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If you go to a house of worship, what temperature would you like it to be?

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Whenever you go to worship, do you have a preference about what temperature you'd like the room to be while you are there? I'm a wimp about heat, and I'm always too warm at church. I'd like it if it were 75* (it's about 82*). What temp do you like? I know it's a tiny detail, I was just curious about whether I'm way out of what's normal. :001_smile:

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I like it cool too. With all the people in one room, it can get stuffy and warm pretty fast. Our church often has trouble in the winter--someone arrives early, turns on the heat, but doesn't open the chapel doors. By the time church starts, it's about 90 degrees in there! My husband spent most of one winter in the foyer, because it was so hot it made him feel faint.

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I guess I don't really think about it. I'm sure I would if the a/c was broken. LOL. I probably like it about how I like my house. In the winter, I like a room at about 68 degrees. In the summer, I like the house at about 78 degrees. But as long as it isn't above 82 or below 62, I'm good.

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I like it to be warm. I get cold very easily and since we sit still for a long stretch of time and I can't move around to get warm, I like it to be warm.


However, I know it'll never be that way because our church Custodian and Controller of the Temperature is a man who wears suits to church. So he's always too hot (obviously! Suit coat!!) and turns the heat down. :tongue_smilie:


I just wear an extra sweater and don't get to show off my cute dresses ;). (Church is the only place I get to wear cute dresses, and I do like wearing them.)

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Our Kingdom Hall (and every one I've been in) has been set to ideally be comfortable for most men in suits. It is supposed that people can put on more layers (clothing, sweaters, jackets, blankets, etc), but aren't going to be taking off clothing (oh my). However, there have been a few times I've been hot. It's more common to be cool though.

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Ours is generally too cool for me. I think that is partly because we keep our home on the warm side in the summer and on the cool side in the winter. I'm cold in lots of places in the summer.


I asked the 'keeper' of the temperature once and he said for every person that told him they were cold, there was one to complain of being hot when he nudged the thermostat.


After that, I figured I would not complain. Instead, I wear a sweater or a jacket.

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I'm always too cold too. Rarely do I talk my coat off, and in the summer, I always have a sweater of some sort. Kinda makes dressing up for church pointless.

So, I'm not trying to single you out, I just chose one of the "cold people" at random...;)

Is 75* too cold for you? If you were outside and it was 75* would you be wearing a sweater?

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I think something in the mid 60's is perfect.


I'm one of those people who is always hot though--I think the temp should be well below what we would keep it at home to stay comfortable.


I think they should lean toward keeping it cooler because its easy for a cold-natured person to slip on sweater, but difficult to dress modestly for church if you try to dress in something that will keep you cool.


Its especially frustrating to get church clothes sweaty since they're often dry clean or hand wash items.

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I'm a native South Floridian and a don't do cold well at all. My pastor is a native of Michigan. lol It's absolutely arctic in our church all the time. I have to wear jackets and sweaters always when I am there. I would be happy if the temps in the sanctuary were in the mid 70's then with the heat of all the bodies it would be comfortable. :)

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I would like it warm enough in the summer that I don't need a sweater and cold enough in the winter that I don't need to wear short sleeves. Our church has the a/c cranked too high in the summer and the heat too high in the winter. I am never dressed right. Low 70's would be fine.

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So, I'm not trying to single you out, I just chose one of the "cold people" at random...;)

Is 75* too cold for you? If you were outside and it was 75* would you be wearing a sweater?


Good question. However, it depends. If it were shady and windy, then I would probably wear a sweater at 75* outside. But that's just me--I get cold easily. But in the direct sun and moving around? No--probably just a regular shirt. However, when I was very skinny (before kids!) and wore a size 0 or 2, I used to feel very cold when it was lower than low 80's outside. But I don't think I was at a healthy weight--I think there's a certain amount of body fat that's necessary.


And even though you have a valid question, church is different from the outside. There are a few hundred people at church on Sunday morning and so it can get warm when we're all singing and stuff. But once we're sitting for 30-45 minutes, then I start to get cold, just from the inactivity.


When I'm at home, I regularly wear a hat indoors. I got a nice one, not just a knitted winter hat. At home, I also will pile on a really ugly, bulky sweater with a puffy hood that I wouldn't be caught dead in in public. I like to be warm, but I hate paying the bills!

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I think something in the mid 60's is perfect.


I'm one of those people who is always hot though--I think the temp should be well below what we would keep it at home to stay comfortable.


I think they should lean toward keeping it cooler because its easy for a cold-natured person to slip on sweater, but difficult to dress modestly for church if you try to dress in something that will keep you cool.


Its especially frustrating to get church clothes sweaty since they're often dry clean or hand wash items.

Yikes! I would freeze!

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Yikes! I would freeze!


I didn't read the other posts when i answered this as first--I'm really surprised how many people get cold when the temps in the 70's! I guess I'm freaky. =)


We keep our home temp at 70 year round, give or take a few degrees, and walk around in shorts and t-shirts--in the case of my toddler he's often naked--and we are all comfy! I assumed that in a room crowded with lots of people you'd want it quite a bit cooler than that.


When its too hot in church I have a hard time dressing modestly and not burning up and sweating--and I'm cheap and lazy about laundry and dont like to sweat in church clothes.


But, I'm obviously WAY out of touch with the average mom's temperature preference! I grew up in a home that was kept in the low 60's most of the year bc my parents couldn't afford the heat bill. I guess that shaped my perception about what is hot!


Interesting thread though, I am very surprised at the answers!

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