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So which subject do you never seem to get to??


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Art. I have the Usborne Art Treasury and also Usborne Art Skills. I think they are a great idea for a kid who doesn't naturally pursue art. But I never seem to have my materials organized and ready when the day comes when I meant to do it and so....it hasn't happened at all yet. :glare:

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Art - we do a once a month coop with friends using Meet the Masters, but at home, I "plan" for once a month doing an activity from Art in Story, and then 2x a month having more free art time where I willingly get out all the stuff and let them create. So far, we only make the coop because my friend and I lead it together.


Oh, and probably a second would be Latin - I want to do at least the songs and Monkey Match memory cards every day, but I'm lucky if it's 3x a week.

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I started the Critital Thinking books with my daughter, but neither of us could get into it, so I am exploring other resources. Meanwhile, I'm having her do some deductive reasoning puzzles. We've had fits and starts with Latin too, but now that we are on Minumus Secundus, it seem to be going better.


I wish we did more with geography. I have folder with lots of great ideas, but we haven't done many of them.

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Last year it was art. Never got to it at. all. - so this year I signed them up for the very expensive Monart classes. Ouch.


This year is still new, so we're still ramping up. Ask me in a couple of months. :001_smile:


The Critical Thinking books I copy a page per book per week and put them in a folder - it's their "weekly homework" packet. This gets them done, and makes great filler for times when they're done with other independent work and waiting for me to do something with them.


(when I say Critical Thinking books, I mean a bunch of the smaller books from CTP, some Mindware books, and a couple other miscellaneous books including their map skills book - not that doorstop Building Thinking Skills. We chucked that and have it on CD instead. I don't sweat if they get to it or not.)

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Art and music, so much so that I didn't fully "plan" it into our schedule this year. We signed up for an enrichment class in art and music that fell apart unfortunately. The instructor was using the Mona Brooks's book so I do intend to loosely do some of that with some reading of artist's biographies. For music I think I'm going to buy Classical for Dummies (I actually saw it first in the CC catalog).

I would love to restart piano lessons but funds are short. Maybe in January...

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Science. :blush: Both of my sons have alot of struggles with their fine motor skills so one more narration/dictation, summary type thing just doesn't work for them. I'm going to have to find some simple workbook program and make it happen.


We are loving Latin for Children and play the chants CD's and do a little worksheet/activity daily with no fuss. We do logic twice a week using Logic Safari/Orbiting with Logic workbooks that the boys seem to enjoy.


Now if I can just get the darned science in there!!

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WOW, I feel better after reading all these posts!


Add me to the "Art" list too.


I have it in my schedule to doc on Fridays and it had yet to happen.


I also never get to the library. I have sooo many books for the kids to read and need to read that we just never go the library. Shame on me!

I plan on going to the library every Friday this school year... lets see if that happens.

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Yup...add me to the art and music list. It's gotten to me so much that I plan on doing science 3x a week to fit art and music on the off days when we start SL core 5 in January. I still have a stack of the Music Masters Cds in the shrink wrap from 5 years ago!!

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history :D sacrilige I know...BUT that is because we were ramping up and it was not scheduled in just yet. In a couple weeks we will be at full course load and then it will be happening daily. As for right now we have gotten in everythig I have scheduled including art, health, home ec etc.


Last year was a whole other story, we could barely get in the 3r's regularily let alone all the extras, I have to say scheduling work boxes has helped all of that, though somedays I am tempted to bump them up to 15 boxes instead of 12 to squeeze a few more things into the day ;)

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history :D sacrilige I know...BUT that is because we were ramping up and it was not scheduled in just yet. In a couple weeks we will be at full course load and then it will be happening daily. As for right now we have gotten in everythig I have scheduled including art, health, home ec etc.


Last year was a whole other story, we could barely get in the 3r's regularily let alone all the extras, I have to say scheduling work boxes has helped all of that, though somedays I am tempted to bump them up to 15 boxes instead of 12 to squeeze a few more things into the day ;)

Well, with TWTM a great deal of your reading, writing, logic and art are a part of history. If you are getting those in without history it is hardly sacrilage. LOL
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Music, art and biographies (for my oldest). While I personally love music I cannot seem to teach it I just know it. I use to be all crafty but stopped when I started to homeschool. Biographies are just plain boring and so I haven't pushed them. I even have the kid friendly bios and still it's a struggle with them.

Thankfully I have a program that works most everything in so I don't leave anything out. I do need somethingmore of the 'logic' or critical thinking for my oldest. I think she could use seom more challenge work in some areas.

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Science! BUT....my hs'd kids are only Pre-K and K, so I think we're ok. We rarely pull out the handwriting sheets, but that's because my K-er seems to get writing with her phonics and math. Not too worried on that front.


Reading everyone else's posts makes me realize all the other things we could be doing....but aren't.:D

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Yup, art.

But we are starting to do it on the weekends since its my daughters' favorite subject.


I am finding this year that we aren't getting the Bible in like I want either. I've been just relying on Sunday school for that at the moment. There is just so many hours in the day with schooling three children, having a toddler underfoot and doing college work. I may have to rely on something like Alpha Omega(gasp).


I need to start Latin up here. Just am short of the workbooks but I have everything else at the moment. I may have to do that on the weekends too.

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