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Left Brain or Right Brain

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This stupid thing bugs me! First it goes one way and then it goes the other. Is it for real? Is it a trick and it switches? I don't get it. GAH


That's what I thought too. When she first came up, I saw clockwise. But, when I blinked, she was going counter-clockwise. I refreshed the page a couple times (hoping to see if there was a change), and I'm mainly seeing her turning clockwise. Once, by squinting & focusing just on the heel of her foot that is down/flat, I seemed to see her going in the other direction. But, suddenly again, she's going clockwise & no matter how much I squint or blink, she just stays clockwise.


So, is your brain really flipping her or is she actually changing???

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For people who can't see the flip:


Try turning you head to the right and looking at her out of the corner of your left eye.


Then turn to the left and look at her out of the corner of you right eye.



Try blinking when her pointed toe (not the one she is standing on) reachs the outermost point on either side.

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I guess I'm right brained. I couldn't get it to go counter clockwise. I've done this test before and, although it turned clockwise at first, it kept switching back and forth. This time I just couldn't see it going counter clockwise. Finally I looked down at the keyboard to rest my eyes. When I glanced up and saw the image out of the corner of my right eye it looked counter clockwise. When I looked with both eyes, it was clockwise, and I had a very hard time getting it to go counter clockwise again. My headache is considerably worse now:glare:

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OK, how can this test be accurate? The lady switches her motion half way through! If you watch for a few minutes (because I couldn't fathom at first how she could possible be moving counter-clockwise), she will pause and switch and move the other way. Then pause and switch again.


So, I gotta doubt the validity of this "test", LOL!

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Definitely left brained! I tried and tried to see it the other way but can not. Soooo, I asked my dh what he saw? No surprise to me, he sees it opposite. He is right brained. No surprise to him either. He tried to help me see it the way he does (kinda like our life, LOL) We got a big kick out of this:D.

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why must this lady have nipples?


She kept switching for me, but I'm always very confused and mixed up on these kinds of things. I am left handed for writing, but do everything else with my right hand. These tests only confirm what I suspected all along....I have no brain!

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This thing amazes me. I see her going mostly clockwise. But, if I avert my gaze or size my screen so that I can see less of her (usually just from the knees down), I can "make" her switch. Funniest part about this is that my very REALITY based husband is adamant that "they" (the little men in the computer) are actually making the image switch -- that it's not not really revolving in the same direction (no matter which one you choose since he saw it as counterclockwise while I saw it as clockwise, sitting right next to him). He was nearly irritated about it. His hefty lefty brain just can't understand that it's all an illusion. :lol:



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Right brained, which I mostly am, but not in everything. Like WTMindy, I have mixed dominance. I could get her to seem to be moving the other way, but not as easily.


And, to those that saw it going back and forth, I don't think everyone has equally strong dominance in brain function, but this is a non-scientific opinion based on life and observations so feel free to take it with a grain of salt.

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Cannot, cannot, cannot change directions, no matter how hard I focused. :D




:iagree: Same here, Lucinda. I cannot see it as anything other than clockwise no matter how hard I try. Dh says it goes back and forth. Ds said clockwise, but after looking at it for more than a minute he said, "Ooh! Now it goes the other way, too."


Very interesting test!

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I'm with your dh - I don't see how it's an illusion either, and I REALLY don't see how you "make" it switch, LOL!


Dh and I watched it togetherand we saw at the same time, the lady pause then switch, then we saw again, at the same time, she paused and switched again. So I'm in agreement with your dh - the little men in the computer are making her switch and I'm adding that the "test" isn't a "test" in the lease, LOL! :)

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