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Ultrasound tomorrow...I'm a nervous wreck, LOL

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:o Nervous laughter. After playing phone tag for half of last week, Rich got hold of a work friend who's an OBGyn. Honestly, I think Rich felt awkward because we're using midwives and homebirthing, but this guy was very sensitive and understanding about the whole thing. He's agreed to make some room in his schedule for us in the morning for an ultrasound to look for a hearbeat. He said he's going to treat it like a gyn situation so that he doesn't have to schedule a whole workup and exam, etc which is a huge relief to both of us. The thing is, I almost don't want to know. Isn't that weird? I've pretty well convinced myself that everything is okay..no cramping or spotting for about a week now, and I swear I'm beginning to feel the baby move. Not just the flutters anymore either--a couple of thumps too. So I guess I'm afraid of getting there and discovering I've been imagining it all.


Ugh, I'm not going to get much sleep tonight.



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Good luck tomorrow! Sounds like everything is great. Have you remotely prepared yourself for the possibility of twins? :::ducking and running:::: Just thinking out loud.


I hope you're in good shape, Missy...

:leaving:...cause I'm coming after you.


Heh, heh, heh. Twins....


That's a good one.

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:o Nervous laughter. After playing phone tag for half of last week, Rich got hold of a work friend who's an OBGyn. Honestly, I think Rich felt awkward because we're using midwives and homebirthing, but this guy was very sensitive and understanding about the whole thing. He's agreed to make some room in his schedule for us in the morning for an ultrasound to look for a hearbeat. He said he's going to treat it like a gyn situation so that he doesn't have to schedule a whole workup and exam, etc which is a huge relief to both of us. The thing is, I almost don't want to know. Isn't that weird? I've pretty well convinced myself that everything is okay..no cramping or spotting for about a week now, and I swear I'm beginning to feel the baby move. Not just the flutters anymore either--a couple of thumps too. So I guess I'm afraid of getting there and discovering I've been imagining it all.


Ugh, I'm not going to get much sleep tonight.





{{{hugs}} That friend sounds like a gem. I'm glad Rich called him.


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Just got back from seeing my wiggly baby onscreen :D I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta and a subchorionic hemorrhage, which sounded horrible but I'm told is pretty common in women with previous pregnancies. There may be more bleeding, but it should resolve itself on its own. We'll check it out again during the last trimester.


Thank you everyone for being so kind and letting me talk here. It was so hard not to tell my kids and neighbors of suspicions this past week. It seemed like someone was saying something about the baby every time I turned around. But now I'm glad I kept my mouth shut.



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Just got back from seeing my wiggly baby onscreen :D I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta and a subchorionic hemorrhage, which sounded horrible but I'm told is pretty common in women with previous pregnancies. There may be more bleeding, but it should resolve itself on its own. We'll check it out again during the last trimester.




Happy for you!!! Bet you're going to sleep REALLY well tonight!





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Just got back from seeing my wiggly baby onscreen :D I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta and a subchorionic hemorrhage, which sounded horrible but I'm told is pretty common in women with previous pregnancies. There may be more bleeding, but it should resolve itself on its own. We'll check it out again during the last trimester.


Thank you everyone for being so kind and letting me talk here. It was so hard not to tell my kids and neighbors of suspicions this past week. It seemed like someone was saying something about the baby every time I turned around. But now I'm glad I kept my mouth shut.




I don't know why I didn't think of this when you first posted about your bleeding, but I had bleeding early on with my first pregnancy due to placenta previa (low-lying placenta). It also resolved itself on its own, so I didn't need bedrest and I didn't need a C-section either. I'll continue to pray for both of you and I'm so excited to here that the baby is moving around in there. Yah!!

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