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pregnancy weight gain

How did you gain weight during pregnancy?  

  1. 1. How did you gain weight during pregnancy?

    • I gained a normal amount of weight (20-35 lbs)
    • I gained less weight than normal (less than 20 lbs)
    • I gained more weight than normal (more than 35 lbs)
    • I gained weight at a normal rate
    • I gained faster than normal
    • I gained slower than normal
    • my pregnancies were different from each other
    • I had more than one baby at a time
    • I hate polls
    • other

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I voted all my pregnancies were different.


I was underweight with our first child and gained 60 pounds. I lost it all within 3 months.


I was at a normal weight with our second, but I stopped smoking when I found out I was expecting and I gained 80 pounds. I eat when I'm stressed and we were in the middle of a move to Okinawa at the same time. I lost all but 20 pounds.


With number 3, I was overweight and gained only 20 pounds. I didn't lose any of it (thyroid issues that started when I was pregnant with number 2).


I gained weight at a steady pace with all three.

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I'm 5'2" - started at the higher end of my healthy range, and I'm 39 weeks right now, and have gained about 40 pounds. It all came on gradually, and most people are shocked that I've gained that much. I didn't start wearing maternity pants until around 5 months, and even then I could get away with some regular pants unbuttoned for a few more weeks (all of that was partially due to the fact that they buttoned under my pooch)


My doctor hasn't said anything about my weight gain.


This is my 3rd child.


With number one, I gained 70 pounds (or more, i quit looking at the scale) - I was preeclampsic and retained an enormous amount of fluids. The only time the doctor said something about my weight gain was right at the end of the first trimester or beginning of the 2nd, I'd gained 12 pounds between appointments. He just told me I needed to be careful because that put me almost half way to the healthy weight gain and most of it should happen more towards the end. No threats or ugly talk.


With number two, I gained 30-40 pounds.

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Here's the ugly truth:

age 27 DS #1-28 pounds

age 30 DS#2-21 pounds

age 31 DD#1-40 pounds!

age 34 DD#2-35 pounds

age 37 DS #3-35 pounds

age 39 DS #4-35 pounds

total weight kept over the 6 kids 25ish pounds:glare: but that was 15 pounds more than I should have had to begin with....so really 40

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I was a bit overweight & gained 32 with my 1st.

I was a good weight & gained 40 with my 2nd (bedrest for part of it).

I was overweight & gained 25 with my 3rd.

I was at my highest weight & gained 17 with my 4th.


Interestingly, I lost all of the pregnancy weight plus extra with my 1st and 4th, my girls. I didn't lose all of the pregnancy weight with my middle two, my boys.


I usually gain 10-15 pounds in my first trimester when you are only suppose to gain a few. At that rate, you'd expect I'd gain a huge amount overall, but I don't think my gains were unreasonable.

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I was overweight before each of my pregnancies, but only in the last one did any doctor say much about my weight. I'm thinking that must've been because I had gestational diabetes last time. In that pregnancy, I ended up gaining nothing until the very end, when I put on a ton of water weight. After the birth, I was 20 pounds lighter than when I got pregnant. I'm still right around that weight nearly 5 mos. postpartum. It's the first time I ended up with a net loss after a pregnancy!


With my first, I gained about 25 pounds. With my second, I'd lost 40 pounds before conceiving, then gained 65! That time, I gained 10 pounds just between the positive HPT and the first doctor's appointment! LOL


If I'm blessed enough to have a fourth, it'll be interesting to see how the weight issue plays out again. Hopefully GD won't be a concern, though I know if I've had it once I'm more likely to have it again.



I also suffered with GD with my pregnancies & ended weighing less than my normal pregnancy weight, which was already bordering on the too slim side.

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I gained ~30 punds with each of them. But it was really sporatic. Usually gradual, but I had visits when I didn't gain much and visits when I gained 8 lbs. My Dr. encouraged me to get an ice cream if I "needed" it. :D Her Dr needs to start working with grumpy old men or something before some pregnant woman goes postal on him,

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I gained about 60 lbs with both of mine. And I was throwing up multiple times every single day for the whole pregnancy. I don't really know how I gained weight. The dr I had for the first one told me I was going to have a difficult delivery because of how much weight I gained - it wasn't. The dr I had for the 2nd one decided to induce because of how big I was getting. As soon as she broke my water, she realized that was why - huge amount of water and then huge placenta too. I lost 30 lbs (including the baby's weight) in the 48 hours I was as the hospital. :D

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I checked off about half those. Mine were different, gained more than normal with 1, but was underweight and normal with 2nd, high end of normal with 3 and 4. Some I put on slow, some I put on fast.


#1 I was underweight at 112lbs. I gained 20lbs in the first trimester, 18lbs in the 2nd and just 3lbs in the 3rd. 41lbs total. (7lbs 14oz)


#2 I gained 5lbs in the 1st trimester. 19lbs in the 2nd tri. and 11lbs in the 3rd. 35lbs total (9lbs 15oz)


#3 I lost 12lbs in the first tri. Gained 12lbs in the 2nd tri and 12lbs in 3rd tri. 24lbs total. (8lbs 13oz)


#4 I lost 12lbs in the 1st tri. 18lbs in the 2nd tri. 12lbs in the 3rd tri. 30lbs total. (10lbs 14oz)

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My first two pgs I gained 50 lbs each. The first one I lost weight the first few weeks, and put it on quickly. I slowed down towards the end of the pg.


My second I gained weight very quickly without losing weight first. By 17 weeks I had gained 17 lbs. :001_smile:


My third pg was weird. I only gained 25 lbs which still stumps me. I guess craving and eating salad and mangoes non-stop makes a difference as opposed to bean burritos and mashed potatoes for my previous pgs. ;) I gained slowly and steadily, but my midwife hinted I could gain more.


Pre-pg I weigh around 95 lbs so I was told that a weight gain of 40-50 lbs was good.

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I think with all my pregnancies I gained more weight than normal.


With my first pregnancy it was really bad. While I was probably underweight before getting pregnant, I put on about 60lbs. I walked daily. But I ate a lot. I was hungry all the time.


With my 2nd I didn't eat as much. And gained less weight. But I don't recall actual figures since I didn't even know I was pregnant for 5 months.


It probably wasn't too bad with my 3rd. But I craved dairy. I looked huge. For some reason I can't seem to remember how much I gained.


With my current pregnancy, I have, so far put on 32lbs. I wanted my limit to be 30 lbs. I still have 8 weeks to go. I'm not eating more than normal this time. But I'm not getting as much exercise as I did with the others either. I'm too busy with the kids and really tired this time around. I'm ALL baby this time. I don't seem to be carrying any weight anywhere other than my tummy this time.

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I am 5'3 and weighed 100 lbs when I got pregnant. The day I went into labour I was 130 lbs, which I knew because I had a dr. appointment earlier that day. I didn't gain much in the first 5-6 months, just a nice roundish tummy. The rest of the time I swear everyday that the shirt I wore the previous day didn't fit anymore. I had a friend who was the same size as me give or take a few lbs and gained 55-60 lbs with her pregnancy, which was weird because she had terrible morning/day/night sickness the entire time and didn't seem to eat much.

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I've gained between 25 and SIXTY pounds with my 4 pregnancies. I did focus on keeping the sugars ("sugar-sugar" and carbs) down, but pretty much went with what my body wanted at the time. None of my kids' birth weights relate to my weight gain at all. All were healthy pregnancies and infants.


I'd never want to gain 60lbs again (post partum pictures were hideous, lol), but I actually lost the weight from each baby in about the same amount of time!

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I gained a normal amount but FAST. By the time I was 6 mos along, I looked like I was carrying twins and due in a week. I was working then and people were constantly worrying about whether I should still be working. Then my weight gain slowed down but the baby kept growing just fine.


Second baby was pretty much the same.


Both times I lost the weight within 6 mos pp.

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Well, I lost 10 lbs early on in my first pregnancy because I was so sick. I gained it back plus about 30 more lbs, so the nurse at my doctor's office kept giving me the stink eye.


I was hospitalized and bedridden for the last month of my second pregnancy. My doctor was just glad I gained any weight at all. I had nurses to wheel me around and bring me ice cream before bed; of course I gained! :D


I ended up weighing the same amount right before delivery for both - 170 lbs (I'm 5'8").

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I'm 5' 4" and I weighed 155.. lost 7 lbs and then gained back up to 163. I was a little less with my second... and gained up to about 168 with my second. When both of my children were about 1 year old... I weighed just under 130.... My friend called it the "pregnancy diet". I guess I should have just kept having babies!!



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So, a friend of mine commented on another woman's facebook page. The other woman was upset because she is pregnant and her doctor said because she gained 8 lbs v. 3 in a week that she was a "fatty" and couldn't eat any more sugar *or carbs* for the rest of her pregnancy. Obviously, this doctor is completely stupid. But it led me to wonder-did you gain weight at a completely steady rate during pregnancy or what is considered a normal rate?


I'm 5'1" or so and weighed 95 lbs when I got pregnant with my eldest. I gained 25 lbs in the first five months. However, I only gained 5 lbs in the last four months. This is pretty much how all of my pregnancies went. I think I was so small that baby started to take up too much room for me to eat much.


WOW! What a very misguiding diagnosis! I am 5'7" and weighed 165lbs(I know, a little more than I wanted to) when I became pregnant w/ds #6. I gained a total of 23lbs w/ him. I would gain anywhere from 6-7lbs one week, then nothing for the next couple weeks. The last month of my pregnancy I didn't even gain an ounce! Doctors can't tell how much you are going to gain based on 1 week!

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Heh. Yeah, that doc is a real winner!


I gained 39 the first time (at a fairly textbook rate), 9 the second time (all of which I added on between 14 and 24 weeks, though the baby seemed to grow quite normally), and 29 the third time (over half of which I acquired during the first trimester). I guess I had no real pattern to my pregnancy weight gain.



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I had hyperemesis with every one of my 5 pregnancies. I generally lose up to 20 pounds. I HATE PREGNANCY, but love babies. All of my babies were born from 32 weeks to 40 weeks, weighing 4 lbs. 14 oz to 7 lbs 3 oz.


My daughter has one child, she also had hyperemesis and lost 18 pounds, her son was born at 40 weekw, and 7 lbs 4 ozs.

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My pregnancies were all very different.


1 - 60# for me with dd 7lb5oz

2 - 17# for me with dd 8lb11oz

3 - 20# for me with dd 6lb2oz

4 - 30# for me with ds 8lb5oz


I went way overboard and ate whatever I could get my hands on with #1. With dd2 I craved veggies and fruits. The next two I was so exhausted that I don't really remember.


With dd1 I did have a dr tell me to "Remember - all that extra weight is going straight to your thighs!" Luckily, he wasn't my regular doc and I never had to see him again.

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I started at about 100lbs with all 4 of mine and ended up around 150. My docs never cared...I nurse and the weight sheds. I gained at a different pace with each one and my last two were both 3 weeks early (and I still gained the same amount as the ones I went overdue!) 3 months after my last baby and I've lost all but 10lbs...I hope she drops that doc! And that she eats all the french fries and biscuits she wants :001_smile:

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