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Sugar and Treats Thread -- I was so hoping this would have gone away by now......

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I finally had the stomach to log on and see if (hopefully) the thread from yesterday about sugar had died a natural death -- no such luck! I scanned through the many pages picking up where I left off yesterday. I logged into WTM specifically to thank individual posters - yes, I did feel that alot of bile was spit at me....and very early on in the thread I responded that my analogy and choice of words was incorrect and I did indeed apologize. When that didn't seem to calm things down, I posted again and I again apologized (heartfully - I DO indeed see that my analogy was in error) and the nonsense continued. I emailed the Moderator and asked for the thread to be either locked or deleted, and I did not and have not received a reply. I honestly think that the thread totally deviated from the point I originally and (now sadly) attempted to make, and in light of that, it was my hope it would be deleted. I sent apologies to the posters who were reasonable, who were not vitriolic, who were not offensive -- it took every ounce of self-control to ignore the others, but I did.

To follow up - yesterday afternoon and last night I received emails and phone calls from every family in choir with my children. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them (including the families who had volunteered to bring cupcakes and cookies) thanked me for putting myself out there and giving them cause to stop and think about the other kids in the choir. Particularly, one parent mentioned that as a parent who has a child with a 'peanut-allergy' (don't mean to offend with the quotes :D), she would now be particularly aware of other issues that families experience with food products. When I tried to apologize for equating my child's behavior issue with her child's physiological issue, she stopped me and said that certainly wasn't necessary.

What I have learned from this: Sugar is as volatile a topic as SHOPPING :lol: CARTS....and the people with whom I worship and who are my Church 'family' are gracious, appropriate, reasonable, and forgiving.

I have enjoyed wonderful discussions with many people on the Board, however, the knee-jerk reaction, mob-mentality that came to the forefront yesterday by more than a few, was disturbing, inappropriate, unreasonable, and laughable (and not in a good way).


Edited by MariannNOVA
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Hmmmm, wonder if THIS will get deleted.:glare: Mariann


I wasn't involved in the other thread, but if this one does get deleted, it will likely be based on the following board rule:


Don't announce that you're leaving and never coming back

Posts along the lines of "I'm not appreciated here, so I'm leaving" really aren't necessary. If you post something like that, know that we'll be deleting it. It's not that we don't appreciate you ... we just don't appreciate those posts.

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I wasn't involved in the other thread, but if this one does get deleted, it will likely be based on the following board rule:


I'm am totally aware of that parameter. There are also guidelines for rude and inappropriate responses, etc (and I do not mean your post here -- you have been neither) --folks seem to have ignored that too.



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When I was a new mother, a friend of mine who had some experience with young moms' groups said that in her experience there were two issues that broke every single group that she knew of, and one of them was sugar or not. (I don't remember what the other one was.)


She and I were in a mom's group that lasted for 11 years, and did not break over that, but after reading your thread I can see that it easily could have, something I find remarkable.

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When I was a new mother, a friend of mine who had some experience with young moms' groups said that in her experience there were two issues that broke every single group that she knew of, and one of them was sugar or not. (I don't remember what the other one was.)


She and I were in a mom's group that lasted for 11 years, and did not break over that, but after reading your thread I can see that it easily could have, something I find remarkable.


:iagree: Years ago, I remember observing a 'debate' (I use the word loosely) between 'moms employed outside the home' and 'stay at home moms.' WOW!:001_huh: PS -- and I do put my shopping cart back in the corral every time!:D

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When I was a new mother, a friend of mine who had some experience with young moms' groups said that in her experience there were two issues that broke every single group that she knew of, and one of them was sugar or not. (I don't remember what the other one was.)


She and I were in a mom's group that lasted for 11 years, and did not break over that, but after reading your thread I can see that it easily could have, something I find remarkable.


Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding

TV vs No TV

Circ vs Uncirc

Organic vs Non Organic


There are so many topics that bring out emotion. I think it is because we all feel we are doing the best for our kids and when someone questions our choice we become defensive. The internet is a problem for that. We don't know the tone of voice or the person. People I meet on the internet don't know me and they don't know my sense of humor so some things I say can come across differently than to my best friend.

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When I was a new mother, a friend of mine who had some experience with young moms' groups said that in her experience there were two issues that broke every single group that she knew of, and one of them was sugar or not. (I don't remember what the other one was.)


She and I were in a mom's group that lasted for 11 years, and did not break over that, but after reading your thread I can see that it easily could have, something I find remarkable.


I actually don't think the conflict is between sugar okay vs. sugar bad. It's about wanting your choices reinforced by the group, and wanting the group to reflect your values. It just makes life sooooo much easier when other parents hold the same expectations and values. It takes less parenting effort on our part. This becomes particularlly heated when we think our choices really are the correct ones and the other choices are "bad". This is a major reason why like lives near and socializes with like. Why communities that are more racially and religiously diverse are less community minded.........Way OT.

Edited by Stacy in NJ
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Don't leave over this... take a breather. My daughter is truly allergic to peanuts and other food items. I didn't think the analogy was perfect... but decided that I knew what you meant. We don't have to be perfect here... just gracious. SO, don't take one or even more than one... person's offense... and let it get you. It's hard to write a post sometimes; we're not on here writing thesis' where everything is triple checked.

You're fine... out of 4 kids.. my son is the most affected with sugar and perhaps some other foods. I try to be sensitive to him and foods.

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I didn't participate in the sugar thread, Mariann, but wanted to let you know that I too have felt the mob mentality at times. My thought is "screw 'em" - there is always going to be someone out there who is not a fan. But there are so many more people who like and appreciate your contribution. Please dont' let a few run you off. You will be missed!



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Takes a whole lot of different opinions to make a message board as interesting as this one, Maryann. I have pretty thin skin, so I know where you are coming from. I think your point was well taken by many who did not participate in that thread, and I think opposing points were made that were also considered. And you know a lot of people read it that didn't post. So, it really wasn't all bad.


FWIW Someone recently was talking about an "ignore" feature...you can use that instead of leaving :).

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Takes a whole lot of different opinions to make a message board as interesting as this one, Maryann. I have pretty thin skin, so I know where you are coming from. I think your point was well taken by many who did not participate in that thread, and I think opposing points were made that were also considered. So, it really wasn't all bad.


FWIW Someone recently was talking about an "ignore" feature...you can use that instead of leaving :).



OOOOOHHHHHH! I didn't know about that!!!!! I will look into it -- thanks for your kind words!


Thanks again - have a great weekend!:001_smile:

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Don't leave over this... take a breather. My daughter is truly allergic to peanuts and other food items. I didn't think the analogy was perfect... but decided that I knew what you meant. We don't have to be perfect here... just gracious. SO, don't take one or even more than one... person's offense... and let it get you. It's hard to write a post sometimes; we're not on here writing thesis' where everything is triple checked.

You're fine... out of 4 kids.. my son is the most affected with sugar and perhaps some other foods. I try to be sensitive to him and foods.



Just joking -- Thanks for your kind words and for your wisdom and understanding! Well, I'm convinced the analogy wasn't perfect:lol:... thank you again -- this has been a gut-wrenching experience for me -- thanks again for your reasonable post. Have a great weekend!:001_smile:

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When I was a new mother, a friend of mine who had some experience with young moms' groups said that in her experience there were two issues that broke every single group that she knew of, and one of them was sugar or not. (I don't remember what the other one was.)


This whole thing has been totally eye-opening to me. I understand that religion and politics are always hot topics, but I had no idea that sugar was so controversial. I was shocked by that thread.


Anyway, I'm glad things worked out for you, Mariann, and I hope you'll choose to use the "ignore" feature (I need to look into that myself) instead of leaving!



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This whole thing has been totally eye-opening to me. I understand that religion and politics are always hot topics, but I had no idea that sugar was so controversial. I was shocked by that thread.


Anyway, I'm glad things worked out for you, Mariann, and I hope you'll choose to use the "ignore" feature (I need to look into that myself) instead of leaving!




Well that would make two things I've learned in TWO days:


yesterday I learned NEVER to say the word sugar unless I want to borrow a cup from someone.......:lol:


and today I am going to learn about the IGNORE feature......:D.


Have a great weekend, Jackie, and thanks again for your kindness! Mariann

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I'm so sorry this has turned out the way it has, Mariann. Don't leave, please!



You are SO sweet! And, wouldn't that be the shortest running time for a WTM friendship?


I am going to learn how to use the ignore feature! Thank you for your kind words yesterday and for your reasonable spirit.


Have a great weekend! :001_smile:

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I was hoping the discussion wouldn't go off the deep end when I saw you had posted it, but I didn't hold my breath. ;) We should sticky the thread re "hot topics" so we can all reference it before posting anything (kidding - sort of)... I had added "snacks" to the list after a question about snacks at sporting events exploded on me a few years ago. I'm sorry that you had a similar experience.


I am amazed at what topics cause things to flare up. Wonder if anyone has analyzed it?

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I am amazed at what topics cause things to flare up. Wonder if anyone has analyzed it?



:iagree::iagree::iagree: I gave much thought last night to 'why' certain topics push buttons to the extreme.


Thanks for your kind words and for taking the time to write. I also spent alot of time going over that line from SHREK: 'get the pitch forks.......blah, blah, blah':lol:

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Mariann, I didn't participate in the other thread but agree with Bill and the rest that your presense would be missed. I'm sorry your feelings got hurt. I'm easily hurt and can empathize how you're feeling right now. Hugs to you!


Thank you for your kind words and for writing......trust me, for more than a few hours last night I wished that I hadn't participated in the thread!


Thanks again -- have a great weekend!

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I definitely vote for you using the ignore feature rather than leaving. Aren't you my fellow newb LCCer? I'm not sure because I recognize ppl by their avatars and signatures more so than their names so when you go and take away my visual cues you may as well be blindfolding me! :lol:

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It has been brought to my attention that you are talking about me in the following

One of the most ridiculous, offensive posts was written (and defended) by a woman who doesn't even have children who are at an age to be homeschooled.


I sincerely apologize for the grave insult that I have caused you in the other thread. Please do not leave the board on my account. What can I do to repair the damage that I have caused?


I will now go change my signature as I didn't realize that the norm here was to list ages of children instead of their number in your family. I do not have children ages 1-3, I have a 6, 4, & 2 year-old & have been homeschooling for 2 years. An additional apology for the confusion in my signature.


If Mariann is ignoring me, I would ask someone to please alert her to my post.


Peace to you.

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I definitely vote for you using the ignore feature rather than leaving. Aren't you my fellow newb LCCer? I'm not sure because I recognize ppl by their avatars and signatures more so than their names so when you go and take away my visual cues you may as well be blindfolding me! :lol:


:lol::lol: That's pretty funny -- am I going out on a limb by saying that you are a visual learner?


And, yes, I am your fellow newb LCC-er -- which I am SO glad we are doing, btw.


I will figure out how to do the ignore feature -- we just got back to the hotel from dinner (sounds alot better than it really was) - going from our house to what amounts to roughly 300 square feet with three kids and a dog has been a challenge to say the least. The LCC is probably one of the few things that is helping me stay sane. We can get in depth with stuff and in a few hours we are finished -- and in this teeny weeny little space, I can see everyone and monitor their work.


Thanks again for your kind words -- I will likely go back to my original plan and hang at the curric board and the special needs board and only come here to read and NEVER post about SUGAR again --:D -- I do have to say, though, I have received the nicest pm-s and emails from people -- thank you.


Have a great weekend! Mariann

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Heavens -- I had no idea this was going on. :grouphug:


Please don't leave! We tend to be a loud, obnoxious, zany, and witty group of folk here... very opinionated (saying this with a foot in my mouth LOL)... but a great group! I'd hate to see you leave. :001_huh:

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It has been brought to my attention that you are talking about me in the following



I sincerely apologize for the grave insult that I have caused you in the other thread. Please do not leave the board on my account. What can I do to repair the damage that I have caused?


I will now go change my signature as I didn't realize that the norm here was to list ages of children instead of their number in your family. I do not have children ages 1-3, I have a 6, 4, & 2 year-old & have been homeschooling for 2 years. An additional apology for the confusion in my signature.


If Mariann is ignoring me, I would ask someone to please alert her to my post.


Peace to you.


I appreciate your taking the time to post this, and I appreciate your graciousness and effort to promote peace here. Thank you -- I haven't 'ignored' you - and it is not my intention to do that to you -- I don't even know HOW to do it yet.


Again, thank you for taking the time to write -- and for clearing up the confusion about the signature -- go ahead and flame me now, you're a homeschooler, and this IS the place to do it! :lol:


I must end by saying that the must frustrating part of this was that I apologized and did see the error in my analogy -- NO ONE acknowledged it, and the diatribe continued. This has been an eye-opener for me --


thank you again -- I give you alot of credit for writing to me! :) Mariann PS -- Thanks for spelling my name right!:)

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I must end by saying that the must frustrating part of this was that I apologized and did see the error in my analogy -- NO ONE acknowledged it, and the diatribe continued.


I'm guessing that a lot of people didn't read that far before they got angry or frustrated and posted. :(

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I'm guessing that a lot of people didn't read that far before they got angry or frustrated and posted. :(


Yes, I think that is true, and also many people were also speaking in general terms about frustrating situations they have had, and not necessarily referring specifically to the OP. Personally when I respond to a thread, I am rarely responding person to person... I view threads as topics to discuss, and the thoughts I share may or may not relate directly to the OP. I think in that thread a lot of people were discussing the issues in that way.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
:lol::lol: That's pretty funny -- am I going out on a limb by saying that you are a visual learner?


And, yes, I am your fellow newb LCC-er -- which I am SO glad we are doing, btw.


I am so glad to hear that. I was a little concerned I was mistaken and was thinking I should have added an "either way, please do stay" clause so I wasn't interpreted as only caring if you were who I thought you were and if not, well, too-da-loo :seeya:. :lol:


Yes, I'm quite visually inclined ... was that obvious? :001_huh: :D

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Yes, I think that is true, and also many people were also speaking in general terms about frustrating situations they have had, and not necessarily referring specifically to the OP. Personally when I respond to a thread, I am rarely responding person to person... I view threads as topics to discuss, and the thoughts I share may or may not relate directly to the OP. I think in that thread a lot of people were discussing the issues in that way.


Yes, I agree with you but there were some rather 'rough' references made to the OP (that would have been me) and there were some Pm-s that I did not appreciate. It did occur to me, obviously much too late, that I should have simply 'edited' my original post to include my apology rather than have it buried in the thread but I think many of the things that go awry in a situation such as this, are just the nature of a bb. Live and learn! :)


Have a great weekend!

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I'm guessing that a lot of people didn't read that far before they got angry or frustrated and posted. :(


Yup - I agree. :iagree: And that is just the nature of a venue such as this. As I said a couple of minutes ago -- live and learn (that would be me learning.)


Have a great weekend --:001_smile:

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I am so glad to hear that. I was a little concerned I was mistaken and was thinking I should have added an "either way, please do stay" clause so I wasn't interpreted as only caring if you were who I thought you were and if not, well, too-da-loo :seeya:. :lol:


Yes, I'm quite visually inclined ... was that obvious? :001_huh: :D


And, that is why LCC works for both of us -- b/c we would otherwise spend countless hours sweating the small stuff!


I am a visual learner as well....so, yes, it's obvious, and I so totally relate!:D

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I'm am totally aware of that parameter. There are also guidelines for rude and inappropriate responses, etc (and I do not mean your post here -- you have been neither) --folks seem to have ignored that too.




Ah, you weren't really insulted. I recall a USENET fight over whether it was little RABbit foo-foo or little BUNny foo-foo. The famous-on-the-internet Michele Tepper gave the final volley with a *real* insult:


Really, it's tragic. And while I could respond in kind, Harry, while I

could easily encourage your timid refusal to seek out new ideas by playing

your game and calling you -- oh, I don't know -- a low-life pockmarked

pondscum potty-mouthed rank vile disgusting drooling tick-infested

snotfaced bunny-blinded corrupting-of-the-youth-of-America hopeless

helpless clueless worthless so-dumb-we-have-to-water-you-twice-a-day-and-

keep-you-by-a-sunlit-window big-sellout tacky shingles-ravaged foo-foo-abusing useless insipid pretensions-of-grandeur Southern-accented

revolting-human-egg fetid cowardly can't-even-buy-dress-shoes-for-your-own-

d*mn-wedding mocha-drinking running-on-your-intellectual-rims would-be-

literate friend-of-earthworms old-hat vicious foul irrational dull

plague-afflicted unable-to-p*ss-into-a-boot-without-printed-instructions

former-Baltimorean evil diseased noisome loathsome repellent malevolent

bet-you-need-a-dictionary-to-keep-up-with-me incoherent song-wrecking

fetid-brained amoral useless-as-a-chocolate-teapot-and-not-as-much-fun

death-to-taste-manners-and-civilized-living video-game-designing

can't-flame-without-your-thesaurus rollerblading ugly-dog-owning

underfed-in-infancy shameful affront-to-decency Etch-a-Sketch-brained

abuse-inviting rabbit-bashing party-pooping disgraceful lying vulgar

whining roadkill-on-life's-highway greasy no-good little runt who is such

a shame to his loved ones that they look on in this group like passing

drivers at a car crash, unable to change the brutal facts yet somehow

unwilling to tear their eyes away from the awful sight. I could say all

those things, but that wouldn't help you grow as an artist.


<end paste>


So, don't worry, be happy. Here, have a cupcake. :)

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Ah, you weren't really insulted. I recall a USENET fight over whether it was little RABbit foo-foo or little BUNny foo-foo. The famous-on-the-internet Michele Tepper gave the final volley with a *real* insult:


Really, it's tragic. And while I could respond in kind, Harry, while I

could easily encourage your timid refusal to seek out new ideas by playing

your game and calling you -- oh, I don't know -- a low-life pockmarked

pondscum potty-mouthed rank vile disgusting drooling tick-infested

snotfaced bunny-blinded corrupting-of-the-youth-of-America hopeless

helpless clueless worthless so-dumb-we-have-to-water-you-twice-a-day-and-

keep-you-by-a-sunlit-window big-sellout tacky shingles-ravaged foo-foo-abusing useless insipid pretensions-of-grandeur Southern-accented

revolting-human-egg fetid cowardly can't-even-buy-dress-shoes-for-your-own-

d*mn-wedding mocha-drinking running-on-your-intellectual-rims would-be-

literate friend-of-earthworms old-hat vicious foul irrational dull

plague-afflicted unable-to-p*ss-into-a-boot-without-printed-instructions

former-Baltimorean evil diseased noisome loathsome repellent malevolent

bet-you-need-a-dictionary-to-keep-up-with-me incoherent song-wrecking

fetid-brained amoral useless-as-a-chocolate-teapot-and-not-as-much-fun

death-to-taste-manners-and-civilized-living video-game-designing

can't-flame-without-your-thesaurus rollerblading ugly-dog-owning

underfed-in-infancy shameful affront-to-decency Etch-a-Sketch-brained

abuse-inviting rabbit-bashing party-pooping disgraceful lying vulgar

whining roadkill-on-life's-highway greasy no-good little runt who is such

a shame to his loved ones that they look on in this group like passing

drivers at a car crash, unable to change the brutal facts yet somehow

unwilling to tear their eyes away from the awful sight. I could say all

those things, but that wouldn't help you grow as an artist.


<end paste>


So, don't worry, be happy. Here, have a cupcake. :)



.....:laugh:could I have the cupcake piled super-high with the swirly chocolate frosting.........PUHLEEZE??!?!?!?!?!?!:tongue_smilie: And it's LITTLE Bunny Foo-FOO, BTW.


Or some bean dip. :D
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I know this isn't really relevant at this point because it's not about little bunny foo-foo (which I never heard of until I was an adult, BTW), but here's my two cents:


I think that, as humans, all we have to go on is our own experience. As someone who is totally freaked out by sugar, I totally get one side of the (now former) discussion. In my university days, I used to go on tour with the college choir. Sometimes they would feed us doughnuts and orange juice for breakfast. Um..... Now, obviously we didn't have any diabetics in the choir. But it was way worse than not feeding me at all.


So when I grew up, I kind of assumed that all children (and adults, for that matter) were affected this way by sugar, at least when unaccompanied by protein. It turns out that humans are variable :001_huh: and while many or most adults and children will not function well at all on a doughnut and juice breakfast, especially hours after such a breakfast, there are others that will do just fine. Otherwise, Winchell's would not have survived as a business on the street of my childhood for 40 years. (I'm not sure it's still there; I'll check when I visit at Thanksgiving.)


This is too long-winded. What I mean to say is that folks that are not affected by sugar AT ALL, and were not affected by it as children, really cannot fathom that other people have such difficulties with it.


I also think that preservatives and colors are even bigger culprits, so homemade treats are safer all around, even if they contain molasses, honey, or sugar.



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Ah, you weren't really insulted. I recall a USENET fight over whether it was little RABbit foo-foo or little BUNny foo-foo. The famous-on-the-internet Michele Tepper gave the final volley with a *real* insult:


Really, it's tragic. And while I could respond in kind, Harry, while I

could easily encourage your timid refusal to seek out new ideas by playing

your game and calling you -- oh, I don't know -- a low-life pockmarked

pondscum potty-mouthed rank vile disgusting drooling tick-infested

snotfaced bunny-blinded corrupting-of-the-youth-of-America hopeless

helpless clueless worthless so-dumb-we-have-to-water-you-twice-a-day-and-

keep-you-by-a-sunlit-window big-sellout tacky shingles-ravaged foo-foo-abusing useless insipid pretensions-of-grandeur Southern-accented

revolting-human-egg fetid cowardly can't-even-buy-dress-shoes-for-your-own-

d*mn-wedding mocha-drinking running-on-your-intellectual-rims would-be-

literate friend-of-earthworms old-hat vicious foul irrational dull

plague-afflicted unable-to-p*ss-into-a-boot-without-printed-instructions

former-Baltimorean evil diseased noisome loathsome repellent malevolent

bet-you-need-a-dictionary-to-keep-up-with-me incoherent song-wrecking

fetid-brained amoral useless-as-a-chocolate-teapot-and-not-as-much-fun

death-to-taste-manners-and-civilized-living video-game-designing

can't-flame-without-your-thesaurus rollerblading ugly-dog-owning

underfed-in-infancy shameful affront-to-decency Etch-a-Sketch-brained

abuse-inviting rabbit-bashing party-pooping disgraceful lying vulgar

whining roadkill-on-life's-highway greasy no-good little runt who is such

a shame to his loved ones that they look on in this group like passing

drivers at a car crash, unable to change the brutal facts yet somehow

unwilling to tear their eyes away from the awful sight. I could say all

those things, but that wouldn't help you grow as an artist.


<end paste>


So, don't worry, be happy. Here, have a cupcake. :)




Oh my! I wonder if she has any spare time to call up an old high school rival for me. Or maybe even call my MIL. :tongue_smilie:

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I know this isn't really relevant at this point because it's not about little bunny foo-foo (which I never heard of until I was an adult, BTW), but here's my two cents:



Watch THIS fancy foot work :toetap05:: I had never heard the song till my niece (who is now 20) was about 8 months old and my sister was singing it to her. My sister learned it at camp when she was a kid -- we all had to learn to sing it to my niece, who is now a Sophmore at Juilliard majoring in Opera --I'm pretty sure she sung it for her audition so it MUST be Little Bunny Foo-Foo -- b/c Juilliard wouldn't let someone in who didn't know the words to Little Bunny Foo-Foo........would they?;)


BTW, :iagree:with everything you said...but you didn't hear that from me!:lol:

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Pish posh, if we didn't argue then we'd be off doing things like cleaning house. ;)




It stinks when good threads go bad, but at least we all learned something... I'm sure we could come up with plenty that we learned and then argue about it :D


Well, now you've explained it all -- THAT'S how I got into trouble -- we are living in a hotel for a few months while major repairs are done to our house. I have maid service twice a day, complimentary breakfast, and fresh baked cookies are put out at 6pm every day............I don't have enough to do!:glare:

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Well, now you've explained it all -- THAT'S how I got into trouble -- we are living in a hotel for a few months while major repairs are done to our house. I have maid service twice a day, complimentary breakfast, and fresh baked cookies are put out at 6pm every day............I don't have enough to do!:glare:



I'm not that far away and my house is a disaster, feel free to come vent your excess energy here :)

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Ah, you weren't really insulted. I recall a USENET fight over whether it was little RABbit foo-foo or little BUNny foo-foo. The famous-on-the-internet Michele Tepper gave the final volley with a *real* insult:


Really, it's tragic. And while I could respond in kind, Harry, while I

could easily encourage your timid refusal to seek out new ideas by playing

your game and calling you -- oh, I don't know -- a low-life pockmarked

pondscum potty-mouthed rank vile disgusting drooling tick-infested

snotfaced bunny-blinded corrupting-of-the-youth-of-America hopeless

helpless clueless worthless so-dumb-we-have-to-water-you-twice-a-day-and-

keep-you-by-a-sunlit-window big-sellout tacky shingles-ravaged foo-foo-abusing useless insipid pretensions-of-grandeur Southern-accented

revolting-human-egg fetid cowardly can't-even-buy-dress-shoes-for-your-own-

d*mn-wedding mocha-drinking running-on-your-intellectual-rims would-be-

literate friend-of-earthworms old-hat vicious foul irrational dull

plague-afflicted unable-to-p*ss-into-a-boot-without-printed-instructions

former-Baltimorean evil diseased noisome loathsome repellent malevolent

bet-you-need-a-dictionary-to-keep-up-with-me incoherent song-wrecking

fetid-brained amoral useless-as-a-chocolate-teapot-and-not-as-much-fun

death-to-taste-manners-and-civilized-living video-game-designing

can't-flame-without-your-thesaurus rollerblading ugly-dog-owning

underfed-in-infancy shameful affront-to-decency Etch-a-Sketch-brained

abuse-inviting rabbit-bashing party-pooping disgraceful lying vulgar

whining roadkill-on-life's-highway greasy no-good little runt who is such

a shame to his loved ones that they look on in this group like passing

drivers at a car crash, unable to change the brutal facts yet somehow

unwilling to tear their eyes away from the awful sight. I could say all

those things, but that wouldn't help you grow as an artist.


<end paste>


So, don't worry, be happy. Here, have a cupcake. :)


It's bunny foo-foo. This is one of those songs that my kids sing frequently probably because it ties in with the whole it must by bunnies thing.

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Well, I have to agree with you about the PMs-- I find negative private messages to be extremely rude and invasive. I would much rather someone just disagree with me right here on the boards, and risk taking heat from other posters for doing so, the same way that I do when I post. I have never sent a negative private message to another person (though I have occasionally responded to someone who sent me one), and I never plan to. I find it really cowardly. I'm sorry you got messages like that, Mariann.


On the thread, though, I just hope you're not looking at it like there are 200-some messages attacking you. There were some that were a bit harsh, but for the most part, the thread was mostly a bunch of people debating heatedly how to handle snacks for kids, from both sides of the argument. Many of them probably weren't even thinking about you when they posted (I know I wasn't, for example.) I don't view it as a mob coming after you... just a group of people hotly debating the subject that you happened to be the one to bring up. If you can see it that way, hopefully it will make things on the board more comfortable for you in the future.

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Ooh, that was so nicely said and such a lovely point that I just had to quote and thus repeat it. :001_smile:


Mariann, I'm glad you're staying. :grouphug:


Thank you! :001_smile:


Well, I have to agree with you about the PMs-- I find negative private messages to be extremely rude and invasive. I would much rather someone just disagree with me right here on the boards, and risk taking heat from other posters for doing so, the same way that I do when I post. I have never sent a negative private message to another person (though I have occasionally responded to someone who sent me one), and I never plan to. I find it really cowardly. I'm sorry you got messages like that, Mariann.


On the thread, though, I just hope you're not looking at it like there are 200-some messages attacking you. There were some that were a bit harsh, but for the most part, the thread was mostly a bunch of people debating heatedly how to handle snacks for kids, from both sides of the argument. Many of them probably weren't even thinking about you when they posted (I know I wasn't, for example.) I don't view it as a mob coming after you... just a group of people hotly debating the subject that you happened to be the one to bring up. If you can see it that way, hopefully it will make things on the board more comfortable for you in the future.


Hi - thanks for writing - the PMs were upsetting -- the thread stuff comes with the territory and is the nature of boards --But, for an adult to take the time and write a very nasty message to another adult just boggles my mind. This has been an eye opener for me, however, and I have definitely learned something from this -- guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!:drool5:

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I hope I didn't upset you! Especially since I was on your side of the debate, LOL. I did get a little upset, because it upsets me when people try to say that something you know about your own body is not true. Like they are looking at a mole on your face and telling you it isn't there. But I tried to be nice.


I, too, did not realize people would get so upset about sugar. I wonder what that says about the shifts that are going on in our society. Maybe these are growing pains?

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I hope I didn't upset you! Especially since I was on your side of the debate' date=' LOL. I did get a little upset, because it upsets me when people try to say that something you know about your own body is not true. Like they are looking at a mole on your face and telling you it isn't there. But I tried to be nice.


I, too, did not realize people would get so upset about sugar. I wonder what that says about the shifts that are going on in our society. Maybe these are growing pains?[/quote']


I would have to agree that the pendulum does certainly swing -- I guess that with greater access to information and to other individuals and groups; my little opinion that 25 years ago would have been confined to just the other moms in my carpool, is now viewed and commented upon by many, many people.


And, yup, I now know that sugar is a hot button - you won't see me pressing it anytime soon!


Going out on another limb here.......personally, if all of it is tempered with 'graciousness' and 'tolerance' it would be easier to consider differing opinions.

Thanks for writing.:001_smile:

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When I was a new mother, a friend of mine who had some experience with young moms' groups said that in her experience there were two issues that broke every single group that she knew of, and one of them was sugar or not. (I don't remember what the other one was.)


She and I were in a mom's group that lasted for 11 years, and did not break over that, but after reading your thread I can see that it easily could have, something I find remarkable.


*sshrugs* I just don't understand why we need snacks at EVERYTHING our kids do. Seems like a poor emphasis, to me. Avoid it by not having any snacks at all.


Mariann, you demanded that a bunch of people change what they were doing to make you more comfortable. It's nice that they're forgiving, but for goodness sakes, why are you so concerned about regulating others' behavior?


I might think you're a crackpot for fearing sugar, and I might be annoyed at others bringing nothing but cupcakes, but I'm not going to keep you from bringing whatever you want and feeding your kids whatever you want, nor will I "complain to the management" about what others bring--if I don't like it, my kids will eat something else.


Every time people disagree with you here, you get upset, too. You're going to have to either get over it and stop blowing things out of proportion, or you're going to spend a good part of your life being offended. You're clearly a woman of strong opinion who isn't used to anyone else expressing theirs when you say something. If people don't argue with you, then you're running them over, plain and simple. And if they do, it isn't a sign that they're picking on you but that they are thinking people, too.


IRL, people who are both opinionated and thin-skinned just aren't worth the mental energy to be around. Since you're pretty much the only one on the board who complains repeatedly about people being mean when the tenor of the comments really don't change that much from post to post, you should probably re-think what you're posting (if you really can't handle disagreement) or re-think how you interpret everything.


I don't think you try to stir the pot, unlike some people, but I do think you either need to get used to people disagreeing with you or stop epxressing opinions.

Edited by Reya
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