at that.


When the year of lessons was over, the violent girl used what she had learned to break 3 ribs of her mother's.

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According to the police, the mother has not abandoned the sister because the mother knows where she is. Since the kid isn't abandoned, youth services will not be called. The avenue to youth services on the weekend is via the police. That's why they told me to call on Monday.


Oh, I see. Here there's a number anyone can call, even on the weekend. Bummer!


It sounds like you're handling all this really well. Good for you for stepping up to the plate!

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But of course, I'm envisioning her as someone reasonably sane and stable who wouldn't be a danger to the kids we already have. I have no idea what she's really like.



I have no idea what she is really like either. She is on her best behavior here.


I will pray that your efforts to find a daughter are successful.

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I don't want to call CYS this weekend.


I asked the sister if she is frightened about what would happen if I did that -- anyone would be, IMO -- and she said yes.


I am not going to do anything to scare a kid when it is no big deal for her to stay here tonight and maybe through Monday morning.


The worst thing is that she told me that she is "a Mama's girl".


She is telling me more stories of her life. I should have been a shrink. I am just listening, and one time I pointed out that one event was "extreme abuse" and that it is not necessary for abuse to be extreme before it is reported. Everyday abuse is enough. I know that abused kids tend to think some seriously abusive behavior is "normal".


She ask me about spanking -- whether it is legal for her mother and her mother's (former) boyfriend to spank her. I never realized it was so hard to differentiate between permissible spanking and a beating. My DD said I used to spank her sometimes. I gave DD a stuffed teddy bear and asked her demonstrate. One light swat on the behind is not spanking, IMO. I think the sister is being abused physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Anyhow, I told the sister that if she thinks a spanking is abusive, she should talk to her guidance counselor or the police about it. They will figure it out. I also told her that I don't think parents are permitted to give other people permission to spank their children, but I am not sure about that. I am sure that the expression on my face when she recounted details of spankings told her what I felt uncomfortable verbalizing. My face has always been an open book, so to speak.


The rejection she has suffered today from her own mother, let alone in the past, has to have hurt her deeply.

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I have no idea what she is really like either. She is on her best behavior here.


I will pray that your efforts to find a daughter are successful.


Thanks. :grouphug: I'll pray that your young friend finds a safe permanent placement and your family can get happily out of the middle of a bad situation. I don't want to take over your thread at all, I only meant to comment that it's hard for me to not be able to just say, "Hey, send her on over, we're licensed foster parents and we've already got a bed set up." For what it's worth, I know a lot of other kind and loving foster parents. There are definitely still rotten apples in the barrel, but I think the screening and training are (in most places at least) much better than they were even a decade or two ago, and most foster families are in it because they really care.


ETA: P.S. "Just listening" is exactly the right approach to take. Keep up the good work.

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I only meant to comment that it's hard for me to not be able to just say, "Hey, send her on over, we're licensed foster parents and we've already got a bed set up."


Tonight, I have been told by DH and my 3 sons, and our lawyer, that this child is not a stray. We cannot keep her. They know me too well!


If DD and I were the only ones I had to consider, we'd keep the sister for awhile. Like I said, she is on her best behavior now, and I have no idea what she is like when she is not on guard.

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Something has to happen. Reporting needs to happen, it sounds like they ALL need serious counseling! This sounds like a situation that will NOT get better, and I think you really need to get some agencys involved in this situation.


The police told me to call youth services on Monday, which I will do. They are the foster care, and so forth, folks.


The family is already receiving therapy, according to what the mother told me.

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Something has to happen. Reporting needs to happen, it sounds like they ALL need serious counseling! This sounds like a situation that will NOT get better, and I think you really need to get some agencys involved in this situation.


If I understand correctly she's already spoken to the police and is planning to contact youth services on Monday, which is the earliest she can do so because the police handle those calls on the weekends.


ETA: Oops. Sorry, didn't realize you were still up and typing. :)


Tonight, I have been told by DH and my 3 sons, and our lawyer, that this child is not a stray. We cannot keep her.


If DD and I were the only ones I had to consider, we'd keep the sister for awhile. Like I said, she is on her best behavior now, and I have no idea what she is like when she is not on guard.


But at least you know she's CAPABLE of "best behavior"...lol. Here's hoping it lasts at least until Monday. :)

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But at least you know she's CAPABLE of "best behavior"...lol. Here's hoping it lasts at least until Monday. :)


You know, I have a feeling that the sister is hoping that we will keep her. She knows we won't, but that doesn't stop a child from hoping. So I don't expect her to be anything but her sweet self.


I stayed up all night long 2 nights in a row with my dog, who is sick (with a skin infection, it turns out). It got my schedule out of whack. I'm wide awake, it's midnight, and it will be melatonin time in a couple of hours.

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The police told me to call youth services on Monday, which I will do. They are the foster care, and so forth, folks.


The family is already receiving therapy, according to what the mother told me.


I don't really know how to say this, so I hope this doesn't come across as overly harsh. I don't see how the right thing to do it to send this girl home where she is being abused just because the police don't want to deal with it. Children only need to be protected Monday through Friday?? Abuse that occurs on the weekend doesn't count?? Keeping her safe for a day and a half isn't "keeping her." Children are removed from the home on weekends. The police don't want to deal with it because they are hoping you will house her. If you can't, then they need to get her.


As to the mother saying they are receiving therapy, who cares if it's true or not? The girl is being abused. It needs to stop.

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RaeAnne, the child is at my house, where she will most likely stay until she goes to school on Monday. Then I will call youth services to report this. They will take care of the matter. She cannot live with us.


You don't know this, but our family is going through a very difficult time right now. Our income is 1/3 of what it was 2.5 years ago. Our home was foreclosed upon. We had to move to a new state last summer. My DH filed for bankruptcy last week. I have severe left main artery disease (heart). Our lives have changed drastically, for the worse. We, as a family, cannot take on another person's child right now. That would be the straw that broke the camel's back.


I have to give the child back to her mother if her mother asks me to do so. Otherwise, I am breaking the law, according to the state police. (I don't know anything about PA law, so I have to rely on them and on the advice of a local lawyer.)


If her mother had abandoned her, the police would come and get her and turn her over to CYS. She is not abandoned because her mother knows where she is. By calling the police, I made a record of proof that we have not kidnapped her. The child spoke to the police when I called them.


The only other way the police will get involved is if she commits a crime and they have to arrest her.


The mother had already called the police to come and get both of her children today. They refused, unless the mother wanted to have them arrested for a crime.


Except for the mother coming by here (I did not know she did this until later) to tell her daughter her doctor told her she (the mother) was going to die within three months because of the stress, I have no idea what has been going on at their house today. The mother is in her early 30s and does not have heart disease, so I think she was just emotionally abusing her daughter. The violent girl told me awhile back that her mother is bipolar, but the mother did not tell me that. The mother did tell me she is on SSI for pre-diabetes, but I don't think that could be true, based on what I know about SSI.


There is nothing else for me to do, but to keep the child here until Monday. I am not going to take her home because we cannot reach her mother on the phone and we do not know what is going on over there.

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Guess What? The police officer who told you that "the only way to child services is through the police" was WRONG!


You can call the following numbers:


Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare

Toll-Free: (800) 932-0313

This is the Pennsylvania number to report child abuse.


If you do not get an answer at the above number Childhelp (800-422-4453) for assistance.

Childhelp® USA is a non-profit agency which can provide reporting numbers, and has Hotline counselors who can provide referrals.

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RaeAnne, the child is at my house, where she will most likely stay until she goes to school on Monday. Then I will call youth services to report this. They will take care of the matter. She cannot live with us.


Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I thought your post about your dh, lawyer, and ds's was saying that they wanted you to bring her home tonight! That was the part that upset me. No, you can't "keep her," and you are very wise to know your family's limits. I am just now having to face the fact that I can't do everything, no matter how worthy the cause. Thank God that poor girl has you for a safe weekend, and thank God you are knowledgeable enough to realize what needs to happen come Monday. :grouphug:

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