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Would I be a dreadful parent if I only served

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Apple Crisp and ice cream for dinner? It's got fruit. Its got whole grain with the oats. Butter and nuts for fat and protein. I swear I'll only use a little brown sugar in the topping and pure maple syrup in the filling. The ice cream is real - just cream and sugar; it even has real vanilla bean specks.

Would it be better if I served it with a salad full of veggies? I'm willing to do that.


The truth is that we went out for lunch today and I'm still too full to care about dinner. And I've got apples up the whazoo that I haven't even made a dent in yet. I've never just served dessert for dinner, but it sounds like it might be a good thing to do today.

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Hey, you got out of peeling apples and you get a yummy dinner! Sounds good to me!


It gets even better - dh came home in the middle of the peeling and when he heard what was for dinner, he said, "Cool!" and started slicing! So all I had to do was make the topping.


I'm doing this more often!


And considering all my helpers and all my apples, you all are invited - dinner is in 45 min (or until lightly browned).

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And we also do leftover birthday cake for breakfast. It's one of our birthday traditions...


We usually have the birthday cake for breakfast. Why wait all day? Then we have the leftovers after lunch and sup.



Is anyone else reminded of the Bill Cosby bit when he gives his dc cake for breakfast and they sing, "Dad is great! Gives us the chocolate cake?" IIRC, he said the cake had flour, eggs, etc and it was a balanced meal.:lol:

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Haven't read all the responses but this reminds me of when my friend told me they usually have popcorn and cereal on Sun nights. Maybe a frozen pizza if she has one. She feels Sun is her night off from cooking. I adopted that idea fairly quickly. Now my kids are surprised if I *do* cook on Sun.




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