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And how was your day?

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what is that, what killed it, and why is it scratching it's bum?:lol:

See, I thought it was scratching it's head (looks like it's tail is on the other end, but maybe I'm wrong).


I'm pooped. Lots of emotional stuff, lots of running back and forth, but finally some answers we've been looking/waiting for. So, it was a very productive day. I'm glad it's almost over though.

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Not too bad. Finished school, read a chapter of The Hobbit with my 12 yr old, have a pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove and an apple cake in the oven. Oh, and one load of laundry done. In retrospect, it was a pretty dang good day.


Hang in there - only two more days.



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See, I thought it was scratching it's head (looks like it's tail is on the other end, but maybe I'm wrong).

Me too!


I've been really productive, spent the day (as the previous ones) cleaning windows and storms, closing the storms and applying rope caulk to the seams around the sashes. (Very old, drafty house) And then I sealed our bathroom fan with a cereal box, my laminator and a tube of caulk. And I finished hanging my thrift store score of thermal curtains! $10 did my three huge kitchen windows (with created valances) and the upstairs bathroom. Woohoo!


and then I took a nap and my husband made supper. :D

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Well, I went to the hospital for some surgery. Got 'put under', and then the doc cancelled the surgery.


She did attempt the surgery, and realized quickly I wasn't a good candidate. It seems my uterine lining is so thin that her little camera went right through it! I am now a very good candidate for a hysterectomy. Oh yea...

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Well, I went to the hospital for some surgery. Got 'put under', and then the doc cancelled the surgery.


She did attempt the surgery, and realized quickly I wasn't a good candidate. It seems my uterine lining is so thin that her little camera went right through it! I am now a very good candidate for a hysterectomy. Oh yea...



I'm so sorry.

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Well, I went to the hospital for some surgery. Got 'put under', and then the doc cancelled the surgery.


She did attempt the surgery, and realized quickly I wasn't a good candidate. It seems my uterine lining is so thin that her little camera went right through it! I am now a very good candidate for a hysterectomy. Oh yea...


Wow, my day has been bad, but I think you get the trophy! I'm so sorry :( I hope you're at least feeling OK physically :grouphug:

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Well, I went to the hospital for some surgery. Got 'put under', and then the doc cancelled the surgery.


She did attempt the surgery, and realized quickly I wasn't a good candidate. It seems my uterine lining is so thin that her little camera went right through it! I am now a very good candidate for a hysterectomy. Oh yea...


OH man, that is horrible. I have many friends who have had one and they are really good with it. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Well, I went to the hospital for some surgery. Got 'put under', and then the doc cancelled the surgery.


She did attempt the surgery, and realized quickly I wasn't a good candidate. It seems my uterine lining is so thin that her little camera went right through it! I am now a very good candidate for a hysterectomy. Oh yea...


I'm so sorry... :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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My day was good. I learned how to make concrete forms from a concrete guy which involved driving stakes and nails and using a type of circular saw for the first time, I got new tires, I planned the next 13 years of my financial future, which may involve opening a Swiss bank account for fun, and I almost cleaned my room. Almost. It's messier than it was yesterday.

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It rained, my son's pedi called and said that there is no way to test for the pesticide allergy my son has, but the allergy specialist said we could spray some of it in a room and see if he swells up again, umm...no thanks, and my dd did not get to go to riding lessons today because of the rain. On a good note, I did get my bills paid. Grrr...hoping for better news tomorrow and NO RAIN.

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Great day! Just really looooong. We finished everything though and rewarded ourselves with a slice of our newest cake experiment: a heart shaped vanilla cake filled with rum & chocolate ganache and fresh strawberries covered with pink marshmallow fondant. It was a perfect end our day! Yum!

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We had an okay day...


except that I kept smelling something awful while I was doing laundry (washer and dryer are in the garage). I know my DS's socks smell bad, but not that bad! After finally deciding that I couldn't take it anymore and did some investigating, we found a dead squirrel in the backyard, very close to the garage, being eaten by maggots.




Sorry if that's TMI... it was really awful :(

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We had an okay day...


except that I kept smelling something awful while I was doing laundry (washer and dryer are in the garage). I know my DS's socks smell bad, but not that bad! After finally deciding that I couldn't take it anymore and did some investigating, we found a dead squirrel in the backyard, very close to the garage, being eaten by maggots.




Sorry if that's TMI... it was really awful :(


Sounds like that squirrel's not havin' such a hot day either *squirm squirm squirm*


(Sorry, I'm overtired and punchy :blushing:)

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Pretty good. Decent school day, 9yo's music class, pumpkin muffins, and the best part--I got Indian food for dinner. My husband is gone for 2 weeks (he's employed, yay!) and I promised myself a yummy Indian dinner in the middle of the second week. We haven't been able to afford fun dinners for a long long time, so it was a very big treat.

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I had about 4 hours sleep last night, and any further comments would get deleted for husband bashing.


If this involves snoring, consider this. I spent the day at the hospital yesterday, I sent my husband to work. But the other woman in the room had her husband with her. He SNORED *loudly* most of the time! I couldn't sleep at all! Not only was he completely useless at the hospital, but he was a nuisance! He should have gone to work... Grrr...

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