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How much from the Tooth Fairy?

Guest Cindie2dds

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Guest Cindie2dds

My oldest has lost her second tooth. For the first one we put a mini Tooth Fairy Bear, but she knows she's getting money for all the rest.


I've already sprinkled the "Fairy Dust" and have the tooth, but how much money do you put under the pillow?



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Guest Cindie2dds
We do $1, usually a bill. The last tooth gets a five, though!




That's great! I know I have a $1 somewhere. I got a JFK .50 cent coin for mine. :)

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I agree with the dollar, though the male fairy around here put $5 under DD7's pillow the other night when she lost the most recent one. I almost fainted when she came out of her room crowing that the TF left her $5 for her tooth :glare: I'm going to have a hard time explaining why she's only getting $1 the next time around!


Sometimes we also do doodads, depending on the situation. When we were spending a free night in a hotel in Atlantic City, the TF left tickets and tokens redeemable for junk from the hotel arcade. When we were staying at the beach this summer, the TF left a tee-shirt and a beachy sign with her name on it, etc.


We have a lot of fun with it :D

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Guest Cindie2dds
If you go to the bank and ask, they'll have them. They're currently doing a whole series of gold dollars with the presidents on them, though they may still have some Sacagawea dollars left.


I got a JFK .50-cent piece for my teeth, too!


Thanks. Her top two teeth are loose also, so I need to stop by the bank and get a couple.


Hmmm.... I wish I still had those .50 coins now. Oh, well, it was great ice cream! :lol:

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Guest Cindie2dds
I agree with the dollar, though the male fairy around here put $5 under DD7's pillow the other night when she lost the most recent one. I almost fainted when she came out of her room crowing that the TF left her $5 for her tooth :glare: I'm going to have a hard time explaining why she's only getting $1 the next time around!


Sometimes we also do doodads, depending on the situation. When we were spending a free night in a hotel in Atlantic City, the TF left tickets and tokens redeemable for junk from the hotel arcade. When we were staying at the beach this summer, the TF left a tee-shirt and a beachy sign with her name on it, etc.


We have a lot of fun with it :D


I posted this thread because my dh said she deserves $5. I'm thinking that's a lot of dough for two full sets of baby teeth ~ two kids ~ ;)

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Guest Cindie2dds
20x2x$5=$200. Not much if you spread it over a few years though.




You sound just like my dd! She loves to make a good argument ~ sold!

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Ours get $1 in the form of a bill. Oh, and if I could do it all over again, we'd get one of those TF pillow things to hang on their doorknob. Trying to get under a pillow is quite an adventure- the tooth falls somewhere and won't be found, the dollar falls somewhere and they cry cuz the tooth is gone and no money, or they wake up and you have to make up a story, etc, etc. hth

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Guest Cindie2dds
Ours get $1 in the form of a bill. Oh, and if I could do it all over again, we'd get one of those TF pillow things to hang on their doorknob. Trying to get under a pillow is quite an adventure- the tooth falls somewhere and won't be found, the dollar falls somewhere and they cry cuz the tooth is gone and no money, or they wake up and you have to make up a story, etc, etc. hth


Great idea! Yep, I had to climb up a loft bed to sprinkle the purple glitter in the dark and dig for a tooth. She was facing me the whole time. I don't think I've ever held my breath that long! :D

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$1 coin for regular teeth. $5 each for extracted teeth. My youngest has had a little gold mine there. She's had to have 9 baby teeth pulled. The ortho thinks he may possibly be able to fit all her adult teeth in, but may have to pull 2 of them. He also said that we may need to pull one more baby tooth on the bottom because the adult tooth under it is laying almost sideways and it needs room to come up. He's keeping an eye on it and hopes that the braces make enough room for it before it starts messing with the adult teeth that are already in. This kids has an expensive mouth.

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My kids got $5 for their first tooth and $1 for all the rest. The day my DS lost his first tooth he was so excited! He knew what he'd get because of his older sister. He went to bed and around 10 PM DH and I realized we didn't have ANY CASH! None. So I wrote him a check! Hahahaha. I was near his door when he woke up and I heard him say, "Wow.....five.....hundred.......dollars!" I laughed so hard. He was fine though, when he found out that was just the way you write five dollars. Hahaha!

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We give $5 a tooth, but it was started by accident and then we felt guilty, so we just continued.


Our worst mistake happened at Disney World. My 5yo ds lost a tooth and insisted that Tinkerbell was closer than the TF, so... I asked my dh to get $5 in Disney dollars and he misheard and bought $50 in Disney dollars.

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I agree with the dollar, though the male fairy around here put $5 under DD7's pillow the other night when she lost the most recent one. I almost fainted when she came out of her room crowing that the TF left her $5 for her tooth :glare: I'm going to have a hard time explaining why she's only getting $1 the next time around!


We have a lot of fun with it :D


tell her it is the economy! Ya know, supply & demand and economic downturns affect the tooth fairy, too.

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I posted this thread because my dh said she deserves $5. I'm thinking that's a lot of dough for two full sets of baby teeth ~ two kids ~ ;)


I agree with your dh. :tongue_smilie: I have always given my kids a 5$ bill plus a 1$ gold coin (which is really from my mom.) ;) They are allowed to spend the 5 but they must save the gold coin. To this day they both still have all of their gold coins for all of their teeth.


This approach has not only made this part of their lives fun but it has taught them to save part of what they get. This rolls over into everything they get, even what they earn. They must put part of everything they get into savings and then they must give 10% to God. Whatever is left over is theirs to spend however they choose, within reason of course. ;)


The way I look at it is this. They loose their teeth so rarely and they only get this chance once so I try to make it extra special for them. If I were to add up all of the money over the years it would probably be a lot but since it is spread out so far between events it has not hurt us financially to give them 5$ per time.


My son was very sad when he found out that mom was really the tooth fairy. :tongue_smilie: He so enjoyed that little perk in his life. I'm sure he would have enjoyed it just as much had he only got 1$ but looking back I am personally glad that I gave him the 5$ because now he holds such a fond memory of that time and it didn't really "cost" us because it was spread out in such small bits over the years that it was more than doable.


This is just me though.

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I don't do glitter, either, and won't even for my daughter. I do, however, get out some paper and a pink marker and write a note from the tooth fairy in curlycue handwriting saying thanks and explaining the plan for the tooth (last time it was to finish a fence for her goats - yeah, don't ask). DS has lost four teeth so far, and when I was cleaning out his room a few weeks ago, I discovered all the notes stashed in a "special place." I hope he still enjoys them when he knows I'm the one who wrote them!


Santa also leaves a note for the kids, as does the Easter Bunny. I'm a sucker for notes.


No way could I go digging under my kids' pillows, either. They are light sleepers! I make them leave the tooth (if it's available... three of my son's have gone either down the esophagus or lost in a parking lot so far) in a shot glass on their nightstand. Classy, right?

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Guest Cindie2dds
Let's just pretend that glitter only applies to girls!


Chelle, mom of all boys




I don't think purple glitter has the same effect on boys as girls. ;)

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Guest Cindie2dds
I agree with your dh. :tongue_smilie: I have always given my kids a 5$ bill plus a 1$ gold coin (which is really from my mom.) ;) They are allowed to spend the 5 but they must save the gold coin. To this day they both still have all of their gold coins for all of their teeth.


You know, I had always wished I kept my .50 JFK pieces. Dh won out late last night and slipped a $5 bill under the pillow. I think I'll go get some $1 gold coins for the next time. What a great keepsake for them since the teeth are MINE! :tongue_smilie:

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My kids have always gotten $5. My husband's fault. He's always been the tooth fairy here. I only got $1 when I was a kid.


A few years ago, though, we had to break down and tell them the truth because my DS had started pulling his teeth out on purpose to get the money. :001_huh:


Now that DS has lost all of his baby teeth, the girls have started getting their $5 again. They just tell their father when they've lost a tooth and he gives it to them. It's not fun anymore, but they're still happy to get the money.

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We have an international tooth fairy (that they KNOW is me) and that has worked beautifully. The fun comes not from getting money but from receiving a neat coin and learning more about the country from which it came.


Once people learned that we do this, we've received money from all over the world. Anytime someone we know travels, we get the extra change. You'd be surprised how many people have foreign currency that they've been keeping.

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You know, I had always wished I kept my .50 JFK pieces. Dh won out late last night and slipped a $5 bill under the pillow. I think I'll go get some $1 gold coins for the next time. What a great keepsake for them since the teeth are MINE! :tongue_smilie:


That is my thinking as well. My kids will always have those gold dollars to fondly remember that time in their lives. Their childhoods are so short anyway. I'm all for prolonging that, if even in their minds. :tongue_smilie:


BTW, my kids' teeth are MINE too!! :D Until of course I kick the bucket. :Angel_anim:

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