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What do you pay for private instrumental lessons?

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I want to start giving clarinet lessons, but the band director asked me to let him know what I charge, and I just have no idea what the going rate is anymore...last time I took lessons outside of college was about 13 years ago! Then I paid $8 for 45 minutes...and I know that was a great price then.


So what do you pay?


Also where do the lessons take place? The only place I have is here at our apartment and I'm not sure how I feel about that?


Thanks. :)

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My son recently started taking piano lessons. He's 15. Every instructor I talked to charged at least $50/hour. I finally found a wonderful young woman that teaches out of her condo - she's a grad student, newly married with a new baby. She agreed to $30/hour with me being flexible on lesson times (given her class schedule and the new baby). I also agreed to pay cash for at least 4 weeks at a time.


She's wonderful and my son is learning so quickly. I've referred three new students to her since he started.

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If you don't want the students to come to you, could you go to them? I have a friend who teaches private violin lessons about 6x per week and she goes to the students' homes.


That is an idea...I will have to give some thought to that and talk with DH about it. I wouldn't have much problem having students come here, except that would mean DH would have to take the kids elsewhere during that time. Plus I don't know how I feel about students knowing where we live...

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Plus I don't know how I feel about students knowing where we live...


Another thing is that you would be in the drivers seat as far ending the lesson :) My dd's former piano teacher had a student who was perpetually late, then he would want to stay later to "make up" for the lost time :confused:

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We pay $20 for 30 minutes once a week. The lessons are given at the local high school, in the practice room. Our private lesson teachers work primarily with the public school students, but we are allowed to have our lessons there, too. We have, on occasion, gone to one of the teacher's home for a makeup lesson. He would charge extra to come to my home.

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My son started piano lessons this year with a woman who is part of the Minnesota Music Teacher's Association and has a Master's in Music. She charges $10/hour for a 40-minute session (which generally goes over). I thought that was a bargain, but after reading the responses, now I KNOW it is!:)

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My son's guitar teacher is in his 20's and teaches paino, guitar, drums with a group of 3 other kids his age. They are very professional in their business and are very popular to take lessons from. I don't know to what level they can teach to but for my son just starting guitar they are great.

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We started a year ago with a high school student (very good!) teaching 3 sons violin & piano (only one was taking piano). We paid $45 for a total of 1 1/2 hrs of instruction. She moved away to college, so now her younger brother teaches violin, her younger sister teaches piano to the youngest, and her mother teaches piano to oldest. The mom said they should only get $10/half hour due to lack of experience and the mom has me split her pay between her two kids. I'm paying $40 for 2 hours of instruction. I would pay more in a heartbeat, but that is all they will accept. They are a homeschool family and really click with my kids.

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I pay $10 for 1/2 hour for my daughters piano lessons, but I know this is cheap. Her teacher is wonderful, she has been teaching 30 years and knows she is cheap but is retired and has no desire to change her fees. The typical rate is about $20 to $40 for 1/2 an hour.

I've checked on violin lessons, I'm finding the typical charge is about $30 for 1/2 an hour.

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We pay $40 an hour for a professional (actively performing) clarinet teacher for my dd.


My dad is a former PS band director (clarinet) and charges less than $15 an hour for lessons...he runs a HUGE homeschool band group in Oklahoma and just can't charge homeschoolers more...(what a softie!).


I guess I'm a softie too because I only charge $10 an hour for tutoring homeschoolers...must run in the family!


Back to your question... I would be willing to pay up to $20 an hour for an experienced clarinet player to give my dd lessons. There is a difference between a player and a professional...I played clarinet from grade school through college--I'm still just a player. My dd's instructor is a professional clarinet player (how he supports his family) and he is also a gifted teacher.


It really depends on your level of experience and the 'going rate' in your area.

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and charge $30 an hour and I have a music degree. I think I'm cheap compared to lots around here. There's quite a range and I don't understand it. The principal cellist in the Utah Symphony only charges $40 an hour, and I know several Suzuki teachers who charge much more, though I don't think they're better players or teachers than he is.


I don't depend on it for my livelihood, it's just for extra money, plus I enjoy it. I used to drive to students (pre-children) but just can't do that anymore, except for one afternoon a week I travel 60 miles and teach 5 students at my parents' home and my kids get grandma time.

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I haven't taken the time to figure out what our "per hour" rate is, as I don't wish to have convulsions :) but we pay:


$310 per month for harp lessons - 2 one hour lessons per week - this teacher has her Masters and is REALLY good


$72 per month for piano lessons - 1 ninety minute lesson per week - bargain for a fantastic teacher


$270 per semester for recorder lessons - 9 one hour private lessons and 9 one hour ensemble rehearsals


$20 per each 40 minute voice lesson - these are professionals that teach at several area colleges, but since they homeschool themselves they want homeschoolers to be able to afford the lessons


We pay extra for any competitions/auditions/festivals, etc. but recital fee are covered in the monthly tuition. Oh, and we usually pay a music/library fee once a year.


I think your fee should depend on your training (degrees), if this is something you are doing for the income (a job) or for the enrichment of others lives (a side-line hobby), and who your clientèle is (what can "they" afford?).

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