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I cried. It was so beautiful. The attitude that "we praise God in the good times and we'll praise Him in the difficult times" was beautiful. We've been praying for them and it was a blessing to be able to see her birth. From what I've read online Josie is doing well, but as a premie, it's always day-to-day. What a testimony.

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I was also in tears. The most touching part to me was at the end when all of the kids came in to meet Josie.


I had been feeling a little confused by why they had all been so excited to hear that she was born--of course, I understand the joy of a new gift from heaven--but they all just seemed unconcerned about the ramifications of such an early birth. Like a little clueless about the challenges that are up ahead--the cousin was like, oh, she's going to be so tiny & so cute. And when Josh was on the phone, he didn't react like I would have expected...granted there was a camera in his face...but if I had just learned that anyone I know (much less my mother) had given birth almost four months early, I think my reaction would include more of concern & worry about if she is going to be okay rather than simple joy at her arrival.


I don't mean to knock the Duggars in any way--I admire a lot about them. And I did love when JimBob said they were going to praise God through the difficult time, too.


Perhaps it was just how the show was portraying it all--

Did anyone else feel like me?

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I was also in tears. The most touching part to me was at the end when all of the kids came in to meet Josie.


I had been feeling a little confused by why they had all been so excited to hear that she was born--of course, I understand the joy of a new gift from heaven--but they all just seemed unconcerned about the ramifications of such an early birth. Like a little clueless about the challenges that are up ahead--the cousin was like, oh, she's going to be so tiny & so cute. And when Josh was on the phone, he didn't react like I would have expected...granted there was a camera in his face...but if I had just learned that anyone I know (much less my mother) had given birth almost four months early, I think my reaction would include more of concern & worry about if she is going to be okay rather than simple joy at her arrival.


I don't mean to knock the Duggars in any way--I admire a lot about them. And I did love when JimBob said they were going to praise God through the difficult time, too.


Perhaps it was just how the show was portraying it all--

Did anyone else feel like me?



I think children and sometimes young adults don't fully understand a situation until they see it with their eyes. At the end of the show some of the older kids were crying and some had a little bit of shock in their face. I sort of disagree with you about Josh. I think he had concern for his sister, but didn't want to stress out his mom at that time.

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I think children and sometimes young adults don't fully understand a situation until they see it with their eyes. At the end of the show some of the older kids were crying and some had a little bit of shock in their face. I sort of disagree with you about Josh. I think he had concern for his sister, but didn't want to stress out his mom at that time.



I really don't like the Duggars, but to give them credit ... having seen pieces of their other shows, I would bet the older ones probably coached them all to be positive no matter what .... so as you said, not to stress out the mom.

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I was also in tears. The most touching part to me was at the end when all of the kids came in to meet Josie.


I had been feeling a little confused by why they had all been so excited to hear that she was born--of course, I understand the joy of a new gift from heaven--but they all just seemed unconcerned about the ramifications of such an early birth. Like a little clueless about the challenges that are up ahead--the cousin was like, oh, she's going to be so tiny & so cute. And when Josh was on the phone, he didn't react like I would have expected...granted there was a camera in his face...but if I had just learned that anyone I know (much less my mother) had given birth almost four months early, I think my reaction would include more of concern & worry about if she is going to be okay rather than simple joy at her arrival.


I don't mean to knock the Duggars in any way--I admire a lot about them. And I did love when JimBob said they were going to praise God through the difficult time, too.


Perhaps it was just how the show was portraying it all--

Did anyone else feel like me?


I would think it is because they know the Lord is in control and they rely upon Him. :001_smile:

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I was also in tears. The most touching part to me was at the end when all of the kids came in to meet Josie.


I had been feeling a little confused by why they had all been so excited to hear that she was born--of course, I understand the joy of a new gift from heaven--but they all just seemed unconcerned about the ramifications of such an early birth. Like a little clueless about the challenges that are up ahead--the cousin was like, oh, she's going to be so tiny & so cute. And when Josh was on the phone, he didn't react like I would have expected...granted there was a camera in his face...but if I had just learned that anyone I know (much less my mother) had given birth almost four months early, I think my reaction would include more of concern & worry about if she is going to be okay rather than simple joy at her arrival.


I don't mean to knock the Duggars in any way--I admire a lot about them. And I did love when JimBob said they were going to praise God through the difficult time, too.


Perhaps it was just how the show was portraying it all--

Did anyone else feel like me?


:iagree: DH and I had the EXACT same reaction! In fact, when I learned in December that she delivered so early, my first thought was, "How horrible! I hope the poor baby makes it!" I can see feeling relief that she was born alive and (so far) holding her own, but to act so unconcerned? I think that perhaps they just didn't get it and didn't realize the ramifications of such a premature birth until they saw her. All the older girls were crying when they saw her, and those didn't look like tears of joy. You could see the shock on their faces at just how tiny she was.


Another thing that bothered us, and I'm wondering if it bothered anyone else out there, was they let ALL of the family in to see her. She's premature. She probably has an incredibly weak immune system, and they let 20 people in off the street (most of whom had just returned from an impoverished country) to see her? I don't know enough about preemies or incubators to know for sure if this was a wise move or not. Maybe where the baby is all enclosed no germs can seep in or anything, but to DH and me, we felt it was a risk we wouldn't have taken.


I hope she grows up to be a healthy and happy little girl. I love the show and the family even though it's so different from my own.

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I think that perhaps they just didn't get it and didn't realize the ramifications of such a premature birth until they saw her. All the older girls were crying when they saw her, and those didn't look like tears of joy. You could see the shock on their faces at just how tiny she was.




I think you're right on with this observation--and it's one of the reasons I have enjoyed the few episodes I've seen. Kids are kids, even if they're Duggars, and they do not always understand situations. I like to be reminded that the Duggar's children are not all that different from everyone else's.

Edited by Momofeat
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I felt badly for Anna, the grandmother and that nice neighbor-lady. They seemed a bit overwhelmed caring for that tribe of younger Duggars while the dad was with the mom and the older kids were away.




Really? IIRC, they had 7 kids under 10, plus the grandbaby. With 4 adults. That's a better ratio than my house most of the time! Though my oldest is 11. Heck, that's a better ratio than any daycare regulation out there.


My guess would be that the emotional stress was more overwhelming than the tribe itself!

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:iagree: DH and I had the EXACT same reaction! In fact, when I learned in December that she delivered so early, my first thought was, "How horrible! I hope the poor baby makes it!" I can see feeling relief that she was born alive and (so far) holding her own, but to act so unconcerned? I think that perhaps they just didn't get it and didn't realize the ramifications of such a premature birth until they saw her. All the older girls were crying when they saw her, and those didn't look like tears of joy. You could see the shock on their faces at just how tiny she was.


Another thing that bothered us, and I'm wondering if it bothered anyone else out there, was they let ALL of the family in to see her. She's premature. She probably has an incredibly weak immune system, and they let 20 people in off the street (most of whom had just returned from an impoverished country) to see her? I don't know enough about preemies or incubators to know for sure if this was a wise move or not. Maybe where the baby is all enclosed no germs can seep in or anything, but to DH and me, we felt it was a risk we wouldn't have taken.


I hope she grows up to be a healthy and happy little girl. I love the show and the family even though it's so different from my own.


I felt the same way. When my dd was in the NICU, we were allowed 2 at a time to visit. And we had to scrub our hands & arms (like they do for surgery) & wear protective garments every time. I did notice that baby Josie seemed to be in a space of her own. I'm assuming it was set up that way to allow for filming. :confused: My dd was in the NICU with many other babies, most much sicker than my baby. There was a concern for ALL of the babies, not just the one we were there to visit. And they had very strict rules...which IMO was a good thing.

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I know for me my faith in God always makes me search for the good.

Last year was really hard for my family. The unexpected death of three immediate family members in 6months time, Dh's job loss, cars breaking down.. the list goes on.

At one point someone snapped at me to stop being fake and show my true feelings. My true feelings were feelings of peace and joy. I knew I was not on the journey alone. I knew God had greater plans for what He was doing. I did cry and mourn at times, but I still felt joy and peace.

I'm sure they did not "get it" all, they were just happy to welcome a new baby, no matter what the ramifications were. I'm sure seeing the baby was a shock, but this family has a great faith. They know God loves that baby more than they ever could and whatever the outcome is God is in control.

That's how I have felt through this whole surprise pregnancy. So far nothing has gone really wrong, but we waited nine years for this baby and I had uncontrolled diabetes through the first three months of her being. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. BUT I know that healthy and whole or something else God knows what He is doing. That's a faith I have to have to live this life. I choose joy and peace when ever fiber of my being wants to choose fear and anger and sadness. That's the dying to flesh everyday thing that Paul talks about.

Anyway, that's what I think is going on there. Not ignorance..just acceptance.

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I think children and sometimes young adults don't fully understand a situation until they see it with their eyes. At the end of the show some of the older kids were crying and some had a little bit of shock in their face. I sort of disagree with you about Josh. I think he had concern for his sister, but didn't want to stress out his mom at that time.

Totally. And to know that she was born and alive I think was a big relief. They have never faced any thing like this before. I think it was such a roller coaster of emotions.

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Another thing that bothered us, and I'm wondering if it bothered anyone else out there, was they let ALL of the family in to see her. She's premature. She probably has an incredibly weak immune system, and they let 20 people in off the street (most of whom had just returned from an impoverished country) to see her? I don't know enough about preemies or incubators to know for sure if this was a wise move or not. Maybe where the baby is all enclosed no germs can seep in or anything, but to DH and me, we felt it was a risk we wouldn't have taken.




I read the link on page 3 and I am getting the impression that was a one time thing for the show. If you remember, she was pretty covered in terms of the incubator and it didn't even look like a normal NICU space. [ask me how I know. :glare:] So it was probably a one time event.

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There was a spread on them in People magazine this week. They're living in a rental home in Little Rock and either Michelle or Jim Bob is constantly with Josie.


I'm guessing they staged meeting the baby in a separate room from the regular NICU, so that they wouldn't have Duggars trudging through the NICU for an hour or two to all get a chance to see. They also had a conference room to meet up with Michelle in beforehand.


Also, a lot of the footage in that episode was home movies, not camera crew. The birth, notably, and everything with the kids off in Guatemala.

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I know for me my faith in God always makes me search for the good.


I'm sure they did not "get it" all, they were just happy to welcome a new baby, no matter what the ramifications were. I'm sure seeing the baby was a shock, but this family has a great faith. They know God loves that baby more than they ever could and whatever the outcome is God is in control.


I choose joy and peace when every fiber of my being wants to choose fear and anger and sadness. That's the dying to flesh everyday thing that Paul talks about.

Anyway, that's what I think is going on there. Not ignorance..just acceptance.


Very well said, and :iagree: whole heartedly.

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