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Does anyone else ever feel restless? (cc)

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I feel that way a lot. When I was single (I married later in life at age 34) I'd just... move. Once I moved (totally spur of the moment, literally the principal called me at 6:30am and I said, "yes" and in 5 months I was there) to Sao Paulo, Brazil and taught in a missionary school for 2 years. Then I moved to the Bay Area and taught in a Christian school for 3 years. And then... I started grad school and then moved back to where I grew up, fell in love, got married and started our family. And now... here I am. I think some of it is itchy feet. Some of it is discontent. For me... it helps to do something a little different. Obviously, I have responsibilities now, so I can't just pick up and move like I used to do, so I have to take up a new hobby (baking or sewing) or sometimes I'll just research a place I'd like to move to. It's not quite as good as actually moving there, but it's less permanent, too.;) I don't know what to tell you. Some people do really dumb things when they feel that way. Our neighbor dumped her husband for an old flame she hooked up on Facebook. She was just "bored" she gave as her reason to give up on her marriage.


Your story made me think of something else. When I was in my 20s and totally involved in a huge international missions organization for years, I was immersed in the whole "God's calling" mentality - but it was always BIG - and yes, as a single person, it was EASY to go do those BIG things - it was a way of life and it was lots of fun.


That way of life changed drastically when I got married and then started having babies. My focus went from "the world" to "the home." My dh and I have both felt that restlessness - we met while working with this organization - we both have itchy feet.


So now when I get bored, I'll read about things I'd love to do (travel in an RV, visit some other countries again, adopt a child or two), watch a travel video, or just try to find something different to do. My living room furniture gets rearranged a LOT. :lol: I plan for future homeschooling (am currently trying to snag some old Dolciani math books - the thrill of the hunt), learn a new craft (would like to finally design my own cross-stitch now that my mother told me how to do it with graph paper), create designs for tote bags I make, figure out how to make homemade sour cream, etc. etc. etc.. And you know, my kids are now 9 and 11, and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. I will be officially done homeschooling in 9.5 years - that is NOT far away now. I can actually see the time coming now when I can be freer to do some things (God willing and circumstances providing), whereas just a few short years ago, I couldn't fathom that ever again. It's weird.


Anyway, Bethany, take heart - find some new and interesting things to do or to think about - something just a little outside of your everyday life that can give you a little extra spark without taking you away from what you feel you should be doing on a daily basis.

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But callings aren't always grand and big and huge. Maybe touching those you did touch was the point of the time you spent? Your big dreams and ideas aren't a "calling" though.


It's more that I'm not so convinced anymore that God has this ONE THING we ought be doing, or we're out of his will. There's a lot of pressure with that, and there can be a lot of regret, that I don't think he intended. In my understanding I'm thinking perhaps we function within the Body he created for us to function within, pursuing Christ-likeness (which is huge and time-consuming by itself), worshiping him the way he designed for us to worship him ~ and then we handle the path he puts us on peacefully and with thanksgiving.

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It's more that I'm not so convinced anymore that God has this ONE THING we ought be doing, or we're out of his will. There's a lot of pressure with that, and there can be a lot of regret, that I don't think he intended.




And I think that God gives us different things to do (callings, if you wish) at different times in our lives. I was "called" to dance and drama in my 20s. I can't imagine doing that now, in the same way that I did it back then. But back then, I wasn't "called" to mothering - yet. I am now. But in 15 years, I won't be "called" to this intense mothering that I'm doing right now - I'll have something else then to be "called" to. For a few years after my dance/drama stint, I felt very guilty about not being involved in it, esp. when new friends learned that I had done that for years, around the world. I'd have people say things like "You should start a dance ministry in our church" - I had NO desire to do that. I'm not convinced anymore that a "calling" is so cut and dried. I think God wants to relate to us as people, not as robots to "call."

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Restless. . .definitely yes. I didn't read all the responses.


I'm in my early 30's. . . And it isn't really my age that's making me feel restless.


I kind of feel like I don't know for sure what GOd has for me. I often think I would like to have one more child. . and DH is on board with that (I really want a girl!). . On the other hand, most of my friends are done having kids, and I get really sick when I'm pregnant. . .so sometimes I wonder if that isn't God saying to "stop". I don't know. Plus, there is a part of me, that although I love my kids dearly, wants to move to the next step of my life.


I have some goals in mind for "someday". LOL.


1. Get a master's degree possibly in counseling/psychology. I want to be able to help other woman out, but desire also to have the proper training. (LOL. . the ironic part of this is, I am currently *in* counseling, but whenever I have my own problems worked out, I want to be able to help others effectively.)


2. Write a book (probably under a pen name). I already am a freelance writer.


3. Get more involved in ministry. . perhaps in teen or college/career ministry.


Those are just a few ideas I have. Right now I feel really limited, to be honest. However, I also know my family is my primary ministry. . if I fail there, I have FAILED. "No other success can compensate for failure in your home." I know this from personal experience. Sorry, no clue who said the quote.

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Oh, that restless feeling...yep, I've been there, done that. As someone else said, I have lots of energy, both physical and mental. When I'm not engaging my mind (usually) I get restless.


I've always been a busy girl, both before and after children. Often a day or evening to indulge in a creative hobby fixes me right up. When I was your age, my dh used to be able to keep the boys on a sunny afternoon when we lived on the farm. I'd saddle my mare, loop a camera strap over the saddle horn and be gone for several hours. I'd come back with a bunch of great wildflower close-ups, windblown hair, and totally untense muscles. It was great.


These days, I might take a stained glass class on a Saturday morning or a quilt class. For years I've taken one night a week to go to a writer's group. My writing is very important to me...what an outlet it has been!


Learn something new. Meet some new friends. Take up kayaking with your husband. :D Pick up a musical instrument. Redecorate a room. Write a story. Volunteer. Deeply study a character or a book in the Bible. Start a women's bible study in your neighborhood. Paint a picture or the exterior of the house.

Read a challenging book. Learn a new language.


Make a list of things you love to do that don't cost much money. Pick one out every month and do it.


Engage your mind. Exercise your body.


LOL. As you can tell, I can't abide those deary women who tell me they are bored at home (Not you, not homeschoolers!). There are so many things I want to do, I'll never have time for them all.


As for callings...it has been my experience that if God is calling you to do something, He will make it very clear. Wait, listen, study. If He wants you to move in a certain direction, He will be specific...AND your husband will recognize it too. (At least in our marriage that's the way it's been.)

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Here are a few things that I have done and/or do do now.


I started a "Things that bring me joy everyday list". I am prone to major fits of negativity and this list helps me keep things in perspective. On really bad days I admit it is hard to find something but usually once I think of one thing the rest starts flowing and I see how blessed I am.


I went back to school. I felt for a long time that everything that I was doing was for everyone else and my mind was just going to mush. I enrolled full time and while it has definatly spiced up my life, I find myself longing for the days of just being a mom. :) However I finally feel that I have accomplished something for myself that has bettered myself.


I get creative. My husband always knows when I am feeling blah because the house gets rearranged, walls are painted, I reinvent something. The key is that I start to feel stuck within these four walls and I have to mix it up a bit. When I do this it makes me feel rejuvenated and refreshened. It sounds so simple but it works.


I have a girls night out. This one was a HUGE helper. I have found that most moms go through the same thing. Getting out once a month gave us all something to look forward to that was out of the ordinary. We laughed, cried, and just got to be for a few hours. It did amazing things for each of us including making us better focused and caring mothers. (Not to mention that there was a running joke that TEA time always was great.)


I hope some of these will help you out until you figure out what you are called to do. I have been called to something also that really brings me joy and fullfillment. However I have choosen to work on this calling in a simple form for now because the full calling will require so much time away from my family. I have prayed and cried over this but once I laid my thoughts and plans out I found that I was calmed. I know that eventually I will start the very long road in my calling but until then I read everything I can, make connections, and learn everything about it. This way I am still doing what I feel I should but just not gung ho yet.


Good luck with the journey ahead.

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Go camping. I want sooo badly to go new places and see new things. I have lived here longer than I have lived any where in my entire life and sometimes I just want to pack up and go. With my kids personalities, 1/2 would freak out and be in counseling for the rest of their lives if I uprooted them and the other 1/2 would be in utter bliss at seeing new stuff. So we compromise by camping, exploring as much as we can around here, and taking vacations when we can afford them.

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I'm 33 with four young children and have a truly wonderful life, too. And I can relate with sometimes feeling restless.


I agree with Judomom's post that often I need to just focus on joy and contentment.


And Rose's advice to learn something new or maybe add some challenge to your life might help. I know that if I get my mind busy with learning something new or tackling a problem, that uses some of that restless energy. I liked what she said about making life harder. Not in a burdensome way of course, but sometimes we need to push ourselves a bit too.


I often find that my restlessness is also connected with how much time I'm spending connected to electronic media. Too many "voices" from blogs, message boards, emails, television, and so on. It's cacophonous and my mind feels that chaos.


There's a lecture by Ken Myers of Mars Hill Audio that speaks to that restlessness that technology can create.


I hope you are feel more peaceful soon, Bethany.



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Usually when I feel restless it's because I'm forgetting to look for the joy, and it comes around to me being discontent.


I'm a wife and a homeschooling Mom. My days are all going to be a variation on a theme. Cook, teach, clean, rinse, repeat. This can become mundane, or I can look for the joy in the cooking, the cleaning, and the teaching, and even the rinsing and repeating.


Everything you do matters. Everything I do matters. Every piece of clothing I wash shows my family love. Every meal I cook gives me an opportunity to serve them. Every lesson I teach gives me the chance to impact their minds. Every interaction I have with them gives me the opportunity to show them the love of Christ, in addition to the love I have for them as their mother.


What a beautiful reminder! Thank you for posting this.


To the op, I have a book that I need to pull out to remind myself of this--It's called "A Joyful Mother of Children" by Linda Eyre. She & her husband have a whole bunch of kids and have written quite a few parenting books (Teaching Your Children Values, Teaching Your Children Responsibility and also a preschool co-op program, Joy School). Anyhow...I have it and need to remember to pull it out every once in awhile to remind myself. Basically she encourages you to find ways to notice the joy all around you--even in the midst of toddler chaos or sibling squabbles or whatever.


Let's just hope it's pms and life looks a bit brighter tomorrow. At any rate, you are not alone...I think we all struggle with this at various times or stages in life. :grouphug:

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I don't know what's up with me.


I have a great life. Very blessed. I get to stay home and be a housewife, homeschool my kids, do the mommy thing.


My dh is great. Very loving, provides well for us.


I have a great relationship with the Lord.


I have no reason to complain.


So why do I feel restless? Why do I feel like, I dunno. Nothing really matters. Nothing's good or bad, it just. Is.


I just turned 32. Not old, not young. (forgive me here please, if you disagree either way :)). Everything's just so....


Bland. Rut-ish. Same old, same old.


What am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm missing out on something else the Lord has for me.


Ugh, now I just sound like a rambling silly. :tongue_smilie:


Maybe it's just pms...


What do you do when you feel this way?



Oh my goodness, this is me to a T. It has been really bad lately. I haven't read the responses yet, but I think it is mostly about being home all the time and not out and about. I crave adult conversation, but even when I get it, I still feel restless. I am finally doing some things in my life I always wanted to do, and it is still there.

:banghead: These long dark evenings are the worst!



So I just wanted to say I sympathize and understand completely...


Looking forward to reading the responses...

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LOL, I see. No, as far as I know, there is no formal group. My church has a Titus 2 bible study for women, but we don't earn badges by keeping our houses clean or baking cookies. LOL Mostly it's a discussion group with a mix of women from college age up through women in their 80's.


LOL! But maybe......if badges WERE given out for things like keeping the house clean and baking cookies.......and the badges were, say, CHOCOLATE.......and came with WINE.......


Now THERE"S an idea! :D



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Lots of people would love to be in your place; being married to a good provider is not the norm, unfortunately, and homeschooling for many is seen as a priviledge due to circumstances, etc. You have a lot to be thankful for. God has blessed you, and perhaps instead of looking for something to make you feel less bored/restless you ought to cultivate some thankfulness instead.


My gosh....the OP's original post came across as VERY thankful and mindful of her many blessings. At least that's how I read it.


I tend to agree with those who have said it's creative juices trying to bubble to the surface. After all, it was you, wasn't it, OP, who posted not long ago about the headscarves you sewed? And how proud (and rightly so!) you were that you figured them out, all by yourself? Maybe you need to cultivate that creativity--- sew! Knit! Draw! Paint!


Just my two cents.




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Ok.. just read the responses... LOL :blink:



Well I just think it is a symptom of being home and as someone mentioned-being always home, doing the same thing day in and day out, and again, and again, and again, LOL, no grand scheme or design or such. When I was working I never felt this way.


I find that staying as busy during what little free time I have, helps. I agree- projects are great. Maybe even little ones that might be able to make a little money are nice too- sell on ebay, things like that. Household projects, I found even the decluttering goals helped. Books, movies I wanted to watch. I still find it happens- like I mentioned in my previous post- it is way worse in the winter for me. During the long days, we are always outside doing something until dark.


Hugs :grouphug:

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The Problem That Has No Name.


I don't have a good answer for it. I think that sometimes it has to do with the human need or desire for meaning and accomplishment.


My mom was a very unhappy housewife, frustrated I think with feeling like it was not quite enough. OTOH, I really liked being home with my DD but I had already had quite a career in engineering and program management and I knew that I could go back into the workplace if I chose to do so.


I don't do well with feeling trapped, that's for sure. I was very aware, that I could get unhappy and depressed as my mom had done. I also knew, though, that a career is not the be all and end all of life either, and that a lot of career people are also unhappy and depressed. To avoid getting unhappy with my life at home, I made sure that I left the house at least 3 times during the week, that I continued some purely adult activities (women's group at church, choir, book club, Bible class), that I did some things that were creative (creative things with my DD and her friends did count toward this!), and that I had a day off every so often that I could look forward to. I was home until DD was 7, and with those guidelines in place I can honestly say that those were the happiest years of my life. But I had to bring some real intention to making them that way.

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Okay but when someone has a calling, it's a calling. It always makes me go :001_huh: when a Christian says they don't believe in callings. But maybe that's because I have one and there is no other feeling like it. It's not something you can shake, but it is something some people fight. It does boggle my mind that some Christians don't feel like God has a plan for their life. It truly boggles the mind.


So, in your mind, having a calling from the Lord = knowing that God has a plan for one's life? God's plan for a Christian's life is to live in the Spirit, know His Word, follow Christ, share Christ...a calling is a unique directive from God on how/where to do those things. It may be temporary it may be long-term or permanent.


I just read a little booklet by John MacArthur called Found: God's Will. It gives 6 steps or requirements for knowing God's will for your life. MacArthur says that if the first 5 are at work in your life--salvation (are you saved?), filled with/yielded to the Spirit, sanctified (pure, set apart and not controlled by our passions), submissive (to God and the authorities He's placed in our lives) and prepared to suffer for the cause of Christ (in everyday ways, physical discomfort and even to death)--then the 6th step is to...get ready for it...


Do whatever you want! Because if the first 5 elements are operating in your life, who is in charge and running your desires? GOD is! Just like Psalms 37:4. If we are living godly lives, HE will give us the *right* desires. Then MacArthur goes on to say that sometimes we just need to get moving in something that brings us joy and serves others and God will be the steering wheel to clarify and adjust our direction if need be. Or, like Henry Blackaby says, "See where God is working and GO there." God takes care of the details.


So, that may mean that the OP or any of us is *right* where God wants us to be, but He just wants to shake it up a little. Or move us beyond our comfort zone. Or, we need to rediscover the joy of the work He has for us right now. It's so personal and individual, just like our Lord. Cool. :)

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Usually when I feel restless it's because I'm forgetting to look for the joy, and it comes around to me being discontent.


I'm a wife and a homeschooling Mom. My days are all going to be a variation on a theme. Cook, teach, clean, rinse, repeat. This can become mundane, or I can look for the joy in the cooking, the cleaning, and the teaching, and even the rinsing and repeating.


Everything you do matters. Everything I do matters. Every piece of clothing I wash shows my family love. Every meal I cook gives me an opportunity to serve them. Every lesson I teach gives me the chance to impact their minds. Every interaction I have with them gives me the opportunity to show them the love of Christ, in addition to the love I have for them as their mother.


This is very wise and beautiful.:)


A wonderful book on contentment is "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow. :grouphug:


I own this book and am about 2/3 through it. It helps you focus on what's truly important. I need to get it out again.:D


God could just as well be calling her to find the joy and contentment in the circumstances in which He's placed her.


So true - wise words.



I get restless too. I often feel like I have nothing to offer. My time is mostly taken up with homeschooling and homekeeping. But I have felt the Lord nudge me from time to time to write encouraging notes to some of the ladies in my church who are dealing with difficult situations, as well as to my recently widowed mil. Perhaps doing something as small as that would ease that restless feeling. Do you know anyone at church who could use a cheery note to brighten up their day?

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Switch from store-bought yogurt to homemade, from disposables to cloth, from pants sometimes to skirts always, or whatever.


To me this always seems like a symptom, rather than the solution...like a frantic groping for meaning when life feels empty. I think many of us feel that homemaking and homeschooling should be fulfilling, yet it isn't, so we try to add more layers to the task we're already undertaking (homemade yoghurt/ homemade bread/ home ground flour or the very familiar ongoing search for the "perfect" curriculum).


Alternatively, make life harder. Start a project. Learn something new.


My instincts tell me that this is where one might most successfully look for fulfilment, but it's much harder. It requires a change of focus to the self (which can be uncomfortable) and the practical side of carving out space for self in the midst of homeschooling and homemaking feels nearly impossible.


Of course, this relates to my feelings about my life - won't apply to everyone who feels disenchanted with life.

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I had a very distinct feeling of restlessness for about a year before God turned our lives topsy-turvy and called us across the country. He had set 2 very distinct feelings in my heart. One was a restlessness with where we lived (even though our lives were close to perfect, including location) and the other was a need for physical beauty in my surroundings. This all started with a trip in October to the northeast. I was left with a strange restlessness for months. The following June, a series of events that was completely out of left field (and totally God) brought us to the decision to move back west. As we were sorting out where specifically to move, that need for beauty was still on my mind. Well when we drove into one of the possibilities, I was completely romanced. It was then that I realized that God had set the need for beauty in me so that I would know where He wanted us. We ended up in one of the most beautiful places in the country by that November. It was 13months between when the restlessness started and when it was fulfilled. I look back on it as my preparation period. By the time we got to the big decisions, God had me fully primed to do his will.


So I would suggest praying and waiting. If He is preparing you for action, I think you'll know it when you see it.

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Dannah Gresh has a book that I just got for like $3 at cbd.com... Five Little Questions That Reveal the Life God Designed for You. It sounds like what you're talking about. I'm not getting it read very fast or I'd give a review:o)


And a note of encouragement from Colossians 3:23:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.


He sees your labors of love... and He wants you to have an abundant life of Joy! Hang in there and Hang on to Him!

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I had a very distinct feeling of restlessness for about a year before God turned our lives topsy-turvy and called us across the country. He had set 2 very distinct feelings in my heart. One was a restlessness with where we lived (even though our lives were close to perfect, including location) and the other was a need for physical beauty in my surroundings. This all started with a trip in October to the northeast. I was left with a strange restlessness for months. The following June, a series of events that was completely out of left field (and totally God) brought us to the decision to move back west. As we were sorting out where specifically to move, that need for beauty was still on my mind. Well when we drove into one of the possibilities, I was completely romanced. It was then that I realized that God had set the need for beauty in me so that I would know where He wanted us. We ended up in one of the most beautiful places in the country by that November. It was 13months between when the restlessness started and when it was fulfilled. I look back on it as my preparation period. By the time we got to the big decisions, God had me fully primed to do his will.


So I would suggest praying and waiting. If He is preparing you for action, I think you'll know it when you see it.


I should have just waited for you to post this. :tongue_smilie: That's exactly the kind of thing I was talking about.

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I haven't read all of the responses - sorry - sick kids! Anyways I felt this way for a long time. Always had to be planning something and doing something; never feeling fulfilled. Then I needed surgery and had to stay off my feet for almost 6 months. I learned how to find peace in the place that I am in. YES, sometimes the answer is that God has plans for you and sometimes He wants you to just BE. I got that answer; yours will come.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Ladies, I wanted to thank each of you for taking the time to reply.


I think Judo Mom and SolaMichella have helped me pinpoint what is going on.


I need to make sure I'm feeling content in what the Lord has called me to, instead of giving in to the temptation of being DIScontent.


I think two things are making this particularly hard for me in this season of my life:


First, and kinda the smaller of the two reasons, is that I don't have a car right now. My car died about a month ago, and dh is in the process of researching to buy me a new one. It shouldn't be more than a couple weeks before he brings me home a brand new car. Which will be such a blessing! The one I was driving, we bought from my parents over a year and a half ago for just $300 dollars. It is a 15 year old minivan; it had no heat, no air conditioning, no power locks, no power windows. Let's just say it was a good lesson in being humble for me. But, I actually grew to appreciate the blessing that car was to us. No car payment, it got good gas mileage. And it meant that the boys and I could get out of the house during the day. Right now, and for the past month, the boys and I have no way to go anywhere during the day, Monday through Friday, while dh is at work. That's making me feel a bit cut off from the world, ya know?


Secondly, and this is much bigger, we have no church family right now. We homechurch, and our last fellowship broke up for some complicated reasons. So we have no regular fellowship with others, and this has been for, well, about six months now. Of course we're praying, and waiting on the Lord. But I feel very lonely with no Brothers and Sisters in Christ to share my life with.


Add to that the recent cutting off two of my sisters have done to me (they both refuse to talk to me, for separate reasons, that are kinda complicated as well), and I'm feeling pretty lonely and abandoned. Things are great with my dh, but as I'm sure you'll understand, a woman needs more than just one friend.


So, all that to say, I literally have no friends and no adult interaction on a daily basis besides my husband. And I feel lonely, and I really need fellowship. And I know the Lord has me in this season for a reason, but it's still hard.


I'm trying to remember to find joy in my everyday tasks, and to do all my work as unto the Lord. I'm trying to find my refuge in Him, and not people. I'm trying to remember to be thankful to all my blessings. One of which is you ladies who took time out to share with me. So thank you. :)

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Ladies, I wanted to thank each of you for taking the time to reply.


I think Judo Mom and SolaMichella have helped me pinpoint what is going on.


I need to make sure I'm feeling content in what the Lord has called me to, instead of giving in to the temptation of being DIScontent.


I think two things are making this particularly hard for me in this season of my life:


First, and kinda the smaller of the two reasons, is that I don't have a car right now. My car died about a month ago, and dh is in the process of researching to buy me a new one. It shouldn't be more than a couple weeks before he brings me home a brand new car. Which will be such a blessing! The one I was driving, we bought from my parents over a year and a half ago for just $300 dollars. It is a 15 year old minivan; it had no heat, no air conditioning, no power locks, no power windows. Let's just say it was a good lesson in being humble for me. But, I actually grew to appreciate the blessing that car was to us. No car payment, it got good gas mileage. And it meant that the boys and I could get out of the house during the day. Right now, and for the past month, the boys and I have no way to go anywhere during the day, Monday through Friday, while dh is at work. That's making me feel a bit cut off from the world, ya know?


Secondly, and this is much bigger, we have no church family right now. We homechurch, and our last fellowship broke up for some complicated reasons. So we have no regular fellowship with others, and this has been for, well, about six months now. Of course we're praying, and waiting on the Lord. But I feel very lonely with no Brothers and Sisters in Christ to share my life with.


Add to that the recent cutting off two of my sisters have done to me (they both refuse to talk to me, for separate reasons, that are kinda complicated as well), and I'm feeling pretty lonely and abandoned. Things are great with my dh, but as I'm sure you'll understand, a woman needs more than just one friend.


So, all that to say, I literally have no friends and no adult interaction on a daily basis besides my husband. And I feel lonely, and I really need fellowship. And I know the Lord has me in this season for a reason, but it's still hard.


I'm trying to remember to find joy in my everyday tasks, and to do all my work as unto the Lord. I'm trying to find my refuge in Him, and not people. I'm trying to remember to be thankful to all my blessings. One of which is you ladies who took time out to share with me. So thank you. :)


I can sure see where you'd be restless with no fellowship. That would be rough! Praying that the Lord will guide your family to a good, solid church or help you reestablish another home fellowship. :grouphug:

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Guest janainaz

To me, those are just normal emotions that come and go. I might feel that way for a week or so, and then feel totally different later. I do think that we often expect too much from life and end up losing the preciousness of it. If you spend time looking backward or looking ahead to the future, it can also create those feelings. You have to focus on the what is and the right now. This season of your life is only a season and someday it will be gone. I can look back on my past from the time my kids were born and have nothing but good memories and gratitude. But along the way I did not always realize how precious that time was.

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I would really recommend Beth Moore's study on Psalms. I ordered the book from Amazon and downloaded the video sessions ($5 each) from Lifeway. I do this at home instead of a group study just for time sake. She talks a lot about "moving on" to a new level with God. You might find this to be a real blessing. It's "almost" like being with a group of ladies. :) I've done several of her studies like this and they are always such a great time of renewal and growth.

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Oh, I can SO relate to the no car thing. We share 1 car and spent 18 months where my DH needed it for his job. We live in a place where public transit is available but a royal pain to use. A trip that takes 15 minutes by car could easily take 90 minutes using mass transit, ugh!


Praying that you will get the car situation resolved soon :)

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Conversely, restlessness could also be temptation to be dissatisfied with your life and the ministry you currently have to your husband and children. If you have family that truly needs you at this time, the temptation to find something else to do, even something good, could be the wrong thing, kwim? Satan's attacks at the family aren't always malicious-looking.


Not saying that's the situation with you, just throwing it out there for thought.



One of my favorite people in the world has this quote - "If the devil can't make you bad, he'll make you busy." It's just as easy to lose sight of God and his plans when we try to stuff too much stuff in - even good stuff. God isn't ever going to call you to do something outside of his will. Obviously, if something were to be harmful to your family,to your husband who you have promised to love and honor in front of God, to your children that he's given you to love and raise, that would not be in God's will.


I've noticed in myself that when I spend time with people who seem to have it all together I feel more restless. This time of the year is really bad too about breeding discontent. I'm perfectly content with my family, my home, my belongings - but I start seeing the jewelry commercials and wish someone would treat me like that. I see the new Christmas clothes and wish I had somewhere fancy to wear them. We have friends going skiing and I wish we could do that. The reality is I wouldn't trade my life for any of theirs but it just seems worse at this time of year.

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I had a very distinct feeling of restlessness for about a year before God turned our lives topsy-turvy and called us across the country. He had set 2 very distinct feelings in my heart. One was a restlessness with where we lived (even though our lives were close to perfect, including location) and the other was a need for physical beauty in my surroundings. This all started with a trip in October to the northeast. I was left with a strange restlessness for months. The following June, a series of events that was completely out of left field (and totally God) brought us to the decision to move back west. As we were sorting out where specifically to move, that need for beauty was still on my mind. Well when we drove into one of the possibilities, I was completely romanced. It was then that I realized that God had set the need for beauty in me so that I would know where He wanted us. We ended up in one of the most beautiful places in the country by that November. It was 13months between when the restlessness started and when it was fulfilled. I look back on it as my preparation period. By the time we got to the big decisions, God had me fully primed to do his will.


So I would suggest praying and waiting. If He is preparing you for action, I think you'll know it when you see it.


What a beautiful story.


And I'm glad you're OK now, Bethany. I remember feeling like that. But I also have felt like Shannon where God prepared us for huge life changing things at those times. I guess in time you'll find out. ;)

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See, this is what I've been getting.


God's calling me to something.


But what? What is it that I"m supposed to be doing that I'm not? I mean, between dh's health issues of late, and four kids, and, well, you know, life, we're pretty busy already!


So why do I feel like there's something missing?


No advice...just lotsa :grouphug: and know I am there with ya!! Not quite restless...more like homesick....and tired....and wondering what it really IS all about.


The last few years have been ...well.....really hard. I am trying not to think about it too much.


some more :grouphug:



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