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census came today

Guest melaniej

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Guest melaniej

What will happen if we only answer the number that live here and leave the rest blank? I seem to remember getting the long form in 2000 and filling in every spot...this was legal..and they never contacted us. Does anyone have any experience in this? I made a copy of the census 10 yrs ago, but pitched the copy.

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What will happen if we only answer the number that live here and leave the rest blank? I seem to remember getting the long form in 2000 and filling in every spot...this was legal..and they never contacted us. Does anyone have any experience in this? I made a copy of the census 10 yrs ago, but pitched the copy.


I'm confused by your question. Is there a compelling reason not to fill it out? What does this year's census have to do with the 2000 census long form? Maybe you could elaborate a little ?

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What will happen if we only answer the number that live here and leave the rest blank? I seem to remember getting the long form in 2000 and filling in every spot...this was legal..and they never contacted us. Does anyone have any experience in this? I made a copy of the census 10 yrs ago, but pitched the copy.


Someone will probably show up at your door looking for more answers. If you still don't give the answers then they will threaten you with a fine. The fine is more if you lie. Even though there is a fine on the books, there has NEVER been anyone fined for not filling out the census. Many believe it is there as a threat and it would not hold up in court (assuming you answered the question of how many people live there). The Constitution says they must take a count of the people, not know how much you make or what your race is. It's up to you to decide whether you answer or not. But if you don't, someone will ring your door bell (probably several times).


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Is the amount of income for some demographic pattern?...As in most people in this part of town make $100000 and up? Why is this important for the census?


Whoa? We don't have any question about income. Though the rest of the questions are annoying enough.

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I am offended by the race question. We've been raising our children to not "see" race or color. So, they don't really think of people as white, European, Asian, African-American, Latino, etc. We strenuously object to these labels because we feel they are divisive and end up making children grow up thinking this is how they should view a person or group of people, by racial stereotypes. We don't discuss President Obama as the first "black" president. He is just "the President" and is talked about with the same respect as the previous presidents.


So, if I answer that question, then I feel like I am putting a double standard before my children. I intend to just write American and include a not so nice note that says we are DEEPLY OFFENDED by the question.



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Someone will probably show up at your door looking for more answers. If you still don't give the answers then they will threaten you with a fine. The fine is more if you lie. Even though there is a fine on the books, there has NEVER been anyone fined for not filling out the census. Many believe it is there as a threat and it would not hold up in court (assuming you answered the question of how many people live there). The Constitution says they must take a count of the people, not know how much you make or what your race is. It's up to you to decide whether you answer or not. But if you don't, someone will ring your door bell (probably several times).



I will GLADLY pay the $100 fine. I will only be answering question #1. :D


How dare they bully us into answering questions that are none of the governments' business. Nor do I support our neighborhoods getting their "fair share" from the government.


So there.

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Race is supposed to be your biology, not your nationality.


So, you don't want to write "American." You want to write "human." If you want to sound scientific, you can write Homo Sapien Sapien. That is your race.

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I heard a man on the radio today say, "I don't know what color you are, but I'm red, white and blue thru and thru." He wasn't talking about the census but rather about racial politics (not that I'm trying to start that thread) I just kinda liked that answer and am so tempted to write that on my census form.

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Yeah we don't teach "race" either. I really didn't know how to answer the question because one of us is white and the other is Spainard....so what does that make our kids? There wasn't a choice for that. The poor lady I called on the help line kept getting off the phone to go find out, and guess what, they don't know either!!!:tongue_smilie: I listened to the recording for the race question and apparently according to them race is not biological but the group that we self-identify with and we could choose up to two groups!!!:glare:


I wanted to include a note too, but dh was totally aganist it.

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In the last census, we filled in human race and no one contacted us. We intend to do the same this year. Oh and on another form for another government agency, we also put other in the category and it made us fill out ethnicity then so we again put not specified above since our ethnicities weren't.

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Race is supposed to be your biology, not your nationality.


So, you don't want to write "American." You want to write "human." If you want to sound scientific, you can write Homo Sapien Sapien. That is your race.


Okay, then. :lol:


Better than nit-picking over shades of brown, imo.

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But that can be determined other ways. Census data is just one option.


It is determined other ways. Every single parent who wishes to receive free/reduced lunches for their child MUST fill out an income form and submit it to the school district. The percentage of free/reduced lunches is what determines status as a Title 1 school and additional funding.

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Why wouldn't they know what Homo sapiens means? :confused:




Perhaps she was assuming that since they're not good doing basic arithmetic concerning the nation's budget, confusing negative integers with positive integers, that perhaps they may be slow in other areas as well. ?

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I think being "race blind" and (not OR) refusing to recognize cultural diversity can be offensive in and of itself. There are many cultures that make up the US population, even smaller groups within these large racial categories. I think that's a good thing.


Nor do I support our neighborhoods getting their "fair share" from the government.



You disagree with post offices, utilities and highways? You disagree with federal dollars helping small fire departments? What, exactly, do you disagree with?


Race is supposed to be your biology, not your nationality.



Not necessarily, not for federal purposes. Race and ethnicity are self-identifying and often have cultural rather than anthropological reasons behind answers. The definitions are pretty broad.


White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.

Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "Black, African Am., or Negro," or provide written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian.

American Indian and Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment.

Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes "Asian Indian," "Chinese," "Filipino," "Korean," "Japanese," "Vietnamese," and "Other Asian."

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. It includes people who indicate their race as "Native Hawaiian," "Guamanian or Chamorro," "Samoan," and "Other Pacific Islander."

Some other race. Includes all other responses not included in the "White", "Black or African American", "American Indian and Alaska Native", "Asian" and "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander" race categories described above. Respondents providing write-in entries such as multiracial, mixed, interracial, Wesort, or a Hispanic/Latino group (for example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban) in the "Some other race" category are included here.

Two or more races. People may have chosen to provide two or more races either by checking two or more race response check boxes, by providing multiple write-in responses, or by some combination of check boxes and write-in responses.

Comparability. The data on race in Census 2000 are not directly comparable to those collected in previous censuses.

The concept of race is separate from the concept of Hispanic origin. Percentages for the various race categories add to 100 percent, and should not be combined with the percent Hispanic. Tallies that show race categories for Hispanics and nonHispanics separately are also available.

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Believe it or not, in our area science education is SOOOOOOOO bad, I would not necessarily expect locally hired census bureau workers to know that that means. We have a less than 60% high school graduation rate and the average reading level is only 4th grade. We are a very rural area, not urban which makes this alittle surprising.


Sorry to be so down about it, but literally, my kids use common scientific terms in conversation regularly...in church, at events, in 4-H etc. Most of the adults think our kids are geniuses. Its very, very sad. We are trying to make vocabulary a focus of some of our 4-H teaching. We've got middle school kids that can't explain what atoms are and haven't heard the term molecule. I guess most of their reading is fluff and stuff.


One of our closest friends is a high school science teacher. He says only 10% of the kids actually open their books. He is required by the school superintendent to issue a d- grade if the students stay awake during class and attend regularly. They don't actually have to do anything. Most of his class does nothing and takes the d-.


I shouldn't have made the comment, because none of you would know the background for it! It was thoughtless on my part!




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Can someone please enlighten me as to the POINT of the government needing to classify people on the basis of race?


I don't get it.




Race is key to implementing any number of federal programs and it is critical for the basic research behind numerous policy decisions. States require these data to meet legislative redistricting requirements. Also, they are needed to monitor compliance with the Voting Rights Act by local jurisdictions. Race data are required by federal programs that promote equal employment opportunity and to assess racial disparities in health and environmental risks. The Census Bureau has included a question on race since the first census in 1790.
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It's because certain races have more health problems etc than others, so if they know where people of different ethnicities are living then they can tailor services accordingly.


Having said that, in New Zealand my major gripe was that I had to tick "European." I'm a 7th generation NZer, I am NOT european, if they want to know my colour they should ask me that, but don't make me tick European. So I ticked other and put "white New Zealander" now understand, I think colour is irrelevant, but the govt likes it for reasons I detailed above and I guess if all the different ethnicities just put New Zealander on the form, they'd have a harder time allocating services. Then I came to Australia, and in my first census here I got the first opportunity ever to tick "New Zealander." Ironic huh.

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THe only point is for someone to discriminate against someone else. I will not be a part of that and refuse to answer race or ethnicity questions. I didn't approve of racial discrimination when I was little and they made the black kids go to a different school and I still disagree with it.

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You disagree with post offices, utilities and highways? You disagree with federal dollars helping small fire departments? What, exactly, do you disagree with?






Yes, yes, (except for the highways) and yes ... it should be left to the States, as stated in the Constitution. ... because I disagree with big government and redistribution of wealth.

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THe only point is for someone to discriminate against someone else. I will not be a part of that and refuse to answer race or ethnicity questions. I didn't approve of racial discrimination when I was little and they made the black kids go to a different school and I still disagree with it.

But there is also discrimination in NOT doing anything, if is are no "positive discrimination" by helping disadvantaged groups specifically, then those groups will stay disadvantaged. So you could say that by refusing to answer the question, and making it harder to help ethnic groups in need, you are participating in the ongoing discrimination against them having the same chances as everyone else.

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Yes, yes, (except for the highways) and yes ... it should be left to the States, as stated in the Constitution. ... because I disagree with big government and redistribution of wealth.


Why are highways okay but everything else is bad?


How are post offices and fire departments redistributing wealth?

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looking at the census race definitions, I'm seeing that I would have to choose white and native American...which is not exactly true. I am half white and half Mexican..so yes, I guess you could say Native American, but from what I understand and the working definition of Native American is pretty strict, you have to prove heritage of part of a tribe, from what I understand.


so, not being able to choose hispanic or Central/South America..everyone is going to choose Native American? The numbers are going to explode.


got my form today, not looking forward to this...

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looking at the census race definitions, I'm seeing that I would have to choose white and native American...which is not exactly true. I am half white and half Mexican..so yes, I guess you could say Native American, but from what I understand and the working definition of Native American is pretty strict, you have to prove heritage of part of a tribe, from what I understand.


The definition is not so strict for census purposes. If you consider yourself Native American, answer Native American.


so, not being able to choose hispanic or Central/South America..everyone is going to choose Native American? The numbers are going to explode.



Question number 8 asks:

Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Yes, Puerto Rican

Yes, Cuban

Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano

Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin — Print origin, for example,

Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on.


You could say yes there then under race answer "Caucasian" and "other."

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you are participating in the ongoing discrimination against them having the same chances as everyone else.


My neurons may not be firing too fast today, but doesn't everyone in the US already have an opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I don't recall the Constitution guaranteeing a right to a fully staffed fire department (although that's wonderful to have), or to a library stuffed with books and tutors (although I fully enjoy my library).


My point is, everyone is responsible for making their own chances.

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How are post offices and fire departments redistributing wealth?


Well, the federal government is taking my own personal money without my consent and giving it to another entity, for whatever reason (generally that reason is presented to me as being for my own good, whether I agree with that theory or not.) That is redistributing my weath to someone or something else.


I have generally thought that the post office, if privatized, would run in the black (versus the red as they do now), kind of like FedX or UPS. I do not believe in absolutes (there are always exceptions), but a privatized entity has more of an incentive to remain competitive and run a tight ship. A private company is forced by supply and demand to make tough choices to ensure survival. That is our free market economy.

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I guess you could say Native American, but from what I understand and the working definition of Native American is pretty strict, you have to prove heritage of part of a tribe, from what I understand.



Not on the census form. It's how you identify. You do not have to be enrolled or "proofed" to tick it on the census.

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My point is, everyone is responsible for making their own chances.


Have you ever read anything by

? He's been writing about race, class, the US school system and opportunity for over 40 years. Interesting stuff. Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Well, the federal government is taking my own personal money without my consent and giving it to another entity, for whatever reason (generally that reason is presented to me as being for my own good, whether I agree with that theory or not.) That is redistributing my wealth to someone or something else.


So, you are against all federal government? The military, for example?


I have generally thought that the post office, if privatized, would run in the black (versus the red as they do now), kind of like FedX or UPS. I do not believe in absolutes (there are always exceptions), but a privatized entity has more of an incentive to remain competitive and run a tight ship. A private company is forced by supply and demand to make tough choices to ensure survival. That is our free market economy.
I disagree. Our free market economy (in its current state of deregulation) doesn't encourage tough choices. It encourages companies to take advantage of desperate people and reap enormous profits for the tippy-top of that triangle.


The USPS was first conceived of during the Second Continental Congress. Benjamin Franklin was the first Postmaster General. Anyone implying that it's something not intended by the founding fathers or the Constitution is either 1) ignorant of history or 2) being disingenuous. The information gathered by the census is used to plan post offices but the USPS has been *self-sufficient* since the early eighties. It is not supported with tax dollars. http://www.usps.com/strategicplanning/_pdf/Postal_Facts.pdf


for that reason the redistribution of wealth argument completely fails.


edited slightly for greater clarity.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Our census form asked for the number of people living in the house. Then it wanted the name, age, birthdate and race of each individual. There was nothing about income, education, or anything else.


I filled it in and mailed it back the same day.


Same here, nothing but name, age, race...is there a different form for some people?

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Same here, nothing but name, age, race...is there a different form for some people?


That is pretty much what I got. One additional question about whether you own your house with mortgage, own it outright, or rent.


Blah, I just went ahead and filled out the whole blasted thing.

Edited by Daisy
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Yeah we don't teach "race" either. I really didn't know how to answer the question because one of us is white and the other is Spainard....so what does that make our kids? There wasn't a choice for that. The poor lady I called on the help line kept getting off the phone to go find out, and guess what, they don't know either!!!:tongue_smilie: I listened to the recording for the race question and apparently according to them race is not biological but the group that we self-identify with and we could choose up to two groups!!!:glare:


I wanted to include a note too, but dh was totally aganist it.


I am a Spaniard. I am white. The two are not mutually exclusive. I am a white Spaniard, like most of the Spaniards born in Spain around my time; nowadays Spain is also a multiracial country with all the immigration experienced in the last 10 years or so from all over the world. For census purposes, my ethnicity is Hispanic, the subcategory is Other. My race is White. Two different concepts.


So, asuming your husband is a white Spaniard like me, then both of you are white, the only difference between your husband and you is ethnicity (if you are not Hispanic), not race.


I wanted to add about your kids. They are obviously white, but you will have to decide if your husband and you consider your children Hispanic or not. If they are old enough to have self identified in terms of ethnicity you might want to ask them what they think.

Edited by Mabelen
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The USPS was first conceived of during the Second Continental Congress. Benjamin Franklin was the first Postmaster General. Anyone implying that it's something not intended by the founding fathers or the Constitution is either 1) ignorant of history or 2) being disingenuous. The information gathered by the census is used to plan post offices but the USPS has been *self-sufficient* since the early eighties. It is not supported with tax dollars. http://www.usps.com/strategicplanning/_pdf/Postal_Facts.pdf


for that reason the redistribution of wealth argument completely fails.


edited slightly for greater clarity.


I believe it is also arguable that expansion was also the intention of our fore fathers.


Leaving small towns without fire stations, libraries, utilities and other necessities would be contrary to encourage people to reside in small towns.



FWIW I am Native American. I am not white and I don't want people to see me as white. I am not "grey" or "brown" and neither are my children. Being colorblind just blinds one to the beauties that diversity offers.


I do not WANT to be white. I like being NA. I like being me.

Edited by Sis
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Have you ever read anything by
? He's been writing about race, class, the US school system and opportunity for over 40 years. Interesting stuff.


Yay! Every good thread on this board end up with book recs. Have read Illiterate America by Kozol and found it informative. Will check out some more by him.


So, here's one by Thomas Sowell to add to the mix.



And one by Juan Williams


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Have you ever read anything by
? He's been writing about race, class, the US school system and opportunity for over 40 years. Interesting stuff.


No, I haven't. I did find this interesting.


Kozol's ethical argument relies heavily on comparisons between rich and poor school districts. In particular, he analyzes the amount of money spent per child. He finds that in school districts whose taxpayers and property-owners are relatively wealthy, the per-child annual spending is much higher (for example, over $20,000 per year per child in one district) than in school districts where poor people live (for example, $11,000 per year per child in one district)[1]. He asks rhetorically whether it is right that the place of one's birth should determine the quality of one's education.


The place of one's birth does not determine the quality of one's education. Schools are funded through property taxes in my state. People who live in more expensive houses that they have earned and purchased with their own money generally are subject to a higher dollar amount of property tax. The percentage is the same for everyone, but the worth of the home is higher, so the dollar amount of the tax contributed is higher. This means that the district has more money to spend per child. Kozol sounds like there's a conspiracy and I don't believe there is.

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looking at the census race definitions, I'm seeing that I would have to choose white and native American...which is not exactly true. I am half white and half Mexican..so yes, I guess you could say Native American, but from what I understand and the working definition of Native American is pretty strict, you have to prove heritage of part of a tribe, from what I understand.


so, not being able to choose hispanic or Central/South America..everyone is going to choose Native American? The numbers are going to explode.


got my form today, not looking forward to this...


I don't really see how Mexican is native american? Especially if you don't self-identify as native american already. My husband is from Equador, so we chose Hispanic origin and white for race since the form specifies not to use hispanic as a race this time.




ETA: I just re-read my post and I can't put my finger on why, but my question sounds snarky when in reality I'm just being dense. I really can't figure out how anybody of South or Central American origin could be Native American. I'm wondering if I filled out ours wrong. I have a bad cold and probably shouldn't be posting--or filling out Census forms, for that matter.

Edited by Barb F. PA in AZ
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You disagree with post offices, utilities and highways? You disagree with federal dollars helping small fire departments? What, exactly, do you disagree with?



This stumps me too... hmm.



edited to add: hmmm.. obviously quoting someone's post also stumps me! (-: no idea what happened there, but I was attempting to quote from Mrs Mungo.

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