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OK - I'll be the one to bring it up - Neti Pot

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Seriously. I love this thing!! A half hour ago I could NOT breathe out of my nose. Dripping snot but when I blew my nose nothing happened. Awful. I took super-drastic-unreal cold meds 2 hours ago and I was feeling very little relief. A little warm water, Neti mix and the Net pot, trying not to gag into the sink - and viola!! - I can breathe again. It's awesome this time of year.



OK, I am off my soapbox! (And headed downstairs to nap sitting up...) :)

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Okay, I need to know. Does it make you feel like you are drowning?


I HATE to get water up my nose when I am swimming. Every time I think about using a neti-pot, I always think it will make me feel like I am drowning.


I'm afraid!!!


Maybe for a second or two at first but you get used to it. The key is the concentration of salt to water. If you get too much or too little, it burns like when pool water gets up your nose. If you use the little packets or 1/4 tsp per 8 oz, it is wonderful and doesn't sting at all.

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I love mine too!!


No, it does not make you feel like you are drowning. The warm water and the salt prevents it from creating the feeling you are talking about. I know the feeling you are talking about and I cannot stand it. I was so scared the first time I tried the Neti Pot, but now it's easy.

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I used it on my ds when he was congested and it backed up into his ears and was very painful for him. Maybe too much congestion keeps it from flowing out the way it should and it has to go somewhere!




Maybe this is what happened to me... I used it for the first time a few weeks ago and now have my first ear infection in about 15 years :(


Heather in MD

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Just thought I would post this. This is from the NeilMed site: http://www.neilmed.com/usa/directions.php






DO NOT RINSE IF NASAL PASSAGE IS COMPLETELY BLOCKED OR IF YOU HAVE AN EAR INFECTION OR BLOCKED EARS. If you have had ear surgery, please contact your physician prior to irrigation. If you experience any pressure in the ears, stop the rinse and get further directions from your physician or contact our office during regular business hours. Do not rinse if your nasal passage is completely blocked, however, you may rinse with a partially blocked nasal passage. Use lukewarm water. DO NOT USE HOT OR BOILING WATER. Follow the cleaning procedures provided in the brochure. You may also consider discussing the use of SINUS RINSE™ with your doctor. SINUS RINSE™ bottle and mixture are to be used only for nasal irrigation. Please do not use for any other purposes. Please rinse ONE HOUR PRIOR to bedtime, in order to avoid any residual solution dripping in the throat.

To Avoid Any Ear Discomfort


  • If you have had ear surgery, please contact your physician prior to irrigation.
  • Do not use if you have an ear infection or blocked ears.
  • Use lukewarm water do not use hot, boiling or cold water.
  • Keep your mouth open.
  • Do not hold your breath and if possible make the sound KHA....KHA...............
  • Make sure to take the position as shown.
  • Gently squeeze 1/4 of the bottle at a time (60mL / 2 ounces)
  • Stop the rinse if you feel any solution sensation near the ears. We strongly advise against the use of our kit by children or adults who have reduced comprehension. Patients who are unable to stand up or bend near the sink SHOULD NOT use this product. We advise you NOT to use this kit on patients who are bed bound or severely debilitated. Adults need to understand the procedure first before using it on their children. We recommend that you use this product only on children who are above five years of age. The procedure is the same for all ages. If your child is less than five years old, you should consult your child’s physician before using this product.
    CAUTION: Rinsing your nasal passages with only PLAIN WATER will result in a severe burning sensation. Please do not rinse with plain water.


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I love my Neti pot, too, though I've wondered since finding out several years ago that I have a hole in my septum, whether it really cleans my sinuses out as thoroughly as it should. It always seems to do something, at any rate, so that's good. :) Dh has tried it on a few occasions, and really hates it. He always ends up more congested afterwards. :confused:

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just last week, my son was coming down with a sinus infection - it's easy to spot now - dark circles under the eyes, complaints of headaches, etc., he'd been drinking too much milk. Plus, he had to have a full mouth x-ray series done at the dentist and they said his sinuses were full. Made him do the rinse two to three times a day, no milk at all for a week and he's fine now.


My husband also uses it during allergy season a couple of times a day. I believe since we discovered the sinus rinse method, we have not had to be on antibiotics for any kind of sinus infection. That's saying a lot from where we were a few years back.

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What is the pot exactly? If I understand the process correctly, you are flushing out your nasal passages with a warm salt water solution, correct? So, could you use a baby aspirator instead of a Neti pot?


It looks like a little tea pot. You tilt your head over sink, pour salt-water through the higher nostril, into the sinuses, and out the other nostril.


So you get a rinse.



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What is the pot exactly? If I understand the process correctly, you are flushing out your nasal passages with a warm salt water solution, correct? So, could you use a baby aspirator instead of a Neti pot?

It's like this (video)


The only problem I've ever had was using the zinc drops in the solution. Those seem to anger my sinuses. Otherwise, as long as I could get just hte tiniest amount of air through, I've been able to get things flowing.

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